KI :: Volume #25

#2467: Time

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Hears that sound, in the Zu An heart trembles, does not dare to believe turns head. 听到那声音,祖安心中一颤,不敢置信地回过头去。 Sees only a slender form to rely on near not far away gate, two curved as pressed non- pressed juan smoke eyebrows, does a pair sob including reveal. 只见一个窈窕的身影正倚在不远处门边,两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似泣非泣含露目。 In the past tender and beautiful cheeks especially is pale now, the whole person looked especially weak. 以往娇艳的脸蛋儿如今却格外苍白,整个人看起来格外虚弱。 But this, making her be full of one type to let the person especially tender shatter feeling at this moment. 可正是这样,让她此刻充满了一种让人格外怜惜的破碎感。 Honglei!” Zu An is pleasantly surprised seriously, actually just entered the earliest possible time of dwelling places of buddhist immortals, how he then wanted to have a look at Qiu Honglei in jade coffin now the condition, finally came in first Jing Teng then to appear, because then only cared that the proper business neglected her feeling to have a fit of temper, then was black Jing Teng appears, later a series of things. 红泪!”祖安当真是又惊又喜,其实刚刚进洞天福地的第一时间,他便想要去看看玉棺中的秋红泪如今状况如何了,结果进来第一时间景藤便出现了,然后因为自己只关心正事而忽略了她的感受发了脾气,然后便是黑景藤出现,之后一系列事情。 Where expects two people just about to kiss, was happen to seen by waking up Qiu Honglei. 哪料到两人刚要接吻,正好被醒来的秋红泪看到。 Zu An could not attend to the awkwardness of scene of carnage at this time, in the heart is replaced by the pleasant surprise. 祖安此时也顾不得修罗场的尴尬,心中早已被惊喜所取代。 You......” Qiu Honglei open mouth, the sound is very weak, wants to say anything, what a pity the one breath has not raised, directly toward side but actually past. “你们……”秋红泪张了张嘴,声音很微弱,想说什么,可惜一口气没提上来,直接往旁边倒了过去。 Honglei!” Zu An in great surprise, moves sideways to present in her side grasps her. 红泪!”祖安大惊,一个闪身出现在她身旁将她抱住。 Saw that she threw down Zu An soul to frighten not to have quickly, quickly crossed into the opposite party within the body essence qi, the opposite party the awakens body was just weak, he does not dare to lose too quickly. 看到她摔倒祖安魂儿都快吓没有了,急忙将元气渡入对方体内,对方刚刚苏醒身子骨弱,他都不敢输得太快。 What is lucky is the opposite party is only because of the too weak reason, under moistening of his essence qi, the revolutions wakes gradually. 万幸的是对方只是因为太虚弱的缘故,在他元气的滋润下,渐渐转醒过来。 Honglei, you awoke finally.” The Zu An sound somewhat shivers, before she to save oneself, jumped that day to offer a sacrifice to the dance to cause the body to collapse directly, snow female sacrifice preserved her wisp of vitality, oneself found the Legendary Divine Dragon not dead medicine again, this saved her finally. 红泪,你终于醒了。”祖安声音都有些颤抖,之前她为了救自己,跳了那天地祭舞导致身体直接崩溃,雪女“牺牲”自己才保住了她一缕生机,自己再找到传说中的神龙不死药,这才终于救活了她。 The bonus is so, the opposite party has not woken up, he is even worried to have some worst case scenario, now saw that she awoke finally , is not how could unhappy. 饶是如此,对方也始终没有醒来,他甚至都担心出现某种最坏的情况,现在看到她终于醒了,又岂能不开心。 Ah Zu this time Qiu Honglei lip is somewhat pale, but sees the Zu An anxiously appearance, on the face revealed wiped the smile, put out a hand to touch his cheeks diligently, can see again you were really good.” 阿祖”此时的秋红泪嘴唇有些苍白,不过看到祖安紧张地样子,脸上还是露出了一抹笑容,努力伸手触摸他的脸颊,“能再见到你真好。” What a pity she was extremely weak, even if the so simple movement, does very uses energy. 可惜她太过虚弱了,哪怕如此简单的动作,都做得十分费劲。 Zu An gripped her hand directly, tows is pasting on own face, such affection looks at her. 祖安直接握住了她的手,牵引着贴在自己脸上,就那样深情地看着她。 Saw that two people look there facial expression, black Jing Teng is very depressed, felt oneself should in the car(riage) bottom, not should here. 看到两人在那里神情对望,黑景藤十分郁闷,感觉自己应该在车底,不应该在这里。 