ID :: Volume #9

#858: Heart demon

笔趣阁,最快更新心魔! In a moment, Li Yunxin in inexhaustible, knows also in the darkness that is hard to penetrate to see a white light by the god. 俄顷,李云心在无穷无尽、以神识也难以穿透的黑暗中看到一点白光。 That white light rapidly expands, turns into a square shape gate. As if out of the door is the blazing endless bright world, but in the gate is the dark eternal abyss. The light sprinkles from the gate, draws piece of even shop/spread light screen in ground. 那一点白光迅速扩大,变成一个方形的“门”。仿佛门外是炽热无尽的光明世界,而门内是黑暗永恒的深渊。光从门中洒进来,拉成一片平铺在地面上的光幕。 Li Yunxin is staring at that and light looked, suddenly felt slow-witted. But he adapts to this sluggish feeling quickly, could not perceive that was unusual. Even when starts to feel on this day from when the world's first took shape is like this, never has anything to change. As if the person in dream, did not think that the side strange fantasy environment has the place of what being out of sorts. 李云心盯着那门与光看,忽然觉得思维迟钝了些。可他很快适应这迟滞感,觉察不出异常了。甚至开始觉得这天地之间自混沌初开时就是这样子,从未有过什么变化。仿佛梦中的人,并不觉得身边诡异奇幻的环境有什么违和之处。 In the heart, a sound is only telling him to be quicker wakes up, but that sound was also covered quickly dark, becomes in the middle of his mind the meaningless background sound. 只在心底,还有一个声音在告诉他“快些醒来”,但那声音也很快被黑暗掩去,成为他头脑当中毫无意义的背景音。 His consciousness is then more chaos. The sane and sober awareness by the dark package, crashed into the inner world abyss. 他的意识便更加混沌。理智与清醒意识被暗黑包裹,坠入心海深渊。 This is......” he mutters, „?” “这是……”他喃喃自语,“哪儿?” Afterward saw that a person appears in the gate, walks slowly. When that person walks the step is stiff, figure twinkle. The person in probably his world black-and-white film old movie. 随后看到一个人出现在门中、慢慢地走过来。那人走路时步伐僵硬,身形闪烁。像是他那个世界黑白胶片老电影里的人。 You are......” he mutter again. Heart that sound also called to make noise, a thought has delimited from his consciousness because of this sound- “你是……”他再次喃喃自语。心底那个声音又叫出了声,一个念头因这声音从他的意识当中划过- He thinks of himself with Li Chunfeng showdown- this/should with Li Chunfeng showdown. He must wake...... comes soberly, otherwise he possibly can- 他想到自己正在与李淳风对决-该是正在与李淳风对决。他得醒过来……清醒过来,否则他可能会- May wait for him to see clearly the face that the person who walks, heart that sound then vanished again. 可等他看清了走来的这个人的脸,心底那个声音便再次消失了。 When she is sunflower seeds. Liu approves that friend when Wei City. She lived in a small temple on Nanshan, afterward died. 她是时葵子。刘公赞在渭城时的那个知己。她原本居住在南山上的一座小庙中,后来死去了。 If she ordinary person, there is nothing worthwhile generally entire life. Most thrilling the matter perhaps in her life, then gave shelter to Liu to approve. All sorts of matters that all sorts of matter and his side that these people but this matter experiences with Li Yunxin experience compared are too really insignificant. 如她一般平凡的人,这一生乏善可陈。在她的生命中最为惊险的事,或许便是收留了刘公赞。可这件事同李云心所经历的种种事、他身边这些人所经历的种种事相比实在太微不足道了。 The memory of concerned this person piles up during he consciousness in the dark corner, soon turning round full dust. 有关这个人的记忆都堆积在了他意识当中的黑暗角落里,快要覆满尘埃。 