EH :: Volume #25

#44: Person who the hope god throws down the line of sight

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! Indoor the incandescent lamp of underground conference room scatters the darkness, the mist that the tobacco fully burn brings covers subsequently, member who that several highest parliamentary secrets send, what was different from the past was, benzole the seat changed into interrogation chair in the security bureau. 地下会议室的白炽灯驱散黑暗,烟草充分燃烧带来的雾气继而笼罩室内,还是那几名最高议会隐秘派的成员,不同于以往的是,西哈苯斯的座位换成了安全局中的审讯椅。 The trapped/sleepy beast that if benzole defeats, is unwilling to lower the head in this, calmly waits for the trial of people. 西哈苯斯如斗败的困兽,不甘垂首于此,静静等候众人的审判。 He has not thought that the secretary who oneself most trust, the trusted aide in trusted aide, will betray him in the secret meeting by fire civilized ambassador matter at unexpectedly, he has not contacted that Ambassador in secret, was kidnapped here by several not well-known personnel. 他怎么也没想到,自己最信任的秘书,心腹中的心腹,居然会在秘密会见逐火文明大使这件事上背叛他,以至于他还没有私下里接触那位娅大使,就被几个不知名人员绑架到这里。 Sees familiar faces by the smog, benzole knows that this were plants thoroughly. 透过烟雾看到一个个熟悉的面孔,西哈苯斯知道这次自己是彻底栽了。 " Does benzole, what your also want to say? " Long time, the man on seat of honor opens the mouth to say. 「西哈苯斯,你还有什么想说的?」半晌,主位上的男子开口道。 " Not to such that you think, I will arrive to kidnap to extinguish stupid kill by the ambassador of hot civilization, thus refuses outright Theiler Yawen to the abyss. " Benzole present sighed, said: " At this moment, no one can prevent to chase the advance of hot civilization. Ancient god dawn and War God altar that you discussed that perhaps all by the acrobatics that the hot civilization did. 「没向你们想的那样,我会蠢到去绑架灭杀逐火文明的大使,从而把泰莱雅文明推向深渊。」西哈苯斯叹了口气,道:「事到如今,没有人能阻止逐火文明的前进。你们商量的古神曙光、战神祭坛,兴许全是逐火文明搞出的把戏。 Said like that arrogant Ambassador, all only need us to coordinate well. Regardless what she said is really false, leeway of our also resistance? Has a look at their scientific and technical strengths, drags to entrain a quality slightly to be smaller than the planet of Theiler star from the real universe at will to enter the sea of quantum, fights the star to have the ability of jump momentarily, Herrscher is the multiple. 就像那位傲慢的娅大使所说,一切只需我们配合就好。无论她说的是真是假,我们还有反抗的余地吗?看看他们的科技实力,随意从真实宇宙中拖拽一颗质量略小于泰莱雅星的行星进入量子之海,战星更拥有随时跃迁的能力,律者更是复数之多。 What are we capable of being able to revolt against so the colossus? " 我们有什么能力能反抗如此庞然大物?」 Benzole Milestone, said: " Therefore my idea is also very simple, ahead of time goes to That side Ambassador to mix a face to be ripe, in process that perhaps Theiler civilization in influenced subtly by the opposite party, I can also obtain an advantage. You contact that ahead of time, holds this thoughts. " 西哈苯斯顿了顿,说道:「所以我的想法也很简单,提前去娅大使那边混个脸熟,兴许泰莱雅文明在被对方潜移默化的过程中,我还能从中得到点好处。你们提前接触那位,想必也是抱得这种心思。」 " Before this and you, said may be different. " Cohen sneers saying: " Was previously filled with righteous indignation, wishes one could for the civilization with by the imposing manner that the fire life-and-death wrestles, turns into this? " 「这和你之前说的可不一样。」柯恩冷笑道:「先前义愤填膺,恨不得为文明与逐火殊死一搏的气势,就变成这样?」 " All openings have not stemmed from you. " Benzole present satirized: " Your this general who is responsible for monitoring the outside world if had not discovered that by the hot civilization, matter will not turn into this appearance. " 「一切的开头还不是源于你。」