„The lord of angerevil spirit should not be so big, Iandwithout any malicious intent.”At this timelarge cave/hole of a formfromthatwallwalkedslowly.
“妖魔之主火气不要这么大,我并没有恶意。”这时一个身影从那墙壁上的大洞缓缓走了进来。Skinmanagerandwarpriestpupilmicro, theyjust the lord of evil spiritdesperateunderthatstruckto tradeto bethemclearly, is very also difficultto deal with, resultfellow was so unexpectedly superficialreduces and solves
皮总管和战争祭司不禁瞳孔微缩,他们清楚刚刚妖魔之主情急之下那一击换作他们,恐怕也很难应付,结果这家伙竟然如此轻描淡写就化解了cultivation base of thisfellow seems to be immeasurably deep.
这家伙的修为似乎深不可测。Well, looks at his wearlike the armybigcamp, whosesubordinatethisis, whyhas the strengthwenot to know
咦,看他这穿着像军队大营中的啊,这是谁的部下,为何有这样的实力我们还不知道Theyare taking a look at the opposite partycarefully, discovered that the opposite partybuild and evil spiritcomparedto be rather emaciated, moreoveron the facewears a mask, could not see clearly the originalappearance, could not seewhatoriginfromhisbodyauraandcultivation technique.
他们仔细打量着对方,发现对方体型和妖魔比起来未免过于瘦弱了,而且脸上戴着一个面具,看不清本来样貌,从他身上的气息和功法也看不出什么来历。Came the personnaturally is Zu An, hesawseveralpeople in room is also the secretheartstartled, has not thought that hereunexpectedlywas the old acquaintance, the skinmanagerbut actually, never expected that the warpriest was also the evil spirit the Lordperson.
The lord of evil spiritlocksinhisbodysharp-eyed: „Ireally find it hardto believe a revealing only part of the truthgeneration of meetingnothingevil intention!”
妖魔之主目光锐利地锁定在他身上:“我实在很难相信一个藏头露尾之辈会没有什么恶意!”Hissimilarlyalsoveryheartstartled, justthatmovewith the full power, cannotall over the worldfollowing, althoughare not many, butare also many, maysoreduce and solveactuallyreally unable to think that likehimsilentlywhocanachieve.
他同样也很心惊,刚刚那一招没有用全力,普天之下能接下来的虽然不算多,但也不少,可像他这般无声无息地化解掉却实在想不到有谁能做到。Justthatflash, hefelt the qi energy that oneselfejected seemed annihilateddirectly.
刚刚那一瞬间,他感觉到自己击出的气劲仿佛直接被湮灭掉了。Mustknow that his movecontains the wilddestructionstrength, how the opposite partyachievesquietlyevendestroyscanannihilate
要知道他这一招本来就蕴含着狂暴的毁灭力量,对方到底是如何做到悄无声息连毁灭都能湮灭„Leather bagis only the floating clouds, does not intendto deceive below, but alsolooks atYour Excellencyto excuse me, my timecomes to discuss that is relating the Your Excellencyfuturematter.”Zu Anwantswear mask , because rememberedlater generation the lord of evil spiritdid not seem to knowhimfrom the beginning, thennaturalcannotinthistimeby the appearance/portraitanditsmeet.
“皮囊只是浮云,在下并非有意欺瞒,还望阁下见谅,我这次前来是要商谈一件关系着阁下未来的事情。”祖安之所以要戴面具,是因为想起了后世的妖魔之主一开始似乎不认识他,那么自然不能在这个时代以真容与其相遇。„Welordonwhat kind of, whichneedothersdiscuss the future, came the person, gavemeto take the fellow who thisrevealed only part of the truth!” The skinmanagershoutedseverely.
“我们主上何等了得,哪需要别人来商议未来,来人啊,给我将这藏头露尾的家伙拿下!”皮总管厉喝道。Had the evil spiritguardto hear the newsto catch upearly, heardhisorder, encircledtowardZu Anin abundance.
