IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#727 Part 1: Strange world and place

Tower of Babel 879 th. 通天塔第八百七十九层。 In stone building connects the bridge that the wire rope is building, many years ago here should have the special corridor, has not broken prematurely, these chain bridges should be afterward person builds. 一栋栋石楼之间连接着铁索搭建出的长桥,很多年前这里应该有着专门的走廊,不过早已经断裂了,这些铁索桥应该是后来的人搭建的。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Whish ~ “哗哗哗~” Sanna and Szaszy walk on the chain bridge, although the bridge does sway seems very dangerous, but two people are not afraid and flustered. 桑娜和萨西两人走在铁索桥上,桥虽然摇摇晃晃显得十分危险,但是两人并不怎么害怕和慌张。 Because they will fly. 因为他们会飞。 Sanna also caught a very rare arrow strange fish, installed in bottle said that must raise it to work as the pet, because book said that the person of ancient civilization will raise the animal to work as the pet. 桑娜还抓了一条非常罕见的箭头怪鱼,装在瓶子里说要养它当宠物,因为书里说古代文明的人会养动物当宠物。 She could not catch the terrestrial animal that book said to catch it, said happily must become friends with it. 她抓不到书里说的陆生动物就抓了它,开心地说要和它交朋友。 Szaszy walks while is drawing the map, simultaneously reorganizes the clue that about Prayer Society is walking to collect. 萨西一边走的时候一边在画着地图,同时整理着一路走来搜集到的关于祈灵会的线索。 After two people got down the demon crystal submarine, searches. 两人下了魔晶潜水艇后一路搜寻。 Walks from 881, to 880 and 879, had not found the form about Prayer Society finally, also has not seen anyone 's shadow. 从八百八十一层走下来,一直到八百八十层和八百七十九层,结果都没有找到关于祈灵会的身影,同时也没有见到任何一个人影。 Although this also left Zheng from certain levels, Prayer Society indeed from here process, and took away all people. 虽然这也从某些层面上左证了,祈灵会的确从这里经过并且带走了所有的人。 However until now he also indeed has no big harvest. 不过直到现在他还的确没有什么大的收获。 Two people walk the gloomy jungles that change into stone building, in piece by piece collapsing worn-out ruins constructions. 两人行走在石楼化为的阴暗丛林之间,在一片片坍塌破旧的废墟建筑之间上上下下。 They one will walk in the height dozens meters building side porch, one will appear before has the building window that the human footmark stays, one will appear in the street center again. 他们一会行走在高数十米的大楼侧廊上,一会出现在之前有人迹停留的大楼窗户前,再一会又出现在了街道中央。 The curtain of night arrives slowly. 夜幕慢慢降临。 Also is the fluorescence of fluorescent moss dark peaceful until disappearance time. 也就是荧光苔藓的荧光暗澹直至消失的时候。 A window of before stone building, Sanna places near a crystal lamp the window, she is helping spread the blanket, is preparing evening's food together. 一栋石楼的窗户前,桑娜将一盏晶灯放在窗户边,她正在帮忙铺着毯子,然后一起准备着晚上的食物。 Her mouth snort/hum the song, seemed happy. 她嘴里哼着歌,似乎很高兴。 Because she had an arrow strange fish friend. 因为她有了一个箭头怪鱼朋友。 Humming sound humming sound ~ “嗡嗡嗡嗡~” Suddenly, entire Tower of Babel transmitted the strange fluctuation. 突然间,整个通天塔传来了奇异的波动。 Probably wipes covered the strange fluctuation on entire Tower of Babel is taking back, is occupied by this Tower of Babel person, even if not know that had anything, in the heart also transmits the strong deserted feeling suddenly. 好像一抹原本笼罩在整个通天塔上的奇异波动正在收回,居住在这座通天塔里的人哪怕不知道发生了什么,心中也突然传来强烈的空落落的感觉。 Is thinking deeply about anything's Szaszy to stand all of a sudden, raises head to look at the rock board on top of the head. 