KI :: Volume #25

#2480: Thought understanding

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Hears the Saintess words, somewhat quiet discussing official business hall enlivened immediately. 听到圣女的话,原本有些沉寂的议事大厅顿时活跃起来。 The face that everyone wailing is brimming with the excitement instantaneously: 大家哭丧的脸瞬间洋溢着兴奋之情: Right, how I have not thought.” “对啊,我怎么没想到呢。” Saintess worthily is Saintess, can so understand clearly all unexpectedly.” 圣女不愧是圣女,竟然能这般洞悉一切。” Has Saintess to lead us, what worried that is unable to expel our world the evil spirit!” “有圣女带领我们,何愁无法将妖魔赶出我们的世界!” ...... …… Now no one will suspect that Saintess got down what fan by Zu An- medicine, she is wisdom as is always intelligent, can always see side that everyone cannot see. 现在没人会怀疑圣女祖安下了什么迷-药了,她还是一如既往的睿智聪慧,总能看到大家不能看到的一面。 Three Prince are also very shocking, but suppresses was saying: But Saintess cannot deny that the lord of evil spirit will first take us to operate, serves as to increase his prestige the possibility of capital of entering step, when the time comes he will have the energy to resist the lord of slaughtering.” 皇子同样很震惊,不过还是强忍着说道:“可圣女也不能否认妖魔之主会首先拿我们开刀,用作增加他声望的进阶之资的可能吧,到时候他会更加有底气对抗杀戮之主了。” The people hear the brow slightly wrinkle, everyone is clear about three Prince this is in the bar, but also has to acknowledge that he said indeed really has the possibility. 众人听得眉头微皱,大家都清楚三皇子这是在杠,但也不得不承认他说的确实有可能。 Zu An opened the mouth finally, how he will make Xie Daoyun face all these alone: Really has this possibility, therefore I will try to find the solution, making the lord of evil spirit choose another possibility.” 祖安终于开口了,他又怎会让谢道韫独自面对这一切:“确实有这个可能,所以我会想办法,让妖魔之主选另一种可能。” Three Prince light snort/hum: „The lord of evil spirit is fierce, simultaneously is good at the scheme, how also to change the mind because of you.” 皇子轻哼了一声:“妖魔之主何等厉害,同时又善于心计,又岂会因为你而改变主意。” This to you are the impossible mission, but is not to me difficult.” Zu An said lightly. “这对于你来说是不可能完成的任务,但对于我来说并不难。”祖安淡淡说道。 You!” Three Prince are angry immediately, you may dare to set up military pledge “你!”三皇子顿时大怒,“你可敢立军令状 Is coming three Prince Rage Points + 444 + 444 + 444...... 来着三皇子愤怒值…… Saintess brow slightly pressed: He is not in my Monster Race the person, but is helps one another our distinguished guests, three Prince this requests rather forced someone to do something against his will.” 圣女眉头微蹙:“他并非我妖族中人,而是来相助我们的贵宾,三皇子这要求未免强人所难了。” Three Prince said lightly: Since he just said that has the energy, that this matter is not obviously difficult to him. Such being the case, might as well make him complete this matter, treats as to get married the Saintess gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, perhaps otherwise entire Monster Race will not agree with this marriage.” 皇子淡淡说道:“既然他刚刚说得那么有底气,那显然这件事对他并不难。既然如此,不如就让他办成此事,当做迎娶圣女的聘礼,不然恐怕整个妖族都不会同意这门亲事吧。” The Jinpeng heir apparents quickly echo: Three Prince stand to reason!” 金鹏世子急忙附和:“三皇子言之有理!” In the Saintess foreheads is lingering thin angry, at this time Zu An also opened the mouth: Three Prince as if made a mistake a matter, between I and Saintess am perfectly suited to each other, so long as our marriages each other approve then, does not need you to come to here to agree, you do not have the qualifications to accept my gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family.” 