GDSP :: Volume #9

#898: To move the great antiquity the life temple

All are all related in the eternal material of this place. 一切皆于此地的永恒物质有关。 Right, in the restricted area of this life temple, Feng Zichen felt existences of some eternal materials. Although are not many, but also sufficiently for this reason place life suppression within the body finally air/Qi. 没错,在这生命神殿的禁地之中,风紫宸感受到了些许永恒物质的存在。虽然不多,但也足以为此地的生灵压制体内的终焉之气。 The suppression, rather than the solution, was showing the deficiency of this place eternal material. 压制,而不是解决,正说明了此地永恒物质的匮乏。 An old sound, resounds in the ear of Feng Zichen suddenly: From the powerhouse who different comes, the life temple welcome your arrival.” 一个苍老的声音,突然在风紫宸的耳边响起:“自异界而来的强者,生命神殿欢迎你的到来。” Feng Zichen raised the head, seeing institute, is three drooping old old person, all has the boundary of Saint certainly, static lying down in three wooden coffins. 风紫宸抬头,入目所及的,是三个垂垂老矣的老人,皆是有着准圣的境界,正静静的躺在三口木棺之中。 That wooden coffin...... 那木棺…… Has not responded to that sudden sound, Feng Zichen instead the vision, strongly on that three wooden coffins. 没有回应那突然出现的声音,风紫宸反而将目光,集中在了那三口木棺上。 The eternal material of this place, sends out from the body of this wooden coffin. 此地的永恒物质,就是从这木棺的身上散发出来的。 World tree! 世界树! Right, builds the materials of these three wooden coffins, is the trunk and branches of the world tree, Feng Zichen year to year with the world tree is the partner, will not induce absolutely is wrong Its aura. 没错的,打造这三口木棺的材料,正是世界树的枝干,风紫宸常年与世界树为伴,绝对不会感应错祂的气息。 It is not the world tree of this samsara, but is on a samsara, and its strength, far ultra Feng Zichen world tree, even if unable to be on par with Pangu, that is not far, similarly was half eternal level. 不是这个轮回的世界树,而是上一个轮回的,且其实力,远超风紫宸的世界树,就算无法与盘古比肩,那也是相去不远,同样达到了半步永恒的层次。 But is such existence, fell from the sky in the samsara tribulation as before. 可就是这样的存在,依旧陨落于轮回劫中了。 The look twinkle moment, Feng Zichen recovers from the shock finally, in three people toward that coffin greeted: This poor Daoist Pangu purple house, from the great antiquity world comes, to see three fellow daoist.” 眼神闪烁片刻,风紫宸终于从震惊中回过神来,朝那棺材中的三人打招呼道:“贫道盘古紫宸氏,自洪荒天地而来,见过三位道友。” Can look through the matter of Its origin regarding three people, Feng Zichen does not feel the accident/surprise. His aura, is incompatible with this, as long as eye not blind, can see It is not the person in this world. 对于三人能看破祂来历的事,风紫宸并不觉得意外。祂这一身气息,与此界格格不入,但凡眼睛没瞎,都能看出祂不是这个世界的人。 Great antiquity world, has never heard world.” Sighed one, that old sound continued saying: Just now sees the purple house fellow daoist to come, will focus on ancestor's wooden body, in the look seems the feeling of being familiar, is it possible that also knew that the ancestor is wooden?” “洪荒天地,从未听说过的世界。”感叹一句,那苍老的声音继续说道:“方才见紫宸道友一进来,就将目光集中在了祖木的身上,眼神之中似有熟悉之感,莫非也认识祖木不成?” Nods, Feng Zichen returns said: Truly familiar, in great antiquity then divine wood, with your ancestor wood very similar, but, my member all calls it the world tree.” 点了点头,风紫宸回道:“确实熟悉,洪荒之中便有一棵神木,与你界祖木十分的相似,不过,我界修士皆称其为世界树。” World tree?” That old sound, just now continued saying: I am then opened by the ancestor wood, so calculates, can call a world tree.” “世界树?”