正在思索着什么的萨西一下子站了起来,仰头看着头顶上的岩板。 Probably is somewhat moved. 好像有些怅然若失。 He understands that is temple leaves the sound of this world thoroughly. 他明白,那是神殿彻底离开这个世界的动静。 The opposite party carried off the channel and spirit base life conversion system of various god world, having over 1300 all three spirits formally to start to step into Dreamland. 对方带走了诸神世界的通道和灵基生命转化装置,带着一千三百层以上的所有三眼灵已经正式开始踏入梦界之中。 Szaszy is raising head, did not have any movement at once, but such is looking up. 萨西仰着头,一时之间没有了任何动作,只是那样抬着头望着。 Suddenly, he bosom the dream megaphone transmitted ka-ka the sound. 突然间,他怀中的梦幻播音机传来了卡卡卡的响动。 He took the dream megaphone came out to paste on the ear. 他将梦幻播音机拿了出来贴在耳朵上。 Inside broadcast the voice of friend, that is the opposite party is making the farewell to him. 里面传来了朋友的声音,那是对方在向他作着告别。 Szaszy!” “萨西!” We must walk.” “我们要走了。” Szaszy somewhat was that vacant the face and lost, welled up the smile in a flash. 萨西原本有些茫然和失落的脸,一瞬间涌上了笑容。 His face is pasting the dream megaphone, looks that the rock board on top of the head was also saying one to another friend. 他脸贴着梦幻播音机,看着头顶上的岩板也对着另一头的朋友说了一句。 Bye!” “再见!” Even if he knows that the opposite party cannot hear. 哪怕他知道对方听不见。 He closed the dream megaphone, places one side it. 他关闭了梦幻播音机,将它放在一边。 Because he possibly could not use it again, will not have the sound to transmit from inside again. 因为他可能再也用不上它了,也不会再有声音从里面传来。 In the hand holds Sanna of glass jar to stand in same place, looks at Szaszy's face: What just had, angel?” 手里抱着玻璃瓶的桑娜站在原地,看着萨西的脸:“刚刚是不是发生了什么,天使?” She as if felt Szaszy's mood, although that wiped the mood to disappear on his face. 她似乎感觉到了萨西的情绪,虽然那一抹情绪只是在他脸上转瞬即逝。 Szaszy lowers the head saying: All right, possibly was the earthquake!” 萨西低下头说:“没事,可能是地震了吧!” Sanna nods: Oh!” 桑娜点了点头:“喔!” Szaszy helps prepare the dinner together, suddenly he asked Sanna: You hope all that Prayer Society said real?” 萨西帮忙一起准备着晚餐,突然他问桑娜:“你希望祈灵会所说的一切是真的吗?” Sanna puts out a hand immediately high: Naturally!” 桑娜立刻高高地伸出手:“当然!” Szaszy nods, he said: I also hope real.” 萨西点了点头,他说:“我也希望是真的。” Sanna follows to nod together: We will then look tomorrow together, must find them.” 桑娜跟着一起点头:“那我们明天一起接着找吧,一定要找到他们。” Szaszy: Naturally!” 萨西:“当然!” -------------------------------- -------------------------------- They spanned the metal front door that separates the region, before going to a broad square . 他们跨越了隔开区域的金属大门,来到了一处宽阔的广场前。 Here ground also left leeway past the concave hollow of train railroad, the both sides have the house that many big warehouses changed, seemed like the station same construction also to separate the board to become the residence, but can distinguish here once function as before. 这里地面还留有昔日列车铁道的凹坑槽,两侧有着许多高大仓库改为的房屋,看上去像是车站一样的建筑也隔上了板子成为了居所,不过依旧可以辨别出这里曾经的作用。 Sanna looks has kept the picture in motion picture projector, immediately recognizes: I recognize this, this is a station.” 桑娜看过留影机里的画面,立刻就认了出来:“我认得这个,这个是车站。” She also saw the docking platform of airship: I also recognize this, these airships take off from here.” 