圣女眉宇间萦绕着一层薄怒,这时祖安也开口了:“三皇子似乎搞错了一件事,我与圣女之间情投意合,我们的亲事只要彼此认可即可,不需要你来这里同意不同意,你更没资格接受我的聘礼。” Three Prince sneer saying: But Your Excellency this is not willing to pay for Saintess, we really cannot believe that your sentiment to Saintess deep, everyone said.” 皇子冷笑道:“可是阁下连这点都不愿为圣女付出,我们实在不敢相信你对圣女的感情有多深,大家说是不是啊。” Good!” Usually in three Prince and person of Jinpeng heir apparent being intimate with spoke to echo, the entire discussing official business hall really had to be close to half of people shouting. “不错!”平日里与三皇子、金鹏世子亲近之人纷纷出言附和,整个议事大厅竟然有接近一半的人在嚷着。 The Saintess complexion sinks: Three Prince, my sentimental private life and you have not related, not the man who needs you to butt in I to select.” 圣女脸色一沉:“三皇子,我的感情私生活和你没有关系,也不需要你来置喙我选中的男人。” Three Prince sigh: Saintess, should not be hoodwinked the eyes by the sentiment, since you Saintess as our Monster Race, then your matter naturally is the entire Monster Race matter.” 皇子叹了一口气:“圣女,你可不要被感情蒙蔽了双眼啊,你既然身为我们妖族圣女,那么你的事自然就是整个妖族的事。” It seems like my just words have not said enough clearly,” Saintess stands up, if so, that this Saintess I do not work as.” “看来我刚刚的话没有说得足够清楚,”圣女站起身来,“若真是如此,那这圣女我还是不当了。” Heard her so saying that other surroundings clan leaders were in abundance anxious, quickly set out to console saying that some people said three Prince somewhat said is truly excessive, some people said three Prince also stemming from the good intention, let the Zu An certificate one is not the misdemeanor and so on, heard in her heart agitated. 听到她这般说,周围其他各族领袖纷纷急了,急忙起身劝慰道,有人说三皇子说得确实有些过分,有人则说三皇子也是出于好心,让祖安证明一下也不是坏事云云,听得她心中烦躁不已。 She is wanting to speak, Zu An had said ahead of time: Does not have the issue, I can go to the lord of that side evil spirit to persuade him and slaughtering the Lord internal strife.” 她正欲说话,祖安已经提前说道:“没问题,我可以去妖魔之主那边说动他和杀戮之主的内讧。” Heard him to say like this, three Prince and Jinpeng heir apparents looked at each other one, all saw corners of the mouth that the opposite party rose slightly. 听到他这样说,三皇子和金鹏世子对视一眼,皆看出了对方微微上扬的嘴角。 The Jinpeng heir apparents admire secretly, is really three Prince has the method, although that fellow is powerful, but had not been played by three Prince runs around in circles. 金鹏世子暗暗佩服,果然还是三皇子更有手段,那个家伙虽然实力强大,但还不是被三皇子耍得团团转。 The lord of evil spirit is so can it be that affable, this fellow went to that side again fiercely is also a narrow escape. 妖魔之主岂是那么好惹的,这家伙再厉害去了那边也是九死一生。 If succeeded were better, Monster Race sees the dawn, how they calculate that did not owe. 而且如果成功了更好,妖族更是见到曙光了,他们怎么算都不亏。 Really learned, cultivation base is fierce, if the brain is not easy-to-use , can only work as the blade of high-rank, before I later cannot look like again, impulses like that multi-direction three Prince learn/study. 真是学到了,修为再厉害,若是脑子不好使,也只能当上位者的刀,我以后不能再像以前那般冲动,多向三皇子学习一下。 In two people are self-satisfied, the Zu An following sound conveys: My present heart was very just uncomfortable, wants the thought to understand did this matter again.” 就在两人得意之时,祖安后面的声音传来:“只不过我现在心头很不爽,要念头通达了再去做这件事。” Some side people are also startled, the subconsciousness asked: How you can thought understanding......” 旁边还有人一怔,下意识问道:“那你如何才能念头通达……” His words have not said, saw only a flower, Zu An as if just leaves at present same place , does not seem to moved. 他话还没说完,只见眼前一花,祖安仿佛刚刚离开了原地,又仿佛没有动。 Saw only Zu An to scratch the finger bloodstain, said lightly: Now on thought understanding.” 