早有妖魔卫士闻讯赶了过来,听到他的命令,纷纷朝祖安围了过去。„Youfirstdraw back!”At this time the evil spirit the Lordsoundresoundedsuddenly.
“你们先退下!”这时妖魔之主的声音忽然响起。Theseguardsstare, butwas goodimmediately a ritual, asks to be excused.
那些侍卫一愣,不过还是马上行了一礼,纷纷告退。Onskinmanager the facedoes not have the awkwardcolor, insteadcompensatesto say with a smile: „Reallyon the lordconsidersprofoundly.”
皮总管脸上丝毫没有尴尬之色,反而赔笑道:“果然还是主上考虑深远。”Thenis staringZu An: „Onlordgaveyouto speak the opportunity, youdid not wantnot to treasure!”
然后瞪着祖安:“主上给了你说话机会,你不要不珍惜!”Nearbywarpriestrolled the eyes, thistoady.
一旁的战争祭司翻了个白眼,这个马屁精。On the lord of faceevil spiritquitesatisfies the attentiveness of skinmanager, thislookstoZu An: „Said that youjustin the good talkersaidiswhatmeaning.”
妖魔之主脸上却相当满意皮总管的殷勤,这才看向祖安:“说吧,你刚刚口中说的到底是什么意思。”Zu An the reply, had not instead been taking a fast look aroundin a roomanxiously the people: „Somewordspossiblytreason and heresy that thenmustsay, do not know that facilitatedto work asthemto say”祖安并没有急着回答,反而扫视了一下屋中众人:“接下来要说的话可能有些大逆不道,不知道方不方便当着他们说”In the lord of heartevil spiritmoves, guesses correctlyseveralpointsfaintly: „Butsaid that might as well.”
妖魔之主心中一动,隐隐猜到几分:“但说无妨。”Henaturallyis not how patienttemper, the strength that but the opposite partyshows, won the opportunity of speech.
他当然不是多么耐心的性子,但对方展现出的实力,赢得了说话的机会。Zu Anthensaidslowly: „Nowfurinkingis annihilated, the lord of most loyalsubordinateslaughteringdid not have, Your Excellency can definitely displacewhilethisopportunity.”祖安这才缓缓说道:“如今不伦王全军覆没,杀戮之主最忠心的手下没了,阁下完全可以趁这个机会取而代之。”Hearshiswords, the warpriest and skinmanagerstartlesgreatlyis lookingto the lord of slaughtering, so long as his look, everyonerally togethers to attackimmediately, strikesto killthisfellowat the scene.
听到他的话,战争祭司、皮总管纷纷大骇着望向杀戮之主,只要他一个眼神,大家马上群起而攻之,将这个家伙当场击杀。Lord of actuallydoes not have anymovementslaughtering, insteadcoldlysaid: „Suchlow levelshoddyestrangingideaalsocauses, yourbigcourage.”
杀戮之主却没有什么动作,反而冷冷说道:“这么低级拙劣的离间计也使得出来,你好大的胆子。”Zu Anshows a faint smile, the opposite partytake actionhad not explainedmanyissuesimmediately.祖安微微一笑,对方没有马上出手已经说明了很多问题。„Your Excellencymisunderstood, the idea of thisestranging is actually whether unimportant, mostservesyourbenefitto be most important.”
“阁下误会了,这是否离间之计其实并不重要,是不是最符合你的利益才最重要。”„Iguessed correctlyprobablyyourbackground,” the lord of evil spiritsneered, „wewere just discussing that attacked the Monster Raceresistancearmy, captured aliveSaintess, youran saying that immediatelythisproposition, obviouslywithMonster Racewas, but when Monster Racehadyousuchfiercecharacter”
“我大概猜到你的来路了,”妖魔之主冷笑一声,“我们刚刚正在商议攻打妖族抵抗军,活捉圣女,你马上就跑出来说这个提议,显然和妖族是一路的,只不过妖族什么时候有你这么厉害的人物了”Zu Andid not denybut actually: „Good, ItrulywithsomeMonster RaceSaintessrelations, toexpress the sincerity, I can also tellyou, furinkingMogard'sarmyis the destructionin my hands.”祖安倒也不否认:“不错,我确实和妖族圣女有些关系,为了表示诚意,我也可以告诉你,不伦王莫加德的大军就是覆灭在我手中的。”Heardthissaying, don'tsaid that the warpriest and skinmanager, the lord of evil spiritalsosatstraight the bodyshocking: „Isyou!”