那苍老的声音顿了顿,方才继续说道:“我界便是由祖木开辟而成,如此算来,也能叫一声世界树。” At this point, that old sound, suddenly starts its this history: „Before endless years, the ancestor wood takes root in the chaos, its root hair stretches, opened this side world, and with the ancestor wooden growth, this side world also becomes more and more greatly.” 说到这里,那苍老的声音,突然开始自顾自的将其此界的历史来:“无尽岁月之前,祖木扎根于混沌之中,其根须舒展间,开辟了这方世界,且随着祖木的成长,这方世界也变得越来越大。” „The first ancestor in my life temple, initially the gods of generation of life, are the lives of ancestor wooden breeding. Other clan first ancestors, mostly so, all by ancestor wooden breeding.” “我生命神殿的始祖,初代生命之神,便是祖木孕育的生灵。其余各族始祖,也大都如此,皆是由祖木孕育而出。” But , some lives are the exceptions, they were born in the chaos, first dwells in ancestor Kinoshita , as this opening, their naturally became this life......” “不过,也有部分生灵是例外,他们生于混沌之中,先是栖息于祖木之下,可随着此界的开辟,他们自然而然的也就成了此界的生灵……” On the face of Feng Zichen, does not have any anti- color, instead does not circle interested, hears that sound unceasingly told this history. 风紫宸的脸上,没有任何的不耐之色,反而绕有兴趣,听那声音不断的讲述此界历史。 This is It does not know the matter, is on past events of samsara, It is certainly curious. 这都是祂所不知之事,也是上一个轮回的往事,祂当然好奇。 Also does not know how long, that old sound talked about this history finally, stopped. Meanwhile, the line of sight fell on the body of Feng Zichen together, resembled is anticipating anything. 也不知过去了多久,那苍老的声音终于讲完了此界的历史,停了下来。与此同时,一道视线落在了风紫宸的身上,似在期待着什么。 Is thinking that the Feng Zichen curious this history is ordinary, this person, the history of equally curious great antiquity world. 正以为风紫宸好奇此界历史一般,此界之人,一样好奇洪荒天地的历史。 Also has nothing to conceal, Feng Zichen said directly: With you compared with, the great antiquity does not have such long history actually, It is born in this samsara tribulation, is broken out the chaos by the Pangu big god.” 也没什么好隐瞒的,风紫宸直接说道:“与你界相比,洪荒倒是没有这么长的历史,祂诞生于这个轮回劫中,由盘古大神劈开混沌而成。” Breaks the chaos?” That sound is somewhat excited, saying of exclamation: Really is a fearful powerhouse, that chaos can break open.” “破开混沌?”那声音有些激动,惊叹的说道:“真是一尊可怕的强者,那混沌都能破开。” Nods, saying of Feng Zichen quite approval: „The Pangu big god is truly strong, may be called the chaos' first person, is under the main road strongest existence, misses one step to enter into the eternal boundary.” 点了点头,风紫宸颇为认同的说道:“盘古大神确实很强,堪称混沌第一人,是大道之下最强的存在,差一步就能迈入永恒的境界。” This in the clear telling opposite party, on whether there is my great antiquity can assume personal command greatly, if there is what improper thoughts, as early as possible certainly. 这就是在明明白白的告诉对方,我洪荒有无上大能坐镇,若有什么不该有的心思,趁早绝了吧。 The opposite party listened, for a very long time was speechless, crosses the good half sound just now saying: Great antiquity has such powerhouse to assume personal command, whether can solve I hidden danger?” 对方听了,久久无言,过了好半响方才说道:“洪荒有如此强者坐镇,是否能解决我界的隐患?” Feng Zichen shakes the head, said: Cannot, you actually destroy, but is depends on the eternal material to maintain reluctantly, only if the main road acts personally, otherwise who comes to be useless.” 风紫宸摇了摇头,说道:“不能,你界其实早就毁灭了,不过是依托永恒物质才能勉强维持下来,除非大道亲自出手,不然谁来都没用。” Opposite party not disappointed, obviously had known the answer, but continues to ask: „Can the fellow daoist be capable of solving me and other hidden dangers?” 