Noticeshimto have the aggressivevision, MadameZhen the heartjumps: „Senior?” Did oneselfjusthave the wolf's lairto fall into the tigerkiss? Justwitnessed an opposite partypersonto conquer by killingmartial arts of Mongoliamission, shedoes not thinkoneselfcanrevolt.
A Song Qingshubrowwrinkle, turn headlookssuddenlysuddenlytoside, quickonegroup of the streetcornervisualization, is a thatperson of cape, the whole personcannot see clearly the appearancegradually, butthisuniquedressing up and martial artsway, obviouslywasin the mountainold personHuoshan.宋青书忽然眉头一皱,霍然回头望向旁边,很快一行人从街道拐角处渐渐显形,为首那人一席斗篷,整个人看不清面目,不过这独特的装扮和武功路数,显然是山中老人霍山了。„Seniorwas careful,heisPersia the king of killer, Western Regionvariouscountriesdoes not knowmanyexpertsdiedinhissubordinate.”MadameZhenquicklysaidtoSong Qingshu,shewantsto brush the both sidesgoodsensitivitywhile the brusher, suchopposite partypossiblyreadthisfriendshipnot to starttooneself.
“前辈小心,他是波斯的杀手之王,西域诸国不知道多少高手死在了他的手下。”甄夫人急忙对宋青书说道,她想趁机刷刷双方好感度,这样对方可能念着这丝情分不对自己下手。„YiswordGrandmasterFu Cailin of Korea?”Huoshanhas not continuedto go forward, stops about threezhang (3.33 m), thisdistancetoboth sidesis a safedistance, heobtains the newsobviously, knewhisstatus.
“高丽的奕剑大师傅采林?”霍山没有继续前进,停在了三丈开外,这个距离对双方都是一个安全的距离,他显然已经得到了消息,知道了他的身份。„Musthithits, so manyidle talk where comes.”Song Qingshu the moodwas agitatedat this time, is just slaughtered the negativity of generatingstillnot to remove, this timeheonlywantsto ventruthlessly, foughtmostcanspend freely the whole bodyobviously the vicious tendencies, was large amount ofcompared with the moon reflection in the water, in the mountain the old personmaynot have is so goodto cope, a moon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofmartial arts was quite on the other hand systematicsimply, observedalways to detect that fromsideseveraltimessomeclue, inmountainold person'smartial artsactuallynumerous and diversetreacherous, each timeis notsamemartial arts that intendedevento use, as the matter standshad no waylikecoping with the moon reflection in the waterlarge amountmakes the pointedarrangement.
“要打就打,哪来的那么多废话。”宋青书此时心情烦躁得很,刚刚被杀戮引发的负面情绪依然没有褪去,此时的他只想狠狠发泄一番,打架显然最能挥霍满身的戾气,比起水月大宗,山中老人可没那么好对付,水月大宗武功相对来说比较系统简单,从旁观察几次总能察觉出一些端倪,山中老人的武功却繁杂诡谲,每次出手甚至用的都不是同一种武功,这样一来就没法像对付水月大宗那样作针对性布置。Whoknows that in the mountain the old personactuallybeckons with the hand: „YourmyinFar East, inwest the place, the great distancefar more thanten thousandli (0.5 km), usuallydid not have the enmityextremely, noconflicts of interest, whymusthit, twoinvited!”Said that hintedmade wayhand/subordinate a path.
谁知道山中老人却摆了摆手:“你我一个在远东,一个在极西之地,相隔何止万里,素来并没有仇怨,也没什么利益冲突,为什么要打,两位请!”说完示意手下让开了一条道路。In the Song Qingshueyeflashes throughdoubts, did not determine that the opposite partyis playingwhatschemes and tricks, canwhileheleavesfromsidesneak attack.宋青书眼中闪过一丝疑惑,不确定对方到底是不是在耍什么阴谋诡计,会不会是趁他离开的时候从旁偷袭。NotGuoshanzhongold personhas fallen back on the one side, keptenoughdistance, demonstratedin the heartnototherplans.
不过山中老人已经退到一旁,留出了足够的距离,显示心中并没有其他打算。Thinks of the beforehandall sorts, in the Song Qingshubrain the miraculous glowflashessuddenly, inthismountain the old personis present at workseveraltimesdoes not strive, nowlets go itselfblatantly, it seems likeheis unwillingsosubmits tounder the Mongoliatent/account, has been underminingsecretly.
