KI :: Volume #25

#2476: He is my man

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After a piece is quiet, subsequently roars with laughter. 一片沉寂过后,继而是哄堂大笑。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” Right, Saintess is what kind of character, how to have these mediocre love.” “对啊,圣女是何等人物,怎会有那些凡俗情爱。” Yes, in these year of clans many young talent pursues her, but Saintess has not looked at one, therefore everyone then loses heart gradually.” “是啊,这些年族中多少年轻才俊追求她,可圣女根本都没看一眼,所以大家这才渐渐死心。” ...... …… The surroundings these Monster Race youth talked to smile, as if thought that person was just speaking a huge joke. 周围那些妖族的青年纷纷你一言我一语笑了起来,似乎觉得刚刚那人在讲一个天大的笑话。 The Peacock princess is happy is depressed, what was happy does not seem to use to be worried that Saintess snatches the Big Brother with oneself, what is depressed was by these people are said that as if oneself had that aspect sentiment to the Big Brother is very low- custom. 孔雀郡主又是高兴又是郁闷,高兴的是似乎不用担心圣女跟自己抢大哥哥,郁闷的是被这些人说的,仿佛自己对大哥哥有那方面感情是很低-俗似的。 We are being in love of transmigration space and time, very big on good! 我们可是穿越时空的爱恋,很高大上的好不好! However thinks the opposite party is not this space and time, her look dim. 不过一想到对方并不属于这个时空,她的神色就黯淡了下去。 Princess, said with us situation that big hero and furin king fight, is difficult to be inadequate he is so young, really can win furin king this time person of curious say/way. “郡主,和我们说说那位大英雄和不伦王战斗的情形呗,难不成他那么年轻,真的能打赢不伦王啊”这时有人好奇道。 Such remarks, others echo. 此言一出,其他人纷纷附和。 Before these news were profound element double health/guard Chuan of princess come back, they always felt somewhat unthinkably, thinking it over, having the possibility profound element double protected cultivation base is quite low, therefore could not see the situations of many fight, this added inflammatory details to say many many unthinkable things. 之前那些消息是郡主的玄素双卫传回来的,他们总觉得有些匪夷所思,想来想去,有可能玄素双卫修为比较低,所以看不出很多战斗的情况,这才添油加醋说了很多很多匪夷所思的事情。 Saintess perhaps stemming from the consideration of propaganda and promotion morale, this tacitly consented to their view. 圣女也许是出于宣传和提升士气的考虑,这才默许了他们的说法。 The real situation definitely only has Peacock princess such expert to understand. 真实情况肯定只有孔雀郡主这样的高手才了解。 Sees the people to inquire, Peacock princess at present one bright, must propagandize brother's heroic deed, her last three days and three nights cannot say i.e . 见众人相询,孔雀郡主不禁眼前一亮,要宣传大哥哥的英雄事迹,她就是说上三天三夜也说不完啊。 Therefore she told delightedly, mentioned that the evil spirit army military discipline is neat, just when entered the stage the combative entire sea clan despaired, the people hear to nod in abundance, they have experienced the evil spirit army fierce. 于是她眉飞色舞讲述了起来,提到妖魔大军军容整齐,刚出场时杀气腾腾整个海族都绝望了,众人听得纷纷点头,他们是见识过妖魔大军的厉害的。 The Big Brother entered the stage, seven in evil spirit army enters seven directly, kills rivers of blood, the evil spirit crying father shouts mother. 紧接着大哥哥出场了,直接在妖魔大军阵中七进七出,杀得血流成河,妖魔哭爹喊娘。 Actually has discrepancies with the real situation, but the Peacock princess in the heart has to filter the mirror addition to Zu An at this time, thought that like this appears is imposing. 其实和真实的情况有出入,只不过孔雀郡主此时心中对祖安有滤镜加成,觉得这样显得更威风一些。 Many people proposed questioned: How individual strength can with the formation master magecraft master who the army contends with the evil spirit, they have not managed from beginning to end 不少人纷纷提出了质疑:“个人的力量怎么能跟军队抗衡妖魔的阵法术法师呢,他们从头到尾没管么” The Peacock princess explained unhurriedly: Big Brother has a unique skill, drew on the empty shades of innumerable weapon baseless, extinguished to the group these formation masters directly.” 