IAICW :: Volume #7 封神纪事

#439: Sending out a scout to see if anybody is about

Newest website: Got down the value. 最新网址:下了值。 Zhou Yi returns to the house, discovered that were many two youngster. 周易回到屋舍,发现多了两个少年。 Big 12 or 13-year-old, small is 8 or 9-year-old, weak lying down mumbled on the bed. 大的十二三岁,小的才八九岁,虚弱的躺在床上哼哼唧唧。 Castrates father-in-law ancient in room to urge two people to pay attention to eat, prevents the wound sore, in the youngster thanked profusely carries the medicine kit to leave, before going out, nodded the head to Zhou Yi slightly. 净身房的古公公叮嘱两人注意吃食,预防伤口疮疡,在少年千恩万谢中拎着药箱离开,出门前对周易微微颔首。 " Many thanks father-in-law ancient. " 「多谢古公公。」 The Zhou Yi skilled stopper a paper money, the currency value was not too big nor too small, 52. 周易熟练的塞了张银票,面额不大不小,五十两。 The currency value big did not conform to " Xiao Shanzi " slightly status, the currency value with did not act, later asked others for help the management to be difficult. 面额大了不符合「小山子」身份,面额小了拿不出手,以后再求人办事就难了。 ancient father-in-law satisfies said: " Xiao Shanzi can be so sensible early, is insufficient to look at the front door. " 古公公满意道:「小山子早能这么懂事,也不至于去看大门。」 " What father-in-law teaches is. " 「公公教训的是。」 Zhou Yi bows to pack off father-in-law ancient, returns to the room, on the face shows the kind smile. 周易躬身送走古公公,回到屋内,脸上露出和蔼笑容。 " My Xiao Shanzi, where do two friends come? " 「咱家小山子,两位朋友打哪儿来啊?」 The young youngster cowers not to dare to speak, big is tolerating the severe pain, replied: " Father-in-law mountain, my name was money secure, a native of Wannian County. " 岁数小的少年瑟缩着不敢说话,大些的强忍着剧痛,回答道:「山公公,我叫钱安,万年县人。」 " Inside palace cannot say me, must say me. " 「宫里边可不能说我,要自称咱家。」 Zhou Yi said: " Meets a narrow-minded father-in-law, hears you to say me, will not be at heart happy, decides will make one trip somebody up. " 周易说道:「遇上个小心眼的公公,听到你自称我,心里边不痛快,定会让人使绊子。」 money secure looks the gratitude: " Multi- Xieshan fathers-in-law direct. " 钱安面露感激:「多谢山公公指点。」 " Commander Si Shejian is surnamed Qian, cannot call you change, that called you Xiao Anzi. " 「司设监提督姓钱,不能叫你小钱子,那就叫你小安子吧。」 Zhou Yi pulled closer the relations in a few words, sits to the Xiao Anzi bedside, inquired: " Wannian County approaches the Qujiang River, governing many are the superior paddy field, how to end up to sell into servitude into the palace? " 周易三言两语拉近了关系,坐到小安子床边,询问道:「万年县临近衢江,治下多为上等水田,怎么落得卖身入宫?」 " I...... my five mu paddy field, with Mr. king the family/home paddies close neighbor, which once think his family/home moves the field bank year after year, five mu change four mu, changes three mu. " 「我......咱家原本五亩水田,与王老爷家田地近邻,哪曾想他家年年挪地垄,五亩变四亩,又变三亩。」 Xiao Anzi hates the sound said: " Father and Mr. king disputed several, instead by beating mercilessly, was unbearably angry to go to the yamen, the dog officer sentenced us to pick a quarrel stirs up trouble! " 小安子恨声道:「爹爹与王老爷争执几句,反而遭了毒打,气不过告上衙门,狗官判了咱寻衅滋事!」 Finally suffered the board, 结果就是挨了板子, Compensated money. 赔了银子。 The Xiao Anzi father severe wound was incurable, passed away, from all sides complained, loses money and treats an illness to pull out to empty the family property, five mu paddy field gave Mr. king to settle a debt. 小安子的爹重伤不治,一命呜呼,前前后后告状、赔钱、治病掏空了家底,五亩水田给了王老爷抵账。 The family county magistrate, nothing more than such as is! 破家县令,不外如是! Xiao Anzi to revenge to the father, one sheared the worry root cruel-heartedly, sells itself to enter the palace manservant. 