她还看到了飞艇的停靠站台:“我也认得这个,那些飞艇就是从这里起飞的。” Two people entered the waiting hall in station, although inside does not have the seat, the thing that can disassemble has disassembled, but two people recalled in the movie picture the station hall lively scene. 两个人进入了车站的候车大厅,虽然里面没有座位,能拆卸的东西早已经拆卸一空,但是两人还是回忆起了影片画面里车站大厅热闹的场面。 Lots of people are waiting, before the platform, crowded. 大量的人在等候,站台前人来人往。 People stare at the train that is coming, sends out sound that clamored lively, had the laughter, there is pursues the sound anxiously. 人们凝望着远来的列车,发出热闹喧哗的声音,有笑声,也有焦急地追赶声。 Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Next stand, Moonlight City.” “下一站,月光城。” Went to the Suinhall train to want depart.” “前往苏因霍尔的列车就要出发了。” Arrived us, a bit faster in the past.” “到我们了,快点过去吧。” „......” “……” Two people also arrived at the scoop channel of train railroad, studies keeps these people in motion picture projector picture to stare at the direction that the train is driving. 两人也来到了列车铁道的凹槽边,学着留影机画面里的那些人凝望着列车驶来的方向。 Absent-minded within, they really heard the whistle and wheel sound of train probably. 恍忽间,他们好像真的听到了列车的汽笛声和车轮声。 Wū wū!” “呜呜呜!” „, when when works as!” “哐当哐当哐当哐当!” Looks at the distant place, on the face of Sanna showed the anticipation expression. 看着远处,桑娜的脸上露出了期待的表情。 Probably she must take on that train, follows everyone to go to other remote cities together. 好像她就要乘坐上那辆列车,跟随着所有人一起前往遥远的其他城市。 Sanna: Szaszy, I heard the sound of train probably, it is quite quick.” 桑娜:“萨西,我好像听到了列车的声音,它好快。” Szaszy: I also heard.” 萨西:“我也听到了。” Sanna: „If Szaszy you, where you do want to take the train to go to?” 桑娜:“如果是萨西你的话,你要乘坐列车去哪里呢?” Szaszy said: Heard that beforehand has the sky train that travels around the world, I want to ride it to go through in the space.” 萨西说:“听说以前有周游世界的天空列车,我想要乘坐它在天上穿行。” Sanna: „Won't we fly?” 桑娜:“我们不是会飞吗?” Szaszy: But takes the train to be different, felt that looks like the travel to be the same.” 萨西:“但是乘坐列车不一样,感觉就像是旅行一样。” Sanna: „Aren't we travelling?” 桑娜:“我们不就是在旅行吗?” Szaszy: Different.” 萨西:“不一样。” Sanna: How different?” 桑娜:“怎么不一样?” Szaszy: „The travel words, should with ease be more comfortable!” 萨西:“旅行的话,应该更轻松自在一些吧!” However he looked at Sanna one, then said one. 但是他看了桑娜一眼,又接着说了一句。 „...... Was also similar.” “不过……也差不多了。” Bridges over the railroad, has temple in the end of square. 跨过铁道,在广场的尽头还有着一座神庙 temple is carving all kinds of plants everywhere weakly. 神庙到处凋刻着各种各样的植物。 Has strange sea of flowers, but also has the rainbow tree, as well as leaves of shining front doors. 有着奇异的花海,还有着彩虹树,以及一扇扇发着光的大门。 Different with other places, although here empty how, but not to have been opened and has destroyed, preserving is complete. 和其他地方不一样,这里虽然空荡荡的但是并没有被怎么拆动和破坏过,保存还算完好。 It seems like temple such existence nature to the deterrent force of person be bigger, although these once went to the high level via the housing person here, does not know that this is what temple. 看起来神庙这样的存在自然给人的威慑力要更大一些,虽然那些曾经前往高层途经居住在这里的人,并不知道这是什么神庙 But Szaszy entered here expression becomes enforced. 而萨西一进入这里表情就变得严肃了起来。 He can feel that here has many people to come some time ago, lived should once stay in the person and Prayer Society of this class person here after a period of time. 