IAFV :: Volume #13

#1291: „ Because of you, because your my immortal clear/pain Jietu will have today... „ clear/pain Gucheng the whole face is frigid and hatred, he had seen beside the vault of heaven, is overlooking all these tranquilly

The enormous and powerful army, appears from another side of space and time tunnel, probably crowded limitless black wave is whipping to come, trim universe in turbulence. 浩浩荡荡的大军,自时空隧道的另一边浮现,像是乌泱泱无边无际的黑色浪潮在拍打而来,整片天宇都在动荡。 Even if away from the inexhaustible distance, can hear the cavalry to trample the momentum of starry sky, vast, and rushes, the to cause/make one palpitation trembles. 哪怕隔着无穷尽的距离,也能听到铁骑践踏过星空的声势,浩大且澎湃,令人心悸颤栗。 Innumerable cultivator and lives of immortal Chu Hao earth, all raise the head look at this scene with amazement. 楚浩土的无数修行者和生灵,皆抬头骇然地看着这一幕 The vault of heaven end becomes transparent probably, the shadow shadow flickering army is arriving, in behind just like stars broken territory ancient war ship, is also dressing up the immortal fog and chaos obviously one after another 天穹尽头像是变得一片透明,影影憧憧的大军正在降临,在后面还可见一艘又一艘宛如星辰的破域古战船,披挂着仙雾和混沌 The air/Qi, is filling the aura of ancient vicissitudes. 气,弥漫着亘古沧桑的气息。 This is the frightening army who is inconceivable, comprised of the Greek Yuan civilization all parties Imperishable Dao Orthodoxy influence, may sweep away various world all enemy[ does not have any series influence can the class. ” Ended... ” 这是难以想象的恐怖大军,由希元文明各方不朽道统势力所组成,可横扫诸世间一切敌[没有任何的统势力能够班。”完了…” In immortal Chu Hao earth Imperial Capital, countless people are pale, are wear a look of alarmed and afraid and despair. 楚浩皇都之中,无数人脸色发白,面带惊惧和绝望。 Like this infinite army, who can resist? Even if the immortal Chu Hao earth in the strongest period, cannot achieve. 这样的无穷大军,谁能抵抗?哪怕是仙楚浩土在最强的时期,也根本做不到。 Why can like this...” “为何会这样…” Why in perfectly good condition so many armies will arrive, my immortal clear/pain Jie earth when black calamity survivor colluded, this is unjust completely...... „ “为什么好端端的会有那么多的大军降临,我仙楚洁土什么时候和黑祸余孽勾结了,这完全是冤枉啊……“ Many cultivator and lives were shouting, whole face does not dare to believe and panic-stricken. 很多的修行者和生灵都在大喊,满脸的不敢置信和惊骇。 Countless people despaired, cannot have any resistance thought that this is building up hopes the Yuan civilized most great power, is taken the lead by Greek Yuan sacred hall, asked that also which one side influence has to be able 无数的人都绝望了,生不出任何的抵抗念头来,这是集结希元文明的最强大力量,由希元圣堂领头,试问还有哪一方势力能够 Prevents? 阻挡? Another side of space and time tunnel, the leaders of all Dao Orthodoxy influence arrived, stands erect on same ancient broken territory ancient war ship, is looking out into the distance space and time tunnel another side immortal Chu Hao earth 时空隧道的另一边,各方道统势力的领头人都到来了,屹立在同一艘古老的破域古战船上,远眺着时空隧道另一边的仙楚浩 The ancestor old level characters in Greek Yuan sacred hall hope the sound to stand erect in the bow, the complexion ancient well without ripples, cloud jade ornamental hairpin, the volume wear the phoenix mark jade to fall, is gazing at all these tranquilly. 希元圣堂的祖老级人物希音屹立在船头,面色古井不波,云玉钗,额戴着凰纹玉坠,平静地注视着这一切。 