FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4658: Steals the nebula!

And does not raise hunts for in the soul star shipyard small town, flustered and tense exciting self-examination. 且不提猎魂星坞小镇内,人心惶惶、紧张刺激的自查。 Li Tianming, had returned to the real world shipyard! 李天命这边,已经回到了真实世界坞! He in one piece silent and in the space of nihility, looks to the distant place, that is vast chaos nebulas...... 他在一片寂静和虚无的空间中,看向远方,那是一片浩瀚的混沌星云…… The surrounding nebula ray sparkle, wanders around. 周围星云光芒闪耀、四处游荡。 A little probably heaven-stealing light the strength originates. 有点像是‘窃天光’的力量来源。 Youngster Zi Yan somewhat worried, sees Li Tianming to return, is very anxious destiny big brother, how the situation?” 少年紫烟有些担忧,看到李天命归来,十分紧张“天命大哥,情况如何?” Zi Zhen said with a smile lightly naturally becomes.” 紫禛轻笑道“自然是成了。” She is confident to Li Tianming. 她对李天命有信心。 Li Tianming also to her and small fish one nod, say/way time press, I first absorbed the eye of Immemorial Evil Demon.” 李天命也对她和小鱼一了点头,道“时间紧迫,我先吸收太古邪魔之眼。” Two female nods.?? 两女点头。?? Now Yin Chen (silver dust) has spread periphery very far place, has anybody to approach, they can for a long time learn of the news ahead of time very much. 现在银尘已经铺到了周围很远的地方,有任何人靠近,他们都能提前很久得知消息。 A short time ago they depend on the reminder of Yin Chen (silver dust), avoided the people of several passing by hunting for soul star shipyards. 前不久她们就是靠着银尘的提醒,避开了好几次路过的猎魂星坞之人。 Although they turns into the light shadow in Guanzizai, but if the opposite party searches the examination carefully, can find the trail...... to have the security of Yin Chen (silver dust), is completely absolutely safe. 虽然在观自在界她们只是化成光影,但如果对方仔细搜索查看,还是能找到踪迹……有了银尘的警戒,就完全万无一失了。 Li Tianming arrives at a silent nihility space. 李天命来到一片寂静的虚无空间。 Took out just the eyes of that 100 Immemorial Evil Demon from Xumi Ring. 须弥之戒取出了刚刚那一百只太古邪魔之眼。 Before I only swallowed the eyes of three thousand beast, then untied ‚the heaven-stealing light method.” “之前我只吞了三只千眼兽之眼,便解开了‘窃天光’的手段。” Union Demon Heavenly Arm, fused the Connecting Heaven Finger method, unparalleled peerless!” “结合‘魔天臂’,融合成了通天指的手段,盖世绝伦!” „The eyes of these 100 Immemorial Evil Demon swallow down, definitely will have the brand-new change.” “这一百只太古邪魔之眼吞下去,肯定会有全新的变化。” In front of Li Tianming, the eyes of 100 Immemorial Evil Demon in the real world shipyard, have presented are 100 huge monsters! 李天命面前,一百只太古邪魔之眼在真实世界坞中,已经呈现为一百个庞然巨物! Above that eye, the innumerable compound eye accumulation, covered entirely the blood threads, a bloody strange feeling. 那眼睛之上,数不清的复眼聚集,布满了血丝,给人一种血腥诡异之感。 Good Li Tianming has been familiar. 还好李天命对此早已熟悉。 Under his Heaven-Stealing Hand, the strength surges, starts to swallow to absorb these thousand beast eyes. 他的窃天之手,力量涌动之下,开始吞噬吸收这些千眼兽的眼睛。 This process to him, is early familiar and easy. 这过程早对他而言,早已轻车熟路。 Quick, these thousand beast eyes, were hit by the disaster of being destined, was swallowed by Li Tianming that Heaven-Stealing Hand completely completely! 很快,这些千眼兽的眼睛,都遭到了命中注定的灾难,被李天命窃天之手一口口全部吞噬殆尽! This process spent a lot of time. 这个过程花费了不少时间。 The entire process, on Li Tianming's Heaven-Stealing Hand, the compound eye quantity continues to increase, finally rose dramatically 100,000 quantities! 整个过程,李天命的窃天之手上,复眼数量持续增多,最终飙升到了十万的数量! 100,000 compound eyes, open in the space of this nihility, the Li Tianming whole person is seeming incomparably frightened! 十万复眼,在这虚无的空间中睁开,连带着李天命整个人都显得无比惊悚! His white hair flutters in the universe, under the surrounding chaos nebula ray embellishment, making him partly visible. 