他可以感觉到这里不久前有着很多人来过,居住在这一阶层的人和祈灵会的人应该都曾经在这里停留过一段时间。 Szaszy grabs the hand of Sanna to seek for each palace in temple immediately everywhere, attempts to seek for the trail of person, or clue about Prayer Society. 萨西抓着桑娜的手立刻到处寻找着神庙里的各个殿堂,企图寻找出人的踪迹,或者关于祈灵会的线索。 However was a pity very much, in entire temple had not found the trace of anyone as before. 但是很可惜,整个神庙里面依旧没有找到任何一个人的踪影。 Entire temple is empty. 整个神庙空荡荡的。 Most noticeable, only has by picture in a wall. 最引人注目的,只有一幅靠在墙壁上的画。 The frame of wooden seems like the person is higher, is a vertical stroke big painting. 木质的画框看上去比人高一些,是一个竖幅的大画作。 However compares with that dozens-meter wall, on the spacious wall only then such a picture, is especially noticeable. 不过和那高达几十米的墙壁比起来,空旷的壁面上只有这样一幅画,还是格外地引人注目的。 Two people stand before this picture, is appreciating this artware. 两个人站在这幅画前,欣赏着这幅艺术品。 In such time art, but one very precious and luxurious thing. 在这样的时代艺术可是一样非常珍贵和奢侈的东西。 Sanna asked: This is the picture, what picture is what?” 桑娜问:“这就是画吗,画的是什么呢?” Szaszy is also looking: Probably stretch of ruins?” 萨西也在看:“好像是一片废墟?” Sanna: This is when person draws.” 桑娜:“这是什么时候的人画的。” Szaszy said: Should be our time person draws!” 萨西说:“应该是我们这个时代的人画的吧!” Marks to have a big ring of illumination, may be the window. 画上有着一个发光的大圆环,也有可能是窗户。 Can see the picture main body by the window same ring, is various types of goods piles up a colored drawing on pottery of mountain. 透过窗户一样的圆环可以看到画的主体,是各种物品堆积成一座大山的彩绘。 Draws close to the picture to look carefully, discovered that may really be a huge mountain. 仔细贴近画面去看,就发现那可真是一座庞大的大山。 The goods of stack not only have junks in broken bits, but also has the white round tower, airship of breakage. 堆积的物品不仅仅有着细碎的杂物,还有着白色的圆塔,破损的飞艇。 But the main body of carrying/sustaining ruins mountain, is a giant check cabinet, comprised of many small checks, other goods scatter in its both sides. 而承载废墟大山的主体,是一个巨大的格子柜,由很多个小格子组成,其他的物品都散落在它的两侧。 That check cabinet is somewhat big, because that seems like at least has 78 round towers to compare a small check on check cabinet, the probably small toy is the same, although may also the picture is really a toy. 只是那个格子柜有些大,因为那看起来至少有着七八层的圆塔相比于格子柜上的一个小格子来说,都好像是小玩具一样,虽然也有可能画的真的是玩具。 Each check cabinet has the glass door, among the check cabinets also has the ladder to link. 每一个格子柜都有着玻璃门,格子柜之间还有着梯子连接在一起。 Although does not know the idea of person picture picture is anything, but seems like very interesting. 虽然不知道画这幅画的人的想法是什么,不过看上去十分地有趣。 Szaszy: Although does not know what picture is anything, but is very interesting.” 萨西:“虽然不知道画的是什么,但是挺有意思的。” Sanna also nods: Well really draws, what picture it is illuminates?” 桑娜也点了点头:“画得好真实啊,它是照着什么画出来的呢?” Szaszy said: Picture is not necessarily real, this should be the painting that fantasizes, in the ancient civilization also when has real painting «lost kingdom», what description is about a city of float first era myth in the sky, it is said that is manifestation of painting highest technique.” 萨西说:“画不一定是真实的,这应该是幻想出来的画作,在古代文明还在的时候有一幅真实的画作《失落之国》,描写的是关于一座漂浮在天空之中第一纪元的神话之城的,据说那是画作最高技艺的体现。” Sanna: „The first era?” 