Her body bank, Gu Changge shoulders slightly, resembles is looking at these scenes interestingly. 在她的身畔,顾长歌略微背负着手,也似在饶有兴趣地看着这一幕幕 „ The immortal Chu Hao earth courts destruction, insists on colluding with black calamity odd/surplus Bi, is this fate, does not have any is worth sympathizing. „ “仙楚浩土自取灭亡,执意和黑祸余嬖勾结,便是这个下场,没有什么值得同情的。“ Scenery clan remote ancestor Jing Tianyuan, looks at the wailing desperate scenes of various places, shakes the head slightly, four breath said, 景族远祖景天元,看着各处的哀嚎绝望景象,微微摇头,四息声道, What Ling Shenku this time taking the lead is one ancestor said that the Elder level character of boundary, hearing this is also nods saying that „ until now, I and others think this is the ambition of immortal Chu Hao earth is the result, no 凌神窟此次领头的是一位祖道境的族老级人物,闻言也是点了点头道,“一直以来,我等都以为这是仙楚浩土的野心所致,没 Thinks that it actually colludes in secret and black calamity survivor early, name that so-called Yin Dynasty ruins hole, perhaps also fabricates at will. I and others had not heard from the start name that has this influence. „ 04 想到它其实在暗中和黑祸余孽早有勾结,那所谓的殷墟洞,恐怕也是随意杜撰出来的名字。我等压根就没听说过有这个势力的名字。“04 That is true, Yin Dynasty ruins hole name, old man also never has even heard, perhaps this influence also spoke thoughtlessly the fabrication, not exist(ence). „ “的确如此,殷墟洞这个名字,连老朽也从未听说过,这种势力恐怕也是随口杜撰,根本就不存在的。“ „ To come at that time at birthday feast, clear/pain Gucheng makes like that the gesture intentionally, wants to make the people misunderstand. „ Jing Tianyuan also nods. “想来当时在寿宴上的时候,楚孤城故意做出那般姿态,也是想让众人误会。“景天元也点了点头。 The leader of all Imperishable Dao Orthodoxy influence, gathers here at the present, the vast army follows, is passing the space and time tunnel[ grand Lin ten goes to the immortal water's edge. 各方不朽道统势力的领袖人物,而今都汇聚在了这里,身后浩瀚大军跟随,正在通过时空隧道[隆临到仙浦十去。 This influence is very fearful, is only ancestor on the scene says boundary exist(ence), was over five. 这股势力无比可怕,光是在场的祖道境存在,就足足超过了五尊。 And did not contain to hope the Greek sound of Yuan sacred hall, as well as Gu Changge 其中还并不包含希元圣堂的希音,以及顾长歌 In knowing to hope the Yuan sacred hall to get down after Greek Yuan command that the immortal Chu Hao gentleman must kill, when all Dao Orthodoxy influence shocked, responded immediately, built up the army, came this convergence. 在得知希元圣堂下了对仙楚浩士必杀的希元令后,各方道统势力震惊之余,都在第一时间响应起来,集结大军,来此汇合。 Once the immortal Chu Hao earth the destruction, these bountiful resources commodities, naturally became big cash cow in all influence eyes, wants to divide the thick soup. 楚浩土一旦覆灭,那些富饶的资源物资,自然就成了各方势力眼中的大肥肉,都想分羹。 Now has small influence Dao Orthodoxy that approaches, fishes in troubled waters, grabs in the border boundary of immortal Chu Hao earth all around wantonly. 如今都有一些临近的小势力道统,乘火打劫,在仙楚浩土的边境周遭地界大肆劫掠。 Immortal clear/pain Jie earth disaster is imminent, could not have taken care of oneself, absolutely does not have the means to go to manages these. 仙楚洁土大祸临头,早已自顾不暇,根本就没办法去管这些。 Immortal Chu Hao earth, although colludes with black calamity odd/surplus Zi, but these people are innocent, everyone told the hanger-on disciple when the time comes as far as possible, do not injure and innocent. „ Hopes the sound opens the mouth, the eye “仙楚浩土虽和黑祸余孳勾结,但那些子民都是无辜的,诸位到时候还是尽量吩咐门下弟子,不要伤及无辜。