KI :: Volume #25

#2463: Refining up spirit

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Nearby people complexion big changes, must know that the aurora poisonous dragon to be well-known poisonously, the blood in within the body is violently poisonous, now knew that does not have Xing reason certainly, the move of desperate under perishing together is fierce, so long as in the contamination 1 poisonous blood, perhaps meets go into ecstasies- that in wording meaning. 附近众人脸色大变,要知道极光毒龙是以毒闻名的,体内的血剧毒无比,如今自知绝无幸理,绝望之下同归于尽的招数何等厉害,只要沾染上一点毒血,恐怕会销魂蚀骨-字面意思上的那种。 At this moment, Zu An big hand, the aurora poisonous dragon explodes nearby ray to twist suddenly, is similar to there to have a black hole to be the same. 就在这时,祖安大手一张,极光毒龙爆炸附近光线忽然扭曲起来,就如同那里有个黑洞一般。 Then originally the dirty blood of explosion by the speed retroversion that the naked eye sees, finally reduced a small ball to appear in the hand of Zu An. 然后原本爆炸的污血以肉眼看见的速度回退,最终缩小成了一个小球出现在祖安的手中。 The merpeople queen and Peacock princess sees that to relax, acclaimed Zu An this unique skill, perhaps if not he, in the field the person will die certainly. 人鱼女王和孔雀郡主见状松了一口气,纷纷赞叹祖安这手绝活,若非他的话,场中之人恐怕都会死绝了。 Zu An also rejoiced secretly, if not he is skilled in the mystery as well as Taotie Devouring Heavens Secret Art of correlation in space simultaneously, perhaps no means in this in the wink of an eye the explosion control of aurora poisonous dragon in a minimum range. 祖安也是暗暗庆幸,若非他同时精通空间变换的奥秘以及饕餮吞天诀,恐怕没办法在这瞬息之间将极光毒龙的爆炸控制在一个极小的范围。 His around the body Grandmist Qi rapid revolution, as black refining up as the pinnacle blood stain small ball that group quickly is clean, finally is only left over a glittering and translucent carving bead. 周身鸿蒙之气迅速运转,很快将那一团黑到极致的血污小球炼化干净,最终只剩下一颗晶莹剔透的珠子。 The merpeople queen said excitedly: This was inner core of aurora poisonous dragon, your younger sister can be saved!” 人鱼女王兴奋道:“这是极光毒龙的内丹,你的妹妹有救了!” She heard Zu An must look for the aurora poisonous dragon somewhat is also worried, after all the fellow usually was surreptitious, few has seen him personally, moreover forms the inner core difficulty to be enormous, even if found him still not necessarily to have inner core. 原本她听说祖安要找极光毒龙还有些担心,毕竟那家伙素来行踪诡秘,没有几个人见过他,而且形成内丹的难度极大,就算找到他也未必有内丹 Has not thought that this aurora poisonous dragon actually delivers, so pure inner core. 没想到这次极光毒龙却自己送上了门来,还有如此纯粹的内丹 On the Zu An face also appears wipes the smile, finally had a good news, does not know that Xiaoxi they found other material. 祖安脸上也浮现一抹笑容,总算有了个好消息,也不知道小希她们有没有找到另外的材料。 Nearby Peacock princess line of sight roves on two faces, thought that the big brother also has a younger sister, queen Big Sister must save the younger sisters to be clear him unexpectedly, what it seems like I know was too few, later was asking queen Big Sister, many and big brother contacted...... 一旁的孔雀郡主视线在两人脸上转来转去,心想大哥还有个妹妹么,女王姐姐竟然连他要救妹妹都清楚,看来我知道的还是太少了,以后到底是问女王姐姐呢,还是多和大哥接触一下…… At this time the merpeople queen worried to say suddenly: Now the aurora poisonous dragon has died, perhaps we are unable to find four seas Dragon King again.” 这时人鱼女王忽然担忧道:“如今极光毒龙已死,我们恐怕再也无法找到四海龙王了。” In the beautiful foreheads is completely to worry about the color at this time, the entire sea clan is poisoned, now has suffocated, now did not have four seas Dragon King words, perhaps the entire sea clan ended thoroughly. 美丽的眉宇间此时尽是担忧之色,整个海族都中了毒,如今已经是奄奄一息,如今连四海龙王也没了的话,整个海族恐怕是彻底完了。 Zu An received aurora poisonous dragon inner core, said lightly: Might as well, where I know him four seas Dragon King conceals.” 祖安将极光毒龙内丹收了起来,淡淡地说道:“无妨,我知道他将四海龙王藏在哪里。” How you know that” merpeople queen and Peacock princess simultaneously calls out in alarm makes noise, must know that before the aurora poisonous dragon hatred, he will not tell the opposite party at the point of death. “你怎么知道”人鱼女王和孔雀郡主齐齐惊呼出声,要知道以极光毒龙临死前的怨毒,他是决计不会告诉对方的。 Moreover just exploded instantaneously, Zu An absolutely does not have the opportunity to interrogate and torture the opposite party. 