桑娜:“第一纪元?” Szaszy said: Our time are the second era finally time, but lost kingdom is the first era finished the time, antique city that leaves behind.” 萨西说:“我们所处的时代是第二纪元的终焉时代,而失落之国就是第一纪元结束的时候,遗留下来的太古之城。” Sanna: Originally isn't our world the first end?” 桑娜:“原来我们的世界不是第一次终结么?” Szaszy said: Life will die, the civilization will also die similarly, however after the old life and civilization died, will breed the new life and civilization.” 萨西说:“生命会死去,文明也同样会死去,但是旧的生命和文明死去之后,又会孕育出新的生命和文明。” World possibly during such places circulate, will move toward unceasingly in the future!” “世界可能就是在这样一次次地循环之中,不断走向未来吧!” Sanna held up her to keep the motion picture projector: In the future one day some people will pick me to keep the picture of motion picture projector, will the image that we leave behind also turn into another «lost kingdom»?” 桑娜举起了她的留影机:“将来有一天有人捡到了我的留影机的画,我们留下的影像是不是也会变成另一幅《失落之国》呢?” The somewhat serious angel could not bear smile: Perhaps!” 有些严肃的天使也忍不住笑了起来:“或许吧!” But at this time, their front pictures moved suddenly. 而在这个时候,他们面前的画突然动了。 After Sanna discovered, immediately points at the picture to shout. 桑娜发现了以后,立刻指着画大喊。 Looks quickly.” “快看。” Drew.” “画动了。” Sanna shouted that beforehand Szaszy has discovered, he puts out a hand to hold Sanna immediately, advanced her own behind. 桑娜喊之前萨西就已经发现了,他立刻伸出手抓住了桑娜,将她推到了自己的身后。 In Szaszy's vision, can see that the content of picture enlarges unceasingly, seems the lens the same as approach the world in picture unceasingly. 在萨西的目光里,可以看到画的内容不断地放大,就好像镜头一样不断地靠近着画中的世界。 That mountain enlarges unceasingly, that check cabinet also enlarges unceasingly, finally in a deep place of cabinet check. 那座大山不断放大,那座格子柜也不断放大,最后在其中一个柜格子的深处。 He saw one group of people. 他看到了一群人。 That person who in the picture leads looked to Szaszy, is saluting after him said. 画里领头的那个人看向了萨西,对着他行礼之后说道。 Hello!” “你好!” Angel, I am the Prayer Society elder.” “天使,我是祈灵会的长老。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The person in that picture passes through that picture unexpectedly like this, walked in piece of ripples, stood in two people front like this livingly. 那画中的人竟然就这样穿过那幅画,于一片涟漪之中走了出来,就这样活生生地站在了两人的面前。 But Szaszy or Sanna, on the face are one surprised to the dumbfounded expression. 而不论是萨西还是桑娜,脸上都是一副惊讶到目瞪口呆的表情。 Before a temple table . 神庙的一张桌子前。 Big small two winged human and white scale lizard human are sitting facing each other. 一大一小两个翼人和一个白鳞蜥蜴人对坐着。 Although lizard human makes the appearance make winged human feel somewhat fiercely, but the bearing is completely different, is seemingly gentle, putting on is also appropriate. 蜥蜴人虽让长相让翼人觉得有些狰狞,但是气度却完全不一样,看上去文质彬彬,穿着也非常得体。 Szaszy and Sanna are surprised, originally they have looked for Prayer Society that could not find to live in a picture unexpectedly. 萨西和桑娜非常惊讶,原来他们一直找都找不到的祈灵会居然居住在一幅画里。 The Prayer Society elder told them: This is not a picture, this is a transmission door.” 祈灵会的长老告诉他们:“这不是一幅画,这是一扇传送门。” Szaszy said: Even if transmits the gate, if unable to find another transmission door, cannot have an effect, moreover this world already very long not new transmission servant of God birth.” 