白发飘扬在宇宙中,周围的混沌星云光芒点缀下,让他若隐若现。 When 100 thousand beast eyes were swallowed by him, his various aspect heaven-stealing abilities rise dramatically! 当一百只千眼兽的眼睛被他吞掉,他的各方面窃天能力飙升! Tries.” “来试试。” heaven-stealing light, Demon Heavenly Arm!” 窃天光,魔天臂!” On Li Tianming Heaven-Stealing Hand, pair of eyes simultaneous/uniform open/start, forms Connecting Heaven Finger together the method! 李天命窃天之手上,双眼齐开,共同形成‘通天指’之手段! Suddenly, one type compared with the universe ray tube energy of past more intrepid several times, was stolen to come, to gather from the unknown space on black Demon Heavenly Arm that in he just started! 一时间,一种比以往更加强悍数倍的宇宙射线管能量,从未知空间被窃取而来,汇聚在他刚启动的黑色魔天臂上! Under the golden light covers, Li Tianming rumbles single-handed, is only that finger/refers, then quickly, passed through many hundreds of millions meters space! 在金光覆盖之下,李天命单手轰出,只是那一指,便以迅雷不及掩耳之势,贯穿了好几亿米的空间! Li Tianming is feeling the might of this move of promotion sincerely, incomparably shocks. 李天命深切感受着这一招提升的威力,无比震撼。 He looks at almost driven out nihility space, does not doubt, if there is Good Fortune Rank Star Source in the front, that Star Source easily had been rumbled broken by him! 他看着几乎被轰开的虚无空间,丝毫不怀疑,若是有一颗造化级恒星源在面前,那恒星源都已经被他轻易轰碎! Ying Huo (Firefly) cheers alas! young son Li / Small Plum this finger/refers of terrifying in this way! I am willing to call it the first under heaven to refer, this finger/refers, which woman can bear?” 荧火欢呼雀跃“呜呼!小李子这一指恐怖如斯!我愿称之为天下第一指,此指一出,哪个女人受得了?” Numerous Companion Beast is dumbfounded. 一众伴生兽都傻眼。 Li Tianming curls the lip, say/way „did this chicken eat the wrong thing recently?” 李天命撇了撇嘴,道“这小鸡最近是不是吃错东西了?” Miao Miao had a yawn 喵喵打了个哈欠 That does not have, possibly after came Guanzizai, the natural disposition exposed.” “那倒没有,可能只是来了观自在后,本性更加暴露了。” Bai Ye (white night) hehe „, therefore this was you came Guanzizai continuously in the reason of sleeping?” 白夜呵呵一声“所以这就是你来了观自在界一直都在睡觉的原因?” Xian Xian hehe smiles also let alone, I seemed the appetite truly to improve recently much!” 仙仙嘿嘿笑“还别说,我最近好像食欲确实变好了不少!” ...... …… Li Tianming is listening to Companion Beast harmonious chat, is somewhat warm. 李天命听着伴生兽们融洽的聊天,还是有些温暖的。 Perhaps, this Guanzizai truly is their true hometown.” “说不定,这观自在界确实是它们真正的故乡。” Li Tianming is thinking at heart. 李天命心里想着。 But after he is observing the promotion, Heaven-Stealing Hand that the ability rises suddenly, besides the heaven-stealing light promotion, the Demon Heavenly Arm degree of hardness also rose suddenly a section, Heaven-Stealing Dao, steals the star chart, all strengthened much. 而他观察着升级后能力暴涨的窃天之手,除了窃天光提升外,魔天臂的硬度也暴涨了一截,还有窃天道、窃星象,也全都增强了不少。 By the present Heaven-Stealing Dao ability, absorbed the Magnificent Shining Light speed to be quicker several times!” “以现在的窃天道能力,吸收宏光照耀的速度更快了好几倍!” However the nebula sacrifice is Magnificent Shining Light of higher scale......, if depends upon Heaven-Stealing Dao, rapidness that should also be able to absorb!” “而星云祭是更高档次的宏光照耀……若是依靠窃天道,应该也能吸收的更快!” Li Tianming according to the information that Yin Chen (silver dust) knows, the rank that even if the son of mayor, natural talent different reported that wanted to absorb the nebula to offer a sacrifice to is not rapid. 李天命根据银尘得知的信息,即使是镇长的儿子,天赋异禀的级别,想要吸收星云祭也没那么迅速。 The absorption is too quick, the transformation will have problems. 吸收太快,转化就会出问题。 Therefore hunts for the soul star shipyard the nebula offers a sacrifice to the quantity, enough their sons use completely. 所以猎魂星坞所的星云祭数量,就完全足够他们儿子使用。 