GCSAT :: Volume #7

#629: 0 stage experimental result

The chapter mistake, this reporting( exempts registration), such as meets the content additive device wrong character order to be chaotic, please withdraw from the reading pattern or reads the pattern to be then normal smoothly. 章节错误,点此举报(免注册),如遇到内容乱码错字顺序乱,请退出阅读模式或畅读模式即可正常。 Another side, after removing complete barrier, the zero stage research and development effort of immunity reconstruction therapy came to an end finally. 另一边,在扫除全部障碍之后,免疫重建疗法的零阶段研发工作终于宣告结束。 …… …… Yes, does not start, but finished. 是的,并不是开始,而是结束。 In fact, the technical documents that after attaining Ye Zhou provides, a research team of the domestic top clinical expert had been reassigned, but their duties are also very simple, that is 100 defers to the technical manual, completes the reappearance of first case of immunity reconstruction therapy in the laboratory. 实际上,在拿到叶舟提供的技术文档之后,一只由国内顶级临床专家组成的攻关小组就已经被抽调出来,而他们的任务也很简单,那就是100按照技术手册,在实验室中完成第一例免疫重建疗法的复现。 Now, they have completed the complete mouse experiment, is revolving before the report of latest output, discussion actual curative effect and human body secure result. 现在,他们已经完成了全部的小鼠实验,正围绕在最新输出的报告前,讨论实际的疗效和人体安全性结果。 „ Before clinical of B-NDG mouse , did the model come out? Finally how? „ “B-NDG小鼠的临床前模型出来了吗?结果怎么样?“ What inquiry sits a white hair old man in most, named declares to become, is the domestic immunity reconstruction therapy domain senior statesman, once made the great contribution in the PBMC therapy. 提问的是坐在最中间的一名白发老者,名叫宣成,是国内免疫重建疗法领域的元老,曾经在PBMC疗法上做出巨大贡献。 Basically had come out, from the current result, the survival percentage of this batch of mice has achieved 100, but the life cycle has the fluctuation, accepts some time after experiment, over 20 mice presented the obvious body weight to reduce.” “基本上已经出来了,从目前的结果来看,这批小鼠的存活率都已经达到了100,但是生存周期存在波动,接受实验后的一段时间里,有20以上的小鼠出现了明显的体重减少。” Meanwhile, we also observe the phenomenon that some experiment bodies had manic, had anxiously and even bite. „ “同时,我们还观察到了少部分实验体出现了狂躁、焦虑、甚至有自咬的现象。“ Control experiment has been conducted many are times, made the adjustment including the PBMC dosage and therapy, but is very strange, this issue exists.” “对照实验已经进行过很多次了,包括PBMC的剂量和疗法都做了调整,但是很奇怪,这个问题还是存在。” The one who replied was team leader forest celebrate of zero phase group, on his face wrote all over the doubts, as if could not feel the mind to this result completely. 答话的是零阶段工作组的组长林庆,他的脸上写满了疑惑,似乎对这个结果完全摸不着头脑。 In fact, if stands his angle, this issue truly looked like hits equally weirdly cleverly. 事实上,如果站在他的角度上来看,这个问题确实就像是撞鬼了一样邪门。 All can adjust the variable and controlling to adjust, all artificial or the non- artificial perturbation had removed, even their testing cabin traded several, but the mouse of this/should outbreak is taken bad. 所有能够调整和控制的变量都已经调整了,所有人为或者非人为的扰动都已经排除了,甚至他们连实验舱都换了好几个,但该发病的小鼠还是发病。 …… …… Or that cannot be called the outbreak, because the mouse has not displayed the obvious morbid state character, symptom also all normal, if according to the requirements of other non- core experiment, this even can be regarded the right and wrong essential factor slightly to cross. 或者说那也不能叫做发病,因为小鼠并没有表现出明显的病态性状,体征也一切正常,如果按照其他非核心实验的要求,这甚至可以被当成是非关键因子略过了。 After all, the mouse goes crazy to have many reasons, may be because of the temperature change, being possible be because the air is too dry, even may be because stepped on static electricity accidentally...... 毕竟,老鼠发疯有很多原因,有可能是因为温度变化,有可能是因为空气太干燥,甚至有可能是因为偶然踩上了一次静电…… However, in such project, he does not have the means to ignore to any small unusuality, because this stage they are not exploring now, but is duplicating. 但是,在这样的项目里,他没办法对任何一点微小的异常置之不理,因为现在这个阶段他们不是在探索,只是在复制。 Can the first foundation theorem that he can determine make a mistake with its question technology documents, might as well inspect the implementation again. 他能确定的第一条基础定理就是与其质疑技术文档会不会出错,不如再重新检查执行过程。 Therefore, based on this judgment, they even traded the fresh air handling system in laboratory, but still had not actually solved to accept the issue that the mouse after treatment goes crazy regularly. 所以,基于这个判断,他们甚至把实验室里的新风系统都换了,但却仍然没有解决接受治疗后的小鼠隔三差五发疯的问题。 Can be GVHD issue that because the high proportion person immune cell causes? „ “会不会是因为高比例人免疫细胞引起的GVHD问题?“ declares to become is frowning to ask. 宣成皱着眉头问道。 So-called GVHD is the transplant anti- host sickness of popular name, in any involves in the PBMC immunity reconstruction therapy to appear. 所谓的GVHD就是俗称的移植物抗宿主病,在任何涉及到PBMC的免疫重建疗法中都有可能出现。 „, We will not have attempted to adjust many are inferior, had removed most variables, determined that is not GVHD causes.” “不会,我们已经尝试调整过很多次了,已经排除了大部分的变量,确定不是GVHD导致的。” Operational procedure? Has non- standard movement that the human factor causes? ” ”操作流程呢?有没有人为因素导致的非标准动作?” No, we missed a place playbacking video recording.” “没有,我们就差一帧一帧地回放录像了。” forest celebrate sighed, shrugged reluctantly. 林庆叹了口气,无奈地摊了摊手。 Hears this saying, the people in conference room are silent, they know the zero stage experiment of this project importantly. 听到这话,会议室里的众人都沉默下来,他们都知道这个项目的零阶段实验有多重要。 Not is only because the laboratory result will be applied to a group of critically ill immunity class disease patients on urgently, saves them to remain not many lives. 不仅仅是因为实验室结果将会被紧急应用到一批重症免疫类疾病患者身上,挽救他们所剩不多的生命。
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