LCGIR :: Volume #52

#5166: The civilized bomb, turns over to 0

Chapter 5194 civilized bomb nulling operation 第5194章文明炸弹归零者 all generals immediately set up formation ~ 诸将立即布阵~” Jiang Guiqing transmitted orders, first is based on 49 ten thousand disciple attempts, then 980,000 multiplied!” 姜贵卿传令道,“先以四十九万弟子为基础尝试,而后九十八万等倍增!” Supreme Evading Oneness Mysterious Origin Immortal Array is great array that Good Fortune Sect disciple often trains, almost knows extremely well the bone, therefore listened to the command, disciple that frequently trains start the set up formation immediately. 无上遁一玄元仙阵造化门弟子时常演练的大阵,几乎熟稔到骨子的,所以听了号令,经常演练的弟子们立即开始布阵。 In this period naturally had disciple to fall from the sky, but numerous disciple was well aware, now facing star cannon, only then stuck together to win. 期间自然有弟子陨落,但众弟子心知肚明,如今面对星球大炮只有抱团才能取胜。 When Supreme Evading Oneness Mysterious Origin Immortal Array forms, stars twinkle gold light pounded exactly, the gold thread of making threatening gestures like the sharp incomparable sawtooth, the Altair and Vega curtain was torn. 当得一个无上遁一玄元仙阵结成时,恰有一个星辰闪烁金光砸了过来,张牙舞爪的金丝如同锋利无比的锯齿,连星幕都被撕裂。 Preparation ~ “准备~” The battlefield operates, silver light overflows, saw with own eyes that the star cannon flies, in the people heart angrily roared, called out, success or failure depends on this!” 战阵运行,银光在内中流溢,眼见星球大炮飞来,众人心中怒吼了,叫道,“成败在此一举!” 49 ten thousand disciple lives, truly in this strikes. 四十九万弟子的性命啊,确实就在这一击间。 49 ten thousand disciple work as one, all Immortal Power gather on ten thousand disciple, but ten thousand disciple face directly the stars, ejects together. 四十九万弟子齐心协力,所有仙力汇聚到一万弟子身上,而一万弟子直面星辰,齐齐击出。 Bang ~ “轰~” In the powerful bellow, ten thousand disciple were only hit by to seal/confer Shenlei vanished in a puff of smoke, but 49 ten thousand disciple Immortal Power penetrate to seal/confer Shenlei light/only to hit above the stars. 强大的轰鸣声中,一万弟子被封神雷光打得灰飞烟灭,但四十九万弟子仙力则透过封神雷光直直打在星辰之上。 How the stars undergo so hit hard? 星辰怎么经受的了如此重击? Bang ~ another loud sound, the stars collapse, change to the fragment, above to seal/confer Shenlei light/only incites the dissipation, flow backwards rushes to the star curtain like the running water. “轰~”的又一声巨响,星辰崩溃,化作碎片,其上封神雷光“滋啦啦”的消散,如同流水倒流般冲上星幕。 Damn ~ “该死~” Jiang Meihua cannot bear scolds lowly, he loves dearly, this is 10,000 lives! 姜美华忍不住低骂,他心疼啊,这可是一万条性命! Haha ~ “哈哈~” left Jinzao had ten thousand disciple to laugh, said, brothers waited a bit, we came!” 左近早有一万弟子大笑了,说道,“诸位兄弟稍等,我们来了!” Come, come ~ “来,来~” 48 ten thousand disciple yelled, can protect the robe Ze life, we are willing to abandon the life!” 四十八万弟子大叫,“能护得袍泽性命,我们愿意舍命!” This Supreme Evading Oneness Mysterious Origin Immortal Array assembles, above all around also has to thunder transmits, each is a destruction of stars, but each is falling from the sky of ten thousand disciple. 这个无上遁一玄元仙阵集结间,四周又有轰鸣之上传来,每一声都是一个星辰的毁灭,而每一声又都是一万弟子的陨落。 Gu Sheqiong ~ 姑射茕~” In the Jiang Meihua eye with tears, said the Supreme Evading Oneness Mysterious Origin Immortal Array matter, finally said, invited various corps so lineups!” 姜美华眼中含泪,将无上遁一玄元仙阵的事情说了,最后道,“请各战队都这般布阵吧!” Gu Sheqiong also bites the lip lightly, is somewhat scruple, after all this is extremely unfair to Good Fortune Sect disciple. 姑射茕也轻咬嘴唇,有些迟疑,毕竟这对造化门弟子极其不公平。 