HDD :: Volume #18

#1720: The reincarnation say/way reveres

Chapter 1720 reincarnation say/way reveres 第1720章轮回道尊 Great Profound World, three immortal fights drop the curtain quietly, but that promotion immortal imposing manner even more is fearful, because fishes two fish in Zhang Chunyi smoothly, after the domineering suppresses the person tribulations, when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, Black Mountain has started the true promotion. 太玄界,三尊不朽的交手悄然落下帷幕,而那晋升不朽的气象却越发可怕,因为在张纯一顺利钓出两条鱼,强势镇压人劫之后,福至心灵,黑山已经开始真正的晋升。 It along the Chengtian life, evolved boat everywhere along the road goes through just like a sea-monster in the principle sea, even if the violent storm interweaves also cannot block him. 其顺承天命,演化载道之舟宛如一条游鱼般穿行在法则海中,纵然狂风暴雨交织亦不能阻他。 Sets up in the body principle sea, Zhang Chunyi silently looks at this. 立身法则海中,张纯一默默的看着这一幕。 Like a fish in water, this one goes to Black Mountain, when skyrockets, obtaining enlightenment immortal.” “如鱼得水,此一去黑山当扶摇直上,得道长生。” heaven's secret, Zhang Chunyi saw some possibility. 得一线天机,张纯一看到了某种可能。 Along the Chengtian life, on the Black Mountain achieve the Dao road the biggest hindrance is the person tribulations, but nowadays Emperor Ying and Demon Ancestor suffer a loss in his hands, the short time has been incapable of making a move, is difficult to stop Black Mountain achieve the Dao, as for sign that Buddha Ancestor has not acted completely, does not have too many reasons, but such Zhang Chunyi has not departed even, the water of this world is very deep, besides swayed in outwardly on several immortal, some exists secretly ancient, has to guard. 顺承天命,黑山成道路上最大的阻碍便是人劫,不过现如今赢帝魔祖都在他手中吃了亏,短时间已经无力出手,再难阻拦黑山成道,至于佛祖则完全没有出手的迹象,也无太多理由,不过就算是这样张纯一也没有就此离去,这个世界的水很深,除了摆在明面上的几位不朽之外,暗地里还是有一些古老存在的,不得不防。 These years smelted at times on the 1st, do not have to idle, overturn the heavens seal this supreme treasure finally became, it along Chengtian two, had the heaviness of the world, the friendliest suppression, this treasure object in too the heaven, assumed the center for it at this time, suppressed the day said/tunnel of rebellion, because of so, his true body can appear here, without this treasure object, his true body is unable to use, even if intended still to arrive at some strengths forcefully at most. 这些年时时熔炼,无一日懈怠,翻天印这件至宝总算是成了,其顺承天地二道,有天地之重,最善镇压,此时这件宝物就在太上天中,替其坐镇中枢,镇压暴动的天地道则,也正是因为如此,他的真身才能出现在这里,若没有这件宝物,他的真身根本无法动用,就算强行出手也顶多降临部分力量而已。 Has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, these has a unexpected happiness time.” “有心算无心,这一次倒有意外之喜。” Gazes after Black Mountain to go far away, the consciousness of Zhang Chunyi raises quietly. 目送黑山远去,张纯一的意识悄然拔高。 He spanned in this moment hinders layer on layer/heavily, arrived above Heaven, saw quietly in this 's eye of heart demon, it hung above Vault of Heaven, the embodiment was really hot, overlooks all living things, seemed quenchings oneself body in by that mortal world corrupt world, it is stiffening unceasingly, continually improved. 在这一刻他跨越重重阻碍,来到了苍天之上,看到了沉寂于此的心魔之眼,其高悬于苍穹之上,内蕴真火,俯瞰众生,好似在以那红尘浊世淬炼己身,它在不断变强,不断完善。 On this day, if cultivator, various resources naturally greatly hold, but the world wants to break the ceiling nearly is not not possible again, the world consciousness is nearly versatile, but is outward uncertain.” “这天地若是修行者,各种资源自然大盛,可世界再想打破天花板却近乎不可能了,世界意识在内近乎全能,但对外就不一定了。” Is sizing up the eye of heart demon carefully, in real fire of that agitated combustion he saw shatter and distortion dao mark, they interweave mutually, the mutual involvement, changes to an incomplete whole finally, it is to refine the heart, is Zhang Chunyi after the refining another dao seed that founds, but with has the refining of achievement to be different, building up the heart is very incomplete, needs continually to improve. 