But now finds this woman, these memories then exuded again. When the sunflower seeds whole face blood stain that walks, the body was cut open. The internal organs exposed outside, are bright red. Especially is bright red striking by the spaces of black and white two color constitutions in this dazzlingly, calling Li Yunxin unable to bear lift the hand, to obstruct under his eye. 但如今瞧见这个女人,那些记忆便都重泛起来了。走来的时葵子满脸血污,身体被剖开。内脏裸露在外,都是鲜红色的。鲜红在这由黑白二色构成的空间中尤其醒目刺眼,叫李云心忍不住抬起手、遮了下他的眼睛。 Why does not save me.” When sunflower seeds walks while said. The sound is tranquil, what as if narrated was others 's matter, I have helped you. Why doesn't save me?” “为什么不救我呢。”时葵子边走边说。声音平静冷冽,仿佛叙说的是他人的事,“我帮过你。为什么不救我呢?” Is because did not have me, does Liu approve does your falcons and dogs lackey, handle matters for you wholeheartedly?...... You achieved wishes.” When the sunflower seeds stop in front of Li Yunxin, suddenly searches the face. On that face allows to twist, the facial features became the hole, why can probably do this? Why can't ask him to live happily happy, cannot ask him to have own life?” “是因为没了我,刘公赞就全心全意做你的鹰犬爪牙、为你办事么?啊……你如愿了。”时葵子在李云心面前停下,忽然将脸探过来。那脸上面容扭曲,五官都成了孔洞,“可为什么要这样做呢?为什么不能叫他活得开心痛快、不能叫他有自己的生活呢?” When the sunflower seeds put out a hand slowly, takes in the middle of the body internal organs, gives Li Yunxin to look: You looked that my heart is red. Your heart- is anything color......” 时葵子慢慢伸了手,将身体当中的脏器取出来,递给李云心看:“你看啊,我的心是红的。你的心-是什么颜色的啊……” I...... I......” Li Yunxin draws back two steps. He beckons with the hand, when wants in that bright red heart the sunflower seeds hand to shove open, actually as if feared that bumps into that thing. “我……我……”李云心退开两步。他摆手,想将时葵子手中那颗鲜红的心推开,却又似乎怕碰到那东西。 I am only...... I...... want a good way, I am only...... want perfectly to make...... my original intention am not......” “我只是……我……想要个好办法,我只是……想要做得完美些……我本意不是……” He drew back coolly two steps, the feeling palm one. 他又退了两步,感觉手掌一凉。 He touches oneself face...... not to know what on at a loss face is anything. 他茫然地摸了摸自己的脸……可不知道脸上的是什么。 At this time, heard the voice of another person. 在这时候,听到另一个人的声音。 His heart, I know.” Walks the second person from the gate that side. She is a woman, but nape of the neck being cut off half, head then slantingly da in shoulder. Therefore both eyes are showing the whites of the eyes, looks at Li Yunxin slantingly. “他的心,我知道呀。”从门的那边走进来第二个人。她是个女人,但脖颈断掉一半,脑袋便斜斜地耷在肩头。于是双目翻着白眼,也斜斜地看李云心 In her hand has a bronze mirror. 她手里有一面铜镜。 The brand-new bronze mirror, the mirror surface is exuding the golden light. Such as in the sunflower seeds hand bright red the heart in this black and white two color space equally is also striking simultaneously. 崭新的铜镜,镜面泛着金光。在这黑白两色的空间里也如同时葵子手中鲜红的心脏一样醒目。 Makes me illuminate looks. Let me illuminate his heart.” This girl arrives at side Li Yunxin, turned the body to look at her mirror. Therefore above the mirror surface screens the heart of Li Yunxin. “让我照照看。让我照照他的心。”这女孩儿走到李云心身边,扭了身子去看她的镜子。于是镜面之上映出李云心的心脏来。 That is a black heart. Is corrupting, flows the pus juice. Even some maggots are wriggling. 那是一颗黑心。正在腐烂,流淌脓汁。甚至有些蛆虫在蠕动。 Ah, is black.” The girl chuckle gets up, no wonder your black feelings strategic point I. You may know that I was cut by biting the neck painful? Young Master Li little, I loves your.” “啊呀,是黑的。”女孩儿轻笑起来,“怪不得你这黑心肠要害我。