Thinks the weak feeling that just Qiu Honglei that fainted at the right moment, black Jing Teng thought this move of I also properly study study, the man as if likes this set very much. 想到刚刚秋红泪那适时晕倒的虚弱感,黑景藤心想这一招我也得好好学学,男人似乎都很喜欢这一套。 Irritated me, just obviously I and he kissed the same place quickly, this woman really appeared not the time. 气死我了,刚刚明明我和他都快亲到一起了,这女人出现得真不是时候。 Black Jing Toichi pents up anger there personally, Qiu Honglei lies down in the Zu An bosom, is looking at the sweetheart appearance, one type just like the feeling of another era: Ah Zu, I also think that I could not see you again.” 黑景藤一个人在那里生闷气,秋红泪则躺在祖安怀中,望着情郎的模样,有一种恍如隔世之感:“阿祖,我还以为我再也见不到你了呢。” Zu An also sighed similarly very much: I also scared to death, after promising me, do not do that stupid thing.” 祖安同样也很感叹:“我也吓死了,答应我以后不要干那种傻事了。” Qiu Honglei smiles lightly: If not at that time such, we will die, can save you, even if I die also want.” 秋红泪淡淡一笑:“当时若非那样,我们都会死,能救下你,我哪怕死也愿意。” In the Zu An heart the surging boundless tender feelings, closely grasp her: Honglei, I later will not make you fall into such danger again!” 祖安心中涌起无限柔情,将她紧紧抱住:“红泪,我以后不会再让你陷入这样的危险了!” The one side resounds a sour sound suddenly: You talk love here, takes into consideration side also some people.” 一旁忽然响起一个酸溜溜的声音:“你俩在这里谈情说爱,有没有顾及一下旁边还有人啊。” Qiu Honglei complexion one red, wants to shove open Zu An also not to have the strength, has to look all around: Ah Zu, here is 秋红泪脸色一红,想要推开祖安却又没有力气,只好环顾四周:“阿祖,这里是” Here is the paradise dwelling place of Buddhist immortals of scenery miss,” Zu An introduced, had her magical treasure luckily, I can lead you momentarily in the side.” “这里是景姑娘的福地洞天,”祖安介绍起来,“幸好有她的这个法宝,我才能将你随时带在身边。” many thanks scenery Big Sister.” Qiu Honglei struggles to the black scenery vine to salute, but extremely tried not to succeed weakly several times. 多谢姐姐。”秋红泪挣扎着起来想给黑景藤行礼,只不过太过虚弱试了好几次都没有成功起来。 Do not move, you now are very weak, if the lane had an accident, perhaps some people will love dearly die.” Although on the black Jing Teng face is smiling, in heart actually in gnashing teeth. “你还是别动了,你现在虚弱得很,要是弄出什么事了,有人恐怕会心疼死。”黑景藤脸上虽然在笑,心中却在牙痒痒 The method of this green tea really fierce, even if oneself as the women thought that this appearance I see simply still pity, let alone that big color- embryo. 这种绿茶的手段是真的厉害啊,哪怕自己身为女人都觉得她这模样简直我见犹怜,更何况那个大色-胚了。 Sure enough, Zu An hurried supports Qiu Honglei: You are careful the body.” 果不其然,祖安急忙将秋红泪扶住:“你小心身体。” At once under puts out cultivating vital energy medicinal pill to make her take, now the opposite party empty is not made up, can only first use this property temperate solidifying foundation to be good. 旋即拿出一颗养气的丹药让她服下,如今对方虚不受补,只能先用这种药性温和的固本培元才行。 Qiu Honglei un, swallowed medicinal pill cleverly. 秋红泪嗯了一声,乖巧地将丹药吞下。 Black Jing Teng looks at the eyebrow to jump, opposite party tender frail docile appearance kills me unable to learn. 黑景藤看得眉毛直跳,对方这娇娇怯怯的温顺模样打死我也学不会啊。 Thinks before oneself, seduce Zu An, will only look for on him very much straightforwardly- bed, missed the long distance simply. 想到自己之前勾引祖安,只会很直白地找他上-床,简直差了十万八千里。 The Demonic Cult seductress is really skilled to flatter- technique. 魔教妖女果然精通媚-术。 Thinks of here, she was mad. 想到这里,她就更气了。 When the mind is not steady, white Jingteng seized the chance to have the body initiative, just matter she was naturally clear, thought that the own face was lost completely by this silly younger sister. 心神不稳之际,白景藤趁机掌握了身体主动权,刚刚的事情她自然清楚,心想自己的脸都被这傻妹妹丢尽了。 