FSM :: Volume #22

#2174: Procrastination

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Song Qingshu shouted secretly ashamed, on the mouth actually did not recognize: Got drunk the nonsense can take seriously, crown prince imperial concubine is so attractive, is men likes, your elder brother Xue Pan very does not like his, possibly was affected by him, I was drunk unable to bear talk nonsense. Is the mouth quite thirsty, does have the water to drink?” 宋青书暗叫惭愧,嘴上却坚决不认:“喝醉了的胡话能当真么,太子妃那么漂亮,是个男人都喜欢,你哥薛蟠不也挺喜欢他的么,可能被他影响了,以至于我醉了忍不住胡言乱语起来。口好渴,有没有水喝?” This cooks the good sobering up soup, is cool.” Xue Baochai carried nearby bowl, I, no matter you and she really also good, as you said was the nonsense, this matter cannot divulge the least bit to go out in any case, now you are in Xixia (Western Xia), was hacked you by the angry Xixia (Western Xia) person carefully exactly.” “这是熬好的醒酒汤,已经凉了。”薛宝钗将旁边的碗端了过来,“我不管你和她是真的也好,还是如你所说是胡话也罢,反正这件事情不能泄露半点出去,如今你身在西夏,小心被愤怒的西夏人将你活剐了。” Song Qingshu is eating the sobering up soup, while said with a smile: Valuable elder sister, in it seems like your bone loves dearly my.” 宋青书一边喝着醒酒汤,一边笑着说道:“宝姐姐,看来你骨子里还是心疼我的。” Who loved dearly you!” Xue Baochai putting on a serious face stood, drank up got up, the matter must do. “谁心疼你了!”薛宝钗板着脸站了起来,喝完了就起来,还有事要做。 Song Qingshu looked at a jet black out of the window, is startled: I also thought dawn, unexpectedly black! Makes me rest the little while again, last night the liquor drank was stranded too fiercely.” 宋青书看了一眼漆黑的窗外,不由一怔:“我还以为天亮了,竟然还是黑的!再让我多睡会儿,昨晚酒喝多了困得太厉害。” Xue Baochai pulled taut his ear: You also felt all right saying that knows obviously today must start to contend in martial arts to live with the bride's family, you also drank unexpectedly are dead drunk, knows that I have been waiting for you to come back to teach you last night the countermeasure!” 薛宝钗一把扯住了他耳朵:“你还好意思说,明明知道今天要开始比武招亲了,你竟然还喝得烂醉如泥,知不知道我昨晚一直在等你回来教你对策!” Song Qingshu cannot bear mutter: This time participates to live with the bride's family is not goes through the motions, your really giving up makes me marry that Princess Xixia (Western Xia).” 宋青书忍不住咕哝道:“这次过来参加招亲不就是走个过场么,难道你真舍得让我去娶那个西夏公主啊。” Bah!” A Xue Baochai cheeks heat, who didn't give up? Going through the motions although is the interlude, but is still representing the face countenance of royal government, I looked at these seas to choose the semi-final list, a son of the rich or influential pair of various countries is not divided in a group specially, showed that others Xixia (Western Xia) is also taking care of us, if had no way to advance facing the people of some door small factions, that really loses the face of our Song Dynasty!” “呸!”薛宝钗脸颊一热,“谁舍不得了?走过场虽然是过场,但依然代表着朝廷的颜面,我特意去看了这些海选小组赛名单,各国的王孙公子没有一对被分在一个小组,证明人家西夏也在照顾我们,要是面对一些小门小派的人都没法出线,那真的是丢我们大宋的脸!” That I advanced to kill to seize Kui by some chance finally, you what to do?” The Song Qingshu faint smile is looking at her. “那万一我出线了一路杀到最后夺了魁,你怎么办?”宋青书似笑非笑地望着她。 The Xue Baochai short of breath instead smiles: Your anything level I am not clear, both of us grow up together, I...... I will not visit you by the eye, how others solemn princesses will have a liking for......” 薛宝钗气急反笑:“你什么水平我还不清楚么,要不是我俩从小一起长大,我……我都不会多看你以眼,人家堂堂的公主怎么会看上……” At this point, she is startled suddenly, thinks that even that beautiful noble crown prince imperial concubines can have a liking for him, will be difficult to guarantee that Princess Yinchuan not to have a liking. 说到这里,她忽然一怔,想到连那美丽高贵的太子妃都能看上他,难保那位银川公主不会也看上啊。 