FSM :: Volume #22

#2194: Threat

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Originally by a moon reflection in the water large amount of martial arts, to on big grandmaster, even if not beat is also insufficient to defeat such miserable, but Song Qingshu once and he has fought in Xiangyang, after coming Xixia (Western Xia), has fought, meanwhile looked on the scene that he and others began several times, to his martial arts characteristics thoroughly cooked in heart, in addition he has not understood the true Yi sword technique, can only in person through picture the ideal condition simulated, to a certain extent disregarded the space rule, this made the moon reflection in the water defeat large amount of quickly is so so miserable. 原本以水月大宗的武功,对上大宗师哪怕不敌也不至于败得如此之惨,但宋青书曾经在襄阳和他交过手,来西夏后又交过一次手,同时还旁观了几次他与别人动手的场景,对他的武功特点已经烂熟于心,再加上他不懂真正的奕剑术,只能通过“画中人”的意境来模拟,一定程度上无视了空间规则,这才让水月大宗败得这么快这么惨。 Master!” The fire waited on, forest Shi to roar sad and shrill, in the sound brought is not possible to believe and thick hate, they planned to tie down the Fu Cailin moment temporarily, to the opportunities of moon reflection in the water large amount of respite, then he staged a comeback again, who would have guessed that his unexpectedly direct selection escape, moreover chose sacrificed them to delay the time for oneself. “主人!”火侍、林侍凄厉地吼了一声,声音中带着不可置信与浓浓的怨恨,他们本来计划暂时缠住傅采林片刻,给水月大宗喘息之机,然后他再卷土重来,哪知道他竟然直接选择了逃命,而且还选择了牺牲他们为自己拖延时间。 The wind female opens mouth, has not called, when her entire brain already a blank, never expected that in mind until now invincible master, danger is so unexpectedly despicable. 风女张了张嘴,却没有叫出来,她整个大脑已经一片空白,没想到心目中一直以来无敌的主人,危难之际竟然这么卑劣。 The Song Qingshu sword has not stayed, he remembers vaguely initially Xiangyang City stole Huang Rong, has probably this forest to wait on. 宋青书的剑没有停留,他依稀记得当初襄阳城劫走黄蓉的,好像就有这个林侍。 During forest Shi and fire wait on to despair to study to display thoroughly the entire life, even was 120% degrees, only pitifully the moon reflection in the water large amount is not an opponent, where can they block? Let alone they were kicked large amount by the moon reflection in the water, the center of gravity has lost, in the genuine expert eyes everywhere is the flaws. 林侍与火侍绝望之中将生平所学彻底发挥出来,甚至达到了百分之一百二的程度,只可惜连水月大宗都不是对手,他们又哪里挡得住?更何况他们被水月大宗踢过来,重心已失,在真正的高手眼中到处都是破绽。 Wipes coldly smooth, two people have fallen down layer on layer/heavily, two eyes open the eyes in a big way, whole face is incredible. 一抹寒光滑过,两人已经重重地倒在地上,两双眼睛睁得大大的,满脸的不可置信。 Wind heroic woman all these get a panoramic view, at this time the whole body is icy cold, she was clear that struggle again is also doomed unable to block the opposite party, no longer brandishes the weapon simply, in the mind appears the time that fast in several years and forest volcano several people grow together, the moon reflection in the water large amount taught past devotedly her scene, never expected that all these actually changed to such result, the corner of the eye dispersed tear stains. 风女将这一切尽收眼底,此时浑身冰凉,她清楚自己再挣扎也注定拦不住对方,索性不再挥舞兵器,脑海中快速浮现这十几年和林火山几人一起成长的时光,还有水月大宗昔日悉心教导她的场景,没想到这一切却化作了这样的结局,眼角不由分散出一丝泪痕。 Song Qingshu recognized this that mysterious Queen of Flowers that comes on the Xixia (Western Xia) road to bump into, hesitant, not under killer, but grasps gently, threw the one side her. 宋青书认出了这个来西夏路上碰到的那个神秘花魁,犹豫了一下,并没有下杀手,只是轻轻一抓,将她扔到了一旁。 However after this interrupting, the moon reflection in the water large amount has not vanished hidden does not have the trace, Song Qingshu has not cared, because this time goal is not he. 不过经过这番打岔,水月大宗已经消失得无隐无踪,宋青书并没有在意,因为这次的目标不是他。 Just matter described, although long, but all these happened in an instant, Hulagu Khan and side Yeyu has not thought that the moon reflection in the water escaped large amount of unexpectedly like this. 刚刚的事情描述起来虽久,但所有这一切不过发生在刹那之间,旭烈兀和方夜羽没想到水月大宗竟然就这样逃了。 „A native of Japan is really unreliable!” Two people difference has not scolded his ancestor 18 generations then. “东瀛人果然靠不住!”两人就差没将他祖宗十八代骂个便了。 Sees Fu Cailin to look to oneself, Hulagu Khan and side Ye feather simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform draws back. 见“傅采林”望向自己,旭烈兀和方夜羽齐齐一退。 In the Hulagu Khan heart flashes through one to be angry and ashamed, how many years haven't crossed like this? Records events since him, Mongolia already unmatched in the world, only then he forces into the hopeless situation the opposite party step by step, where has by the enemy is compelled the truth of retreat. 旭烈兀心中闪过一丝恼怒与羞愧,已经多少年没这样过了?从他记事起,蒙古就已经天下无敌,只有他一步步将对方逼入绝境,哪有被敌人逼得后退的道理。 Thinks that here he wants to proceed to tread one step, but that person walks step by step toward here, every step seems to be sending out the invincible imposing manner, making him unable to have the courage to tread eventually this step. 想到这里他想往前踏出一步,可那人一步步往这边走来,每一步似乎都散发着无敌的气势,让他终究鼓不起勇气踏出这一步。 Puts the arrow, puts the arrow! The prince you first walks.” side Yeyu is called the young demon master, because not just he is the demon master Pang Ban disciple, what are more is because of his wise and calmness, the chaotic time he had just organized the archer to be ready. “放箭,放箭!王爷你先走。”方夜羽被称为小魔师,可不单单因为他是魔师庞斑的弟子,更多的是因为他的足智多谋与冷静,刚刚混乱的功夫他已经组织好了弓箭手蓄势待发。 The Mongolia person since childhood grows up in the horseback and bow and arrow, takes a broad view at the world , the bow and arrow of no country can contend with some god arm crossbow positive results of strange obscene skill invention with them besides Southern Song Dynasty. 蒙古人从小就在马背和弓箭中长大,放眼天下,除了南宋用一些奇淫技巧发明的神臂弩有些名堂之外,没有哪个国家的弓箭可以和他们一较高下。 Has inundated the Tien Chien rain to shoot in a flash toward Fu Cailin, covered around him every inchs the land, blocked each escaping way. 转瞬之间已经漫天箭雨往“傅采林”射去,笼罩了他四周每一寸土地,封死了他每一个逃生路径。 The expert in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) often is not the opponent of regular troops, organizes to dodge without the use that beyond is punctures the weapon that in all directions makes them usually study except for the battlefield , very big degree also because of the reason of bow and arrow, in the battlefield the ten thousand arrows of army fires, shoots the hedgehog any expert sufficiently. 江湖中的高手往往不是正规军队的对手,除了战场上四面八方都是刺过来的武器让他们平日所学的腾挪闪躲毫无用处之外,很大程度也是因为弓箭的原因,战场中军队的万箭齐发,足以将任何高手射成刺猬。 Now the scale of this arrow rain naturally cannot compare the mighty force in battlefield, but momentum already enough scary, side Ye the feather arranges this group of archers to conduct three fires methodically, making the arrow rain not have the stay of moment, does not give the enemy opportunity of the point respite. 如今这箭雨的规模自然比不上战场上的千军万马,但声势已经足够骇人,方夜羽有条不紊地安排这群弓箭手进行三段射击,让箭雨没有片刻的停留,不给敌人一点喘息之机。 May forgive is so, side Yeyu does not dare to have relaxes slightly, the strength that just the opposite party showed was really terrifying, he did not determine whether this arrow rain could block the opposite party. 可饶是如此,方夜羽也不敢有丝毫放松,刚刚对方表现出来的实力实在是太恐怖了,他不确定这箭雨是否拦得住对方。 Had just sent people to inform in the mountain the old person, how they have not caught up.” Although Hulagu Khan suspected that the Huoshan loyalty the issue, just side Yeyu sent people to inform the opposite party. “刚刚已经派人去通知了山中老人,他们怎么还没赶来。”尽管旭烈兀怀疑霍山忠诚度的问题,刚刚方夜羽还是派人去通知了对方。 Has the Persian Ming Cult innumerable disciples as the hostage, wants to come to Huoshan to weigh the advantages and disadvantages very much intelligently, the present stage should not dare instead, moreover this time carries out the task along with Huoshan together many experts have not come back, for example young person white hair these people, moreover eagle flying general Madame Zhen will grasp to sleep to spend night/lodge willow tree on running up to outside to go from now on, if otherwise all experts , the Fu Cailin martial arts will be high, will be insufficient to be so relaxed. 