对方也没失望,显然早就知晓了答案,只是继续问道:“那道友可有能力解决我等身上的隐患?” This, Feng Zichen has not disappointed them, the nod said: If pays the huge price, truly can draw out your hidden dangers, you should see a moment ago, is this poor Daoist is used to rescue that strength of disciple.” 这回,风紫宸没让祂们失望,点头说道:“若是付出巨大的代价,确实能拔出你们身上的隐患,刚才你们应该已经看到了,就是贫道用来救弟子的那种力量。” That called the primordial chaos auspicious sign, was the base of main road, in world most precious treasure, that the air/Qi cannot damage its slightest finally.” “那叫鸿蒙紫气,是大道之基,世间最珍贵的宝物,那终焉之气都不能损伤其分毫。” Chatted for quite a while, finally talked about in the subject. Before these three, generation of life goddesses, reason that called Feng Zichen to come, goal also not for his hand air/Qi of primordial chaos. 聊了半天,终于谈到正题上了。这三位前代生命女神,之所以叫风紫宸过来,目的还不是为了祂手中的鸿蒙之气。 Coffin that world tree builds, although can suppress their within the body finally air/Qi, but actually could not solve the hidden dangers of their body, otherwise, they will not be senile day by day. 那世界树打造的棺木,虽能压制他们体内的终焉之气,但却解决不了祂们身体的隐患,不然的话,祂们也不会日益衰老了。 The time was long, they same will fall from the sky. 时间久了,祂们一样会陨落。 Therefore, they will stare at Feng Zichen, wants to obtain wisp of primordial chaos auspicious sign from Its hand, to solve the hidden danger. 所以,祂们才会盯上了风紫宸,想要从祂手中求得一缕鸿蒙紫气,以解决自身隐患。 Also the old sound conveys together, very direct asked toward Feng Zichen: In the hand of fellow daoist, can have other primordial chaos auspicious sign?” 又一道苍老的声音传来,很直接的朝风紫宸问道:“道友的手中,可还有别的鸿蒙紫气?” Transaction time arrived, listens to Feng Zichen saying: In this poor Daoist hand does not have the primordial chaos auspicious sign temporarily, but the great antiquity has many, if three fellow daoist can put out the appropriate treasure, this poor Daoist is willing to be an intermediate, trades three primordial chaos auspicious signs for the fellow daoist.” 交易的时候到了,就听风紫宸说道:“贫道手中暂时没有鸿蒙紫气,但洪荒却有不少,若三位道友能拿出合适的宝物来,贫道愿意做个中间人,为道友换来三道鸿蒙紫气。” Feng Zichen truly does not lack the primordial chaos auspicious sign, every other 1 million time, It can make wisp of primordial chaos auspicious sign. 风紫宸确实不缺鸿蒙紫气,每隔一百万的时间,祂就能制造出一缕鸿蒙紫气。 Silent moment, there is a sound together saying: Fellow Daoist, if the life temple leaves this, the great antiquity world can be willing to admit?” 沉默了片刻,又有一道声音说道:“道友,若生命神殿离开此界,洪荒天地可愿接纳?” hears word, Feng Zichen had not replied immediately, instead seriously ponders. Let the life temple join the great antiquity, there is nothing, but, why? 闻言,风紫宸没有立即回答,反而认真思考起来。让生命神殿加入洪荒,这倒没什么,但是,凭什么? A your bystander, does not have the merit, two have not contributed, why to enter the great antiquity, there is what qualifications to join the great antiquity? 你一个外人,一没功劳,二没贡献,凭什么进入洪荒,又有何资格加入洪荒? Therefore, silent a moment later, Feng Zichen shakes the head, the rejection said: This feared that is not good. Moreover, even if this poor Daoist agreed that fears still uselessly, the great antiquity is not calculation that I alone said.” 所以,沉默片刻之后,风紫宸摇了摇头,拒绝道:“这怕是不行。而且,就算贫道同意了,怕也没用,洪荒又不是我一个人说的算的。” Feng Zichen lied, becomes heavenly emperor It quickly, actually has the qualifications to make the life temple join the great antiquity world. However one foreign clan, if joins the great antiquity by the status of Its dependency, the people will not refute Its face. 风紫宸撒谎了,快成天帝的祂,其实是有资格让生命神殿加入洪荒天地的。不过一外族而已,若以祂附庸的身份加入洪荒,众人不会驳祂面子的。
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