小安子为了给爹报仇,一狠心割了烦恼根,自卖自身入宫当差。 " Dog officer! " 「狗官!」 Zhou Yi shares a common hatred saying: " Me also let being with one's family broken up and decimated that the dog officer harms, unavoidablily enters the palace, is good has eyes because of the heaven, that dog officer has suffered extreme penalty! " 周易同仇敌忾道:「咱家也是让狗官害的家破人亡,不得已才入宫,好在老天有眼,那狗官已经伏诛!」 Oneself scolded himself several, teaches the know-how that in the Xiao Anzi palace fools around together, two people pulled closer the relations quickly, starts to be on intimate terms. 自己骂了自己几句,又传授小安子宫中厮混的窍门,两人很快拉近了关系,开始称兄道弟。 Xiao Anzi feels grateful: " Me ran into Brother Shan luckily, otherwise violated the taboo, how death does not know. " 小安子感激道:「咱家幸好遇到了山大哥,否则犯了忌讳,怎么死的都不知道。」 " Jie Jie Jie! " 「桀桀桀!」 Zhou Yi smiles several strangely, the eyeground flashes through the cold glow. 周易怪笑几声,眼底闪过寒芒。 In the world where has anything fortunately, coincidence, all are the arrangements of person with high aspirations, Zhou Yi needs an exploring the way young private, then asked father-in-law ancient to send two imperial servant. 世上哪有什么有幸、巧合,一切都是有心人的安排罢了,周易需要个探路的小卒子,便拜托古公公送来两个内侍 ancient father-in-law is good at telling fortunes by phrenology, while castrating, verifies the imperial servant root bone. 古公公擅长摸骨,趁着净身的时候,探明内侍根骨。 Xiao Anzi has the superior martial arts natural talent, in addition the Zhou Yi direction, the practicing canna flower precious book is twice the result with half the effort, deciding to show talent for the first time in the palace. 小安子有上等武道天资,再加上周易指点,修行昙花宝典事半功倍,定能在宫中崭露头角。 After palace drastic change, when Secretary of Internal Affairs chooses a person. 宫中剧变后,内侍司正是用人之际。 The Xiao Anzi origin is pure, talent superior, receives to promote to make good use inevitably, to reduce Eunuch Yi in the carry-over influence of Secretary of Internal Affairs. 小安子来历清白,天赋上等,必然受到提拔重用,以消减易公公内侍司的遗留影响。 Zhou Yi looks to the Zhidianjian direction, inside sits chief provincial commander Eunuch Zhong. 周易看向值殿监方向,里面坐着总提督忠公公 " Does young loyal child, dare to receive this delivering adopted son? " 「小忠子,敢不敢收这个送上门的干儿?」 Dares to receive, explained that the young loyal child truly has the real power, explained before the palace changes on betrayal Zhou Yi , disclosed secret information for queen mother and the others in secret. 敢收,说明小忠子确实掌握实权,也说明在宫变之前就背叛周易,暗中为太后等人通风报信。 If not dare, that is the onstage puppet. 如若不敢,那就是前台傀儡。 Zhou Yi favors the latter, after all King Pingxi does not rebel, the queen mother one is must die without doubt. 周易更倾向于后者,毕竟平西王不反叛,太后一系必死无疑。 " Regardless of the young loyal child little permits child, does not have the skill to kill one's sovereign, does not have the great merit to occupy high, greatly possibly is the trap that tempts me to revenge! " 「无论小忠子还是小许子,都没本事弑君,无大功而居高位,大可能是引诱咱家报仇的陷阱!」 A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next day. 翌日。 Zhou Yi and Xiao Anzi with 周易小安子 The line goes to the eastern straight room to eat meal. 行去东直房吃饭。 Another young imperial servant, named Xiao Wuzi, the temper is reserved, following of keeping silent after two people, probably young personal servant. 另一个年岁小的内侍,名叫小伍子,性子内敛,默不作声的跟在两人身后,像是个小跟班。 When Xiao Wuzi and person spoke, always cowers the frightened appearance. 小伍子与人说话时,总是一副瑟缩恐惧的模样。 