听到这话,莫说战争祭司和皮总管,就连妖魔之主也震惊地坐直了身体:“是你!”„Good, thereforewehave the commonenemy,”Zu Ananswered, „furinkingwasslaughtering the Lordtrusted aide, ifknows that thismatter, will not definitely let offme, thereforeIwantwith the Your Excellencyunion.”
The lord of evil spirithehesneeredtwo: „Itolordonnaturallyloyal and devoted, howto have any common enemywithyou, comes......”
妖魔之主嘿嘿冷笑了两声:“我对主上当然忠心耿耿,怎么会跟你有什么共同敌人,来……”Seeshimto strike an attitude to shout the person, Zu Ansighs: „Theseyear of slaughteringlordstocomprehend the secret of Monster Raceimperial tomb, has hiddenin the imperial tombdoes not ask the human affairs, thereforedoes not know that now the evil spiritpowerhad hadbyyou, but the news that iffurinkingsuffers a defeat and fleespasses to hisear, hewill definitely understand a nextpresentsituation, when the time comeshediscoveredownthesetrusted aideeach and everyonevanished, nowin the army is yoursubordinate, youthought how hethinks”
The lord of complexionevil spiritchanges: „Onlordwisesupernatural might, naturallycandistinguishtheseis only the normalpersonnel change, all that Imakeare due to the public spirit. Under Iam capturedyouto revengeforfurinkingnow!”
妖魔之主脸色一变:“主上英明神武,自然能分辨出来这些只是正常的人事调动,我做的一切都是出于公心。我现在就擒下你替不伦王报仇!”Finishes speaking, the whole personimposing mannerrisessuddenly, in the entireroomcoveredunder the terrifyingpressure.
The warpriest and skinmanagerobtain the suggestion, blockshisescape routeby the potential of horn.
The evil spirit the principal velocityis quick, the whole personthrew the Zu Anplacedirectly, a palmpressedtowardhishead.
The opposite partywhole personjust like the emptyshadowto be together commoninstantaneously.
The evil spirit the Lordcomplexionis ugly: „Alsois notcommontransmission, thistransmission and technology of ourworldseems likesomeorigins.”
妖魔之主脸色难看:“还不是一般的传送阵,这传送阵和我们世界的技术似乎有些渊源。”„don't tell mehealsofrom the evil spiritworld”warpriestthinkinglong time, whomalsowithoutthinking ofconforms tothesecharacteristics.
“难道他也是来自妖魔世界的”战争祭司思索半晌,也没想到谁符合这些特征。skinmanagervolunteers saying: „Onlord, Ibringto arresthimimmediatelyhand/subordinate.”
The lord of evil spiritshakes the head: „Does not need, byhiscultivation base, is skilled insuchtransmission, the words that wantsto escapeintentionally, cannot catchhim.”
妖魔之主摇了摇头:“不必了,以他的修为,又精通这样的传送阵,存心想逃的话,根本抓不到他。”„Thatdon't tell memakeshimleavesomeskinmanagerfeel aggrievedlike this”.
The lord of evil spiritdid not saysilent, at this time the warpriestsaidcuriously: „Opposite party'spropositionactuallyhasseductivevery much, whyfirstdoes not comply”
The lord of evil spiritsneers saying: „Thispersonof unknown originespeciallyis also mystical, perhapsis the lord of factionslaughteringprobesour, how couldwealsosoeasilytook a standthismatterto remindtomeactually, it seems likemustspeed upimplementingourplans!”
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