LCGIR :: Volume #52

#5158: Unties powerhouse who the fifth-order gene locks

Comes the person ~ “来人~” The president the complexion big change, shouts immediately, captures the prospect quickly!” 总统立即脸色大变,喊道,“快把远景擒拿!” Whiz whiz ~ “嗖嗖~” Three fully-armed soldiers walked immediately. 三个全副武装的军人立即走了过来。 Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” The prospect is unhurried, he looks at the soldier saying that I, if you, will certainly not approach my ten meters range.” 远景根本不慌,他看着军人说道,“我若是你们,一定不会靠近我十米范围的。” Three fully-armed soldier only stagnation moments, then proceed slightly . Moreover the krypton crystal spear/gun in hand has lifted. 三个全副武装的军人只略微停滞片刻,接着往前,而且手中的氪晶枪已经抬起。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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