HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1129: Must go on living

„Is this?” “这是?” What take action is the bamboo points of eight Assassin alliances, after them, assumes the prostitute who directs. Compares eight bamboo sharp adept murder techniques, the prostitute must be more experienced, has story some. In the cyanogen when this fills thoroughly revealed when the phenomenon that is clearer, the name in that legend also jumped in his mind fast. 出手的是八位刺客联盟的竹尖,在他们之后,还有一位坐镇指挥的粉头。相比起八位竹尖娴熟的杀人技艺,粉头要更富经验,更有阅历一些。当这彻底弥漫开的青气中显露出的异象更加清楚时,那个传说中的名字也飞快地跳进了他的脑海。 Profound deep green dragon? 玄青苍虬阵? Draws back quickly!” “快退!” This name jumps out instantly, instructed then had blurted out subconsciously, but, late. 这个名字跳出的刹那,指示便已经下意识地脱口而出,但是,迟了。 Eight river sand new offensive, in welling up in front of Soul Power as if never exists general, together with sending out the offensive eight bamboos is sharp, had been curled by Soul Power of this cyanogen instantaneously. 八河沙新一波的攻势,在涌来的魄之力面前仿佛从不存在一般,连同发出攻势的八位竹尖,瞬间已被这股青气的魄之力卷过。 The movements of eight people stop immediately completely, their simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stared in a big way the eyes, in the ear also reverberated draws back instruction that vaguely their prostitutes are sending out quickly, however their bodies and wills, after that cyanogen volume crossed as if no longer is them. In eight people only, turned under one difficultly, his vision goes to the direction that their prostitutes were, what finally maps his view flees the form that together rapidly. 八个人的动作顿时全部止住,他们齐齐瞪大了双眼,耳中依稀还回荡着他们的粉头发出的“快退”指示,但是他们的身体和意志,在那股青气卷过以后似乎就已经不再属于他们。八人之中仅有一位,艰难地扭了一下头,他的目光投向了他们粉头所在的方向,最后映入他眼帘的是一道飞速逃离的身影。 Really is profound deep green dragon! This is possible!? 真的是玄青苍虬阵!这怎么可能!? Prostitute who runs away fast, heart startled. 飞快逃走的粉头,心惊不已。 He must begin with eight bamboos sharp together, but eight river sand kill the law, although non- takes eight people, but eight people are actually enough display the pinnacle eight river sands the population. Facing such a group of wound heavy people, his take action is unnecessary, to have on the contrary with the suspicion that the subordinate strives for merit. Therefore finally he chose assumed the rear area. 他原本是要与八位竹尖一起动手的,不过八河沙这门杀法,虽非一定要八个人,但是八个人却是足够将八河沙施展到极致的人数。面对这么一群伤重人士,他的出手并无必要,反倒有与部下争功的嫌疑。于是最终他选择了坐镇后方。 At present looks like, he despised the opponent, but this contempt ruined his eight subordinates, actually saved he himself. If he very serious personally leads eight people to launch the offensive. Profound deep green dragon...... he did not feel oneself are capable of living from secret array in Black Tortoise Institute this legend. 眼下看来,他轻视了对手,而这番轻视葬送了他八位部下,却又救下了他自己。倘若他十分郑重的亲自率领八人发起攻势。玄青苍虬阵……他可不觉得自己有能力从玄武学院这传说中的秘阵中活下来。 Thinks of this, he then looked at the eye. Had been flung by him after behind position still has the azure to flash, but his eight subordinates a sound does not have. 一想到这,他不由地又回头看了眼。已被他远甩在身后的位置犹有青色在闪动,而他的八位部下已经一点声息都没有了。 Mother, the nonsense wound is heavy, nonsense conveniently place it!” When lingering fear, the prostitute cannot bear curse. Will have such contempt, without doubt is also miscarriage of justice that because the information will have. If knew this group of Black Tortoise disciples still to have such strength, was their four prostitute 32 bamboos sharp on simultaneous/uniform also by far not enough. both sides is never a magnitude opponent, is hears these people to injure is incapable of fighting again, will send their team to process, who would have thought is actually such result. “妈的,狗屁伤重,狗屁随手处之!”后怕之余,粉头又忍不住咒骂起来。会有这样的轻视,无疑也是因为情报生出的误判。若知这群玄武门人尚有这样的战力,便是他们四位粉头三十二位竹尖齐上也远远未够。双方从来就不是一个量级的对手,都是听闻这些人已经伤重无力再战,才会派他们这一队来处理,哪知却是这样的结果。 Reports quickly is good. 得快些去汇报才行。 