西哈苯斯讽刺道:「你这个负责监视外界的将军要是没发现逐火文明,事情也不会变成这个样子。」 " Words inconsistency that benzole, your said. " 「西哈苯斯,你这说的话前后矛盾啊。」 Siaud watches critically all these, he and Ambassador conversation except for himself inquired in private the matter of friend, has said in the conference completely, highest parliamentary secret faction these people, the opinion is very merely difficult to be unified, people for oneself selfish desire want completely all means. 西奥冷眼旁观这一切,他和娅大使的交谈除了自己私下询问友人的事情,已全部在会议上说出,最高议会隐秘派系仅仅这几个人,意见便很难得到统一,人们会为了自己的私欲想尽一切办法。 " If only then a will makes the sound, 「若只有一个意志发出声音, The Theiler civilization full coordination... we are also insufficient to fall to this fate. " 泰莱雅文明全面配合...我们也不至于会落到这种下场。」 " Stops, " the male speech on seat of honor, two people shut up immediately, " today's Dezzi exercises the god causes the responsibility the time, has a look together. " 「停下吧,」主位上的男子说话,两人立马闭嘴,「今天正是奥德齐行使神使责任的时候,一起看看吧。」 Then, projection opening on desktop, the live broadcast picture from Theiler Bundesplatz demonstrates. 说罢,桌面上的投影开启,来自泰莱雅联邦广场的直播画面从中显示而出。 Regarding several people in conference room, looked that this live broadcast does not matter, they sent few people to go to the confirmation genuine and fake in secret. 对于会议室内的几人来说,看不看这场直播都无所谓,他们私下里都派遣了一部分人去现场验证真假。 At the beginning of Bundesplatz built in the federation establishes, has suffered a big Honkai disaster, here population shifts to other areas, looks slightly has dreary. 联邦广场始建于联邦成立初期,经历过一次大崩坏灾难,这边的人口多数转移到其它地区,看起来略有萧瑟。 The position of square dead center, is the rhombus object that is built by the alloy, about 50 meters in height, is symbolizing the Theiler person unyielding will. 广场正中心的位置,是由合金打造的菱形物体,高约50米,象征着泰莱雅人不屈的意志。 At this moment, Dezzi " three days that later " in front of the media said that in the Internet highly developed Theiler federation, the concerned Dezzi's miracle has spread over in most people's ear. 此时此刻,正是奥德齐在媒体面前所说的「三天后」,在互联网高度发达的泰莱雅联邦内,有关奥德齐的神迹已然传遍绝大部分人的耳中。 Person who watches the fun, is hugging the suspicion psychology person, or pries the information, dangerous elements who as well as wants to do the destruction, mixed in , is very completely lively. 不论是看热闹的人,还是抱着怀疑心理的人,亦或者刺探情报,以及想要搞破坏的危险分子,全部混杂其中,好不热闹。 Only has minimum one group of people, is belongs to have no way out, the heart deep place with the last ray of hope, arrived here, hopes that can see the miracle from here, has a new lease of life. 仅有极小一批人,是属于走投无路,内心深处怀着最后一丝希望,来到这里,希望能从这里见到奇迹,重获新生。 Baud sits in the direction vehicles of security bureau, is the security bureau and personnel of place police service bureau has dispersed everywhere, seeks likely is having the accidental/surprised place. 伯特坐在安全局的指挥车辆中,属于安全局以及地方警务局的人员已四处散开,寻找着可能发生意外的地点。 Many factions in highest parliament have reached the agreement, Shuguang incident is not the alien promotes, must first guarantee that this time " activity " is conducted safely. 最高议会中的诸多派系已然达成共识,「曙光」一事是与不是外星人推动,都要先保证这次「活动」安全进行。 For these days , the secret faction that not only Siaud was at visited by the fire civilized ambassador, also many people... more or less hears the god of antiquity dawn to recover from, the two ambassador mouths. 这几天内,不仅西奥所在的隐秘派系拜访逐火文明大使,还有诸多人等...或多或少从梅、娅两位大使口中听到了上古曙光之神复苏一事。 