The enemy of enemyis the friend, Song Qingshu, even ifthis momentheadis somewhat ignorant, stillremembersthis point.
正所谓敌人的敌人就是朋友,宋青书哪怕此刻脑袋有些浑噩,依然记得这一点。Deeplylooked atopposite partyoneeyes, Song Qingshuheld the hand of MadameZhento leave.
深深地看了对方一眼,宋青书拉着甄夫人的手离开。„Huoshan, what do you mean, howcanputhimto walk?” A white hairmiddle-aged manis looking angrily in the mountain the old person, he is white hairwillowYaozhi in young personwhite hair.
“霍山,你这是什么意思,怎么能放他走?”一个白发中年男子怒视着山中老人,他便是红颜白发中的白发柳摇枝。„this seat (this one/this sir)works, why must do youteach?”In the mountain the old personcoldlyreplies.
“本座做事,何须你来教?”山中老人冷冷地答道。„Wereceivedsmalldemonbefore the signalling, hejustcame outfrom the temporary office of presidentobviously, nowdoes not know how the princethey, howcanputthemto leave?”
“我们之前收到小魔师的传信,他显然刚从行馆那边出来,如今不知道王爷他们怎么样了,怎么能就这么放他们离开?”„Under the princenumerous strong competitors, moon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofsuchexistences, could naturally nothave the matter.”In the mountain the old personlooked that has not looked athisoneeyes, fromattending towalkstoward the nearby.
“王爷麾下高手如云,还有水月大宗这样的存在,自然不会有事情。”山中老人看都没看他一眼,自顾往边上走去。„Is goodyourHuoshan, are youplanto betray the prince?”Seesappearance that henot cares, willowYaozhiis angry.
“好你个霍山,你是打算背叛王爷么?”见他毫不在意的模样,柳摇枝大怒。„Howis?” Before mountainold personobviously, in the distant place, maysaythese wordstimehas appearedbeforewillowYaozhi the bodysuddenly, evencanseegrinning fiendishly of hiscorners of the mouth.
The young personwhite hairisdemonmasterGongProtector, is in itself runs amuckdozensyears of demon, a martial artsis not naturally weak, sees onlywillowYaozhito slideis four feet fourcuns (2.5 cm)white jadeflutefrom the sleeveinstantaneously, in the old persontoward the mountain, thisflutefierceplace, lies inwieldingcansend out the heightto be different, the flutesound that moving fastis difficultto decide, canmake the enemy sidehave the sound the misconception, the fluteholecanstir up the strengthin the specialtechnique, offends somebody without the shadowinvisible, is fierce.
红颜白发是魔师宫的护法,本身又是横行数十年的魔头,一身武功自然不弱,只见柳摇枝瞬间从袖中滑出长四尺四寸的白玉箫,点往山中老人,此箫厉害之处,在于挥动时能发出高低不同,飘忽难定的箫音,能使敌方产生声音的错觉,箫孔又能以独门手法激出劲气,伤人于无影无形,非常厉害。Even ifhebumps into the top player in Central Plain, protects oneselfby a mysteriousmartial artsdoes not have the issue, buthebumps intoisHuoshan, hasHuoshan of king of given namekiller!
The Wang Cheng of heartkillersneak attacks, how manypeople does in the world have to evade?
杀手之王成心偷袭,天底下又有几个人避得过去?willowYaozhi a pitiful yell, covering the chestcomplexionis grieved: „Passes the bone needlereallyto live up to reputation.”
柳摇枝一声惨叫,捂着心口脸色惨然:“透骨针果然名不虚传。”In the mountain the old personcrosses the hands behind the backto stand, the opposite partyvitalitycertainly, has not neededto actagain.
山中老人负手而立,对方生机已绝,没有必要再出手。Heactsat the same time, subordinatethesekillersalsomake a move, thenwipedwillowYaozhithatcrowd of neckshand/subordinateinstantaneously.
他出手的同时,麾下那些杀手也纷纷出手,瞬间便抹了柳摇枝那群手下的脖子。„Lets offmy wife.”willowYaozhiputs together the finalone breathto saydiligently, before the young personspends the solutionlanguage, leftcarries outothertaskto gonothere, otherwisetwo peoplecollaborated, in the mountain the old personwas impossible is so easyto winthem.