The prostitutes are thinking, quickened some steps. Although he some lingering fear, loves dearly oneself that eight subordinates, had not actually worried very, after all this time has that. 粉头想着,又加快了一些步伐。他虽有些后怕,也心疼自己那八位部下,却没有十分担忧,毕竟这次可是有着那一位。 ............ ………… Ran.” “跑了一个。” Is looking the corpse that eight corpses that fall down wear a mask, perceive keen Jane/simple south is breathing heavily to Xu Chuan said. 望着倒在地上的那八尸蒙面的尸首,感知敏锐的简又南喘着粗气向许川说道。 Xu Chuan slightly nodded. His cold sweat, the strength of speech does not have, to look all around around one at present, is not infrequent with his same same side, several people have even restrained to cough to bleed freely. When offensive that after eight rivers kill after two people that drops down , two lay down forever. 许川微微点了点头。他一头冷汗,眼下连说话的力气都没有,环顾了一下四周,跟他一样的同门不在少数,有几人甚至已经克制不住地咳出血来。继八河杀的攻势时倒下的二人后,又有两人永远地躺下了。 The youngster study eventually are too shallow, the enemy comes is such rapidness. This wave of profound deep green dragon launch, their these Black Tortoise disciples were at cost of the life, plays the most role. However this urgently presses after the display, was at present this consequence, did not need anybody take action, they folded two. 少年们所学终究还是太浅,敌人来得又是如此之快。这波玄青苍虬阵的发动,他们这些玄武门人可是拼了老命,起到了大半作用。但是这番催命般的发挥后,就是眼下这后果了,不需要任何人出手,他们自己就折了两位。 At this time if some people attack again, they not possibly displayed profound deep green dragon again, was just now profound deep green dragon, actually the successor has also felt weak. Compares eight river sands both sides at all is not a level thing, only this twinkling then also enough. But the opposite party runs away that it seems like it is can judge the quality of goods, recognizing is profound deep green dragon then makes a getaway, without doubt is very correct decision. 此时若再有人来袭,他们都无可能再次施展玄青苍虬阵了,便是方才的玄青苍虬阵,其实也已后继乏力。只是相较八河沙来说双方根本不是一个层面的东西,只这瞬息便也足够。而对方逃走那位,看来是个识货的,认出是玄青苍虬阵便逃之夭夭,无疑是很正确的决定。 Taking a look is what background.” Slow some little time Xu Chuan then returned durably, said to the same side. Finally the side one does the same side you to look at me, I look at you, each one is the death appearances that does not want to move. Looked at Xu Chuan also to smile bitterly, looked to a youngster: Goes to lift us to take a look the fellow who that wears a mask.” “瞧瞧是什么来路。”缓了好一会的许川这才回过劲来说,对同门们说道。结果身旁一干同门你看我,我看你,个个都是一副不想动的死样子。看得许川也是不由苦笑了一下,看向了一位少年:“去把那蒙面的家伙抬过来我们瞧瞧。” The youngster are always an ignorant condition, even if got rid of eight top Assassin, is a knowing nothing appearance. This spoke to Xu Chuan, everyone is an appearance that had the direction, moved immediately, will not wear a mask Assassin to lift eight greatly, became one row in the ground code very much neatly, then stood in the one side obediently. 少年们始终都是一副懵懂的状态,哪怕干掉了八位顶尖的刺客,都还是一副一无所知的样子。到了许川这一发话,所有人都是一副有了方向的样子,立即都动了起来,不大会就把八个蒙面刺客都抬了过来,很整齐地在地上码成了一排,然后就乖乖地站在了一旁。 Xu Chuan is looking at carefully these eight corpses, crossed the meeting, turns round to stare other same side, be angry raises own both arms very much: „Does this also want me to begin?” 许川端详着这八具尸体,过了有一会,回身瞪着其他同门,很是生气地扬起自己的双臂:“这还要我去动手?” This hand character, was nipped extremely heavily by him. But on his both arms, where also has the hand. The same side reveal the ashamed look, a person is knocking the blood bank: I come me to come.” 这个“手”字,被他咬得极重。而他的双臂上,哪里还有手在。同门们纷纷露出愧色,一人磕着血站了起来:“我来我来。” Good line.” Xu Chuan saw that this same side sets out difficultly, is looks not to endure. Other same side? Really is not lazy, but just this wave of profound deep green dragon consumption was too frigid. “行了行了。”许川看到这同门起身艰难,也是面露不忍。其余同门呢?真不是懒,而是刚刚这波玄青苍虬阵消耗的太惨烈了。 Searches for their bodies, has a look at anything.” Xu Chuan can only continue to tell the youngster. “搜搜他们身子,看看有什么。”许川只能继续吩咐少年们。 