而且刚刚瞬间就爆炸了,祖安根本也没机会拷问对方啊。 Zu An smiles, aurora poisonous dragon boy was really thinks beautifully, thinks that can die death ends all troubles. 祖安笑了笑,极光毒龙这小子实在是想得太美了,以为能死了一了百了。 Never has to think oneself are the lord of nether world hell. 可万万没想到自己是幽冥地府之主。 Now although the authority of hell was limited many functions, but holds fast or does not have the issue his remnant soul. 如今地府的权柄虽然被限制了很多功能,但将他的残魂拘住还是没问题的。 His status to ghost and so on existence has a natural pressure, the aurora poisonous dragon has not thought that died could not obtain to extricate, after dying, faces him to feel compared with faced him also to want fearful hundred times of thousand times, that was fear from innermost soul, was independent of will radically. 他的身份对鬼魂之类的存在有一种天然的威压,极光毒龙万万没想到死了都得不到解脱,死后面对他感觉比生前面对他还要可怕百倍千倍,那是一种来自灵魂深处的恐惧,根本不以意志为转移。 Therefore told Zu An four seas Dragon King the hiding place of quickly. 所以很快就告诉了祖安四海龙王的藏身之地。 Zu An led the people to arrive at outside the dragon palace a hundred li (0.5 km) cavern, here cavern hid in the coral reef, if not some people guided, even if perhaps passed by 100 is still not necessarily able to realize that from side here had a cavern. 祖安带着众人来到了龙宫外百里的一处洞穴,此处洞穴隐藏在珊瑚礁中,若非有人带路,恐怕就算从旁边路过一百遍也未必能意识到这里有个洞窟。 Be careful, this surroundings seem like many sinister and ruthless traps.” The merpeople queen look is dignified, she is experienced, saw quickly some formation traps, but many formation could not have seen its function her is anything, but will definitely not welcome the guest to use. “小心,这周围似乎有很多阴毒的陷阱。”人鱼女王神色凝重,她毕竟见多识广,很快看出了其中一些阵法陷阱,只不过还有很多阵法连她也看不出其作用是什么,但肯定不会是欢迎客人用的。 The Zu An look is tranquil: Might as well, you follow in me behind then.” 祖安神色平静:“无妨,你们跟在我身后即可。” Was saying then the direct starting to walk footsteps walk toward, as if these traps, the mechanism/organization does not exist. 说着便直接迈开脚步往里走,仿佛那些陷阱啊,机关啊不存在似的。 Two females are startled, quickly leads others with, was deliberately considering helps by his guard one also good. 两女一怔,急忙带着其他人跟了上去,寻思着帮他护卫一下旁边也好。 At this moment, the innumerable mechanism/organization traps start, various magecraft rays come toward the people bang, but just flew half, actually the dissipation does not see suddenly. 就在这时,无数机关陷阱发动,各种术法光芒朝众人轰来,只不过刚刚飞到一半,却忽然消散不见。 The merpeople queen and Peacock princess looks at each other one, saw admiring in opposite party eyes, by their eyes in naturally could see that Zu An just seemed like took a walk at will, in fact every step stepped on above the eye of each formation trap, these traps have not started with enough time are then reduced and solved in invisible. 人鱼女王和孔雀郡主对视一眼,都看出了对方眼中的佩服,以她们的眼里自然看得出祖安刚刚看似随意走动,实际上每一步都踩在了各个阵法陷阱的阵眼之上,那些陷阱还没来得及发动便被化解于无形。 Two people cannot help laughing, the opposite party is what kind of character, how also to need them to be worried. 两人不禁哑然失笑,对方是何等人物,又岂需她们担心。 The profound element double health/guard of following on the heels sighs secretly, they then lose heart thoroughly, the both sides disparity was too big, oneself cannot see his back, no wonder the supercilious princess falls in love to him. 跟在后面的玄素双卫暗暗叹了一口气,他们这下是彻底死了心,双方差距实在太大了,自己连他的背影也看不见,难怪心高气傲的郡主对他一见钟情。 Un, truly only then such character can be joined to the princess. 嗯,确实只有这样的人物才配得上郡主。 Their some flash even lived an absurd feeling, the princess could be joined to him 他们某一瞬间甚至生起了一种荒谬感,郡主配得上他么 Quick one group of entered in the cavern, outside seems like the cavern is not big, inside is very spacious, the stone column that four form naturally stands erect in four positions, as if supported the ceiling of top of the head, but four seas Dragon King happen to tied up on these four pillars. 很快一行人进入了洞窟之中,外面看起来洞窟不大,里面却十分空旷,四个天然形成的石柱矗立在四个方位,仿佛撑住了头顶的天花板,而四海龙王正好被绑在这四根柱子上。 Which four seas Dragon King also has usually in King power and prestige, the each and everyone clothes are disorderly, are drooping the head, looks deathly pale incomparably. 四海龙王哪还有平日里的王者威风,一个个衣裳凌乱,耷拉着脑袋,脸色惨白无比。 