„Forehead”on the lord of faceevil spirit is also the great happiness, „congratulateson the lord, congratulateson the lord, finallyfound the Legendaryforehead!”
The lord of slaughteringlaughs: „Is politeanythingwithme, Imustjoyfulsharewithyouthis, mustknow that in the hearsay the foreheadis very powerfulandmysterious, thereforeIalsowantyourhelpurgently needed.”
杀戮之主哈哈一笑:“跟我还客气什么,我要将这份喜悦和你一起分享,要知道传闻中天庭十分强大和神秘,所以我也急需要你的帮助。”„On the many thankslord, the subordinatearrangesheremanymatters concernedthento come.” The lord of evil spiritsaidjoyfully.
“多谢主上,属下安排一下这边诸多事宜便过来。”妖魔之主欣喜地说道。„Un, is to arrange, Monster Race and strength of seaclanremains, cannottreat it lightly, toopportunity that theyresurge, youarrangeas soon as possible, strives forthesedaysthento leave.” The lord of urgingslaughteringsaid.
“嗯,是要安排好,妖族、海族的实力尚存,不能掉以轻心,给他们死灰复燃的机会,你尽快安排好,争取这几日便动身过来。”杀戮之主叮嘱道。„Yes!” The lord of evil spiritsalutesrespectfully.
After Image and Sound Mirrorswitches off, nearbyskinmanagerall smilessaid: „Congratulateson the lord, congratulateson the lord.”
待影音镜关掉之后,一旁的皮总管满面笑容说道:“恭喜主上,贺喜主上。”„Whathappyhad”on the lord of faceevil spirit the originalsmileto vanishdoes not see.
“何喜之有”妖魔之主脸上原本的笑容早已消失不见。Saw that the opposite partyfacial expressiontransformssuchrapidness, the skinmanageris also startled, the subconsciousnessreplied: „Naturallyis the lord of myslaughteringstilltrustsyou, evencomprehended the secret of forehead to shareto giveyou.”
The lord of evil spiritsneers saying: „Youmade a mistake, hewasmovestomekilled the heart.”
The lord of evil spiritthensaid: „Old fogyso manyyearshave soakedin the Monster Raceimperial tomb, so manyyearshave not studiedwhatfeature, whythat sideMogardjusthad an accident, hefoundforehead”
妖魔之主这才说道:“老家伙这么多年一直泡在妖族皇陵之中,这么多年都没研究出什么眉目,为什么莫加德那边刚一出事,他就找到了天庭”„Onlordyouweresaidold fogyintentional”warpriestlookchanged.
“主上你是说老家伙故意的”战争祭司神色一变。„Naturallyisintentionally,” the lord of complexionevil spiritis also dignified, „if this is not the case, heonlywill not just shout that I the passingimperial tomb, raiseddoes not raiseMogard, byhimandMogard'srelations, althougha few years agosomeenmities, but such importantmattercannot shouthim”
“当然是故意的,”妖魔之主脸色同样凝重,“若非如此,刚刚他就不会只喊我过去皇陵,提都不提莫加德了,以他和莫加德的关系,虽然前些年有些嫌隙,但这么重要的事会不喊他么”„Obviously the lord of slaughteringhas known the matter that Mogardis annihilated, thenchecksin the recent yearsarmy the change of influence, got uptomedreaded the heart, thissummonedmeto pass, letsmefar away from the army and trusted aide, seized the chanceto starttome.”
After the warpriestlistens, somelingering fear: „Thisold thingseriouslyisshrewd and crafty, did not pay attention tohissay/wayslightly.”
The nearbyskinmanagerpatsflatteryto sayimmediately: „But the old thingis shrewd and crafty, onby the lordwas seen through, seriouslyishighthere is a way.”
边上的皮总管马上拍马屁道:“可老东西再老奸巨猾,还是被主上一眼识破,当真是道高一次魔高一丈。”Severalpeoplelaughedimmediately, evil spiritLordlooktwinkle: „Such being the case, thatgiveshimwhen the time comes a bigpleasant surprise.”
……Andsaid that Zu Anrelayedin the bigcampwas very long, overpowered the every large or smallabouthundredbig or smallevil spirit, maynot obtainManmananyinformationfromtheirmouth.