你可知道我被咬断了脖子有多痛呀?李小公子,我爱你的呀。” You were......” Li Yunxin opened the mouth. But a name paces back and forth in his mind, actually cannot see clearly, you are Yin...... Yin......” “你是……”李云心张大了嘴。可一个名字在他的头脑里徘徊,却总是看不清,“你是尹……尹……” You forgot me, Young Master Li little. I am Yin Xuerou.” The girl hands in front of the mirror Li Yunxin, has a look at your heart.” “你忘了我呀,李小公子。我是尹雪柔呀。”女孩儿将镜子递到李云心面前,“看看你的心吧。” „...... You do not get out of the way!” Li Yunxin drew back in a panic two steps, both hands brandished in the midair carelessly, didn't do my matter...... not to do my matter...... his strategic point you...... and my what does/works?! That is not my heart, is not my-” “不……你走开!”李云心仓皇地退了两步,双手在半空中胡乱挥舞,“不干我的事……不干我的事……他要害你……与我何干?!那不是我的心,不是我的-” He looks down at this point. 他说到这里低头看。 Actually only discovered that in own chest cavity empty, even that decayed black heart did not have. 却只发现自己的胸腔里空空荡荡,连那颗腐臭的黑心也没了。 Then is dry my matter, villain?” “那么干我的事么,小人儿?” The third person walks from the gate. 第三个人自门中走进来。 That is Ninth Young Master- body is tattered and torn, Ninth Young Master of mist transpiration. 那是九公子-身体千疮百孔、雾气蒸腾的九公子 You kill me...... Li Yunxin...... time and time again,...... Ninth Young Master stared round the empty eye time and time again, was I wanted, Li Yunxin, how could you cared me- how could did you treat people by the sincerity? You how could......” “你杀我啊……李云心……一次又一次,一次又一次……”九公子瞪圆了空洞的眼睛,“难道是我想要的么,李云心,你何曾将我放在心上-你何曾以真心待人?你何曾……” I have!!” Li Yunxin roared. But a throat pain, puts out one pile of torn to pieces feelings stomachs, I wait Liu to approve him-” “我有!!”李云心咆哮起来。可喉头一痛,吐出一堆支离破碎的心肠肠胃,“我待刘公赞他-” The world changed. The black and white blend, looks like the heavy snow to raise generally numerously falls. 天地发生了变化。黑色与白色交融一处,又像大雪一般纷扬落下。 Appears a picture of Manchuria. 现出一幅白山黑水的画面。 On the black mountain is turning round the white snow, on that summit has a black small temple, on the flat land before temple has a black welcome pine. But the land is white, shines dazzlingly. 黑色的山上覆着白雪,那山顶上有一座黑色的小庙,庙前的平地上有一株黑色的迎客松。但大地白茫茫,亮得刺眼。 When black Liu approves with the black sunflower seeds sits on the ground, two young children play to play noisily in their side. 黑色的刘公赞与黑色的时葵子坐在地上,两个稚童在他们身旁嬉戏玩闹。 Li Yunxin is shocked. 李云心愣住。 Therefore another huge figure appears. His facial features distortion, body week encirclement wind and snow. Every spits the breath then to give birth to the fog one time, imitates, if deity. The giant of this terrifying takes possession from Gao Tian, stares at Li Yunxin to look, in the mouth makes rumble the sound: Without you, Li Yunxin-” 于是另一个巨大的身形出现。他的面容扭曲,身周环绕风雪。每一次吐息便生出云雾,仿若天神。这恐怖的巨人自高天之中附身,盯着李云心看,口中发出隆隆的声音:“如果没有你,李云心-” These people in Wei City tranquil life.” “这些人都将在渭城里过完平静的一生。” Is married, children to circle the knee. But more people will not die, not like-” “谈婚论嫁、儿女绕膝。而更多的人也不会死去,不会像这样-” The land boiled. Many corpses in drill arrogantly, the facial features pain, the limbs is incomplete. That is one looks at the corpse tide not to the end, occupies an eye of land every inchs in one's power. They send out fearful wailing, places in the infinite pain. 大地沸腾了。