EH :: Volume #25

#48: Travels together with the plum

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! Also without and other Yae Ji saw clearly once with the aid of the angle of view of plum, other memory fragments then welled up crazily on, forced in the mind altogether. 还没等八重霁借助梅的视角看清楚曾经的自己,其它记忆碎片便狂涌而上,一股脑地塞进脑海之中。 This time, " she " sits in a secret room, front except for the chair, is only left over occupies the projection of entire wall, in projection at the late stage of human civilization last era super city, but in the left bottom position, also several seems like the quite familiar person. 这次,「她」坐在一间密室之中,除了椅子,就只剩下面前占据整面墙体的投影,投影中正是人类文明上纪元末期的超级城市,而在左下角的位置,还有几名看起来较为熟悉的人。 " They seem like last era these statesmen. " Yae Ji has impression indistinctly. 「他们好像是上纪元那些政治家。」八重霁隐约对此有印象 " Starts. " The Yae Ji sympathize in consciousness sustenance and memory fragment, that extremely depressing feeling almost must compel insanely him! 「开始吧。」梅说道,意识寄托与记忆碎片中的八重霁感同身受,那股极为压抑的感觉差点要将他逼疯! The super city on projection was annexed and destroyed by the red light rapidly, until transforms completely blood red. 投影上的超级城市迅速被红光所吞灭,直至完全变换成血红。 " Peaceful plan. " In the Yae Ji brain jumps out of a glossary. 「安乐计划。」八重霁脑中跳出一个词汇。 He still when heart depressed of feeling plum, the hugest memory fragment hit comes together. 他还在感受梅的心郁之时,一块最为巨大的记忆碎片撞击而来。 Dim narrow and small, is built in act of rescue that becomes by the soul steel all over the body, in Mei bosom/mind holds a physical body to become dark the human form that gene collapses, sob while controls the Herrscher power... 昏暗狭小,通体由魂钢打造而成的紧急避难室内,梅怀中抱着一个肉体发黑、基因崩溃的人形,一边哭泣一边操控律者权能... " After this... seems like fights my stupor, finally the matter of... " Saw that at present the plum goes all out to display the power the picture, Yae Ji does not know should say any good. 「这...好像是终焉之战我昏迷后发生的事...」看到眼前梅拼命施展权能的画面,八重霁不知道该说些什么好。 This matter, he never knows. 这件事,他从不知道。 " Ha . Haha, I can use finally! Quick, clearing weather, you immediately good before... finally Herrscher is wounded, without the choice receives the restraint domain to backlash oneself, our also time, several hours of enough we will return to Earth... we to support the disaster, certain meeting! 「哈..哈哈,我终于能使用了!快了,霁,你马上就会好的...终焉律者之前受创,没有选择强收约束领域反噬自身,我们还有时间,几个小时的时间足够我们返回地球...我们会撑过灾难,一定会的! I know that you are very awkward in I and Sakura, perhaps is she first vindicates right, but I... I really like you... I loving you... " 我知道你在我和樱之间很为难,或许是她先表白的没错,但我...我是真的喜欢你」 In the Yae Ji angle of view, the plum supports the strength on the wane to prevent the outside world , the reversal creates the strength of living... 八重霁的视角中,梅支撑起凋零之力阻挡外界,又逆转创生之力... The gentle brilliance expels the black spot, the gene gradually the smile that restores... on the face of plum also to show to feel relieved. 柔和光辉将黑斑驱逐,基因逐步恢复...梅的脸上也露出如释重负的微笑。 Suddenly! 忽地! The pupil of plum shrinks the needle eye size! 梅的瞳孔缩成针眼大小! The monster of narrow and small soul steel panic room arranged in order front shape supports twists, in addition, but also comes out baseless other weapons. 狭小的魂钢避难室被列车头形态的巨物撑得扭曲,除此之外,还凭空多出来一些别的武器。 " Clearing weather-! " 「霁--!」 Rending and hysteric yelling made Yae Ji hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, 撕心裂肺、歇斯底里的叫喊使得八重霁打了一个激灵, Works together as colleagues such a long time with the plum, he sees the plum so appearance for the first time. 