且说祖安在大营中转了很久,制服了大大小小近百名大小妖魔,可从他们口中都没有得到曼曼的任何情报。Mustknow that the Big Peipeiindividualcharacteristics were too obvious, ifhad dealt with the evil spiritrecently, not possibleno oneto know.
要知道大曼曼个人特色实在太明显了,若是最近跟妖魔打过交道,绝不可能没有一个人知道。don't tell meshefound the wayto go roundhere, directlyto the Monster Raceimperial tombthat side难道她想办法绕开了这边,直接到了妖族皇陵那边Zu Anis lost in thought that alsoor...... has another possibility祖安陷入了沉思,又或者……有另外一种可能Pitifully the information too are only fewnow, can only firstarrive at the Monster Raceimperial tombto have a look at the situation.
只可惜如今情报实在太少,只能先到妖族皇陵看看情况。Travels day and night, Zu Anarrived around the Monster Raceimperial tomb, the revisit, he is very sigh with emotion.
The previoussidealsohasYan Xuehen, Yun Jianyue,Yu Yanluoaccompanying, now are actually all alone, moreoveris looking for the Big Peipeiwhereabouts.
The Monster Raceimperial tomb and later generationlookquite a lotdifferent, outsideconstructedmore magnificent, crowdedmuch, manyconstructionsalsovanishesobviouslyover timedecayed.妖族皇陵和后世看着颇多不一样,外面的建筑要宏伟、密集得多,显然很多建筑随着时间流逝也腐朽消失了。Saw that around the imperial tombis the evil spiritis being stationedeverywhere, Zu Anis silent.
看到皇陵四周到处都是妖魔驻扎着,祖安沉默不语。IfBig Peipeicame tohere, howshewill do大曼曼如果来了这里,她会怎么做Byherintelligence and ability, is not the disciple of crudeacting recklessly, seessomanyevil spiritaccumulationshere, even the lord of slaughtering, howherwill also take riskto look for the colored glazeput flowers in hair on hat, will definitely find the wayto inform itself, theneveryonecomesto seektogether.
以她的聪明才智,绝非鲁莽蛮干之徒,见到如此多妖魔聚集在这里,甚至连杀戮之主也在,她又怎会冒险去找琉璃簪花呢,肯定会想办法通知自己,然后大家一起前来寻找。Difficultto be inadequatesheto rush to the road of seaclannow, wehappen tomissed
难不成她如今正在赶往海族的路上,我们正好错过了Ifshesees the merpeoplequeen, shouldbe ableto know that hadanything.
若是她见到人鱼女王,应该就能知道发生了什么。In the Zu Anheartrelaxesslightly, toprovide against contingencies, hemixed in the followingevil spiritbigcamp, transferredone a room that arrived at an evil spiritleader, triggedhimwhileitunprepared: „Youhave caught a female......”祖安心中稍稍松了一口气,为了以防万一,他还是混入了下面妖魔大营,转了一圈来到了一个妖魔头领的房间,趁其不备制住了他:“你们有没有抓到过一个女子……”At onceroughlydescribed the Big Peipeiimage, actuallyalsohas nothingto describe, hercharacteristics were too obvious, has seenwill not forget.
旋即将大曼曼的形象大致描述了一下,其实也没啥好描述的,她的特征实在太明显了,见过的都不会忘记。„Without...... does not have,” seemed worried that the opposite partydoes not believe that thatevil spiritleaderquickly added that „onpresentlordhere, but alsowhodaresto rushtowardhere......”
“没……没有,”似乎担心对方不信,那妖魔头领急忙补充道,“如今主上在这里,还有谁敢往这里闯……”Told only half that stiffened, herealizedsuddenlythisfellowdaresto rush.
说到一半就僵住了,他忽然意识到这家伙就敢闯。Zu Anis lost in thought that the opposite partytrulysaidis reasonable.祖安陷入沉思,对方确实说得有道理。At this timethatevil spiritleaderthensaid: „Iurgedyouto putme, on the lordwhole worldwas invincible, oncewere discoveredbyhim, youhadninelives unable to live, yourselfdeparted, whenIthismatterhas not happened.”
这时那妖魔头领接着说道:“我劝你放了我,主上天下无敌,一旦被他发现,你有九条命也活不下来,你自己离去,我当这件事没有发生过。”In his timeheartwith amazement, opposite party, althoughsneak attackssuddenly, butthisstrengthis really immeasurably deep, oneselfactuallycannot respond, even ifplaces the evil spiritworld, at leastalsowithexpert that the warpriestis on par with.