许许多多的尸体自大地之中钻出来,面容痛苦,肢体残缺。那是一眼望不到头的尸潮,占据目力所能及的每一寸土地。它们发出可怕的哀嚎,身处无尽痛苦之中。 Because of you, but the person of death, Li Yunxin.” The giants said low and deep, Wei City person, the person in Yahara forest, exceedingly high Ze's person, the person in East Sea country's, this person in Wu- tens of thousands of......, no, is several hundred thousand and several million people, dies because of you.” “都是因你而死的人啊,李云心。”巨人低沉地说,“渭城的人,野原林中的人,通天泽的人,东海国的人,这吴国的人-成千上万……啊,不,是几十万、几百万的人,都因你而死。” You have thought them, Li Yunxin? Are they in your eyes insignificant?!” “你有想过他们么,李云心?他们在你的眼里微不足道么?!” Wails the corpse tide that soars to the heavens to be suddenly peaceful. Their simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns away, raises head to come to see him. 哀嚎冲天的尸潮忽然安静下来。它们齐齐转了脸,仰头来看他。 In their simultaneous/uniform Qizi body pulled out the blood red heart, holds to him, silent inquired him. 它们齐齐自身躯之中掏出了自己血红的心,托给他,无声地询问他。 Li Yunxin stared the circle the eye: I-” 李云心瞪圆了眼睛:“我-” He discovered immediately oneself stand on a corpse mountain. From flat land, corpse mountain of reaching to the sky. The innumerable stiff arms climb his both legs, asking him to move cannot move. But the giant is staring at him: You are treading such many skeletons,...... can also say a non- character!?” 他随即发现自己站在一座尸山上。自平地而起,高耸入云的尸山。无数僵硬的手臂攀住他的双腿,叫他动也不能动。而那巨人盯着他:“你踏着这样多的尸骨,啊……还能说出一个不字么!?” I am not intend.” Li Yunxin puts down the hand that covers the face, I......” “我不是有意的。”李云心放下掩面的手,“我……” That, come, good child.” The giant who the facial features twist extends both hands to him, pain, good child. Came my here...... to finish. Without the pain, without the lamentation guilty...... anything does not have- only remains eternal.” “那么,来吧,好孩子。”面容扭曲的巨人向他伸出双手,“痛苦吗,好孩子。来我这儿……一切就都结束了。没有痛苦,没有悔恨愧疚……什么都没有-只剩永恒。” Li Yunxin is sobbing, slowly lifts the hand. 李云心抽泣着,慢慢抬起手。 He reaches out that giant. 他向那巨人伸出手去。 May hear a high-spirited horse immediately neighed- in extremely the distant place, in that white day and black land intersection point, a dark horse appeared. 可随即听到一声烈马的嘶鸣-在极远处,在那白色的天与黑色的大地交界处,一匹黑马出现了。 A knight of black armor sits well in immediately, in the hand holds a black long blade. 一位黑甲的骑士端坐在马上,手中执有一柄黑色的长刀。 He brought the horse to walk several steps, cried out distantly anything, but Li Yunxin could not hear clearly. 他带马走了几步,遥遥地呐喊些什么,但李云心听不清。 The corpse tide everywhere is suddenly angry, howls to well up crazily to that Hachez. But he lifts up high the black blade immediately, kills suddenly to here in the corpse tide. Arrives at the corpses such as Wo Xue under sunlight to melt everywhere generally, the land appears the original color. 遍地的尸潮忽然愤怒起来,狂啸着向那位黑骑士涌去。但他立即高举黑刀,在尸潮中向这边突杀过来。所到处处尸体们如阳光下的沃雪一般消融,大地现出原本的颜色。 Li Yunxin can hear clearly that Hachez to cry out finally anything. 李云心终于能听清那位黑骑士在呐喊些什么了。 „The say/way of seven killing, have not to draw back and rush headlong into!!” He shouts loudly, takes a life and kill, to kill the sickness, to kill and kill the resentment old to hate and kill to leave depart and not kill!!” “七杀之道,有进无退、一往直前!!”他高声呼喊,“杀生、杀老、杀病、杀死、杀怨憎、杀别离、杀不得!!” Li Yunxin, has a look at you!!” 