EH :: Volume #25

#31: Pollution anchor point

The etiquette team uniform/subdue of Theiler federation is the dark blue, the stature straight soldier hand grasps the ritual sword, the music spreads, to visiting the extraterrestrial friend of Theiler star extends the loftiest regards. 泰莱雅联邦的礼仪队制服为深蓝色,身材笔挺的军人手握礼剑,身后音乐蔓延,向到访泰莱雅星的外星友人致以最崇高的问候。 Siaud is interesting, since has established Theiler federation several hundred years, the function of etiquette team has transformed into the federal celebration special-purpose, is not undertaking the diplomatic visit business, in fact, this is the second time that in his life saw so the scene, naturally, first time on television, at that time 西奥对此饶有兴趣,自从确立泰莱雅联邦的数百年以来,礼仪队的作用已经转变为联邦庆典专用,不在承担外交访问工作,事实上,这还是他人生中第二次见到如此场景,当然,第一次是在电视上,那时候 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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