“希音开口,目 The light by the space and time tunnel, sweeps the oversized piece the immortal Chu Hao earth area. 光透过时空隧道,扫过大片的仙楚浩土疆域。 Gu Changge at this moment is also the slight nod, said,this also below wants saying that immortal clear/pain Jie earth no doubt crime not amnesty, but these people lives are innocent, before clear/pain Gucheng and I 顾长歌此刻也是微微点头,道,“这也是在下想说的,仙楚洁土固然罪不可赦,但那些子民生灵都是无辜的,之前楚孤城和我 The battle, has offered sacrifices the innumerable people, now sees the immortal clear/pain Jie earth each region plunging the people into disaster, chart little also I looked that some do not endure. „ 交战,已经献祭了无数子民,如今见仙楚洁土各地生灵涂炭,图少还我看些不忍。“ „ The Young Master Gu justice and humanity, I and others naturally can restrain the hanger-on respective disciple, will not injure and to innocent. Young Master Gu can destroy the immortal Chu Hao earth at that time obviously at one fell swoop, finally actually looks in immortal Chu Hao 顾公子仁义,我等自然会约束门下各自弟子,不会伤及到无辜。顾公子当时明明能够一举毁了仙楚浩土,最后却看在仙楚浩 In the shares of earth innumerable life kept the hand, the choice went floating, the approach, was really makes me and others admire. ” 土无数生灵的份上留手了,选择飘然而去,如此做法,实在是令我等钦佩。” Compares, ignores the life and death of oneself innumerable people as Monarch clear/pain Gucheng on the contrary, this many are some to cause/make one feels fearful. „ “相比起来,反倒是作为国主的楚孤城不顾自己无数子民的生死,这多少是有些令人感到心寒。“ Comes from one ancestor in light deep temple says boundary exist(ence), is the nod approves the person of same belief, during the spoken languages full is to the admiration of Gu Changge. 来自于光冥寺的一位祖道境存在,也是点头赞同道,言语间满是对顾长歌的钦佩。 His saying also obtains the approvals of other influence leaders. 他这话也得到其余势力领头人的认可。 Monarch clear/pain Gucheng of immortal Chu Hao earth insists on thinking that Gu Changge is related with black calamity survivor, but the people are not stupid, is not blind, who can look is more like with black calamity survivor 楚浩土的国主楚孤城执意认为顾长歌和黑祸余孽有关,但是众人都不蠢,也都不瞎,看得出来到底是谁才更像是和黑祸余孽 Colludes. 勾结的。 The Greek sound vision slightly cannot check has swept Gu Changge, although she hopes the female disciple, the rank is very ancient, but an numerous ancestor on the scene said boundary exist(ence), obviously venerated about Gu Changge, one 希音目光微不可查地扫过顾长歌,她虽然是希女的弟子,辈分很古老,但在场的一众祖道境存在,明显对顾长歌更为尊崇,一 Vice- just like appearance led by him. 副俨然以他为首的模样。 Naturally, she also knows that this is because a short time ago the immortal Chu Hao earth talent and Gu Changge have battled reason. 当然,她也知道这是因为前不久仙楚浩土才和顾长歌交战过的缘故。 That fights also lets the Gu Changge momentum, rose in this bright guest 那一战也让顾长歌的声势,在这明客地都上涨到了 …… …… This world itself/Ben is so, tasteful law of the jungle, expert where, no matter were venerated. 这世间本就是如此,讲究弱肉强食,强者不管在哪里都是受人尊崇的。 Although she is very self-confident about the own strength, but also knows that oneself is not the Gu Changge opponent. 她虽然对自己的实力很自信,但也知道自己绝不是顾长歌的对手。 The immortal clear/pain Jietu sound, made an entire Greek Yuan civilized vision fall again. 仙楚洁土的动静,再度让整个希元文明的目光都落了过来。 