与梅共事那么长时间,他还是第一次见到梅这般模样。 But this appearance, in the Previous Civilization Era end... he to this matter absolutely does not have, even if a wee bit memories. 而这个模样,还是在上个文明纪元末期...他对此事完全没有哪怕一丁点的记忆。 " Plum... " 「梅...」 Other also memory fragment wells up, when Yae Ji is just about to fuse, together is familiar to cannot the familiar consciousness body appear before him, fusion that prevented him and memory fragment. 还有别的记忆碎片涌来,八重霁正要去融合进去时,一道熟悉到不能再熟悉的意识体出现在他面前,一把阻止了他与记忆碎片的融合。 " What did you see? " Front plum seems quite tense. 「你看到了什么?」面前的梅显得较为紧张。 The Yae Ji forced smile, " two people's consciousness will spy on some memories of opposite party in the fusion unavoidably, you have also definitely looked at some my memories, now both of us were truly sincerity. These memories are fuse with me on own initiative, I do not have to spy on certainly on own initiative, this I can pledge. " 八重霁苦笑,「两个人的意识在融合中难免会窥探到对方的一些记忆,你也肯定看过一些我的记忆,现在我们俩才算真正的坦诚相见了吧。那些记忆都是主动与我融合,我绝没有主动去窥探,这点我可以发誓。」 " , You also thought that was wronged? " , The plum detected suddenly own loss of self-control, flickers to return to normal below. 「呵,你还觉得受委屈了?」忽地,梅察觉到自己的失态,在下一瞬恢复正常。 " Clearing weather, I do not stem from your source consciousness like Thea, more long that both of us fuse, injures to the respective consciousness is bigger, cannot waste the time again, prepares to test. " 「霁,我不像西娅辛那样出自你的本源意识,我们俩融合的越久,对各自的意识伤害越大,不能再浪费时间,准备实验吧。」 " Good. " Yae Ji nods. 「好。」八重霁点头。 The plum waited for the meeting, frowns to look to Yae Ji, discovers the line of sight of opposite party also on her consciousness body. 梅等了会,蹙眉看向八重霁,发现对方的视线还在她的意识体上。 " What to stare? Pulls out the embodiment godship. " 「愣什么?掏出具象神格啊。」 Who knows Yae Ji a wrist/skill that holds on the plum, has not waited for the plum to respond from the god, he had been closely hugged by the present person in the bosom. 谁知八重霁一把拉住梅的手腕,还没等梅从愣神中反应过来,自身已然被眼前之人紧紧抱在怀里。 " Do you do? " 「你干什么?」 " To hug you. " 「只是想抱抱你。」 The plum struggled slightly, discovered that in Yae Ji powerful consciousness body, possibility that she has not escaped from decisively. 梅稍微挣扎了一下,发现在八重霁强悍的意识体中,她断然没有逃脱的可能。 Sighed, on the elegant face revealed a delicacy, the backhand supports Yae Ji. 梅叹了口气,俏脸上流露出一丝柔弱,反手拥住八重霁 After a little while, the plum pushes unemotionally 少顷,梅面无表情地推 Opens Yae Ji, " takes the embodiment godship, the experiment started. " 八重霁,「把具象神格拿出来,实验开始了。」 " Un. " Yae Ji also returns normally, as if that had not happened a moment ago. 「恩。」八重霁也回归正常,仿佛刚才那一幕从没有发生过。 The consciousness body of plum takes over control of the Yae Ji control, this is the first time that she controlled others' body, the line of sight highly be higher than her body, the body is also lither, during chest fluctuating, every can from the outside world supplement that one time massive high-energy energies, the core in within the body that two high-frequency revolving, shows the powerful energy of its implication always. 梅的意识体接管八重霁的控制权,这还是她第一次操控别人的躯体,视线高度要比她的身体高一些,身躯也更加轻盈,胸口起伏间,每一次都能从外界补充大量的高能能量,体内那两颗高频旋转的核心,更是无时无刻彰显其蕴含的强大能量。 " Very powerful body. " 「十分强大的躯体。」 " Do you think this again? " 「你就再想这个?」 " Yae Ji " face one red, the plum forgot that two people's desires know the limitation to melt, own idea can also by the Yae Ji sensation, if not think by the opposite party sensation, only if flower the thoughts with the consciousness construction barrier shield. 