Naturally, the Gu Sheqiong also scruple moment, transmitted orders merely immediately: Seven Worlds various corps, the vanguard corps have tried Supreme Evading Oneness Mysterious Origin Immortal Array, 49 ten thousand disciple jointly attack, under the price that in ten thousand disciple fall from the sky can wreck the stars, Good Fortune Sect disciple...... immediately the set up formation, we no doubt are not Seven Worlds Immortal, but our roots in Seven Worlds.” 当然,姑射茕也仅仅迟疑片刻,立即传令道:“七界诸战队,前锋战队已经尝试过无上遁一玄元仙阵,四十九万弟子合击,在一万弟子陨落的代价下可以击毁星辰,造化门弟子……立即布阵,我们固然不是七界仙人,但我们的根在七界。” Moreover, Seven Worlds various corps, if there is similar great array, but under the same arrange/cloth attempts......” “另外,七界诸战队,若有相似大阵,可同样布下尝试……” Roar roar ~ “吼吼~” Obtains the accurate strategy, all Good Fortune Sect disciple and have nothing hesitant, angrily roars is starting to gather. 得到确切的阵法,所有造化门弟子并没有任何犹豫,一个个怒吼着开始汇聚。 Approximately after is half tea, entire technical Star Territory resounded like the sound of firecracker. 约是半盏茶后,整个科技星域响起了如同爆竹的声音。 „...... Is impossible?” “不……不可能吧?” Looks that the star cannon, the prospect eyeball must fall, he calls out in alarm said, this can destroy?” 看着星球大炮一个个破碎,远景的眼珠子都要掉下来了,他惊呼道,“这都能打碎?” This is the law of jointly attacking ~ “这是合击之法~” The system replied immediately, after the scanning and survey, the blood of 10,000 human was contaminated the thunder fire exactly, but the strengths of 490,000 human, can break through thunder fire of being contaminated, then wrecked the star cannon.” 系统立即回答道,“经过扫描和测算,一万人类的血恰是将雷火浸染,而四十九万人类的力量,又能将浸染的雷火突破,进而击毁星球大炮。” Naturally ~ “当然~” The system does not forget to add, these human are human of 6th Level civilization, not in the data that us tests.” 系统不忘补充道,“这些人类是六级文明的人类,不在咱们之前测试的数据之内。” Good, good ~ “不错,不错~” The far depth of field inspires, applauds saying that „is really Immortal, is really fierce.” 远景深吸一口气,鼓掌道,“果然是仙人,实在厉害。” Prospect ~ “远景~” The Xu Zhi anger said, above the stars is human, you take their lives to make the weapon unexpectedly......” 徐志怒道,“星辰之上都是人类,你居然拿他们的性命做武器……” Called my Achilles god ~ “叫我阿喀琉斯神~” The prospect coldly said that „, when I put on fights armor, I am not the prospect.” 远景冷冷道,“在我披上战甲的时候,我已经不是远景了。” ~ “靠~” Jiang Zibo sneers saying that your skirt anything skirt, the father immediately was the Jiang Zibo god.” 姜子博冷笑道,“你屌什么屌啊,老子马上就是姜子博神了。” You, or you must first beat my Achilles god to say again ~ “那你,亦或者伱们得先击败我这个阿喀琉斯神再说~” The prospect said with a smile ferociously, naturally, when we began, I also made you have a look at the 5th Level civilization the ultimate weapon!” 远景狞笑道,“当然,在我们动手时,我也让你们看看五级文明的终极武器!” „?” “啊?” don't said Xu Zhi, even Xiao Hua still had a big shock, the star cannon is very fierce, he cannot think really technical Star Territory can also have what weapon! 莫说徐志,即便是萧华也大惊失色了,星球大炮已经很厉害了,他着实想不到科技星域还能有什么武器! Comes out!” “出来吧!” The prospect culmination punishes divine lance to wield in the midair, the clear and resonant voice called out, my bright civilized bomb, making the flowers of your civilized bloom in front of Immortal!” 远景手中天罚神矛在半空一挥,朗声叫道,“我灿烂的文明炸弹,让你们的文明之花在仙人面前绽放吧!” Wha...... what??” “什……什么??” Xu Zhi and the others compelled ignorant, civilized bomb?? Makes the bomb with the civilization??” 徐志等人都懵逼了,“文明炸弹??