只见祖安擦了擦手指的血迹,淡淡地说道:“现在就念头通达了。” You......” the three Prince panic-stricken desires of another side are pointing at him certainly, but the mouth overflows a wisp of blood, where could also say the words. “你……”另一边的三皇子惊骇欲绝地指着他,可嘴里溢出一缕鲜血,哪里还说得出话来。 Just said that a character, that the whole person rumbled fell down on the ground. 刚说完一个字,整个人轰的一声栽倒在了地上。 Nearby person quickly examines, actually discovered that he has fainted, the whole body is soft, body essence qi fluctuates could not feel . Moreover the meridians of body have broken. 旁边的人急忙查看,却发现他已经晕了过去,浑身软绵绵的,身上一点元气波动都感觉不到,而且身上的经脉都已经断了。 The entire discussing official business hall in an uproar, this fellow word did not agree three Prince to give immediately unexpectedly waste 整个议事大厅顿时一片哗然,这家伙竟然一言不合把三皇子给废了 Saintess somewhat is also accidental, but thinks that just matter, her response also quickly, said lightly: Three Prince until now instigated our relations, tried to weaken us to revolt against the evil spirit the strength, the domestic strength keeps away foreign aggression, this was also my meaning.” 圣女也有些意外,不过想到刚刚的事情,她的反应也很快,淡淡地说道:“三皇子一直以来挑拨我们的关系,试图削弱我们反抗妖魔的力量,正所谓攘外必先安内,这也是我的意思。” Sees her to rush this matter to embrace in body, Zu An also cannot help laughing. 见她抢着将这件事揽在身上,祖安也是哑然失笑。 Just Xie Daoyun reminded him obviously, but he was dutifully take action. 刚刚谢道韫明明提醒了他,但他还是义无反顾地出手了。 Is he is very mainly clear, although will do this in current will cause a series of serious consequences, but three Prince are looking at his look very hatred, will as if have what idea to Saintess, will lay down such a to explode with it fixed time- ball, will direct in some future time- will explode, might as well will cut the gordian knot, will first strangle the hidden danger in the cradle. 主要是他很清楚,虽然这样做会在当前造成一系列严重的后果,但有三皇子望着他的眼神很怨毒,甚至对圣女似乎也有什么想法,与其埋下这样一颗定时炸-弹,在将来某个时间引-爆,还不如快刀斩乱麻,先将隐患扼杀在摇篮之中。 Saintess, what do you mean!” In some ordinary days kisses/intimate three Prince influences startled and anger sets out to gather round her. 圣女,你这是什么意思!”一些平日里亲三皇子的势力又惊又怒起身围着她。 Saintess said calmly: Now our Monster Race could not have withstood to toss about, makes him split our Monster Race with it, might as well processes now.” 圣女平静地说道:“如今我们妖族已经经不起折腾了,与其让他分裂我们妖族,还不如现在就处理掉。” Three Prince questioned your several, your under so heavy hand, you want to do alone- cuts the Jinpeng heir apparents similarly startled and anger, on one second also admires three Prince methods to be wise, the result next second became this. “三皇子不过是质疑了你们几句,你们就下如此重手,你这是想搞独-裁么”金鹏世子同样又惊又怒,上一秒还佩服三皇子手段高明呢,结果下一秒就成这样了。 Saintess also has a headache at this time very much, but she does not have the half a point to complain that meaning of Zu An, before three Prince, truly is a hidden danger, so cuts the gordian knot does not lose a solution, after all two people do not have too much time waste here. 圣女此时也很头疼,不过她并没有半分埋怨祖安的意思,三皇子之前确实是个隐患,这般快刀斩乱麻不失一个解决办法,毕竟两人没有太多时间浪费在这里。 At this time Zu An took forward one step: Heir apparents and three Prince relations are so good, it seems like also wants to be the same with him.” 这时祖安向前迈出一步:“世子和三皇子关系这么好,看来也想和他一样啊。” The Jinpeng heir apparents frighten continually draw back several steps, in the hand keep swinging: „, Your Excellency did not misunderstand......” 金鹏世子吓得连退数步,手上不停摇摆着:“不不不,阁下误会了……” Sees his, the surroundings indignant people calmed down gradually, this fellow is immeasurably deep, three Prince were also expert, finally everyone has not seen clearly him to be abandoned, at this time who also dares to say this and that. 