But I have the Heaven-Stealing Dao ability, absorbs these nebulas to offer a sacrifice to the estimate with stops up gap between teeth.” “但我有窃天道能力,吸收那些星云祭估计就跟塞牙缝似的。” Li Tianming is smiling. 李天命笑着。 At this time he saw on his Heaven-Stealing Hand, the seventh grey point entered the Heaven-Stealing Eye inner loop finally. 这时他看到在他的窃天之手上,第七个灰点终于进入了窃天之眼的内圈。 Entire Heaven-Stealing Eye had turned into one vast deep purple! 整个窃天之眼都已经变成了一种浩瀚深沉的紫色! The seventh ash, has been flooding the purple ray. 第七个灰点,已经充斥着紫色光芒。 Just grew to 100,000 compound eyes , was almost dyed the purple, a brand-new heaven-stealing ability, was born in the Li Tianming hand finally! 刚刚增长到十万个的复眼,也几乎都被染成了紫色,一种全新的窃天能力,终于在李天命手中诞生! Steals the nebula!” “窃星云!” This ability, is similar to the heaven-stealing light. 这个能力,跟窃天光类似。 When Li Tianming activates that purple luminous spot, displays to steal nebula this method, he as if places oneself in vast infinite chaos nebula. 李天命激活那紫色光点,施展出‘窃星云’这手段,他仿佛置身于一座浩瀚无穷的混沌星云之中。 This chaos nebulas, as if are hunt for around soul star shipyard nebula somewhere to be. 这片混沌星云,似乎就是猎魂星坞周围的某处星云所在。 In which nebula strength, was separated stealing by Li Tianming directly spatially! 其中的星云力量,直接被李天命隔空‘窃取’而来! Nebula nebula, Singapore is the Star Source strength, cloud is the chaos strength.” “星云星云,‘星’乃是恒星源力量,‘云’则是混沌力量。” Steals the strength of nebula, the control gathering ultra-large chaos nebula!” “窃星云之力,掌控汇聚超大量的混沌星云!” In a flash, around Li Tianming's Heaven-Stealing Hand, has then been gathering the inexhaustible chaos nebula strength. 一瞬间,李天命的窃天之手周围,便已汇聚着无穷无尽的混沌星云力量。 Let his palm obstruct the day! 让他一掌遮天! Loudly however next, suppressed the surrounding many hundreds of millions meters scopes unexpectedly crudely! 轰然而下,竟是粗暴的镇压了周围好几亿米的范围! Even in the space of nihility, Li Tianming can also feel that to shake trembling of will of the people, as if entire star arched shivered! 即使是虚无的空间中,李天命亦能感受到那撼动人心的震颤,仿佛整个星穹都颤动了起来! This is pure, steals from the this world natural strength.” “这是纯粹的,窃取来自这天地自然的力量。” Li Tianming shocks. 李天命震撼。 When steals a nebula palm to pat, on Heaven-Stealing Hand 100,000 compound eye support, the might is impressive. 当窃星云一掌拍下,窃天之手上十万复眼支撑,威力令人惊叹。 Although the single body demolition cannot compare present Connecting Heaven Finger, but the failure zone far exceeded Connecting Heaven Finger. 虽然单体爆破比不上如今的通天指,但破坏范围远远超出了通天指 The most important thing is, this is also only pure one move steals nebula! 最重要的是,这还只是单纯的一招‘窃星云’! Still before remembering for a long time, when Li Tianming contacts the inheritance of heaven-stealing for the first time, then knows heaven-stealing has the inheritance Connecting Heaven Finger and cover heaven holds and to seal/confer Tianquan. 还记得许久以前,当李天命第一次接触到窃天之传承时,便知道窃天有传承的‘通天指’、‘盖天掌’、‘封天拳’。 Connecting Heaven Finger, he has learned. 通天指,他已经学会。 Even after at present Heaven-Stealing Hand rises dramatically, Connecting Heaven Finger has become the homicide to injure oneself through over-heavy labor or over-exertion the strongest method, is his present stage first kills to incur. 甚至目前窃天之手暴增之后,通天指已经成为他杀伤力最强的手段,是他现阶段的第一杀招。 But at this time, when the seventh grey point steals nebula to untie, in his hand day polar star, that is representing his Grandpa Grandma mark, emerged some materials to him. 而此时,当第七个灰点‘窃星云’解开,在他手上的‘天极星’,那代表着他爷爷奶奶的印记,又给他涌现出了一些资料。 These data intelligence, then about the Heaven-Stealing Clan inheritance cover Tianzhang! 这些资料信息,便是关于窃天一族传承的‘盖天掌’!
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