Because all sorts of strange, as well as outside the safe Liya world bubble can observed orchid fight the star momentarily, makes highest parliamentary power maintain the peace friendly affection, analyzes the current form calmly. 正是因为种种奇异,以及泰丽雅世界泡外随时能观测到的幽兰战星,才让最高议会一众权力者保持和平友爱,冷静分析当前形式。 Also has radical to take by the ambassador of hot civilization, but after they act, that some people looked like changed a person, changed to support normally, this also made certain people who in the highest parliament knew the circumstances of the matter break into sweat. 也不是没有激进者想要拿下逐火文明的大使,但在他们行动之后,那部分人就像是变了一个人,改为支持活动正常进行,这也让最高议会里知情的某些人直冒冷汗。 In the crowd, Grey at the back of the serious illness younger sister, their parents dies in a big Honkai disaster cautiously, but they also grow in an orphanage with the help of local government. 人群中,格蕾嘉尔小心翼翼背着重病的妹妹,她们的父母死在一次大崩坏灾难中,而她们也在当地政府的帮助下在一家孤儿院成长。 But the good outlook did not last long, the orphanage goes bankrupt because of the economic reason, they were also taken away, started named " the Honkai compatibility " the experiment by other organization. 但好景不长,孤儿院因经济原因破产,她们也被另外的机构带走,开始了名为「崩坏适应性」的实验。 In the experiment, on her some skins was covered with the shiny black scale, obtained strong resilience, but the younger sister experiments the failure, ends up to lose the sight of both eyes, the hands and feet because of the fate that the Honkai petrification is unable to take care of oneself. 在实验中,她部分皮肤上长满了黑黝黝的鳞片,获得了较强的抗打击能力,而妹妹则实验失败,落得个双目失明,手脚因崩坏石化无法自理的下场。 Latter had artificial Herrscher born in the experiment base, slaughtered most personnel, she led the younger sister to escape from that damned place. 后在实验基地中有拟似律者诞生,屠戮了大部分人员,她才带着妹妹从那个鬼地方逃出来。 The good that time Theiler star to fall into the sea of quantum, causing the order to collapse, many personnel information are unable to verify, she and younger sister escaped captures, latter joined the War God honor to teach, had the place of taking shelter reluctantly. 好在那段时间泰莱雅星跌入量子之海,致使秩序崩溃,许多人员信息无法查证,她和妹妹才逃过追捕,后加入战神荣光教,勉强有了容身之处。 However younger sister appearance can only lie on the bed all day indulges in flights of fancy, the healthy condition is every day, but she also receives repercussions that experiments to bring to puzzle, the organ gets older, after going to the black hospital to inspect, the doctor suggests her exactly in the winter of this year. 不过妹妹这个模样整天只能躺在床上胡思乱想,健康状态更是每日愈下,而她也受实验带来的后遗症所困扰,器官老化,去黑医院检查后,医生暗示她活不过今年冬天。 The past events flash past in Grey brain, the young girl licked the dry lip, put out a hand to tow the younger sister upward, covered up the scale on face with the hood and mask, looked to the square center place. 往事在格蕾嘉尔脑中一闪而过,少女舔了舔干涸的嘴唇,伸手往上拖了拖妹妹,用兜帽、口罩遮掩住脸上的鳞片,看向广场最为中心的地方。 " Elder sister, will we be good? " 「姐姐,我们会好起来吗?」 The back loses the four limbs to be bound in the package petite young girl sound, if housefly. 背后失去四肢被裹在包里的娇小少女声若蚊蝇。 " Certain energy, Dezzi founder will not deceive people. " Grey similarly low voice reply. 「一定能,奥德齐教主不会骗人的。」格蕾嘉尔同样小声回复。 " , When I was good, I can also go out to make money, such elder sister did not need is so tired. " 「恩恩,等我好了,我也能出去赚钱,那样姐姐就不用这么累了。」 " Meeting, in the news said that group of people obtained the treatment of dawn, so long as in our hearts harbors to the belief of dawn, " god " the line of sight will certainly go to us. " 「会的,新闻上都说那群人得到了曙光的救治,只要我们心中怀有对曙光的信仰,「神」的视线一定会投向我们。」 " Un! " 「恩!」 ...... ......
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