HDC :: Volume #7 Blue Sky (苍空)

#317: How dao-climbing treats certainly

After Zhang Yu transfers has read, to confirm oneself suspected, muddily is immediately dark to search toward during aura, simultaneously revolution highest qi, tries to receive and instruct Councillor Mu. 张御转过一念之后,为了验证自身猜想,立刻将气意往里浑暗之中探去,同时运转至上之气,试着接引穆司议 This chapter of that person still had not returned following aura, what is a little different, he can actually feel this person's aura clearly. 只是这回其人仍旧没有顺着气意归来,但有一点不同的是,他却是能清楚感受到这一位的气意了。 This result is actually very clear , before verifying him, to the this person's idea. 这结果其实已经很明白了,也印证了他之前对这位的想法。 At this moment possibly heavenly fate upper limit not, when this has not returned, but can see its aura, explained that distance this limits has differed is not far. 此刻可能天数上限未至,所以这位还没有归来之时,但能见其气意,说明距离此限已然相差不远了。 In other words, their remaining many opportunities, if not decide the victory and defeat with origin oneness daoist as soon as possible, then this war regardless of the victory and defeat, does not have the winner. 也就是说,他们剩下不了多少机会了,若不尽快与元一道人决出胜负,那么此战无论胜负,都没有赢家。 But they can know this matter, as grasps the origin emptiness authority temporarily origin oneness daoist, can induce probably, after all the person of this experience number tribulation, even if deferred to the past customary to calculate, should also be able to have several. 而他们能知道此事,作为暂时掌握元空权柄的元一道人,想必亦是能够感应出大概,毕竟这位经历数劫之人,哪怕只是按照以往的循例推算,应该也能有数的。 From this pushes it, this will fight the possible opposite party not to tolerate repeatedly, but completely will have the method. 由此推之,这一战可能对方也不会一遍遍的容忍,而是会尽出手段了。 Not only but is origin oneness daoist has deep concealed move not obviously, he also prepares some methods, but had not previously arrived at the critical moment, therefore he has not used. Now this kind of situation, his these methods do not need to cover-up again, deserved to use the lunch to use. 但不仅是元一道人有深藏不显的招数,他同样也是准备好了一些手段的,只是此前还没有到关键时刻,所以他不曾动用。现在这等情况,他的这些手段也不必再藏掖下来,该当用时便当用了。 He will not want to pin this on oneself person of body completely, this is not his fighting, is all dao-seeker fighting. 只是他也不会将此全部希望寄托在自己一人身上,这不是他一人之斗战,也是所有求道之人斗战 Lifts the revolutions to glance at the light by him, looks to mighty figures, said: fellow daoists, if no accident/surprise, heavenly fate changes already to the terminal of we dao-climbing, if not killed origin oneness before change, then this one fights, regardless of who preserves, not possibly peeps to say again. Therefore a war, considered to use the full power.” 是以他抬转过目光,看向诸位大能,道:“诸位同道,若无意外,天数之变已至我辈攀道之末端,若不在变化之前斩杀元一,那么此一战无论谁人留存,都无可能再窥上道。故此一战,当是倾尽全力了。” In the mighty figures facial expression is completely with deep veneration. 诸位大能神情之中尽是肃然。 Zhang Yu also said at this time: Opposite that origin oneness, if sees in this, will wrestle furiously. Therefore a war, I and others both sides do not work as conservative.” 张御此时又言:“对面那元一若见于此,亦会奋力相搏。故此一战,我等双方都不当留有余地。” Daoist Firmament Awareness said loudly: This liao said for constant, solid for the say/way, but I and other Bing change live, unity is strength, how fears this person! Must raise him surely!” 觉霄道人大声道:“此獠说为恒常,实是为己一人之道,而我等秉变而生,众志成城,岂惧此人!定要掀了他!” mighty figures nods, no matter can achieve, truth is right, moreover cannot achieve, their beyond redemption, said him regarding Zhang Yu is the letter/believes, this must certainly go all out, all said: Is struggle of dao resists, is I hoping and other!” 诸位大能点头,不管能不能做到,道理是对的,而且做不到,那他们就万劫不复了,对于张御之言他是信的,这回肯定是要拼命了,俱是言道:“为道争抗,乃我等之愿!” Zhang Yu nodded, then to various humanity: fellow daoists is just now right with that origin oneness, although was restrained, but that because of can not the joint effort, but the opposite has the constant say/way on, therefore suppresses head, but if everyone wrangles in one similarly, actually not difficult with it contending.” 