From the previous shocking war, less than in January/one month, immortal clear/pain Jietu the vitality has also damaged severely, facing compared with the monster courtyard and Zixiao mountain must the frightening joint army, how can also resist 距离上一次惊世大战,都还不到一月,仙楚洁土早已元气大伤,面对比妖庭、紫霄山都还要更恐怖的联合大军,又怎么能抵挡 Everyone thinks that this fights will not have any accident/surprise, immortal clear/pain Jietu bold hold/container heaven, is detaining to hope Yuan Saintess that moment, was doomed this result. 所有人都认为这一战不会有任何意外,仙楚洁土大胆包天,在关押希元圣女的那一刻,就注定了这个结局。 Only if the immortal clear/pain Jie earth really can achieve does not keep any flaw, does not make one discover all these. 除非仙楚洁土真的能做到不留任何破绽,不让人发现这一切。 Finally, the enormous and powerful army has crossed the space and time tunnel, arrived to go to the immortal Chu Hao earth. 终于,浩荡的大军横穿过时空隧道,降临来到了仙楚浩土之中。 Wears immortal gold/metal Battle Armour clear/pain Gucheng, has been ready, the battle dress flutters, the tyrannical aura full in heaven and earth, soaring heaven and earth dragon qi in his cable/search Rao, issues the command all around 身披仙金战甲的楚孤城,早已做好了准备,身后战袍飘荡,强横的气息充盈于天地间,腾空的天地龙气在他周遭索绕,发出令 The anger that the entire world shakes howls, if he Imperishable person 寰宇震荡的怒啸,他若不朽的人 In clear/pain Gucheng behind, his under many, such as eight True God and the others, has prepared for facing archenemy. 在楚孤城的身后,他的诸多属下,如八首真神等人,也早已做好面对大敌的准备。 Other star Monarch and gods, as well as many ministers, gathered in the imperial city, looks the infinite army who distantly the day of curved end oppression came, on all faces brought to be dignified and strict 其余星君、神将,以及诸多大臣,都汇聚在了皇城之中,遥遥看着天弯尽头压迫而来的无穷大军,所有人脸上都带着凝重、严 Austere. 肃。 Capable person different gentleman mansion and other in mansion cave mansion, all has big cultivator and life runs out, looks at all frightened and with amazement. 能人异士府等诸多府邸洞府之中,也皆有大的修行者和生灵冲出,惊悚、骇然地看着一切。 The dense backdrop, must let fall simply probably, the cloud layer that middle rushes vastly camouflages all, making various worlds become a murkiness, arrived just like the end, the All Heavens catastrophe arrived 黑压压的天幕,简直像是要垂落下来,当中浩瀚澎湃的云层遮蔽一切,令诸世都变得一片昏沉,宛如末日到来,诸天浩劫降临 If Imperial Capital of immortal Chu Hao earth a stretch of hanging galaxy level, the surroundings are the life stars of float, but at this moment in the front of this share of frightening army, seems like on such as dust mud grey vast 楚浩土的皇都若一片悬空的星河层,周围都是漂浮的生命星辰,但是此刻在这股恐怖大军的面前,看起来就如尘土泥灰般渺 Small. 小。 Let alone these stand erect ancestor in army to say the boundary form, the law Saint of everyone surpassed the heaven and earth limit, as if a hand can the destruction fall immortal Chu Hao earth Imperial Capital. 更别说那些矗立于大军之中的祖道境身影,每个人的法圣都超越了天地极限,似乎一只手就能够覆灭掉仙楚浩皇都 Marquis, the immortal Chu Hao earth will certainly the destruction, no one be able to resist today, we do not want,...” “侯爷,今日仙楚浩土必将覆灭,没有人能够抵挡,我们还是不要,…” Champion Hou Chuheng behind, Han Feng and the others are urging, the guts is superior. 冠军侯楚恒的身后,韩枫等人都在劝道,胆优。 „ The immortal Chu Hao earth trains me to have the graciousness, said no matter how, today Crown Prince had paid the price for his behavior, I at this time, how can also abandon the immortal Chu Hao earth not to attend to? „ “仙楚浩土培养我有恩,不管怎么说,今日大皇子已为他所为付出了代价,我在这个时候,又怎么能弃仙楚浩土于不顾?