萨西说:“就算是传送门,如果无法找到另一扇传送门的话,也并不能起作用,而且这个世界已经很久没有新的传送神侍诞生了。” The Prayer Society elder said: Is before very long, I obtained a key, starting from that time I collect the material to build my transmission gate everywhere.” 祈灵会长老说:“很久以前,我得到了一把钥匙,从那个时候开始我就四处搜集材料想要打造出我的传送之门。” Good that you said that when cannot with another leaf of transmission gate docking, independent transmission door cannot have an effect, let alone this secluded from the world place.” “你说的不错,当不能和另一扇传送门对接的时候,单独一扇传送门并不能起作用,更别说这个与世隔绝的地方。” But a situation exception.” “但是还有一种情况例外。” Szaszy said: What situation?” 萨西说:“什么情况?” Elders: If transmits the hope and hope of servant of God is powerful enough, the gate will long for and hope place toward oneself opens.” 长老:“如果传送神侍的期盼和渴望足够强大的话,门会向着自身渴望和期盼的地方打开。” The elders looked to nearby picture: When however I open this door, then led to here.” 长老看向了一旁的“画”:“而当我打开这扇门的时候,便通往了这里。” Elder both hands close, presents the pray shape. 长老双手合上,呈现祈祷状。 If in this world really has the direction of destiny, this should, this door really seek for the final hope and home to return to for us and that's the end.” “如果这个世界上真的存在命运的指引的话,这应该就是了吧,这扇门真的为我们寻找到了最后的希望和归宿。” Szaszy also looks at that transmission door. 萨西也看着那扇传送门。 Although unbelievable, but Prayer Society as if really found the place that can hold them to have. 虽然难以置信,但是祈灵会似乎真的找到了一个可以容纳他们存在的地方。 Although, this holds their places to be strange. 虽然,这个容纳他们的地方怪怪的。 The lizard human elder and Szaszy told the function and origin of this picture, later then said goodbye to prepare to re-enter in the picture, the whole staff has shifted inside, usually also lived to be one of them. 蜥蜴人长老和萨西讲述一下这幅画的作用和来历,之后便告别准备重新进入画中,他们已经全员转移到了里面,平时也居住在其中。 Several days later we will want depart, goes to next.” “过几天我们就要出发了,前往下一层。” If you want to take a look, can say with me at any time.” “如果你们想要进来看看的话,可以随时和我说。” ------------------------- ------------------------- Station hall. 车站大厅。 Szaszy is preparing food, he somewhat seems to be in a daze. 萨西正在准备食物,他似乎有些发愣。 He inspected, discovered that food was somewhat insufficient, therefore looked that to closed/pass the arrow strange fish in bottle. 他检查了一下,发现食物有些不够了,于是看向了关在瓶子里的箭头怪鱼。 He hesitant a meeting, turned on the bottle. 他犹豫了一会,还是打开了瓶子。 Suddenly, Szaszy gave to boil it, possibly was because brought it is not very convenient, or was other what reason. 眨眼间,萨西就把它给煮了,可能是因为带着它很不方便,或者是别的什么原因。 „!” “啊!” Sanna cries very sadly regarding the fire of high-piled firewood, when the meat soup boils thoroughly she looks that steadily boils iron bucket that boils, the fragrance that sends out let not eat her belly of thing cluck, the nose also followed to wrinkle. 桑娜围绕着火堆哭得很伤心,只是当肉汤煮熟的时候她又目不转睛地看着煮得沸腾的铁桶,散发出的香味让走了一路没怎么吃东西的她肚子咕咕叫,鼻子也跟着皱了起来。 Sanna is sad: We boiled off the friend.” 桑娜非常难过:“我们把朋友煮掉了。” Szaszy said: It is not a friend.” 萨西说:“它不是朋友。” Sanna thinks: It is the friend of mine.” 桑娜还是认为:“它就是我的朋友。” Szaszy said: This world did not have the means to work as the friend with food luxuriously.” 萨西说:“这个世界还没有办法奢侈到和食物当朋友的。” Sanna held up the example: „The person of ancient civilization.” 