When the common person only Xiao Wuzi is timid, actually cannot hide the truth from judge innumerable Zhou Yi . 寻常人只当小伍子胆小懦弱,却瞒不过识人无数的周易 Again resembles that the surface installs, is hard to conceal the slight custom, before for example eats meal , after putting in order the front piece, first ate the vegetable leaf, eats the sliced meat, when chews does not have the sound...... 表面装的再像,也难以掩饰细微习惯,譬如吃饭前整了整衣襟、先吃菜叶后吃肉片,嘴嚼时没动静...... All sorts of signs showed, the Xiao Wuzi family background, is not the poverty-stricken families that he said. 种种迹象表明,小伍子出身,并非他说的穷苦人家。 Zhou Yi does not care about Xiao Wuzi, inside palace person whose not secret, will not force him to make the explorer stone, having Xiao Anzi was enough. 周易并不在意小伍子,宫里边的人谁没点秘密,也不会强迫他做探路石,有小安子就足够了。 ...... ...... In an instant to December end. 转眼到了腊月末。 Noon. 晌午时分。 Zhou Yi in palace entrance on duty, hears sound of footsteps to transmit. 周易在宫门口值守,听到一阵脚步声传来。 Under the civil and military hundred officers toward, hurrying catches up to the palace, most facial colors are cloudy, temper irritable was foul-mouthed, obviously toward was unsatisfied to the morning. 文武百官下朝,脚步匆匆的向宫外赶,大多数面色阴沉,性子火爆的更是骂骂咧咧,显然对早朝不满意。 " How could north side that has lacked the soldier's rations and pay, royal government also paying out money! " 「北边那位何曾缺过军饷,朝廷还一个劲儿的发钱!」 " Dry drought dies, drowning of waterlogging, who lets you are not a prince? " 「旱的旱死,涝的涝死,谁让你不是王爷?」 " This officer is the reigning dynasty pure loyalty, does not make anything different surnamed Wang! " 「本官乃国朝精忠,可不去做什么异姓王!」 " Cautious word, cautious word! " 「慎言,慎言!」 Hundred officers talked, discussing ***, asking the queen mother to withdraw to the northern border army allocates the soldier's rations and pay the resolution. 百官你一言我一语,商量着***,请太后撤回向北疆大军拨发军饷的决议。 After late sovereign passed away, Zhenbei King works even more unscrupulously. 先皇驾崩后,镇北王做事愈发肆无忌惮。 First is the excuse proclaims the mansion governor-general to accept bribes the soldier's rations and pay, did not cut the head after three departments, latter opened Dongchang and Pacifier Division management yamen, from supposing the law enforcement causes the supervisory place government official. 先是借口宣府府尹贪墨军饷,不经三司就砍了脑袋,后将东厂、镇抚司的办事衙门拆了,自设执法使监察地方官吏。 So the operation, the northern border may be called the state within a state, the royal government must provide the soldier's rations and pay! 这般经营,北疆堪称国中之国,偏偏朝廷还要发放军饷! Zhou Yi stands outside the imperial city gate, takes down the words that hundred officers spoke completely, what is discontented with the deliberation hall is the ally, supports the queen mother must eradicate, blowing hot and cold can win over. 周易站在宫门外,将百官说的话全部记下,对朝堂不满的是盟友,支持太后的必须铲除,摇摆不定的可以拉拢。 Comes off duty returns to the house. 下值回到屋舍。 Xiao Anzi and Xiao Wuzi have come back, is reviewing daytime studies the writing. 小安子小伍子已经回来,正在温习白日所学文字。 Zhou Yi shot a look at Xiao Wuzi, has passed through obviously is literate, but also ships out the appearance that studies diligently, so the disposition can become the important matter in the future. 周易瞥了眼小伍子,明明早已经认字,还装出一副努力读书的模样,如此心性将来能成大事。 Xiao Anzi sees Zhou Yi to be all smiles, cannot bear ask: " Did Brother Shan come across the celebration? " 小安子周易笑容满面,忍不住问道:「山大哥可是遇到了喜事?」 " Reluctantly is. " 「勉强算是吧。」 