“ clear/pain Heng shakes the head to beckon with the hand, the tone was firm, broke Han Feng and the others dissuading. 楚恒摇头摆手,语气坚决,打断了韩枫等人的劝阻。 Han Feng and the others all are sighs lightly, many people open mouth, is all of a sudden silent, they have followed in champion Hou Chuheng, but situation everyone can see today, immortal Chu Hao 韩枫等人皆是轻叹,很多人张了张嘴,一下子沉默下来,他们一直追随于冠军侯楚恒,但今日情况所有人都看得到来,仙楚浩 earth is not possible to have the means of livelihood. 土是不可能有活路的。 Facing such frightening all Dao Orthodoxy allied armies, which side Dao Orthodoxy the garden civilization also has to be able the governing 7 games to fill in be doomed. 面对这样恐怖的各方道统联军,园文明还有哪方道统能够御七局填已经注定的。 Marquis, this is blindly devoted...... „ clear/pain white smiles bitterly one, is somewhat helpless, does not know how must advise the champion marquis. “侯爷,这是愚忠啊……“楚白苦笑一声,也有些无奈,不知道要如何劝导冠军侯。 star Ms. brave of Yin Dynasty ruins hole, stands in the sovereign word, is exuding the silver-white eye hamlet, is looking at Beyond Heavens indifferently. 殷墟洞的星英老妪,站立在皇言之中,泛着银白色的眼疃,冷漠地望着天外 Good to collude with black calamity survivor, regarded black calamity survivor my Yin Dynasty ruins hole unexpectedly.” Her corners of the mouth revealed that wipes to sneer. “好一个和黑祸余孽勾结,竟然把我殷墟洞当成了黑祸余孽。”她嘴角显露一抹冷笑。 Beside immortal Chu Hao earth Imperial Capital, many armies are also obeying clear/pain Heng the command, river Yi.( Reads violent crisp novel, on flies Lu!) 楚浩皇都之外,诸多大军也在听从楚恒的号令,江醫而来。(看暴爽小说,就上飞卢!) Although in the monster courtyard and in the war of Zixiao mountain, the loss is serious, but the immortal Chu Hao earth can supply the army who attacks to kill, the quantity also has trillion. 尽管在和妖庭、紫霄山的大战之中,损失惨重,但仙楚浩土能够供予攻杀的大军,数量还有亿万。 In many piece of universes, many seigniors and military officers, in clear/pain clan the collateral branch ethnic group, are all dispatching massive cultivator to catch up at this moment. 许多片宇宙之中,很多的藩王、将领,楚族的旁系族群之中,此刻皆在派遣大量的修行者赶来。 If you want to condemn somebody, don't worry about the pretext, my immortal clear/pain Jietu never colludes with black calamity survivor, wants to perish my immortal clear/pain Jietu, first asked that I and others did agree. „ 欲加之罪何患无辞,我仙楚洁土从未勾结黑祸余孽,欲亡我仙楚洁土,先问我等同不同意。“ Today and immortal clear/pain clean local guerillas life or death. „ “今日和仙楚洁土共存亡。“ Kills “杀啊” The shooting up into the sky murdering sound, to/clashes by far from these remote universes. 冲霄的杀伐声音,远远地就自那些遥远的宇宙之中冲来。 whether it is what kind of level and cultivation base cultivator life, gives out heavenshaking angry roaring, enormous and powerful, if the universe long line, is catching up in the direction of imperial city 不论是何等层次、修为修行者生灵,都发出震天的怒吼,浩浩荡荡若宇宙长龙,在往皇城的方向赶来 clear/pain Gucheng, emits by Greek Yuan Saintess that you detain, E may also be bountiful your m to meet with the vast dry/does not firm people “楚孤城,放出被你关押的希元圣女,E还可饶你m晤浩干的无堅子民 …… …… Suddenly, the ice-cold sound, resounds in the enormous and powerful cloud layer, in various world reverberations. 骤然间,冰冷的声音,在浩荡的云层之中响起,在诸世间回荡。 