仔细打量着心魔之眼,在那汹汹燃烧的真火之中他看到了一条条破碎而扭曲的道痕,它们相互交织,相互勾连,最终化作一个残缺的整体,其为炼心,是张纯一继炼气之后开创出的另外一种道种,只不过和已经有所成就的炼气不同,炼心还很残缺,需要不断完善。 World recovers, say/way of greatly prosperous practicing, the world wants to set up the tribulation for all living things, but this is not the world must block path of cultivation, but to stop the mediocre person, selects the powerhouse, after all the true powerhouse can effectively promote the development of the world.” “天地复苏,修行之道大昌,天地欲为众生立劫,不过这并不是天地要阻断修行之路,只是为了阻拦庸者,选拔强者,毕竟真正的强者能有效推动天地的发展。” In the heart the thought rotation, cultivation base is profound, Zhang Chunyi regarding the cognition of the world is clear. 心中念头转动,修为越是精深,张纯一对于天地的认知越是清楚。 Refining up the heart to help supplement fated tribulation , to promote the forward development, I believe that has the world to assist, this will build up heart dao seed to derive quickly truly.” “炼心有利于补充劫数,推动正向发展,我相信有天地相助,这枚炼心道种很快就会真正衍生。” Refining, refining up the heart, this is two roads, the former is a lord, the latter is auxiliary, has these two to assist, my say/way regards.” “炼气,炼心,这是两条路,前者为主,后者为辅,有这两者相助,吾之道当成。” heaven's will to high, under heaven's will, all cultivator is difficult to escape the gaze of eye of heart demon. 天意至高,在天意之下,所有修士都难逃心魔之眼的注视。 Preaching world, these also borrowed the Demon Ancestor light time.” “布道天地,这一次倒也是借了魔祖的光。” His hand improvement taking advantage of the world refining up heart dao seed this is to the supplement of his refining the dao, simultaneously refine heart dao seed to gather the eye of heart demon also to take root in this on behalf of refining the dao, in the future not necessarily cannot make it existence that was similar Dragon Gate , inherited refining the dao for his carrying/sustaining refining the dao, even if merely were only part of also no small matters, what after all eye of correspondence this heart demon was Great Profound World all cultivator. 他借天地之手完善炼心道种这本身就是对他炼道的补充,同时炼心道种合了心魔之眼也代表炼道在此扎下了根,未来未必不能让它成为类似龙门的存在,为他承载炼道、传承炼道,哪怕仅仅只是一部分也非同小可,毕竟这心魔之眼对应的是太玄界所有修士 But sees the instance of eye of heart demon in Zhang Chunyi, a subtle relation quietly establishes between him and heart demon eyes. 而在张纯一看到心魔之眼的瞬间,一种微妙的联系悄然在他与心魔之眼间建立。 Quite feels satisfied, Zhang Chunyi took back the vision, a thought that after this is Demon Ancestor uses the eye of heart demon, his in the heart emits suddenly, is only an attempt, but develops currently speaking quite smoothly, has saying that Demon Ancestor gave him to give a big present, making the road of his vertical say/way go smoothly a point, even can also harvest big karmic virtues in the future, seriously was a unexpected happiness. 颇感满意,张纯一收回了目光,这本是魔祖动用心魔之眼后他心中突然冒出的一个念头,只是一种尝试,但就目前而言发展颇为顺利,不得不说魔祖给了他送了一份大礼,让他的立道之路又顺遂了一分,甚至未来还能收获一份不小的功德,当真是意外之喜。 The time passes, has not known how long, that mighty waves turbulent principle sea deep place suddenly presented a strange tranquility, Black Mountain melted the tiger body obviously, the fearless vanguard, treads. 时间流逝,不知过了多久,那波涛汹涌的法则海深处突然出现了一阵诡异的平静,黑山显化虎躯,昂然前行,踏道而来。 „Is this then the life and death end?” “这便是生与死的尽头吗?” Looks at the present desolated scene, in Black Mountain tiger is completely tranquil, this life and death two Grand Dao were also once grasped, stays behind the corresponding trace, but has been corroded to go by the years nowadays, does not see the half a point charm. 看着眼前的荒芜景象,黑山的虎目中尽是平静,这生与死两条大道也曾被人掌握,留下相应的痕迹,只不过现如今已经都被岁月侵蚀而去,不见半分神韵。 Sees this, in the Black Mountain heart is not again scruple, enters the Grand Dao source. 见此,黑山心中再无迟疑,直入大道源头。 I hold reincarnation, today sidewise compression life and death!” “吾掌轮回,今日横压生死!” A pen in the palm, in this moment, is obviously serious, Black Mountain writes completely the life and death. 一支笔在掌中显化,在这一刻,面色肃然,黑山一笔写尽生死。 