“放过我妻子。”柳摇枝拼着最后一口气努力说道,红颜花解语之前离开执行另外的任务去了不在这里,否则两人联手,山中老人也不可能这么容易胜他俩。Althoughtwopersontheseyear of cultivationpick the technique of making up, almostplaysrespectivelyvarious, the opposite partydoes not know that woremanytopgreenhattohim, butdozensyears of sentiment, makeshimbe in suspenseeventually.
尽管两个人这些年修炼采补之术,几乎是各玩各的,对方也不知道给他戴了多少顶绿帽,但几十年的感情,终究还是让他放心不下。„Thatimmoral woman?”In the mountain the old personsneers, shows neither approval nor disapproval.
“那个淫妇?”山中老人冷笑一声,不置可否。willowYaozhiunderstandsinstantaneouslyhisintention, cursed angrily: „Huoshan, Great Khan/sweat and demonmasterwill revengeforus!”Scoldedthese words, as ifexhaustedhisallstrengths, quickis then been unwillingto breathe.
柳摇枝瞬间明白了他的心意,怒骂道:“霍山,大汗和魔师会替我们报仇的!”骂完这句话,仿佛用尽了他所有力气,很快便在不甘中咽了气。This timeSong Qingshudoes not know after oneselfwalk, hadso manymatters, even ifnaturallyknows that hewill not care, his timewhole bodymoves restlesslyfiercely.
The night windblew the lightroseflower fragrance, Song Qingshuwas then looking around female, the bright moonlightin the sky, cool breezeslowto come, beautiful white skinredlip, gorgeousunparalleled.
夜风吹来了淡淡的玫瑰花香,宋青书回头望着旁边的女子,明月当空,清风徐来,雪肤红唇,艳丽无双。Actually, the appearance of MadameZhennot necessarilycalculatesobjectivelyoutstandingly beautiful, missedseveralpointscompared withChen Yuanyuan,Xiao Longnü (little dragon girl)thesepeople, butsheplentifulmaturestaturelets the personbreathing rapidly, the clearstraightboth legsareincomparablycharming, the especiallybluedoublepupiljust like the sea waterto be generally beautiful, thatuniqueforeign landcharacter and stylearousesextremely.
其实客观地来说,甄夫人的容貌未必算多绝色,比起陈圆圆、小龙女这些人还是差了几分,但她丰腴成熟的身材让人呼吸急促,圆润笔直的双腿更是无比迷人,特别是淡蓝的双眸犹如海水一般美丽,那种独特的异域风情极为撩人。MadameZhenwas ledin a roombyhim, looks that the bed of not far awayshesomewhatis panic-stricken, quicklysaid: „Many thanks the seniorlife-saving efforts, in the concubinenet worthalsohas the matter to process, tomorrowwill visit the senioragain.”
甄夫人被他带到了一间屋子里,看着不远处的床她不禁有些心慌意乱,急忙说道:“多谢前辈救命之恩,妾身家里还有事情要处理,明天再来拜访前辈。”Said that turns aroundthento walk, actuallyheld onto pull the bosombythatperson.
说完转身便走,却被那人一把拉住扯到怀里。„Does not want!”MadameZhencalls out in alarmone, actuallydoes not know that suchshoutingwill only aggravate the situation.
“不要!”甄夫人惊呼一声,却不知道这样的呼喊只会火上浇油。„IsI.”Song Qingshutook off the mask, restored the originalappearance.
“是我。”宋青书摘下了面具,恢复了本来的容貌。„Young master?” The hands and feet that MadameZhenwas strugglingdesperatelyis suddenly tranquil, the terrifiedmoodwas substitutedby the pleasant surpriseinstantaneously.
The hand of Song Qingshuhas followedherto lead the glib, actuallyhecango backto look forMu Wanqing,Li Qingluthey, buthehastender, does not wantto toss abouttheminthisnon-steady state, relatively speaking, hedid not have the pressure in thisaspecttoMadameZhen, shewas beautiful,mature, moreoverseveral timeshad expressed the wish of offering to volunteerpillow mat.宋青书的手已经顺着她领口滑了下去,其实他是可以回去找木婉清、李清露她们的,可是他心存怜惜,不愿意自己在这种不稳定的状态下折腾她们,相比而言,对甄夫人他就没这方面的心理压力了,她美丽、成熟,而且数次表达过自荐枕席的意愿。Feelshismovement, MadameZhenis pink and shiny, in the eyeiswoofChunshui, graspedmangently, the softlippastednearhisear, the bodylooked likeoneto take away the snake of boneto be common: „Young master, Itake care ofyou.”
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