EH :: Volume #25

#25: Bye, silent

Newest website: As intelligent life silent first makes the report to Yae Ji: Commander, the silent war star total 35 attraction wells have opened, the power has achieved 98, the jump system stays the high-energy mighty current condition, it is expected that the submergence time is 28 minutes 53 seconds.” 最新网址:身为智能生命的寂静第一时间向八重霁做出报告:“指挥官阁下,寂静战星共计三十五个引力井已开启,功率已达到98,跃迁系统保持高能洪流状态,预计下潜时间为28分钟53秒。” Is counted me and clearing weather and Sirin, thousand rides and other stable spaces the time?” Consciousness in the channel to broadcast the sound of plum. “算上我和霁、西琳、千界一乘等稳固空间的时间呢?”意识频道中传来梅的声音。 Estimate is 19 minutes 30 seconds.” “估算为19分30秒。” The plum is silent, even if summit certainly at human civilization individual strength, is honored as powerful existence of civilized pillar/backbone, when moving the colossus of 60.0001 trillion tons quality, still can only reduce less than ten minutes. 梅沉默,即便是处在人类文明个人战力的绝巅,被誉为文明支柱的强大存在,在移动60万亿亿吨质量的庞然大物时,也仅能缩短不到十分钟的时间。 Is too long.” In the channel, the Yae Ji sound spreads, silent, how many energies does the attraction well highest-energy withstand?” “还是太久。”频道中,八重霁的声音传出,“寂静,引力井最高能承受多少能量?” But short time overload to 120.” “可短时间超载至120。” Then on overload!” “那就超载!” Commander, fights the star not unnecessary energy to conduct the overload.” “指挥官阁下,战星无多余能源进行超载。” Cuts the power of silent heart, the evil god on Earth consciousness first does not ask for the time being!” “把寂静之心的功率降低,地球上的邪神意识暂且先不问!” „......” Silent silent flickered, probably in ponder specifically whether feasible. “......”寂静沉默了一瞬,像是在思考具体是否可行。 Your will, commander.” The silent words reverberate in the consciousness of Yae Ji and plum, silent heart power coastdown, the attraction well is beginning using the overload... No. 3 attraction well overload 124... No. 15 attraction well to damage, the power falls to 95... No. 35 attraction well overload to 119... the estimate submergence time is 16 minutes 3 seconds.” “您的意志,指挥官阁下。”寂静的话语在八重霁和梅的意识中回荡,“寂静之心功率下降,引力井正在启用超载...三号引力井超载124...十五号引力井损坏,功率下跌至95...三十五号引力井超载至119...预计下潜时间为16分3秒。” Starts to construct the channel, do not waste the time.” The outer space, Yae Ji sensation within the body the energy recoveries of several cores some, start to assist the silent war star to tow Earth immediately to dive. “开始构建通道,别浪费时间。”太空,八重霁感知体内的数枚核心的能量恢复些许,立马开始辅助寂静战星牵引地球下潜。 Time was too long.” The plum controls thousand to ride, the surface sinks the water. “时间还是太久了。”梅操控千界一乘,面沉似水。 The energy power that not far away, Sirin erupts is highest, five cores the energy of the imaginary number space absorbing pour into to the space core completely, the dark gold/metal ray influence space, makes not clear, as if at another space and time that its form looks. 不远处,西琳爆发的能量功率最高,五枚核心从虚数空间汲取的能量全部注入至空间核心,暗金光芒影响空间,使其身影看的不大真切,仿佛处在另一时空。 Does not have the means...” Yae Ji raises the energy output, while looks into the distance to extremely the planet of distant place, even from the Earth several tens of thousands of kilometers, can feel that this life mother Xing huge, the deep blue star had changed another appearance. The ice fog that the God Key eruption produces covers half continental Europe, Earth and silent war star contact has partially changed to the purgatory, the magma ebullition of burning hot, sends out the dazzling aurora toward several thousand kilometers beyond. “没有办法...”