看到他这样子,周围原本激愤的众人渐渐冷静下来,这个家伙深不可测,三皇子也算是个高手了,结果大家还没看清楚他就被废了,这个时候谁还敢说三道四。 Separated long time, just now the old stations said: 隔了良久,方才有一个年纪稍大的站出来说道: Three Prince really have the mistake, but by like this capital punishment as if some......” “三皇子确实有错,但受到这样的极刑似乎还是有些过了……” Everyone looks at each other one, listened to conditioning in his tone. 大家对视一眼,都听出了他语气中的软化。 Zu An said calmly: He offends me again and again, I kept his life to look in the share of Saintess and princess.” 祖安平静地说道:“他三番四次冒犯我,我留他一条性命已是看在圣女和郡主的份上了。” The people stare, this realized this is expert is to revere world. 众人一愣,这才意识到这是一个强者为尊的世界。 The opposite party is even furin king and evil spirit armies can destruction top expert, was so offended will get angry also normally. 对方是连不伦王和妖魔大军都能覆灭的顶尖强者,被人这般冒犯会发怒也正常。 Joining three Prince is so rampant before furin king, dies mostly miserably, this is compared with furin king must let alone fiercer expert. 加入三皇子在不伦王面前这般嚣张,多半死得更惨,更何况这是比不伦王还要更厉害的强者 Only blames three Prince to have eyes but fail to see strangely, thinks the opposite party to be young, does not believe that beforehand these hearsay, this ate owed greatly. 怪只怪三皇子有眼无珠,以为对方年轻,不相信之前那些传闻,这才吃了这么大亏。 Everyone is realistic, in this expert is to revere world, without whom for discarding Prince over, key that Prince will have only self to blame. 大家毕竟都是现实的,在这个强者为尊的世界,没谁会为了一个废掉的皇子去出头,关键还是那个皇子咎由自取的。 At this time in the ordinary days and three Prince did not cope, the Saintess death loyal influence also came out to say three Prince in abundance was not, supported the decision of Saintess, whom the remaining these people did not have to dare to say anything again. 这时平日里和三皇子不对付,还有圣女的死忠势力也纷纷出来说三皇子的不是,拥护圣女的决定,剩下的那些人再也没谁敢说什么。 Present Zu An experienced great storms, has expected people's response, this said: Everyone could rest assured that I thought understanding, receives from will look helps you handle the lord of evil spirit in the Saintess share.” 如今的祖安经历了大风大浪,早已料到众人的反应,这才说道:“各位放心,我既已念头通达,接下来自会看在圣女的份上帮你们搞定妖魔之主。” The people hear here, in abundance great happiness: Has work Your Excellency, many thanks Saintess!” 众人听到这里,纷纷大喜:“有劳阁下,多谢圣女!” Sacrificed three Prince, if can solve that serious hidden trouble, as if they instead gained in a big way. 牺牲一个三皇子,若是能解决那个心腹大患,似乎他们反而赚大了。 Then Saintess starts to process the damage control measures, although three Prince died, but his subordinate influence still, must first control these trusted aides, cannot make them have the opportunity to be chaotic. 接下来圣女开始处理善后事宜,三皇子虽然死了,但他麾下的势力仍在,必须第一时间将那些心腹控制起来,不能让他们有机会乱起来。 Zu An looks again and again in the one side nods, before Xie Daoyun was just a lady, nowadays this mature wrist/skill is as good as Little Demon Empress, Bi Linglong they, although it seems like we only distinguished very short time, but she as if experienced the quite long time here, growing too many were too many. 祖安在一旁看得连连点头,之前谢道韫只不过是个大家闺秀,现如今这成熟的手腕丝毫不亚于小妖后碧玲珑她们了,看来我们虽然只分别了很短时间,但她在这边似乎经历了相当漫长的时间,成长了太多太多。 After he waits for the opposite party to process, was inquiring that the matter of Monster Race authority, the Peacock princess has arrived at side him, eye red asking: Big Brother, all that you said before are deceiving me 他正等着对方处理完后询问妖族权柄的事情,孔雀郡主已经来到他身边,眼睛红红的问道:“大哥哥,你之前说的一切是不是都在骗我”
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