The obedient youngster rush to work immediately, will not search for eight corpses greatly, the uncovered thing exhibited by each corpse later, was actually only some daily things and some disintegration silver money, thing that nothing can indicate their status. 听话的少年们立即抢着上来干活,不大会就把八具尸体搜了个遍,搜出的东西随后就陈列在了每具尸体旁,却都只是些日常用品和一些散碎银钱,没有任何可以表明他们身份的东西。 Wore a mask to uncover.” Xu Chuan also said. “蒙面揭了。”许川又道。 Eight people reveal the truth later one by one, the appearance vary, Black Tortoise people actually did not know. 八人随后逐一露出真相,样貌各异,玄武众人却连一个都不认识。 They are talented, should not be the obscure individual.” Jane/simple also south said. “他们实力不俗,不该是无名之辈。”简又南说道。 Runs away that?” Xu Chuan asked. “逃走那个呢?”许川问。 Also above them.” Jane/simple also south said. “想必还在他们之上。”简又南道。 Brings I to take a look at their wearing a mask.” At this time another Black Tortoise disciple spoke. Wish the help, Lock System expert(s), is the divine armament big expert. “把他们的蒙面拿过来我瞧瞧。”这时又一位玄武门人说话了。祝援,定制系高手,也是个神兵的大行家。 Eight Mongolian towels deliver to his hand immediately, the seemingly exactly the same Mongolian towel, wish to help actually carefully study one by one repeatedly. 八块蒙面布随即都送到他手上,看起来一模一样的蒙面布,祝援却逐一仔细翻来覆去地研究起来。 in addition permanent ice silk.” He said. “加了恒冰丝。”他说道。 Although others do not have him is so expert, actually also knows that permanent ice silk material quality, has certain freeze effect on Soul Power. This type will have the thing of effect with Soul Power, by cultivator will be studied divine armament that can develop what effect. 其他人虽没他那么内行,却也知道恒冰丝这种材质,对魄之力有一定的冻结功效。这种与魄之力之间会发生效果的东西,都会被修者们研究可以开发出什么功效的神兵 Afterward wish the help to hold up wears a mask together, is welcoming the sunlight, draws and pulls, is one looks at carefully, in this chapter of his eye once exuded Infusion's Soul, this uses Ability. 随后祝援举起其中一块蒙面,迎着日光,又拉又扯,又是一番端详,这回他眼里一度泛起了冲之魄,这是都动用上异能了。 What saw?” Xu Chuan detected that wished helps the look have different. “看出什么了?”许川察觉到祝援神色有异。 This is the Green Peak god creates the facture of camp.” Wish helps said slowly. “这是青峰神创营的制法。”祝援缓缓道。 The Green Peak Empire god creates the camp, subordinates in Green Peak Empire Absolute Peak Hall , builds the department of divine armament appliance for their cultivator development specially. The gods create the divine armament facture that the camp grasps to be Green Peak Empire without doubt highly secret, is not possible to divulge to the outside world knows, naturally can also fabricate the god to create the thing of camp on no one. 青峰帝国的神创营,隶属于青峰帝国绝峰堂,是专为他们的修者开发、打造神兵器具的部门。神创营所掌握的神兵制法无疑会是青峰帝国的高度机密,是不可能泄露给外界知晓的,自然也就没有人可以伪造神创营的东西。 Is the Green Peak god creates the thing that the camp makes, but doesn't represent them is the Absolute Peak Hall person?” A Black Tortoise disciple said. They know these people , if Absolute Peak Hall person that means anything. “是青峰神创营做的东西,但不代表他们就是绝峰堂的人吧?”一位玄武门人说道。他们知道这些人如果是绝峰堂的人那意味着什么。 Regardless of they are what backgrounds, we must go on living.” Xu Chuan said. Their bitter experiences here, are the important information, they need some people live. “无论他们是什么来路,我们都更得活下去。”许川说道。他们在这里的遭遇,都是重要的信息,他们必须要有人活下来。 Come, we continue to study.” Xu Chuan is saying, greeted the youngster. This time, no one haggles over dense of what not passing on again. Their lives are not perhaps important, but the bitter experience makes them realize that the things of this punitive expedition as if still many hideaways wait for excavating. But these things, will affect anything, causes anything, they are not clear, but Black Tortoise Institute has been involved without doubt. In order to protect Institute, any sacrifice was worth. “来,我们继续学。”许川说着,招呼起了少年们。这一次,再没有人去计较什么不传之密。他们的命或许没那么重要,但是他们在此间的遭遇让他们意识到这次讨伐似乎还有很多隐藏的东西有待发掘。而这些东西,会影响什么,导致什么,他们不清楚,但是玄武学院无疑已经卷入其中。为了守护学院,任何牺牲都是值得的。
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