李云心,看看你!!” Li Yunxin looked at itself subconsciously. Discovered that his body is complete, the corpse mountain of under foot also disappears. 李云心下意识地看了看自己。发现他的身躯完好,脚下的尸山也不见了。 The giant who the facial features twist becomes angry. He howled loudly, the sole such as the mountain pressed generally to the black knight. But the knight lifts the black blade to wield furiously, if then an ant resists the sole of elephant to be common, calling it unable again the advance slightest! 面容扭曲的巨人变得愤怒。他大声吼叫,脚掌如山岳一般向黑色骑士压过去。但骑士抬起黑刀奋力一挥,便如一只蚂蚁抵住大象的脚掌一般,叫它再无法前进分毫! You could not win me!!” The knights shouted loudly, I had my say/way!!” “你赢不了我!!”骑士高喊,“我有自己的道!!” Li Yunxin, you have!!” 李云心,你也有!!” The black and white two color world remove loudly. All illusions vanish Do not see Li Yunxin opens eyes. 黑白两色的世界轰然褪去。一切幻象消失不见-李云心睁开眼。 Sees Li Chunfeng Station before him, the facial features twist, body week that several types of strange thing black glow greatly hold...... 看到李淳风站在他面前,面容更加扭曲,身周那几样诡异的事物黑芒大盛…… Actually was also only greatly hold. 却也只是“大盛”而已了。 In the distant place, he finds three people. 在更远处,他瞧见三个人。 Person who rides the dark horse, that is should decidedly. Person who holds the sword, that is Yu Meng. An appearance familiar boy...... 一个骑黑马的人,那是应决然。一个持剑的人,那是于濛。一个模样熟悉的男孩儿…… He guesses that was former Souong, resurrection. 他猜那是从前的苏翁、苏生。 Good...... good-” Li Chunfeng restrained Zhou Heimang, to sneer to look should decidedly, could not think in your these people, will tenacious gadget like you. Actually rare- matter that can go bad me unexpectedly!” “好……好哇-”李淳风收敛了身周黑芒、冷笑起来去看应决然,“想不到在你们这些人里,还有像你这样意志顽强的玩意儿。倒是难得-竟然能坏了我的事!” Must blame to blame that Péng king.” The children by with said calmly, he who his appearance age all did not tally gave the method that Daoism the reincarnation cultivated/repaired the tribulation body. But you must swallow the Li Yunxin mental method now, is exactly the same. Sends in the battlefield this friend, regarding our two is not the difficult matter.” “要怪该怪那位鹏王。”孩童以与他的模样年纪全不相符的语气平静地说,“他给了玄门转世修劫身的法子。而你如今要吞噬李云心心智的法子,也如出一辙。将这位朋友送入战场,对于我们两个而言不是难事。” He turning away high sound said of: Li Yunxin, I have repaired wanted a bitter body, must cultivate/repair pleasant body- you? Was your state of mind complete?” 他又转了脸高声道:“李云心,我已经修了欲身苦身,如今又要来修喜乐身-你呢?你的心境圆满了吗?” He complete.” Li Chunfeng sneers, his hid at heart was too meddlesome.” “他圆满不了。”李淳风冷笑起来,“他的心里藏了太多事。” Li Yunxin is light the one breath: Therefore you want to rout me with this method.” 李云心便轻出一口气:“所以你想要用这法子来击溃我。” You know that I hid was too meddlesome. You also know that I am not the will firm person....... I also know certainly this point.” He deeply inspires, „, therefore I caused the method, possibly called my guilty matter to seal these. I do not go to think, me unable to see, they do not exist. I can also be the person who renounces callously...... to handle troublesome at present all.” “你知道我心里藏了太多事。你也知道我不是什么意志坚定的人。啊……我当然也知道这一点。”他又深吸一口气,“所以我才使了手段,把这些可能叫我愧疚的事都封存起来。我不去想、我看不到,它们就不存在。我还可以做一个冷酷决绝的人……搞定眼前一切麻烦。” Was known by you unexpectedly. Li Chunfeng, you really understands me.” “可是竟都被你知道了。