This fellow really has such big charm, was I and he was too familiar, therefore hasn't looked? 这家伙真的有这么大魅力么,难道是我和他太熟悉了,所以才没有看出来? Song Qingshu wants toward the bed on but actually: You are not do not know that I do not like martial arts, this forces someone to do something against his will, might as well will rest will think.” 宋青书又想往床上倒:“你又不是不知道我不喜欢武功,这岂不是强人所难么,还不如多睡会觉呢。” „It is not good!” Xue Baochai drew him again, do best to convince urged, precious jade, in your family had an accident, if your semi-final were eliminated here, feeds in the Lin'an city to become various laughingstocks, I do not think that...... does not think they such looked at you.” “不行!”薛宝钗再次将他拉了起来,苦口婆心地劝道,“宝玉,你家里本来就出了事,如果你在这里小组赛就被淘汰了,传回临安城又会成为各家的笑柄,我不想……不想他们那样看你。” Sees her concerned facial expression, Song Qingshu changes countenance slightly, thought that this Miss Xue really worries for Jia Baoyu but actually, suddenly pours does not endure the heart of offending somebody family/home young miss: Good, but you also know that I have no interest in martial arts, therefore is not necessarily able to break through from the group.” 看到她关切的神情,宋青书微微动容,心想这位薛小姐替贾宝玉倒真是操碎了心,一时间倒也不忍伤了人家小姑娘的心:“好吧,不过你也知道我对武功没什么兴趣,所以未必能从小组里突围啊。” Relax, I have checked the material of today's opponent, they are not what expert, I teach you several moves, you put when the time comes again smartly, should be able to deal with.” Xue Baochai said. “放心,我已经查到了你今天对手的资料,他们算不上什么高手,我教你几招,你到时候再放机灵点,应该能应付过去。”薛宝钗说道。 Procrastinating, can be late?” Song Qingshu does not certainly need to study these skills that she teaches, but did not endure to stroke her good intention. “临阵磨枪,会不会迟了点?”宋青书当然不需要学她教的这些技巧,只是不忍拂了她一番好意。 These people are not the experts, therefore some tricks can play the unexpected role, moreover I remember that your previous time is missing this days, as if also studied a martial arts?” Xue Baochai looks at him curiously. “这些人不算高手,所以一些奇招能起到意想不到的作用,而且我记得你上次失踪这段日子,似乎也学了点武功吧?”薛宝钗好奇地看着他。 Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly: .” 宋青书讪讪地笑了笑:“会一点,会一点。” That is good, has the foundation on the line, otherwise your least bit martial arts, this point time I will not have no way to teach you to defeat others.” Xue Baochai relaxes finally. “那就好,有基础就行,否则你半点武功不会,这一点时间我也没法教你打败人家。”薛宝钗终于松了一口气。 Two people go out, happen to awakens the young male servant who out of the door dozed off: Miss Xue, the young master awoke made me look, you had not rested last night yeah.” 两人出了门,正好惊醒了门外打瞌睡的小厮:“薛小姐,公子醒了就让我来照顾吧,你昨晚一直都没睡哎。” The Song Qingshu surprise is looking at Xue Baochai, the mood of young girl always is so affectingly easy. 宋青书诧异地望着薛宝钗,少女的情怀总是这么容易让人感动。 Xue Baochai white young male servant eyes: Does not use, I have the matter to teach your young masters, you prepare a breakfast and so on good.” 薛宝钗白了小厮一眼:“不用,我还有事要教你们公子,你去准备点早点之类的就好。” Song Qingshu said: Or you rest.” 宋青书不禁说道:“要不你还是去休息一下吧。” Passes today to rest again not lately.” Xue Baochai starts to demonstrate directly, today your three opponents, one is few dart head of Flying Horse Escort Agency, his father horse dealer empties by hundred victories god fist on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) known, but is in fact unworthy of the name, this set of Fist Arts dregs, you favored extremely......” “过了今天再睡不迟。”薛宝钗直接开始演示起来,“今天你的三个对手,其中一个是飞马镖局的少镖头,他爹马行空以‘百胜神拳’在江湖上小有名气,不过实际上只是名不副实,这套拳法极渣,你看好了……” Is saying while demonstrates the opposite party so-called hundred victories god fist comes, simultaneously explained in detail the flaw as well as correspondence law, she came the Southern Song Dynasty imperial city division, in these information to Jianghu (rivers and lakes) quite understood. 