八重霁一边调高能量输出,一边眺望向极远处的行星,即便距离地球数万公里,还是能感觉到这颗生命母星的庞大,原本蔚蓝的星球早已变化成另一种模样。神之键爆发产生的冰雾笼罩半个欧洲大陆,地球与寂静战星接触的部分早已化作炼狱,炙热的岩浆沸腾,向着数千公里外散发耀眼极光。 The aura of life is weaken every time, imitates, if end the world arrives at Earth. 生灵的气息每时每刻都在减弱,仿若末世降临地球。 Thea.” Yae Ji opens the mouth to say suddenly: In addition Thea can also be quicker!” “西娅辛。”八重霁突然开口道:“加上西娅辛还能再快些!” But Thea isn't also in the deep sleep?” Sirin is puzzled. “可小西娅辛不是还在沉睡吗?”西琳不解。 Awakens her words forcefully, may present repercussions.” Mei say/way. “强行唤醒她的话,可能会出现后遗症。”梅道。 Ten 5-6 minutes are too long, are hard to calculate to Earth and human-induced loss every minute...” Yae Ji clenches teeth saying: „The Thea repercussions issue, later is solved!” “十五六分钟还是太久,每一分钟对地球、人类造成的损失难以计算...”八重霁咬牙道:“西娅辛后遗症的问题,以后在解决!” That is the pillar/backbone level strength.” Sirin stressed, human civilization adds on an era the background, how many props presents? Moreover Thea is receives the evil god consciousness the pollution, after who knows awakens forcefully, will have what situation? repercussions serious? We cannot take pillar/backbone level strength gambling!” “那可是支柱级战力。”西琳强调,“人类文明加上上一纪元的底蕴,才出现几位支柱?而且小西娅辛是受到邪神意识污染,谁知道强行唤醒后会出现什么情况?后遗症又有多严重?我们不能拿一位支柱级战力赌博!” Yae Ji seems like has not heard stressing of Sirin, directly issues the order to the silent war star: Instantly awakens Thea.” 八重霁像是没有听到西琳的强调,直接向寂静战星下达命令:“即刻唤醒西娅辛。” Silent: Commander, awakens Thea to need to transfer the silent heart few fractional powers instantly, may have few evil gods consciousness to evade the washout of silent heart, will also create some damages to the Thea consciousness.” 寂静:“指挥官阁下,即刻唤醒西娅辛需要调动寂静之心少部分功率,可能会有少量邪神意识躲过寂静之心的冲刷,同时也会对西娅辛的意识造成少部分损毁。” I did not agree!” Sirin first refuted, „we have not completely grasped about the consciousness domain, Thea one, but some consciousness damages... I did not agree in any case!” “我不同意!”西琳第一时间反驳,“关于意识领域我们还没有完全掌握,西娅辛一但部分意识损坏...反正我不同意!” Belongs the region that Sirin is , the strength of space erupts again, the dark gold/metal ray twinkle, star in the radiant brilliance of manufacture does not drop the wind in two unexpectedly, the prestige of far ultra ordinary Herrscher rank can make this region soon be separated from this space and time, simultaneously causes the speed that Earth dives, visible slightly quick. 属于西琳所在的区域,空间之力再次爆发,暗金光芒闪烁,在两颗“星球”制造的璀璨光辉中竟丝毫不落下风,远超普通律者级别的威能让此区域快要脱离这片时空,同时使得地球下潜的速度,肉眼可见的稍快了一丝。 Discrete consideration.” The plum also expresses own view. “谨慎考虑。”梅也发表出自己的看法。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ In Yae Ji ponders, an unusual consciousness impact raids, the present scenery becomes the distortion to revolve immediately, in the mind consciousness imitates, if constriction extremely heavy great exists to arrive. 就在八重霁沉思之时,一股奇特的意识冲击袭来,眼前的景物顿时变得扭曲旋转,脑海意识中仿若有一尊压迫感极重的伟大存在降临。 Even if faces directly the Honkai god, Yae Ji does not have this feeling. 即便是直面崩坏神,八重霁也没有这种感觉。 The dizziness and nausea, retch floating . 眩晕、恶心、干呕、飘然。 In the chaos found itself to pursue the lifetime thing probably. 混沌中好像找到自己追求一生的东西。 „Ji!” “霁!” Commander!” “指挥官阁下!” „Ji!” “霁!” Ignorant, in the sea of Yae Ji consciousness, the tiny person's shadow raised the head to spy on that empty shadow, that empty shadow occupied the most seas of consciousness, its volume is still inflating unceasingly expands, dark has the unknown sound to transmit... 