八重霁」的脸一红,梅忘记两人意识相融,自己的想法也能被八重霁感知,若想不被对方感知,除非花些心思用意识构建屏蔽墙。 " cough~ " plum controls the body of Yae Ji to cough lightly, immediately launches the consciousness, inquired about toward the embodiment godship in cautiously. 咳~」梅控制八重霁的躯体轻咳一声,随即展开意识,小心翼翼地朝具象神格中探寻。 Ice-cold, the consciousness imitates, if freezes, is difficult in the surface of embodiment godship. Meanwhile, the plum discovered that the smooth degree of embodiment godship surface is above her expectation completely, even if consciousness the investigation of rank, had not found one is not uneven above. 冰冷,意识仿若冻结,在具象神格的表面寸步难行。同时,梅发现具象神格表面的光滑程度完全超乎她的预料,哪怕是意识级别的探查,也没有在上面找到一丝不平。 " Clearing weather, I need your help. " 「霁,我需要你的帮助。」 " My consciousness strength in this, you transfers casually. " 「我的意识力量就在这,你随便调用。」 Obtains the reply of Yae Ji, the plum assembles to be two people the strength of consciousness, investigates toward the embodiment godship. 得到八重霁的回答,梅调集属于两个人的意识之力,朝具象神格内部探查。 Jet black can smell the smell of blood faintly, later is the feeling that the blood plasma mounts thickly packages the consciousness again, crazy killing intent follows, two people consciousness just like the boat that on the vastness drifts, has the destruction risk anytime. 漆黑中隐隐能嗅到血腥味,再之后是血浆般稠黏的感觉包裹意识,疯狂的杀意紧随其后,两人的意识犹如汪洋上漂泊的小船,随时都有覆灭的风险。 " Buzz ~ " 「嗡~」 On the consciousness body that two people fuse reveals the cobalt blue ray, these days Aiyi had a thorough understanding of small some materials that left behind silent, by the existing hi-tech means that studied the single silent heart of ultra crude edition. 两人融合的意识体上亮出钴蓝光芒,这些日子爱衣吃透了寂静留下的一小部分资料,凭借现有的科技手段,研究出了超简陋版本的单人寂静之心。 At this moment, consciousness the cobalt blue bright that on the body emits, is the brilliance of micro version silent heart. 此时此刻,意识体上冒出的钴蓝亮光,便是微缩版寂静之心的光辉。 " It is not good, I only prepared 100 micro silent hearts, here most insists for 100 seconds. " 「不行,我只准备了一百个微缩寂静之心,在这里最多坚持一百秒。」 Cobalt blue each twinkle, represents shatter of micro silent heart, this way, obviously is not the means. 钴蓝每一次闪烁,代表一枚微缩寂静之心的破碎,这样下去,显然不是办法。 " A godship of falling from the sky evil god, also such ability. " Yae Ji finds out the consciousness outward, during 3-5 breath, that say/way consciousness was then twisted to extinguish by killing intent merely. 「一个陨落的邪神的神格,还有这样的能耐。」八重霁向外探出意识,仅仅三五个呼吸间,那道意识便被外界的杀意绞灭。 " After all War God before death is also great strength of red lotus rank, it seems like can only go to the seabed of level quantum to try. " The plum throws the remaining silent hearts, coerces the consciousness of Yae Ji to withdraw the embodiment godship. 「毕竟战神生前也是红莲级别的强大者,看来只能去量子之海底层尝试一下了。」梅扔出剩下的寂静之心,裹挟着八重霁的意识撤出具象神格。 Mei Shenshou draws on the nutrition cabin, in the cabin is lying down her body. 梅伸手招来营养舱,舱室内躺着的正是她的躯体。 " We go to here, " plum demonstrated that on the lifeform pupil the concrete coordinates, " I fused ruined world bubble on the seabed of level quantum, can transfer the strength of the world reluctantly, can give an embodiment godship dual suppression. " 「我们去这里,」梅在生物瞳上显示出具体坐标,「我在量子之海底层融合了一个破败的世界泡,勉强能调动世界之力,能给具象神格一个双重压制。」 Yae Ji stiff, inconceivable say/way: " Fuses the ruined world bubble?! Were you insane?! " 八重霁僵硬了下,不可思议道:「融合破败的世界泡?!你疯了?!」 ...... ......
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