The Greek sound comes, the clothes robe is floating, the black hair flutters, the forehead is cold, body is sending out aura that made the entire world in trembling, she set up on ancient war ship, is overlooking the trim immortal Chu Hao earth. 希音现身,衣袍飘飘,黑发飘荡,眉宇冷冽,身上散发着令寰宇都在战栗的气息,她立身于古战船上,俯瞰着整片仙楚浩土。 Other immortal Chu Hao earth people, if acts willfully, has not known to repent until the present, that today then and immortal Chu Hao earth one and was buried in this. „ “仙楚浩土其余人若是一意孤行,直到如今还不知悔改,那今日便将和仙楚浩土一并被埋葬于此。“ Black calamity survivor attempts disaster various world, clear/pain Gucheng colludes in first, not only tries to provoke the Heavenly Dao authority, but also attempts to wield to hope the Yuan civilization, when the crime executes. " “黑祸余孽试图祸乱诸世,楚孤城勾结在先,不仅仅试图挑动天道权柄,还妄图执掌希元文明,罪当诛。" Her body bank, various clan various Dao Orthodoxy leaders, comes in abundance, looks indifferently to the immortal Chu Hao earth, seems the immortal Chu Hao underearth final diplomatic note and warning. 她的身畔,各族各道统的领袖人物,也都纷纷现身,冷漠地看向仙楚浩土,似为仙楚浩土下最后的通牒和警告。 The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, my immortal Chu Hao earth ends up today the fate, I am speechless. „ “胜者为王,败者为寇,我仙楚浩土落得今日下场,我无话可说。“ Hopes Yuan Saintess also indeed to be detained jointly by us, only this matter exposed pitifully too quickly, this gambling house, was I lost......,” “希元圣女也的确被我们联手关押起来,只可惜这件事情还是暴露得太快了,这场赌局,是我输了……,” clear/pain Gucheng the form stands erect sky over the sovereign word, laughs, if the shape is crazy, the eye stares deep such as be not moving no sand refining up the dense light 楚孤城身影屹立在皇言上空,哈哈大笑起来,状若疯狂,眼瞪深如更别动着无沙的炼密光 Since Greek Yuan sacred hall issues Greek Yuan command that must kill, that has the full evidence absolutely, explained that true Greek Yuan Saintess was detained by the immortal Chu Hao earth. 希元圣堂既然下了必杀的希元令,那绝对是有着十足的证据,说明真正的希元圣女被仙楚浩土所关押。 clear/pain Xinyue is not hopes Yuan Saintess truly, although semblance, aura and manner these again resembles, that not real, once begins, direct exposure. 楚心月并不是真正的希元圣女,虽然外表、气息、神态这些再像,那也不是真的,一旦动手的话,就会直接暴露。 Therefore at this time, clear/pain Gucheng did not have quibbled, the direct selection confessed. 所以这个时候,楚孤城也没有好狡辩的了,直接选择坦白。 What?” “什么?” Many ministers thought this matter to be inconceivable, hopes with a wish to incriminate of Yuan sacred hall, finally hears the words that clear/pain Gucheng acknowledged that dumbfounded directly, unbelievable. 原本很多大臣认为此事不可思议,乃是希元圣堂的欲加之罪,结果听到楚孤城承认的话语,直接就呆住了,难以置信。 Many ministers are almost dull at the scene 诸多大臣几乎呆愣当场 Originally Monarch his real make a move detained hoped Yuan Saintess, but also found other person to pretend to be to hope Yuan Saintess? 原来国主他真的出手关押了希元圣女,还找了另外的人来冒充希元圣女? This unexpectedly real? „ “这竟然是真的?“ Champion Hou Chuheng was also feared at this moment, really has not expected clear/pain Gucheng to have such big courage , his conducts a daring unrestrained gambling. 冠军侯楚恒此刻也被惊住了,实在是没料到楚孤城有这么大的胆量,他这是进行一场孤注一掷的豪赌。 If the gambling wins, the immortal Chu Hao earth aspect welcomed the nature general leap and transformation inevitably, even unify hoped the Yuan civilization. 