一边说着一边演示起对方所谓的‘百胜神拳’来,同时详细讲解其中破绽以及对应之法,她出身南宋皇城司,对江湖中这些情报本就相当了解。 Another person to water a horse Sichuan knockoff few creditor Tao Zi an, is good at plundering, martial arts is also ordinary, if copes with his you thus and such and such......” “另一人为饮马川山寨少债主陶子安,擅长打家劫舍,武功也一般,如果对付他你就如此这般……” Last person of martial arts is highest, is the Yellow River helps current master money azure strengthen.” “最后一人武功最高,是黄河帮现任帮主钱青健。” Master?” Song Qingshu is startled. “帮主?”宋青书一怔。 Xue Baochai explained: Do not be frightened by the reputation of his master, past the Yellow River Help/Gang three flood dragons Hou Tonghai, ghost gate Dragon King sand direct access to the highest authorities on Jianghu (rivers and lakes) but actually was also a expert, but was grasped to close more than ten years by Quanzhen Sect afterward, afterward did not know the trace, the sand exceedingly high originally four apprentices, but mostly turned over to cloud manor Lu Guanying killed, the Yellow River helped therefore be also ruined, money Qingjian was the sand direct access to the highest authorities youngest disciple can fortunately survive, finally pulled up the fierce appearance to make the flag.” 薛宝钗解释道:“不要被他帮主的名头吓到了,昔日黄河帮‘三头蛟’侯通海、‘鬼门龙王’沙通天在江湖上倒也算个高手,但后来被全真教抓进去关了十几年,后来不知所踪,沙通天本来有四个徒弟,但大都被归云庄的陆冠英所杀,黄河帮也因此破败,钱青健是沙通天最小的弟子得以幸存,最后拉起虎皮作大旗而已。” „Does Lu Guanying really have such imposing time?” Song Qingshu thinks of that before oneself slightly by the pretty boy of appearance, actually this side, in the mind was reappeared forever Cheng Yaojia that charming boundless character and style, yeah, oneself also are really not a thing. 陆冠英竟然还有这么威风的时刻?”宋青书想到那个在自己面前永远一副小受模样的小白脸,竟然还有这一面,脑海中不禁浮现出程瑶迦那娇羞无限的风情了,哎,自己还真不是个东西啊。 Lu Guanying turning over to cloud Zhuangben is the head of water of taihu lake bandit, he stems from north slope Lu let alone, in Jianghu (rivers and lakes) naturally is the awe-inspiring character, heard that her wife is also a big beautiful woman, a two people actually famous a perfect match pair of jade person,” Xue Baochai looked at his one eyes strangely, returns to the subject quickly, that money azure healthy nickname mourning gate axe, a skill on that axe, you, if to he, thus and such and such......” 陆冠英的归云庄本就是太湖水匪的头,更何况他出自山阴陆家,在江湖中自然是威风八面的人物,听说她妻子也是个大美人儿,两人倒是有名的郎才女貌一对璧人,”薛宝钗奇怪地看了他一眼,很快回归正题,“那个钱青健外号丧门斧,一身本事都在那柄斧子上,你如果对上他,就如此这般……” Xue Baochai teaches very in detail, even contended in martial arts various situations she to conceive on the way, the Song Qingshu feeling again and again, had such a female friend, Jia Baoyu this boy was how lucky. 薛宝钗教得很详细,甚至连比武途中各种突发情况她都设想到了,宋青书感慨连连,有这样一个红颜知己,贾宝玉这小子是多么幸运啊。 Song Qingshu also some were impatient, but midway Xue Baochai notices his posture is not right, corrects him personally hand in hand. 宋青书本来还有些不耐烦,但中途薛宝钗注意到他姿势不对,亲自手把手来纠正他。 Feels her youth soft body, Song Qingshu thought suddenly this assignment was not that painful, therefore many styles made a mistake intentionally, causing Xue Baochai has to come to teach him hand in hand, must have various body contacts. 感受到她青春柔软的身体,宋青书忽然觉得这项差事不是那么痛苦了,于是很多招式故意弄错,引得薛宝钗不得不一直来手把手教他,少不得各种身体接触。 Noticing the Xue Baochai neck root was red, Song Qingshu somewhat is actually embarrassed, was oneself this too shameless? 注意到薛宝钗脖子根都红了,宋青书倒是有些不好意思起来,自己这样是不是太无耻了些?
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