张御点了点头,又接着对诸人道:“诸位道友方才与那元一对,虽是遭受克制,但那只是因为不得合力,而对面有恒常之道在上,故是压制各位一头,但若是诸位同样合气于一,却不难与之抗衡。” mighty figures hears this word, is hesitates, if wants the contract to be only, the simplest method, that is to have dominates above various daoists together, revolution various daoists, who can hold the post of this field of endeavor? 诸位大能听得此言,都是沉吟起来,要想合同唯一,最简单的方法,那就是要有一道凌驾于诸道之上,以运转诸道,谁人可以担任此道? Is it possible that yes...... 莫非是…… Then hears Zhang Yu to continue to say downward: I and others had about the say/way of reading, now has dominates above various daoists together......” at this point, his slightly, this field of endeavor then lies in the change! everyone seeks the change, only then dao-climbing, therefore sets up the change on, but to subdue|grams constant, may embrace various daoists.” 便听得张御继续往下说道:“我等并不是没有合念之道,如今有一道凌驾于诸道之上……”说到这里,他略略一顿,“此道便在于变化!诸位乃求变化,方可攀道,故立变化于上,可克恒常,可揽诸道。” Various person somewhat surprised, actually by prestige of position Zhang Yu present, if requests to be built on above various daoists own dao, by this integration various daoists, the people can also understand, after all this is to resist constant, so long as path can also go forward, then has together on, they can also accept. 诸人此刻有些意外,其实以张御如今之声望地位,若是要求将自身之道立于诸道之上,以此统合诸道,众人也能理解,毕竟这是为了对抗恒常,只要道途还能前进,便有一道在上,他们也是能接受的。 But Zhang Yu does not prepare to do that obviously, when this makes under their hearts relax admired actually. 张御显然不准备这么做,这让他们心下放松之余倒是更为敬佩了。 But Zhang Yu the matter of raising is extremely not actually easy, must be able to achieve him to do, does not need to wait till the present , because that time conditions were still not ripe. 张御所提之事其实也极不容易,要能做到他早就做了,也不用等到现在,就是因为那时候时机尚不成熟。 First when has not arrived heavenly fate is imminent, even if he publicizes this law, is still not necessarily able to make everyone invest in this wholeheartedly, is unable the combine truth, this is not the issue that wants as before, people dao technique varies, cultivation is different, if indicates the approval, rather than the innermost feelings approve completely, that is very difficult to gather one. 首先还没有到天数迫近之时,就算他宣扬此法,也未必能让所有人全心全意投入此中,那么依旧是无法聚合道理,这不是愿不愿意的问题,众人道法不一,修行不同,若只是表明认可,而不是内心完全认同,那就很难汇聚到一处。 Under he manages, various people has twice meets one's satisfaction gathers the experience of strength, this actually makes the preview for the word of present, after this matter, now before various daoists already not, resisted, but will get down heavenly fate changes, even if they to help oneself merely, will put down the obstruction, with every effort coordination. 而在他主持之下,诸人有两次合意聚力之经历,这其实都是为了眼下之言做预演,经由此事之后,现在诸道已然没有之前那么抗拒了,而下来天数将变,他们哪怕仅仅只是为了自救,也是会放下芥蒂,尽力配合的。 Daoist Qiu Gong first makes noise to respond at this moment: This so, we just now the strength gathering one, gets the winning side twice, currently only has to meet one's satisfaction presents saying that can win that constant!” 丘宫道人此刻第一个出声回应道:“正该如此,我辈方才力聚一处,才是两度占据上风,现在唯有合意奉道,才能胜得那恒常!” Daoist Form Illuminating also said: This time for is in the same boat to cross the tribulation, the helping other namely helps me, Form Illuminating hopes from this field of endeavor.” 烛相道人亦言道:“此回为是同舟渡劫,助人亦即助我,烛相愿从此道。” Daoist Meng Can smiles, is the sound said: For the people of one mind, might as well I and others made a pledge. So may be short of many worries......” 蒙蚕道人笑了一笑,也是出声道:“为了众人齐心,不妨我等就此立下一个誓言。如此可少去许多顾虑……” various people hears this word, looked at his one eyes unconsciously, although there is under a will of the people the unstated criticism, but this idea is actually good, the time of proposing was also appropriate. 诸人听得此言,不觉看了他一眼,虽然有人心下腹诽,可这个主意倒是不错,提出的时机也正是是合适。 Having the pledge is the restraint, various people then can concentric cause intent, that can guarantee to the full the crux of the situation is successful. 有了誓言为约束,诸人便能同心使意,那能最大限度保证事机成功。 Key pledge presents present is not one person, but is the say/way of change various people approves, in this case, did not have so many scruples. 关键这誓言奉道奉的不是某一人,而是诸人所认可的变化之道,这样的话,也就没有那么多顾忌了。 