Her cold sound said: „Before Miss Qiu, injures heavily, although there is a Divine Dragon not dead medicine to help its restoration, but just awakes now still needs to convalesce, my paradise dwelling place of Buddhist immortals essence qi is abundant, happen to suits her here training, you later come to have a look at her to be good once for a while.” 她冷声说道:“秋姑娘之前伤得太重,虽有神龙不死药助其恢复,但如今刚醒仍需要静养,我这处福地洞天元气充裕,正好适合她在这里修养,你以后时不时进来看看她就行。” Zu An notices the white silk on her leg, realized that she has traded the personality: „The beforehand fact was sorry, I extremely am truly careless......” 祖安注意到她腿上的白丝,意识到她已经换了人格:“之前的事实在抱歉,我确实太过粗心……” Qiu Honglei blinks, always felt oneself as if missed any big melon, wants to inquire, but body is stranded intent to raid, the eye was about unable to open. 秋红泪眨了眨眼睛,总觉得自己似乎错过了什么大瓜,很想打探一番,但身体一阵困意袭来,眼睛都快睁不开了。 Jing Teng opened the mouth to say at this time: Your is extremely weak, needs to sleep the training, not being stronger brace.” 景藤这时开口道:“你的身体太过虚弱,需要多睡觉来修养,不要强撑。” many thanks Big Sister reminder.” Qiu Honglei complied with one ambiguously, cannot support again, rested. 多谢姐姐提醒。”秋红泪含糊地应了一声,再也支撑不住,又睡了过去。 Hugs in her my room.” The scenery vine opens the mouth saying that the opposite party has awaked now, rests in the jade coffin is not inappropriate again. “把她抱我房里去吧。”景藤开口道,对方如今已经醒了,再睡玉棺里就不合适了。 Sees the Zu An tense appearance, Jing Teng said lightly: Does not need to be worried, since she had awaked, with the help of various types of medicinal pill spirit food, will be restored to health gradually, I know you to be busy, usually in I will take care of her.” 看到祖安紧张的样子,景藤淡淡说道:“不必担心,她既然已经醒了,在各种丹药灵食的帮助下,会渐渐康复的,我知道你忙,平日里我会照顾好她的。” Zu An sighed similarly very much, the temper in scenery Tohei day, if not for him, where can be that type takes care of the person. 祖安同样很感叹,景藤平日里的性子,若不是为了他,哪里会是那种去照顾人的。 To open the mouth to thank the opposite party, but discovered that by two people relations, any spoken language seems especially pale. 本想开口感谢对方,但发现以两人的关系,任何言语都会显得格外苍白。 Therefore he held in the arms the waist of opposite party to kiss directly. 于是他直接搂住对方的腰肢吻了上去。 You do assorted............” Jing Tengxian are not one startled, subsequently shames to be embarrassed. “你干什……唔唔……”景藤先是一惊,继而又羞窘起来。 The subconsciousness wants to shove open the opposite party, but the hand of opposite party just like the iron hoop to be common, pushed several her hands not to have the strength, the body also gradually to soften gradually. 下意识想要推开对方,但对方的手犹如铁箍一般,推了好几次她的手也渐渐没了力气,身子也逐渐软化下来。 Also has not known how long, Jing Toichi face blushed snuggle in the Zu An bosom: Said this period of time the matter of me.” 也不知道过了多久,景藤一脸红晕依偎在祖安怀中:“和我说说这段时间发生的事吧。” Zu An sighs with emotion, Big Sister and younger sister's character is really different, if the younger sister, is definitely entangling his types compensation, Big Sister actually takes seriously the exchange in mind. 祖安不禁感慨,姐姐和妹妹的性格果然迥异,如果是妹妹在的话,肯定缠着他各种“补偿”,姐姐却更重视心灵上的交流。 He holds in the arms in the bosom the moving body, recent matter one by one will say. 他搂住怀中动人的身体,将最近发生的事一一讲了起来。 Six, Ashura, the witch monsters......” mouth is meditating these words and expressions, Jing Teng said suddenly, Ashura's deity to the war should be on a matter of time, with the Monster Race forehead that witch clan resists is two different time.” “六道、阿修罗、巫妖……”嘴里默念着那些词语,景藤忽然说道,“阿修罗对战的天神应该是上一个时代发生的事情,和巫族对抗的妖族天庭是两个不同的时代。” Time Zu An detects her word usage keenly. “时代”祖安敏锐地察觉到她的用词。 According to the computing mode of your human, a time should at least continue for several hundreds of millions years and even billions years.” Jing Teng the reply made Zu An be shocked instantaneously. “按照你们人类的计算方式,一个时代应该至少持续数亿年乃至几十亿年。”景藤的回答让祖安瞬间惊呆了。
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