如果赌赢的话,仙楚浩土局面必然迎来质一般的飞跃和转变,甚至一统希元文明。 But once loses, the yan word is also gauze recognizing. 可一旦赌输的话,郾言也是紗认性的。 Hehe, since you dare to do that must pay the proper price for this reason. „ “呵呵,既然你敢这么做,那必然要为此付出应有的代价。“ The Greek sound complexion is very cold, hoping the Yuan sacred hall saves the world to be very glorious, hopes Yuan civilization most aloof Dao Orthodoxy. 希音脸色很冷,希元圣堂存世无比悠久,乃是希元文明最为超然的道统 From the establishment to the present, which one side Dao Orthodoxy influence also never has, dares so to provoke, true Saintess will detain, then finds the person to camouflage, tries to practice trickery and confuse falsehood with the truth 从创立到现在,还从来没有哪一方道统势力,敢于如此挑衅,将真正的圣女关押,然后再找人伪装,试图瞒天过海、以假乱真 If she had not been awakened, that this time hopes the Yuan sacred hall, fears also really must fall in price because of the eye leaps 若是她不没有被人唤醒的话,那这次希元圣堂,恐还真要跌价因眼跃 Especially clear/pain Gucheng he also attempts to get married unexpectedly hopes Yuan Saintess, with hoping the Yuan sacred hall marries. 尤其是楚孤城他竟然还妄图迎娶希元圣女,和希元圣堂联姻。 This simply is the absurd, inconceivable and bold act 这简直就是荒谬、不可思议、胆大包天的行径 Of bang, the war broke out directly, does not have any indication. 轰的一声,大战直接就爆发了,没有任何的征兆。 The Greek sound is furious, one clear like jade, is sending out immortal palm light/only, covers trim heaven and earth, searched to fall from ancient war ship directly, in her palm referred to having laws and order to twine 希音震怒,一只晶莹如玉,散发着仙光的手掌,笼罩整片天地,从古战船上就直接探落了下去,在她的掌指间有规则秩序在缭 Circles, the pressure falls instantly, the mountains and rivers collapse and land blast out, the stars broken 437 cracks, frightening rushes the fluctuation[ in trim immortal fine man of integrity. 绕,压落的刹那,山河崩溃、大地炸开,星辰碎437裂,恐怖而澎湃的波动[在动整片仙精清士。 This is to make all cultivator and life startled face and frightened scene, just like the real end to arrive, no one can resist. 这是令所有修行者和生灵惊颜、恐惧的景象,犹如真的末日降临,没有人能够抵抗。 The army of immortal Chu Hao earth, as angry roaring of many military officers rushed ahead the past, finally under Greek Yuan the palm, disintegrated the collapse, blasted out same place, destroy both body and soul, becomes 楚浩土的大军,随着诸多将领的怒吼而冲杀过去,结果在希元的这一掌之下,纷纷瓦解崩溃,原地炸开,形神俱灭,成为了 Blood fog. 血雾。 Even if boundary exist(ence), does not dare to pacify the front, the complexion trembles with fear. 纵然是道境存在,也不敢绥锋,面色惊颤至极。 Bang! 轰! At the Greek sound behind, cultivator and armies of various clans, if also the mighty current flushed, rushes in all directions, exist(ence) of various cultivation base and level has, shakes however fights, universe 在希音的身后,各族的修行者和大军,也若洪流般冲了下来,涌向四面八方,各种修为、层次的存在都有,撼然交手间,天宇 Various places in turbulence. 各处都在动荡。 The war is shocking, heaven and earth tilts, all big universe blasts out in the complementary waves. 大战惊世,天地倾覆,各方大宇宙在余波之中炸开。 The innumerable form fluttering, the big hand of one after another frightening, flies across among heaven and earth, tears all. 无数的身影翻飞,一只只恐怖的大手,横越天地间,撕裂一切。 Brilliant magical artifact, has the picture scroll, the god furnace, bronze cauldron and Heaven Encompassing Umbrella...... to dissolve in the sky, the camouflage entire world, shakes gently, probably big shatter arrives, all shatter, Europe makes E 绚烂至极的法器,有画卷、神炉、青铜鼎、天罗伞……当空溶下,遮蔽寰宇,轻轻一震,像是大破灭降临,一切都破碎,欧作E Soft minute/share. 