波斯明教无数弟子作为人质,想来霍山应该会很聪明地权衡利弊,现阶段应该是不敢反的,另外这次随霍山一起去执行任务的还有不少高手没有回来,比如说“红颜白发”这些人,另外鹰飞将甄夫人抓回来过后就跑到外面眠花宿柳去了,否则如果所有高手都在,傅采林武功再高,也不至于能这么轻松。 Facing dense arrow rain, such situation Song Qingshu is not strange, grasps ground two bodies of Mongolia warriors to treat as the shield to keep off before the body conveniently, this depended toward the archer camp step by step. 面对黑压压的一片箭雨,这样的情况宋青书并不陌生,随手抓起地上两具蒙古武士的尸体当作盾牌挡在身前,就这样一步步往弓箭手阵营靠了过去。 Although Mongolia these archer archery fine, but the score attacking a city crossbow of this belt/bring and so on heavy weapon, is very difficult to penetrate the human body, but Song Qingshu discovered before the body, on after the meat shield has inserted the full arrow, grasps two shield replaces conveniently again is- ground but actually the Mongolia warrior may be many. 蒙古这些弓箭手箭术虽精,但这次带的比分攻城弩之类的重武器,很难穿透人体,而宋青书发现身前肉盾上已经插满箭后随手再抓起两块盾牌替换就是-地上倒着的蒙古武士可不少。 „The prince walks quickly!” Seeing the opposite party is getting more and more near, flustered including always calm side Yeyu, will quickly push Hulagu Khan to draw back in the future. “王爷快走!”见对方越来越近,连一向沉稳的方夜羽也慌了,急忙推着旭烈兀往后退。 „To walk?” Song Qingshu has approached enough near distance, vertical leapt then appears in the archer group, above the battlefield the archer by the enemy near the body is the unilateral slaughter, let alone now martial arts such high of enemy? “想走?”宋青书已经靠近到了足够近的距离,一个纵跃便出现在了弓箭手群中,战场之上弓箭手被敌人近了身就是单方面的屠杀,更何况如今敌人的武功如此之高? A sword light cold ten Nine Provinces! 一剑光寒十九州! Escaping that the death that the quick archer dies escapes, only had side Yeyu to keep off before the body. 很快弓箭手死的死逃的逃,只剩下了方夜羽挡在身前。 side Yeyu takes out 38 crossed spears that conduct the back, is by with the North Sea seabed it is said three chi (0.33 m) eight cuns (2.5 cm) short halberd that the mysterious profound iron from space makes, when 157 jin (0.5 kg) heaviness, are Pang Ban makes a debut sweeps away the world the weapon, afterward gave to him to use. 方夜羽取出背上的三八双戟,是由用北海海底据说来自天上的神秘玄铁所制的三尺八寸短戟,有一百五十七斤之重,是庞斑出道时横扫天下的兵器,后来送给他所用。 Grandmaster Fu, you also kills our so many people now, this air/Qi also left, was inferior how both sides stop there, we will give back to you crown prince, will not bear a grudge to today's matter absolutely.” At this moment, a crown prince pinched in the hand was also useless, thinks before all these were, with transaction that a native of Japan made, side Yeyu then hated the tooth to be itchy, where expects will draw on such deicide? This time the matter, must ask Hidekatsu Hashiba they to calculate that well charges to one's account. “傅大师,如今你也杀了我们这么多人了,该出的气也出了,不如双方就此罢手如何,我们会将太子还给你,另外绝对不会对今天的事情怀恨在心。”事到如今,一个太子捏在手里也没什么用了,想到这一切都是之前和东瀛人做的交易,方夜羽便恨得牙痒痒,哪料到会招来这样的杀神?此番事了,得好好找羽柴秀胜他们算一下账。 Just did not say that is the misunderstanding, did not say that doesn't have the evidence do not falsely accuse you?” Song Qingshu sneers again and again, how, to acknowledge that now the Korean Mission is you slaughters.” “刚刚不是说是误会么,不是说没证据不要诬陷你们么?”宋青书冷笑连连,“怎么,现在承认高丽使团是你们屠戮的。” side Yeyu listens to the opposite party to say a word bad, he understands that does not compromise constantly the good fate, then braces oneself saying: Grandmaster Fu, argued at this moment again who does not have the significance to whom mistakenly, between Mongolia and Korea usually did not have the enmity, today Grandmaster conquers by killing our mission here, do your Korea lords know? If besotted, perhaps will draw on the total destruction to your country.” 方夜羽听对方言语不善,他明白一味地妥协没有好的下场,便硬着头皮说道:“傅大师,事到如今再争论谁对谁错已经没有了意义,蒙古与高丽之间素来没有仇怨,今天大师在这里血洗了我们使团,你们高丽国主知道么?若是再执迷不悟,恐怕会给贵国招来灭顶之灾。” „Are you threatening me?” Song Qingshu is unemotional. “你在威胁我?”宋青书面无表情。
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