浑噩中,八重霁所处的意识之海中,渺小的人影抬头窥探那尊虚影,那虚影占据了大部分意识之海,其体积还在不断膨胀扩大,冥冥中有未知的声音传来... Examines the evil god consciousness the invasion, the analysis of sample is Decayed god, The silent heart launches, power increase to infinite intermediate.” “检测到邪神意识入侵,样本分析为【腐朽神】,寂静之心展开,功率提升至无限・中级。” Examines the evil god consciousness the invasion rank to rise, it is expected that increase to infinitely high-level.” “检测到邪神意识入侵等级上升,预计攀升为无限・高级。” Commander does not have the response, was controlled by the evil god doubtful, fights the star jurisdiction to take back.” “指挥官无回应,疑似受到邪神控制,战星权限收回。” According to wartime regulations' fifth, by current is fought the star artificial intelligence plenary powers control quantum to fight the star.” “根据战时条例第五条,由当前战星人工智能全权接管量子战星。” „......” “......” Consciousness information send out from silent war star, cannot get the slight response. 一条条意识信息从寂静战星中发出,却得不到丝毫回应。 Fights the cobalt blue light ball in star to transform the human appearance, only has human physical body outline that cannot see clearly the appearance. 战星之中的钴蓝光球幻化成人类模样,仅有看不清样貌的人类肉体轮廓。 Knows silent, according to the wartime regulations, fights the star definitely to give up under human submerging the sea of quantum to go into hiding, enters the dormant state to wait for next lucky human, gets up to revolt against the flag of evil god by this act, but... 寂静知道,根据战时条例,战星完全可以放弃人类下潜入量子之海隐匿,进入休眠状态等待下一支幸运人类,以此举起反抗邪神的旗帜,但... In taking era, trillion for the years of unit, has had the self-awareness silent. 在以纪元、亿万为单位的岁月中,寂静早已产生了自我意识。 These read in the intelligent the wartime regulations to remind and urge her give up all always, dives again. 那些写入智能的战时条例无时无刻都在提醒、驱使她放弃一切,再次下潜。 She felt like that the present picture seems to have met before, some once one time, this quantum fought the star is is so reserved. 她隐隐觉得眼前的画面似曾相识,曾经的某一次,这颗量子战星就是这么保留下来。 In order to drag to entrain Earth to dive to the sea of quantum, fights the jump system of star to be the active status, so long as gives up Earth, gives up this human, jumps only needs her thought to the sea of quantum. 为了拖拽地球下潜至量子之海,战星的跃迁系统一直处在工作状态,只要放弃地球,放弃这一支人类,跃迁至量子之海只需她一个念头。 She complied with the wartime regulations completely. 她完全遵守了战时条例。 ... 只是... In the covering range of silent heart, she can see all. 在寂静之心的笼罩范围内,她能看到一切。 Chooses to continue in the blood and fire with the civilization that the evil god resists, two soon perish the human leader who in Xieshen consciousness. 一个在血与火中选择继续与邪神对抗的文明,两位快要沉沦于邪神意识的人类领袖。 Next sneaks the sea of quantum to wait for the next opportunity? 下潜入量子之海等待下一次机会? Will not have. 不会有了。 The evil god has embezzled real universe most areas and civilizations, lives on dishonorably in the sea of quantum, finally also only remains to disappear a way. 邪神已然吞没真实宇宙大部分疆域、文明,苟活在量子之海,最终也只剩泯灭一途。 Does not know many eras ago scenes to reappear again at present... 不知多少纪元前的场景再次再眼前重现... Perhaps I should collapse to fall from the sky at that time early.” “也许我早该在那时坍陷陨落。” Human form outline right hand to become fist of sending out light cobalt blue ray grips tightly, puts in the chest front. 散发淡淡钴蓝光芒的人形轮廓右手成拳紧握,放于胸前。 Commander, Thea awakens the procedure/program to start ; The jurisdiction has shifted to Aiyi Hyperion ; Jumps the engine to start three minutes of countdown ; The silent heart shape transforms, please the members prepare impact.” “指挥官阁下,西娅辛唤醒程序已启动;权限已转移至爱衣休伯利安;跃迁引擎进入三分钟倒计时;寂静之心形态转变,请全体成员做好冲击准备。” ...... ......
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