他此时心中骇然,对方虽然是突然偷袭,但这实力实在深不可测,自己竟然丝毫反应不过来,哪怕放在妖魔世界,至少也是跟战争祭司比肩的强者。Hewas deliberately considering after the opposite partysends, certainlyimmediatelywarns, when the time comesunitesothercolleaguesto catchsuchexpert, whenoneselfatone for one's crimes by doing good deeds.
他寻思着等自己将对方打发后,一定马上示警,到时候联合其他同僚将这样的强者擒住,自己就当戴罪立功了。Sawinhiseye the turning roundrevolutions, Zu Annaturallyguessed correctlyhisthoughts, did not puncture, butthenasked: „The lord of slaughteringnowwhere”
看到他眼中滴溜溜转,祖安自然猜到了他的心思,也不戳破,而是接着问道:“杀戮之主如今在哪儿”„Youare bold, daresto sayon the lordunexpectedlyrevered name!”Thatevil spiritleadercomplexionis pallid.
“你大胆,竟然敢直呼主上名讳!”那妖魔头领脸色煞白。„Answeredmyissue.”Zu Anaccording to hisshoulder, a terrifyingsuctionis ready.
The evil spiritleaderis alarmed and afraid, hecanfeel the opposite party, so long as the intentionmoves, oneselfwill be attracted a dry corpse, hasto reply: „Mainpreviousnowinimperial tomb.”
妖魔头领惊惧无比,他能感觉到对方只要心念一动,自己就会被吸成一具干尸,只好回答道:“主上如今在皇陵之中。”„Hecheckswhatsecretin the imperial tomb”
“他到底在皇陵查什么秘密”„Iam not clear, onlyknows that few days agohesought a treasureprobably, is especially happy, theseyearsneversuchhappy, seesbyme, the thing that on the lordmustlook forperhapshad the enormousprogress.”
“我也不清楚,只知道前些日子他好像寻得了一个宝物,格外开心,这些年从来没这么开心过,以我所见,主上要找的东西恐怕有了极大的进展。”In the Zu Anheartmoves, the lord of don't tell meslaughteringhas checkedto entermay not the law of place of knowledge祖安心中一动,难道杀戮之主已经查到了进入不可知之地之法At this moment, heraised the headsuddenly, outsideheardsound of footsteps of onegroup of people, shouted propaganda at the soundto get up: „SirAgoult, on the lordconvenesallcommands the goingimperial tomb above level.”
就在这时,他忽然抬起头,外面传来了一群人的脚步声,紧接着喊话声响起:“阿古大人,主上召集所有统领级之上的前去皇陵。”Thatevil spiritleadergreat happiness, is wantingto make noiseto pray for rescue, whoknows that hediscoveredwith amazement the ownsoundcannot pass on . Moreover the around the bodyairas iftwisted, isolated the sound and ray.
那个妖魔头领大喜,正欲出声求救,谁知道他骇然发现自己的声音根本传不出去,而且周身的空气仿佛都扭曲了起来,隔绝了声音和光线。Hefelt that the whole bodyessence qiflows, entireis getting more and more weak.
紧接着他感觉到浑身的元气奔涌而出,整个身体越来越虚弱。„...... Does not want......”himto open mouth, has not made the soundeventually, went blackthoroughly.
“不……要……”他张了张嘴,终究没有发出声音,彻底陷入了黑暗。Zu Anputs downhiscorpse, thisrepliedby the voice of opposite party: „Wait a bit, Iimmediatelycome out.”祖安放下他的尸体,这才以对方的声音回答道:“稍等,我马上出来。”Thisleaderbodybloodghostair/Qi of namedAgoult, bodycontaminated the blood of manylifeobviously, deserves to be damned.
这个叫阿古的头领身上一股血煞之气,显然身上沾染了不少生灵的血,死有余辜。Matteranothermatter that nowhehas a headache about, nowentireevil spiritbigcampbecauseas if anything show- moved, ifheinsiststo rushat this timeoutward, quickwill be discovered.
如今他头疼的事另一件事,如今整个妖魔大营似乎因为什么事骚-动了起来,如果他此时硬要往外闯,很快就会被发现。Buthehasto change the appearance that thisAgoultcommands, wearshisclothes, firsthad a look at the situationto sayto the imperial tombthat sideagain.
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