Zhou Yi does to start to speak but hesitate false, the hesitant moment said: " Told Brother secure also to might as well, this morning my duty time, heard Ministry of Rites vice minister Qi, scolded the King Pingxi old mother! " 周易假做欲言又止,犹豫片刻说道:「告诉安兄弟也无妨,今早咱家当值时候,听见礼部祁侍郎,骂了平西王的老母!」 Xiao Anzi looks the doubts: " Why was this happy? " 小安子面露疑惑:「这为何高兴?」 " King Pingxi is nearby the queen mother favorite, the new promote Ministry of War Shangshu, the power and influence was dreadful, inside the palace who does not want to flatter 12. " 平西王是太后跟前的红人,新晋兵部尚书,权势滔天,宫里边谁不想巴结一二。」 Zhou Yi said: " Me seek an opportunity, informs the loyal provincial commander this matter, deciding to be praised, later did not need to watch the front door! " 周易说道:「咱家寻个机会,将此事告知忠提督,定能得到嘉奖,以后就不用去守大门了!」 Wants the important matter, first sells the ally. 欲成大事,先卖盟友。 The reigning dynasty will remember merit of vice minister Qi, in the future reforms radically, certainly for him *** bestows! 国朝会记住祁侍郎的功绩,将来正本清源,一定为他***追封! " So that's how it is. " 「原来如此。」 The Xiao Anzi look twinkle, congratulates to say repeatedly: " Congratulates father-in-law mountain, me have felt you to have boundless prospects, in the future can surely a provincial commander prison! " 小安子眼神闪烁,连声恭喜道:「恭喜山公公,咱家早就觉得您前途无量,将来定能提督一监!」 Zhou Yi patted the Xiao Anzi shoulder, said with a smile. 周易拍了拍小安子肩膀,笑着说道。 " When me was developed, decides will take care of Brother secure quite, confiscates family's property to exile that Wannian County dog officer, Mr. king the place of family/home all snatches! " 「待咱家发达了,定会好生照顾安兄弟,将那万年县狗官抄家流放,王老爷家的地全都抢过来!」 " Father-in-law pays respects Xieshan. " 「拜谢山公公。」 Xiao Anzi bends the waist to dig the tendon, the knack of Professor Zhou Yi , studied incisiveness. 小安子弯腰撅腱,将周易教授的诀窍,学的淋漓尽致。 " Jie Jie Jie...... " 「桀桀桀......」 Zhou Yi happily smiled several, lies sleeps in clothes on the bed. 周易得意的笑了几声,躺在床上和衣而睡。 Next day. 翌日。 In the morning after getting out of bed, Zhou Yi sees the Xiao Anzi bed to empty, will inquire Xiao Wuzi. 清晨起床后,周易小安子床铺空着,正要询问小伍子 Bang! 嘭! The front door opens wide, Xiao Anzi beams with health, the facial expression is excited. 屋门洞开,小安子满面红光,神情激动。 Zhou Yi asked: " Where did Brother secure go to very early in the morning? Inside the palace abstains to be many, cannot stroll randomly! " 周易问道:「安兄弟一大早去了哪里?宫里边忌讳多,可不能乱逛!」 " Xiao Shanzi had a mind, me 小山子有心了,咱家 Decides will not forget your instruction. " 定不会忘记你的教诲。」 Xiao Anzi straightened up the chest, the stance of quite somewhat occupying a commanding position: " Me went to Zhidianjian, pays respects to the loyal provincial commander, said the matter of vice minister Qi while convenient. " 小安子挺直了胸膛,颇有几分居高临下的姿态:「咱家去了值殿监,给忠提督请安,顺带说了祁侍郎的事。」 Zhou Yi does not dare to believe saying: " You, how you can...... " 周易不敢置信道:「你,你怎么能......」 Xiao Anzi continues saying: " Eunuch Zhong was very happy, calls in Silijian to be on duty me, serves your majesty written records. " 小安子继续说道:「忠公公很高兴,将咱家调入司礼监当值,侍候陛下纸笔。」 Zhou Yi hears word, like discouraged the rubber ball, sits down exhausted on the bed. 周易闻言,如同泄了气的皮球,瘫坐在床上。 Xiao Anzi patted the Zhou Yi shoulder: " Xiao Shanzi, our friendship, who is developed is the same, must extremely haggle over not. " 小安子拍了拍周易肩膀:「小山子,咱俩这交情,谁发达都一样,莫要太过计较。」 Zhou Yi squeezes a smile diligently, bends the waist to dig the stomach cavity to bow to salute. 周易努力挤出个笑容,弯腰撅脘躬身施礼。 " What Eunuch An lesson is! " 安公公教训的是!」
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