用文明做炸弹??” „Not good ~ “不好~” Xiao Hua pondered over slightly awakened, calling out, this boy is insane, he with the Low Rank civilization, in other words, the entire Solar System, was not right, should say the eon space that Earth was at treated as a bomb, he was the true reset civilization!” 萧华略加思忖醒悟过来了,叫道,“这厮已经疯了,他拿低阶文明,也就是说,把整个太阳系,不对,应该说地球所在的宙宇当做一个炸弹,他才是真正的清零文明!” No, no ~ “不,不~” The prospect shook the head slightly, said, you can call me to enull!” 远景微微摇头了,说道,“你可以叫我归零者!” Brother Xu, begins quickly ~ 徐兄,快动手~” Xiao Hua quickly shouts, cannot let the civilized bomb blast, that is side Zhouyu, does not know many human, does not know many lives!” 萧华急忙喊道,“不能让文明炸弹爆炸,那可是一方宙宇啊,不知道多少人类,更不知道多少生灵!” Roar ~ “吼~” The prospect lowers roars, grasps day to punish divine lance to rush over. 远景低吼一声,手持天罚神矛冲了过去。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The prospect also waved day to punish divine lance to welcome, said with a smile, knows why I did make the federation set up the civilized observation bureau? Supervises the Low Rank civilization to start from the civilized observer, the civilized bomb has started the casting, at this time should be the harvest time.” 远景同样舞动天罚神矛迎了过来,笑道,“知道我为什么让联邦设立文明观察局么?从文明观察员监察低阶文明开始,文明炸弹已经开始铸造,此时该是收获的时候了。” Bang ~ “轰~” During the speeches, two days punish divine lance to hit together. 说话间,两个天罚神矛已经撞击到一起。 The day in prospect hand punishes divine lance no doubt is not the real price solid goods, but it truly is to seal/confer Shenlei light/only congeals adds on him to wear again day of war armor that punishes divine lance to congeal, these two are absolutely invincible in technical Star Territory! 远景手中的天罚神矛固然不是真价实货,但它又确实是封神雷光凝结再加上他身披天罚神矛凝结的战甲,这两者在科技星域绝对无敌! Even if the Xu Zhi day punishes divine lance is the day of real price solid goods punishes divine lance, even if has fused four days of star spaces to punish divine lance, can still punish divine lance to be well-matched with the prospect day merely. 即便徐志的天罚神矛是真价实货的天罚神矛,即便是已经融合了四个星宇的天罚神矛,也仅仅能跟远景的天罚神矛旗鼓相当。 Brushes ~ “刷~” The prospect fights with all might with Xu Zhi, pill benefit throws similarly good-fittingly, hole deep pioneer/monarch Hanchai in her hand instant ejects. 远景跟徐志拼杀间,叶丹惠同样合身扑上,她手中的洞冥辟寒钗瞬时击出。 What a pity, does not wait for fire of combustion three wild free time tribulation, ~ prospect day punishes divine lance to give birth to thunder light, hits hole deep pioneer/monarch Hanchai early flies upside down. 可惜,根本不等三荒暇劫之火燃烧,“咔嚓嚓~”远景身上的天罚神矛已经生出雷光,早将洞冥辟寒钗打得倒飞。 Silk ~ “丝~” pill benefit held breath a cold air/Qi, strikes merely, her hole deep pioneer/monarch Hanchai has been damaged. 叶丹惠倒吸了一口冷气,仅仅一击,她的洞冥辟寒钗已经受损。 Jiang Zibo had self-knowledge, he has not gone forward, saw so, he smiled bitterly saying: pill benefit, do not do were not studious, he all over the body is the day punishes divine lance, no one can rout in this technical Star Territory, perhaps he cannot be victorious Xu Zhi, but he will not be injured absolutely, he...... is invincible!” 姜子博有自知之明,他并没有上前,看到如此,他苦笑道:“叶丹惠,你别做无用功了,他遍身都是天罚神矛,在这科技星域中根本没有人能击溃的,他或许打不过徐志,但他绝对不会受伤,他……是无敌的!” Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on WeChat, QQ, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在微信、qq、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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