桑娜举起了例子:“古代文明的人就可以。” Szaszy said: You were not the person of ancient civilization, the person of ancient civilization has the productivity to the commodity that can waste at will and incomparably prosperous world, but the survival was one is very to you brutal and issue of reality.” 萨西说:“你不是古代文明的人,古代文明的人拥有着丰饶到可以随意浪费的物资和无比繁荣的世界,但是对于你来说生存是一个无比残酷和现实的问题。” The grim angel at this time seemed like, as if was also having a heart of stone, and not gentle person. 冷面的天使这个时候看起来,似乎也是个“铁石心肠”且不怎么温柔的人。 Szaszy abundant a big box gave her, looks that she swallows the saliva the appearance to ask: „Very fragrant?” 萨西盛了一大盒给她,看着她咽口水的模样问:“很香吧?” Sanna: But......” 桑娜:“可是……” Szaszy: That eats.” 萨西:“那就吃吧。” Sanna: But......” 桑娜:“可是……” Szaszy: Eats cleanly the soup, do not waste, food is very precious.” 萨西:“将汤喝干净,不要浪费了,食物很珍贵。” The Sanna tears ate up the soup anxiously, but also licked the metal lunch box, seeming like friend flavor is indeed good. 桑娜眼泪巴巴地喝完了汤,还舔了舔金属饭盒,看起来“朋友”味道的确不错。 Sleeping time, she holds the bottle to talk in a dream, said that must look for a friend again. 睡觉的时候,她抱着瓶子说着梦话,说还要再找一个朋友。 Szaszy is listening to the Sanna sleep-talking, cannot bear shake the head. 萨西听着桑娜的梦话,忍不住摇了摇头。 Next day, Szaszy decided enters in that transmission gate to have a look like the picture same world, with the Sanna same place. 第二天,萨西还是决定了进入那个传送门里面如同画一样的世界里看看,和桑娜一起。 Two people stand before together transmitting the gate, an expression is calm, simultaneously gripped the weapon on hand. 两个人一起站在传送门之前,一个表情沉稳,同时握住了手上的武器。 Is more excited much the face to be red, the back wing also follows slightly the flutter. 一个激动得小脸通红,背后的翅膀也跟着微微扑动着。 Szaszy asked: Prepared?” 萨西问:“准备好了吗?” Sanna: Prepared.” 桑娜:“准备好了。” Two people step together toward the transmission gate , the body was wrapped by the colored gloss. 两人一起朝着传送门中迈去,身体就被彩色的油光包裹住。 Across the gloss, their front as if presented a halo. 穿过油光,他们的面前似乎出现了一个光环。 They also see clearly that halo without enough time are anything, goes through. 只是他们还来不及看清楚那道光环是什么,就穿行而过。 Then. 然后。 They discovered that all changed. 他们就发现一切都变了。 They from the three-dimensional shape, were pressed the flat appearance probably. 他们自身好像从原本立体的形状,被压成了扁平的模样。 This feeling is very marvelous, is somewhat frightened. 这感觉很奇妙,也有些惊悚。 Two people fell in that ruins mountain, then started check cabinet to walk toward that along the ruins mountain. 两个人落在了那座废墟大山之中,然后开始沿着废墟大山朝着那个“格子柜”走去。 In here angle of view and reality are completely different, they can only see each goods the upfront, cannot see the goods the side, but they also similarly are this, can only see the upfront of opposite party. 这里的视角和现实之中完全不一样,他们只能够看到每一件物品的正面,看不到物品的侧面,而他们自己也同样是这样,只能够看到对方的正面。 It seems like one to walk in the 2D horizontal version plays inside character. 就好像是一个行走在2D横版游戏里面的人物。 They like a slip of paper person in a picture the movement, were arriving by the check cabinet horizontally little. 他们如同一个纸片人在一幅画里横着移动,一点点走到了格子柜旁边。 They climb mount a ladder. 他们攀登上了梯子。 In that picture looks seems like the toy same small ladder, at this moment seems like seems the tall ladder to be the same, long, and horizon. 那画中看起来就好像玩具一样的小梯子,此刻看起来就好像天梯一样,漫长且不着天际。 Sanna: Why don't we fly?” 桑娜:“我们为什么不飞呢?”
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