Daoist Firmament Awareness said immediately loudly: I first come, to break broken constant, is I hopes greatly, is willing to vow henceforth!” He set up a pledge immediately. 觉霄道人当即大声道:“我先来,断破恒常,乃我大愿,愿从此誓!”他当下立了一个誓言。 Had a person to begin, other was also easy, various people swore. 有了一个人开头,余下也就容易了,诸人纷纷立誓。 This time exchanges all completes in aura, when therefore Golden Court this side everyone swore, has transferred the moment. 此番交流俱是在气意之中完成,故当金庭这一边所有人立誓完毕,也不过是转过须臾。 Pitifully, before was Origin Oneness Heavenly Palace these people, has not opposed the enemy with them together, at this moment is then hard to draw, but these people, so long as does not add to the chaos, that is most enough. 只是可惜,原本属于元一天宫的那些人之前没有和他们一同对敌,此刻便难以拉进来,不过这些人只要不来添乱,那已是最够了。 When Zhang Yu this matter falls decides, then gets up consciousness one revolution, immediately five golden talisman give birth baseless, falls gently, his waves a sleeve, delivered to these five dao talisman lu again respectively needs to take in six people of hands of profound principles surely, and word: These dao talisman fellow daoists hold in the hand, waiting a minute to be able together used.” 张御等到此事落定,便又起意识一转,当即有五道金色符箓凭空生出,飘落而下,他再一挥袖,将这五道符箓分别送到了需要定拿玄机的六人手中,并言:“这些道箓各位道友持在手中,稍候可以一并祭出。” So-called constant pressure profound principles, in opposite revolution dao technique changes performs to divert, calmly, keeping it from conducting enough change, that origin oneness daoist is unable to reappear just now to move some result like that suddenly. 所谓定压玄机,就在对面运转道法变化之时加以牵制、镇定,使之无法进行足够的变化,那元一道人就无法重现方才那般忽然挪去某一个结果的局面了。 These light/only depend on cultivator is not inadequate, but slightly a negligence, or cannot keep up with the rhythm of people, might let slip, will therefore be he takes Speech Seal dao talisman as auxiliary, this can grasp profound principles accurately, simultaneously aura can also turn over to with uniting, not to the situation of appearing operating independently. 这其中光靠修道人自身不是不成,但稍一疏忽,或者没能跟上众人的节奏,就有可能会有失手,故是他以言印道箓为辅助,这样能够准确把握到玄机,同时气意还能归同合一,不至出现各自为战的情况。 various people all received these talisman, slightly an examination, discovered mysterious, in the heart is also the assurance increases. 诸人将这些符箓俱是收了下来,稍一查看,也是发现了其中玄妙,心中也是把握大增。 Because revolution profound principles is together the haulage, was the coordination, this was must observe to decide origin oneness daoist aura to succeed, how Qing Shuo and Bai Wang can learn about to do accurately, others were inadequate, but there is this dao talisman, only needed the following symbol to revolve the line, can very relaxed coordinate Zhang Yu, eliminate the step that they waited and saw. 因为运转玄机到底是一起运法,还是先后配合,这是要观定元一道人气意才能成功,青朔白朢可以准确知悉该如何做,其余人就不成了,但是有了这一个道箓,只需要跟着符运转而行,可以很轻松的配合张御,省去了他们自行观望的步骤。 After Zhang Yu looks after finished, to wonderful B daoist hinted , the latter immediately the approach with the secret art, again is the meaning of guidance Huo Heng, this time is familiar, when that sinks muddily aura and a oneself contact, separates on own initiative, excessively is not deep to the invasion. 张御关照结束后,对妙乙道人示意了下,后者立时作法拿诀,再是引导霍衡之意,这一回已是熟悉,待那浑沉气意与己一接触,就主动断开,不至侵染过深。 But is such a contamination, Huo Heng has returned, enters in origin emptiness, at this moment his aura falls, namely knows just now matter, looked in a origin oneness daoist hand precious lotus, cold sneer several. 可就是这么一沾染,霍衡已然是借此归来,进入元空之中,此刻他气意一落,即知方才之事,瞄了一眼元一道人手中宝莲,冷哂了几声。 However this time, because of mighty figures constant pressure aura, owes to lack permits after origin oneness daoist was cut aura again and eventually, the strength of that banish had actually been inferior beforehand was so powerful, he ponders to suppress, then said to Zhang Yu: I consider attack by surprise one after another twice, almost consumes certainly that person highest qi, but lacks the stamina, but if can also be receives and instructs True Surplus, my two people with joint forces, deciding to be able short-time to suppress these people, calling it unable he to attend to!” 