孔雀郡主不慌不忙解释道:“大哥哥有一绝招,凭空招来了无数武器的虚影,直接将那些阵法师给团灭了。” „After what unique skill is so fierce others hear, feels unthinkable, must know that the formation master magecraft master location is most important of army defense, moreover they not only excel at the long-distance attack, but also is good at various formation defenses sharing the injury, even Monster Sovereign take action, the not possible person to ruin the formation masters in army. “什么绝招这么厉害”其他人听到后觉得匪夷所思,要知道阵法术法师所在地是军队防御的重中之重,而且他们不仅擅长远程攻击,还擅长各种阵法防御分摊伤害,就算是妖皇出手,也不可能一个人毁掉军队中的阵法师啊。 Hears all parties' question, the Peacock princess coldly said: At that time the sea clan high level almost , the merpeople queen who you harbored intentions also, if you did not believe that in the future has the opportunity to try to prove personally.” 听到各方的质疑,孔雀郡主冷冷道:“当时海族高层几乎都在,还有你们心心念念的人鱼女王也在,你们若是不信,将来有机会可以亲自去求证。” Listened to her so saying that the people were then half believing and half doubting. 听她这般说,众人这才将信将疑。 That furin king, his strength is so strong, how also to sit by and do nothing immediately some people to discover magnificence chose/point. “那不伦王呢,他实力那么强,又岂会坐视不理”马上有人发现了华点。 His take action, he appeared certainly the law celestial phenomenon place at that time, the body changes the answer hundred zhang (333 m) to be big.” The Peacock princess recalled at that time the situation. “他当然出手了,当时他现出法天象地,身体变得数百丈高大。”孔雀郡主回忆当时情形。 Hears this, the surrounding these Monster Race youth complexions are not quite attractive, initially Monster Race lost in the most serious that campaign, they have experienced fierce of furin law of the land celestial phenomenon place. 听到这一幕,周围的那些妖族青年脸色都不太好看,当初妖族损失最惨重的那场战役中,他们就见识过不伦王法天象地的厉害。 That full constriction, recalls also to be able not help to have a sense of desperation now. 那种铺天盖地的压迫感,现在回忆起来都还情不自禁生出一丝绝望感。 At that time the law of furin king entered in the Monster Race army, met no resistance seriously, the entire army formation was flushed scattered about by it, finally was the lopsided slaughter. 当时不伦王的法相杀入妖族军队之中,当真是如入无人之境,整支军队阵型都被其冲得七零八落,最后就是一面倒的屠杀。 At this time on the Peacock princess face actually is completely the exciting meaning: „The Big Brother is fiercer......” 这时孔雀郡主脸上却尽是兴奋之意:“不过大哥哥却更厉害……” She as if changed to the storyteller in street at this moment, then situation will reappear in the people at present, meanwhile increased many own artistic creation, making the Big Brother vividly even more brilliance. 她此刻仿佛化作了街头的说书人,将当时的情形再现在众人眼前,同时还增加了不少自己的艺术创作,让大哥哥形象变得越发光辉。 Surroundings these aristocrat youth hear dumbstruck, thinks before , exaggerates, but as it now seems unexpectedly rumor is more exaggerating. 周围那些贵族青年听得目瞪口呆,原本以为之前只是夸大其词,但现在看来竟然比传言的还要夸张。 Golden Crow Prince and Jinpeng heir apparents look at each other one, saw each other lingering fear in eye. 金乌王子与金鹏世子对视一眼,都看出了彼此眼中的后怕。 Had not just impulsed to provoke that fellow luckily for a while, otherwise they really became the pure clown. 幸好刚刚没有一时冲动去挑衅那家伙,不然他们真的成为纯纯的小丑了。 Hears the sea clan and even the sea some mysterious races is willing at present with the Monster Race union, everyone is even higher- Tide. 听到海族乃至海眼下一些神秘的种族都愿意与妖族同盟,大家更是越发高--潮了。 Has Saintess to lead us, if has such expert to assist again, what worry cannot defeat these hateful evil spirit!” On each face is brimming with extremely excitedly, has defeated the Beyond the Heavens evil spirit in the fantasy, re-entered the picture of homeland. “有圣女领导我们,若是再有这样的强者相助,何愁不能打败那些可恶的妖魔!”