李淳风,你真了解我。” Also many thanks you, helped my one time a moment ago.” Li Yunxin smiles, I was also clear a moment ago, you- Li Chunfeng, what you understands!?” “可是也多谢你,刚才帮了我一遭。”李云心笑起来,“我也是在刚才才明白,你-李淳风,你又懂什么!?” You line of gab the will of the people emotion in this world, but you understood truly? You were former I- I in former that world- the student life student like life chatted, the emotion of student! Then thinks that completely understood all have never realized actually truly!” “你夸夸其谈这世上的人心情感,但你真正懂的吗?你不过是从前的我-从前那个世界的我-像孤魂野鬼一样学人生活学人说笑、学人的情感!然后自以为看透一切实则从未真正体会过!” I know that my guilt my regret can never cancel. But you know that a true person and each true person, has these guilty regrets. Our these in your eyes are weak the bored lifeform, during the life will violate many mistakes. But we also knew that toward cannot pursue- past has become the reality, in the future can do, only then has been taught from the past.” “我知道我的愧疚我的遗憾从不能抹去。但你知道吗,一个真正的人、每个真正的人,也都有这些愧疚的遗憾。我们这些在你眼里软弱无聊的生物,一生当中会犯许多错。可是我们也晓得往者不可追-过去的已成现实,未来能做的只有从过去当中得到教训而已。” Therefore we will improve.” The Li Yunxin look returns clear and calm. He looks at Li Chunfeng, is unable to be perfect, can actually the approach be perfect forever. It is not able to make up regretted, can actually call them to become constantly sound the alarm bell.” “所以我们会变好。”李云心的眼神重归澄静。他看着李淳风,“无法完美,却可以永远趋近完美。无法弥补遗憾,却能叫它们成为警钟长鸣。” Thank you. In the will battlefield, untied the heart knot for me a moment ago.” “谢谢你。在刚才意志的战场上,为我解开了心结。” Thanks?” Li Chunfeng sneers, was inferior that settled down you to thank me again. A moment ago one time for some province strengths-, if did not have these people to disturb you to be without a fight a moment ago, I had no need after scattered you remoulded your state of mind.” “谢?”李淳风冷笑,“不如等尘埃落定你再谢我。刚才一遭只是为了省些力气-如果没有这些人捣乱你刚才束手就擒,我就用不着在将你打散之后重塑你的神魂。” Now looked, I have to some spending many strengths- this is you compels my!” “如今看,我不得不多费些力气了-这是你逼我的!” Is working as our surface murder, feared that is not easy.” Should pull out own long blade decidedly immediately, „the say/way of seven killing, have not to draw back, one toward straight-” “当着我们的面杀人,怕没那么容易。”应决然在马上抽出自己的长刀,“七杀之道,有进无退,一往直-” Li Yunxin broke him: Your majesty. The good intention declined with thanks. But at present this matter, I solve. Brother Yu, Su the brother, on the brother, thank you helped me win one move. Then, gives me.” 李云心打断了他:“陛下。好意心领了。但眼下这件事,我自己来解决。于兄,苏兄,应兄,谢谢你们帮我胜了一招。接下来的,交给我。” A while I kill his time, perhaps the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) must become the sea of fire, you first retreat.” “一会儿我杀他的时候,或许方圆百里都要成火海,你们先退去。” Two reincarnation sage slight bows, did not say a word. Made the magical powers absorb should person and horse decidedly then walk. Only listened to say decidedly: „. I kill intent already, when can help you-” 两位转世圣人微微点头,一言不发。使神通摄了应决然的人、马便走。只听应决然说:“也罢。我杀意已至,当能助你-” But the sound vanishes quickly does not see, suddenly they then did not have the trace. 但声音很快消失不见,眨眼之间他们便没了踪影。 Then makes to settle.” Li Yunxin said, my patience exhausted finally.” “那么做个了结吧。”李云心说,“我的耐心终于耗尽了。” Mahatma. Hits him.” “大圣。打他。”
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