不过这一次,因为诸位大能重新定压气意,且因为元一道人被斩之后终究气意亏失少许,那股驱逐之力其实已经不如之前那么有力了,他自忖可以压制,便对张御言道:“我思量接连两次攻袭,差不多都是耗绝其人至上之气,只是缺乏后劲,可若是能将真余亦是接引回来,我二人合力,定能短时压制此辈,叫其无从他顾!” Zhang Yu approves this word, just now the each time impact diverted origin oneness daoist enormously, if True Surplus and Huo Heng two people tow to together jointly muddily, after arranges again properly, when the odds of success can increase the answer minute/share, he said: Wonderful B fellow daoist receives and instructs your excellency twice, aura has faded, is received and instructed this return by me.” 张御认可此言,方才每一次冲击都是极大的牵制了元一道人,要是真余霍衡二人一起联手牵引至浑,再经妥善安排,胜算当能增得数分,他道:“妙乙道友两度接引尊驾,气意已衰,便由我来接引这位归来。” Before he could not stop doing, the consideration of origin emptiness deviation, but now through fighting, origin oneness daoist turns into origin emptiness incarnation, the origin emptiness authority for its occupies unjustly, to a certain extent origin emptiness also became their rivals, the deviation or is not immaterial, therefore he is also the choice directly meddles. 之前他是抽不出手,还有元空偏向的考虑,而现在通过斗战来看,元一道人化成元空化身,元空权柄为其所窃据,某种程度上元空也是成了他们的敌手,偏向与否已是无关紧要,故而他也是选择直接插手。 When he said this word, went to aura to Grand Chaos, simultaneously thought sank aura to enter along this secretly cautiously, he revolved centre-controlling strength, resisted Grand Chaos by highest qi, the ease directs to fall that wisp of aura to origin emptiness. 他说出此言之际,已是把气意去到大混沌中,同时觉得一股暗沉气意小心翼翼顺此而入,他运转御中之力,以至上之气对抗大混沌,轻而易举就将那缕气意引落至元空之中。 Along with aura falls, Daoist True Surplus then comes obviously before various people, after this, he first Huo Heng passes on intent , around knew immediately the situation, then stands later silently there motionless. 气意落下,真余道人便在诸人面前显出身来,到此之后,他先得霍衡传意,也是马上了知晓前后情形,随后便立在那里默然不动。 Zhang Yu has not delayed again, said: The matter cannot be delayed, but also wanted exhausted two.” 张御也没有再耽搁下去,道:“事不宜迟,还要劳烦两位了。” Huo Heng said good, he looked at one toward True Surplus, latter body fades, was actually melts haze to enter in his body, this was first uniting place, so when rush does not need another seek the dao road to open again. 霍衡道一声好,他往真余看一眼,后者身躯一虚,却是化一道烟气进入了他的身躯之中,这是先合一处,如此冲杀之时就不必再另寻道路开辟了。 Completes this matter, he pulls out the body, changes to the billowing dark fog, flushes away toward origin oneness daoist there for the third time agitated. 做完此事,他把身躯一拔,化作滚滚暗雾,第三次往元一道人那里汹汹冲去。 Golden Court mighty figures this moment silent save changes in heart, assumes on, catches up together, aura coincides for a while, holds the permanent atmospheric pressure on go toward origin oneness daoist together. 金庭诸位大能此刻默存变化于心,呈道在上,共同发力,气意一时相合,齐往元一道人所持恒常压去。 With other day compared with, the strength gathering one, all honors together, that lotus leaf transformed color illumination comes, unexpectedly cannot hinder, the ablation, was compelled to withdraw layer upon layer unceasingly. 与上回相比,力聚一处,皆崇一道,那莲叶所化彩光照来,居然阻碍不住,层层消融,被逼得不断后撤。 The this time momentum is unusual, Origin Oneness Heavenly Palace here daoist is also detected that was different, realized that Golden Court could go all out truly. 这一次声势绝不寻常,就连原本元一天宫这边的道人亦是察觉到不同了,意识到金庭这边可能要真正拼命了。 Is it possible that will the this time offensive, decide this war result? 莫非这一次攻势,就会决定此战结果么? When these people so thinks, Huo Heng has killed taking advantage of the broken crack that Supreme and Life Seal two incarnation killed have to the origin oneness daoist vicinity, but after inner loop, the body in a flash, Daoist True Surplus walked from body, about both outflanks, by extremely quick potential, with joint forces toward Superior Master of shadow gathering that lotus throne! 此辈如此想时,霍衡已是借着至高命印两具化身斩杀出的破隙杀至元一道人近处,而到了内圈之后,身躯一晃,真余道人身上走了出来,两者左右包抄,以极快之势,合力往那莲台之上人影汇聚而来! Under recommendation, really easy-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】 ...... …… ...... ……
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