Rumble, Grand Dao thunders, seems is feels the Black Mountain movement, the storms of life and death two instinct walks, but this time Black Mountain actually must be blessed by God, resisted the life and death Grand Dao rebellion, wrote completely the life and death, by oneself the say/way of say/way verification world. 轰隆隆,大道轰鸣,好似是感受到黑山的动作,生死二道本能的暴走,但此时的黑山却如有神助,生生抗住了生死大道的暴动,一笔写尽生死,以自身之道印证天地之道。 Some moment, a sidewise compression world, life and death two Grand Dao interweave under its pen tip, Black Mountain successful left the alone own trace on the say/way of the world. 某一刻,一笔横压天地,生与死两条大道在其笔尖下交织,黑山成功于天地之道上留下了独属于自己的痕迹。 Became.” “成了。” Sees such a, likes to exude greatly in the Black Mountain heart, the next instance, the destiny washout, the fire of ignition Grand Dao, the real not empty gold/metal nature is born in the Black Mountain real spirit deep place, that is the symbolic immortal foundation. 看到这样的一幕,一股大欢喜在黑山心底泛起,下一个瞬间,天命冲刷,大道之火灼烧,一点真实不虚的金性在黑山的真灵深处诞生,那是象征不朽的根基。 Also at this time, the Grand Dao profound sound resounded through the world, composed the sounds of nature, absent-minded between ten thousand spirit seemed saw excellence, its taking the form of tiger, occupied void, sidewise compression above life and death, but in next instance, this originally also illusory form truly in between Heaven and Earth obviously. 也就是在这個时候,大道玄音响彻天地,谱写天籁,恍惚之间万灵好似看到了一尊无上者,其身形似虎,盘踞虚空,横压于生死之上,而就在下一个瞬间,这道原本还虚幻的身影真正在天地间显化。 I revere for the reincarnation say/way, hold the life and death order, the life and death is divided the life henceforward, reincarnation is ordered.” “吾为轮回道尊,掌生死秩序,自此以后生死分命,轮回有序。” dharma avatar is great, foot treads Nether Yin, the body enters Yang World, Black Mountain overlooks world, his pair of pupil is jet black, inside completely obviously profound, in this instance, uses the evil law to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence innumerably, the life has exhausted obviously, but stationed in the antique heart of Yang World to give birth forcefully greatly was alarmed and afraid, the big terrifying. 法身伟岸,脚踏阴冥,身入阳世,黑山俯瞰世间,其双眸漆黑,内里尽显深邃,在这一个瞬间,无数利用邪法苟延残喘,明明已经寿元耗尽,但强行驻留阳世的老古董心中生出了大惊惧、大恐怖。 Say/Way reveres to forgive “道尊饶命・・・” Has the ancient broken coffin, wants to beg for mercy, some people want to avoid in this revolution strange divine ability, wants to run away thoroughly, Great Profound World unexpectedly was suddenly chaotic, these antiques can be stationed in the world forcefully, the position and strength are not often low. 有古老者破棺而出,想要求饶,也有人在此运转诡异神通想要躲避,还有想要彻底遁去,一时间太玄界竟然乱了起来,这些老古董能够强行驻世,身份地位和实力往往都不低。 Sees such a, on the face of Black Mountain full is indifferently. 看到这样的一幕,黑山的脸上满是漠然。 The next instance, it finds out the tiger claw, the life and death interweave in his palm, change to a life and death pen. 下一个瞬间,其探出虎爪,生与死在其掌中交织,化作一支生死笔。 Death!” “死!” Falls, Black Mountain ruling life and death. 一笔落下,黑山判决生死。 Buzz, the pen falls day of startled, life and death Grand Dao interweaves, the immortal rhyme phenomenon one after another blooms in Great Profound World one after another, in those days inside and outside the old seniors, person of high skill and immortal person eyes really at this moment frail just like the chicken young, does not have the strength of resistance. 嗡,笔落天惊,生死大道交织,一道又一道的仙韵异象在太玄界接连绽放,往日里外人眼中的老前辈、高人、仙真此时此刻脆弱的宛如小鸡仔,毫无反抗之力。 Completes all these, nine quiet god have swept Great Profound World, confirmed does not have any to leave behind, Black Mountain returned to Underworld quietly, but under the exaggerations of these immortal falling phenomenon, the Great Profound World ten thousand spirits also revered this name deeply to carve the reincarnation say/way at heart.. 做完这一切,九幽神目扫过太玄界,确认没有什么遗留,黑山悄然回归地府,而在这一道道仙陨异象的渲染下,太玄界万灵也将轮回道尊这个名字深深刻进了心里。。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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