Dragon King, Dragon King!” With these sea clans see that cannot bear again, quickly summoned own Dragon King, how regardless of what a pity they summoned, four seas Dragon King still both eyes shut tightly, moreover each and everyone looked the color of pain, seems experiencing what nightmare to be the same. “龙王,龙王!”跟来的那些海族见状再也忍不住,急忙去呼唤自家的龙王,可惜无论他们怎么呼唤,四海龙王依然双目紧闭,而且一个个面露痛苦之色,仿佛在经历什么噩梦一般。 The merpeople queen quickly reminded: Everyone was careful, the under foot seems like some formation!” 人鱼女王急忙提醒:“大家小心,脚下似乎有些阵法!” Others then notice to tie up under the stone column of four seas Dragon King to have some scarlet formation designs, looks at that scarlet mark, everyone only thought that fiendish aura heads on, there is a natural uncomfortable feeling. 其他人这才注意到绑着四海龙王的石柱下方有一些猩红的阵法图案,看着那猩红的阵纹,大家只觉得一种凶煞之气扑面而来,有一种天然的不舒服之感。 This is......” Peacock princess complexion changes, she saw indistinctly these formation are quite as if sinister and ruthless. “这是……”孔雀郡主脸色一变,她隐约看出这些阵法似乎极为阴毒。 This is refining up spirit that changes with the blood of four seas Dragon King, wants to refine a Yuan god of four seas Dragon King is pill,” the Zu An sound resounds, four seas Dragon King at this time the look pain , because their Yuan gods were offering a sacrifice to refine, but they are powerful, but can also support by strenuous efforts, naturally the time is longer, their Yuan god was built up thoroughly, an essence and blood will dissolve pill quickly.” “这是用四海龙王的血化作的炼灵阵,是想炼化四海龙王的元神为丹,”祖安声音响起,“四海龙王此时神色痛苦,是因为他们的元神正在被祭炼,不过他们毕竟强大,还能苦苦支撑,当然时间再久一些,他们元神彻底被炼化,一身精血就会很快溶解成丹。” The people hear the look to change, the merpeople queen sighed: This formation is really sinister and ruthless!” 众人听得神色大变,人鱼女王感叹道:“这阵法果然阴毒!” This aurora poisonous Tatsuno heart is actually big, wants to refine four seas Dragon King is pill, under the clothing/taking his strength will surpass four seas Dragon King from now on, even can vie with each other with furin king.” Zu An also somewhat admires, he listens to the merpeople queen to raise the matters of some aurora poisonous dragons. “这极光毒龙野心倒是不小,想炼化四海龙王为丹,服下过后他的实力就会超过四海龙王,甚至可以和不伦王一争长短了。”祖安也有些佩服,他听过人鱼女王提起过一些极光毒龙的事。 Because the aurora poisonous dragon the physique is special, since childhood experiencing suffering supercilious look in Dragon Race, does not have the family to shelter, therefore from the small does not have any resources, anything can only depend on itself. 极光毒龙因为体质特殊,在龙族中从小受尽白眼,又没有家族庇护,所以从小根本没有任何资源,什么都只能靠自己。 Such powder cultivated/repaired achieved this situation step by step, its willpower and planned truly makes one change countenance, only took crookedly the path pitifully thoroughly. 这样一个散修一步步做到了这个地步,其意志力和谋划确实让人动容,只可惜彻底走歪了路子。 Then Zu An directs these sea clans entire to refine spirit to destroy, this takes down four seas Dragon King safely. 接下来祖安指挥那些海族将整个炼灵阵破坏掉,这才将四海龙王平安取下来。 He gives under all sea Dragon King clothing/taking to treat divine soul medicinal pill, they are spooky the revolutions to awake. 他给四海龙王服下治疗神魂丹药,他们这才幽幽转醒。 Salutes to Zu An in abundance respectfully the expression of gratitude: Your excellency great kindness, Xiaolong will remember for the rest of one's life!” 纷纷恭恭敬敬向祖安行礼道谢:“尊驾大恩大德,小龙没齿难忘!” Also no wonder their line of such big rituals, they although before stupor, but actually has the consciousness to the sensation, was refined the Yuan god to despair, they most can also insist that clearly half-day skill, where thinks the opposite party was similar to the divine weapon day to fall unexpectedly saved all. 也怪不得他们行这么大礼,他们之前虽然昏迷,但其实对外界感知还是有意识的,原本被炼制元神已经绝望了,他们清楚最多还能坚持半天的功夫,哪里想到对方竟然如同神兵天降挽救了一切。 Dragon King spoke discreetly,” Zu An hurried holds them, this then said, you will rest slowly to restore on several th, before by your cultivation base did not fear the aurora poisonous dragon, actually arrange/cloth under poison, perhaps but other sea clans on the danger, we must save them immediately.” “各位龙王言重了,”祖安急忙将他们扶起来,这才接着说道,“你们休息几日就会慢慢恢复,以你们的修为倒是不惧极光毒龙之前布下的毒阵,但其他海族恐怕就危险了,我们必须马上去救他们。”
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