每个人脸上都洋溢着极度的兴奋,已经在幻想打败天外妖魔,重回家园的画面了。 At this time Golden Crow three Prince came out to pour cold water: Everyone happy should not be early, such expert, is not necessarily able to help us, wants to win over him, perhaps we are not necessarily able to pay the price.” 这时金乌三皇子出来泼了冷水:“大家别高兴太早,这样的强者,未必会帮我们,想要拉拢他,我们恐怕未必会出得起代价。” In the people heart sinks, yes, such expert, he attempts anything 众人心中一沉,是啊,这样的强者,他图什么呢 Strength to this situation, he where, no matter to goes to be presented by all influence for the guest, even if to the evil spirit that side is also so, perhaps can also the three hand position of direct substitution defeated furin king. 实力到了这个地步,他不管到哪里去都会被各方势力奉为座上宾,哪怕到妖魔那边也是如此,说不定还能直接取代手下败将不伦王的三把手地位。 Why others are willing to help Monster Race, now Monster Race is historically the feeblest time. 那人家为何愿意帮妖族呢,如今妖族可谓是历史上最衰弱的时候了。 Thinks that everyone's line of sight fell Peacock princess body, the Peacock princess looked at the elegant face one red: You look at me to do 想着想着大家的视线落到了孔雀郡主身上,孔雀郡主被看得俏脸一红:“你们看我干什么” Which princess and that big hero related to some busybodies asked. “郡主和那位大英雄关系到哪一步了”有好事者问道。 Such remarks, in many ordinary days admires the youth complexion of Peacock princess to be not quite attractive. 此言一出,不少平日里爱慕孔雀郡主的青年脸色不太好看。 The Peacock princess who originally is fluent and clever turns shy to get up suddenly: Aiya, is not such that you think.” 本来口齿伶俐的孔雀郡主忽然扭怩起来:“哎呀,不是你们想的那样。” For our Monster Race future, the princess you sacrificed, said again, the opposite party really does not calculate that fiercely brought disgrace on you.” The youth of another large clan comes out to console saying that compares the Peacock princess, he adores Saintess some, naturally can objectively from the Monster Race benefit. “为了我们妖族的未来,郡主你就牺牲一下,再说了,对方真的那么厉害也不算辱没了你。”另外一个大族的青年出来劝慰道,相比孔雀郡主,他更加倾慕圣女一些,自然就能客观地从妖族的利益出发。 The Peacock princess sighs spookily: „It is not I do not want, but is......” 孔雀郡主幽幽叹了一口气:“并非我不愿意,而是……” Was saying she, this then said: „The merpeople queens of sea clan also actively pursue him, but also is only unrequited love uninterested love.” 说着她顿了顿,这才接着说道:“就连海族的人鱼女王也主动追求他,但也只是落花有意流水无情。” What!” These presented everyone to be shocked, if were the Peacock princess is only popular in their circles, but that merpeople queen world most famous woman. “什么!”这一下在场所有人都惊呆了,如果是孔雀郡主只是在他们这个圈子里人气高,那人鱼女王可是世间最出名的女人了。 In some sense calls it the whole world first beautiful women is not overrated, in the past had pursued her Monster Sovereign warmly, actually flies back without any results. 某种意义上称之为天下第一美人都不为过,当年连妖皇都热情追求过她,却无功而返。 Is such a woman of legend, unexpectedly initiative pursue just that young people, but also pursuing of his mother 就是这样一个传奇的女人,竟然主动追求刚刚那个年轻人,还他娘的追不到 Trades matter that has a dream personally does not dare to handle, he rejected unexpectedly! 换个人做梦都不敢做的事情,他竟然拒绝了! This fellow or man 这家伙还是男人么 In the people to this matter discusses spiritedly, the gate of courtyard opens. 正在众人对这件事议论纷纷之际,院子的门打开了。 Saintess came out.” 圣女出来了。” Everyone follows the prestige to go, suddenly everyone petrified, because they see usually in sacred faint Saintess now face tide- red, cute and helpless-looking snuggle in the bosom of Zu An. 所有人循声望去,忽然所有人都石化了,因为他们看到平日里神圣淡漠的圣女如今正一脸潮-红,小鸟依人地依偎在祖安的怀中。 Feels the vision of people, Saintess somewhat is also shy, but the gentle voice said: Introduced to everyone, he was my man.” 感受到众人的目光,圣女也有些羞涩,不过还是柔声说道:“给大家介绍一下,他是我的男人。” People: „......” 众人:“……” Peacock princess: „” 孔雀郡主:“”
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