躡分了。 Even if Immortal King and exist(ence) of accurate immortal emperor rank, is dies on the body instantaneously, will not have any accident/surprise 哪怕是仙王、准仙帝这种级别的存在,也是瞬间就身死,不会有任何意外 This is a war of does not have any suspense, even if all strengths of immortal Chu Hao earth present add, is not the opponent of that share of army, not to mention middle also the cores of some clans 这是一场没有任何悬念的大战,哪怕仙楚浩土如今的所有力量加起来,也远不是那股大军的对手,更别提当中还有各族的核心 The characters, as well as fellow ancestor said boundary exist(ence). 人物,以及各位祖道境存在 The desperate, frightened and unwilling mood, spreads sky over the area of immortal Chu Hao earth, the universe was attacked and occupied, many galaxies are broken, the fought complementary waves destroy. 绝望、恐惧、不甘的情绪,在仙楚浩土的疆域上空蔓延,大片大片的宇宙被攻占,很多星系都残破,被战斗的余波所毁灭。 The place of border also becomes a confusion, many ethnic group influences, fish in troubled waters, the flames of war wreak havoc, extend to four sides eight. 边境之地也变得一片混乱,很多族群势力,乘火打劫,战火肆虐,延向四面八。 Gu Changge looks at all these tranquilly, in the eye does not have how much mood mighty waves. 顾长歌平静地看着这一切,眼里没有多少情绪波澜。 The immortal clear/pain Jietu result has been doomed, is only time sooner or later that's all of performance. 仙楚洁土的结局早就注定了,只是上演的时间或早或晚而已 „ The immortal Chu Hao earth perishes, hopes the Yuan civilized situation also to calculate that was controlled by me truly. „ “仙楚浩土一亡,希元文明的局势也算被我真正掌控了。“ His vision has swept all areas of immortal Chu Hao earth, has swept with immortal Chu Hao earth numerous expert that all Dao Orthodoxy influence slaughters[ has rippled to construct to get angry crazy clear/pain Gucheng. 他目光扫过仙楚浩土的所有疆域,扫过正在和各方道统势力厮杀的仙楚浩土一众强者[过漾建來火狂的楚孤城。 At this moment, clear/pain Gucheng the whole body is the blood, socializes with all powerful enemies. 此刻,楚孤城满身是血,和各方强敌周旋。 Even if crossed eight day fading tribulation finally, but also no longer the past peak, in fights of many archenemy, quick fell leeward, bled unceasingly, flew horizontally at the scene. 纵然是最后渡过了八次天衰劫,但也不复以往的巔峰,在和众多大敌的交手之中,很快就落入下风,不断喋血,横飞当场。 In the clear/pain this solitary one Chengkou nose eye is overflowing the blood, has hair dishevelled, mail-armor and helmet shatter, is no longer complete. 楚孤城口鼻眼睛之中都在溢出血来,披头散发,甲胄破碎,不复完整。 He had seen the oneself initial many subordinates, during fights with the opponent, was besieged by several people, finally does not beat to blast out, Palestinian Field body institute 他已经看到了自己当初的很多部下,在和对手交手之中,被数人围攻,最后不敌炸开,巴场身院 Everywhere is frigid murdering, in entire Imperial Capital spirit light soars to the heavens, if many forms the moth throws, then perishes fast, destroy both body and soul. 到处都是惨烈的杀伐,整个皇都之中神光冲天,很多身影若飞蛾般扑去,而后快速殒命,形神俱灭 Sad scenes, let his eyes bulged, does not have the means that finally even his Master method Saint, in severely wounded not situation, is putting together the remnant body, is slaughtering with the enemy. 一幕幕的惨象,让他目眦欲裂,却毫无办法,最后连他的师尊法圣,在重伤未愈的情况下,也拼着残躯,在和敌人厮杀。
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