EH :: Volume #25

#23: Stars of falling from the sky

75.68 ‘75.68’ My also extinguishes kills War God Quest... the human civilization to resist the evil god in the body, fights the star except for the quantum, then was only left over It in my brain.’ ‘我还有灭杀战神任务在身...人类文明对抗邪神,除了量子战星,便只剩下我脑中的祂了。’ In a flash, Yae Ji conceived ten several possibilities, in end of silent reminder, issues the order with the consciousness decisively: 一瞬间,八重霁设想了十数种可能,在寂静提醒的末尾,果断用意识下达命令: Silent, the launch murders supernatural might!’ ‘寂静,发射弑神武器!’ Buzz ~ 嗡~ Two stars that will soon contact under the function of gravity, the atmosphere damages, the blazing magma red spot splits open in the land, the earth's crust by the external force crazy movement, the elegies of trillion lives was sung in this, compared with these, murders the slightly glow of supernatural might launch to be as if insignificant. 即将接触的两颗星辰在重力的作用下,大气破损,炽热的岩浆红斑在大地上绽开,地壳受外力疯狂运动,亿万生灵的哀歌在此唱响,比起这些,弑神武器发射的微芒似乎微不足道。 The blood fog that the War God main body changes to will flee shortly, hundreds of thousands of kilometers distance disappears, even so... 战神本体化作的血雾顷刻间遁逃,数十万千米的距离转瞬即逝,即便如此... The blood fog does not resemble human form, can actually perceive Its panic-stricken! 血雾不似人形,却能从中觉察祂的惊恐! The evil god who can let the control civilization reveals so the mood to fluctuate, be only the quantum fights the star murdered supernatural might. 能让操控文明的邪神露出如此情绪波动,也就只有量子战星的弑神武器了吧。 The blood-color and cobalt blue interweave mutually the winding, pursues under the brilliance of stars reflection, the blood-color reduces unceasingly, finally transforms the human form size. 血色与钴蓝相互交织缠绕,在星辰反射的光辉下追逐,血色不断缩小,最终变换成人形大小。 That condensed on the greed face to flood is being panic-stricken and anxious, line that the cobalt blue blooms brilliance must twine It firmly. 那张本来凝聚贪欲的脸上充斥着惊恐与不安,钴蓝光辉绽放出的线条似要将祂牢牢缠绕。 I lord! Saves me!’ ‘吾主!救我!’ War God puts out a hand toward the universe shadow deep place, there has a frightened shadow that occupies in star sea, is only the aura then can make the stars fall from the sky, but in the face of the absolute distance, the speed that the tentacle inquires about, cannot follow to murder the speed that supernatural might strangles to death the evil god. 战神朝宇宙阴影深处伸手,那里有一尊盘踞于星海的恐惧影子,仅是气息便能使得星辰陨灭,但在绝对的距离面前,触手探寻的速度,还是跟不上弑神武器绞杀邪神的速度。 Finally, the cobalt blue ray twines the blood fog human form thoroughly, changes to up the cocoon, the steamroll invades gradually, finally changes to the luminous spot that slightly cannot be checked. 终于,钴蓝光线彻底缠绕住血雾人形,化作光茧,逐步碾压侵占,最后化作一枚微不可查的光点。 In unknown universe area, the civilized race that believes in War God looks panic-stricken, their sensation does not arrive at own gods, the energy and appliance that the gods grant dissipates slowly, finally, the female star foundation vacillates, stars collapsing destruction, after pinnacle erupts gorgeously, turns into the dust in universe. 未知的宇宙疆域中,一个个信奉战神的文明种族面露惊恐,他们感知不到自己的神明,神明赐予的能量、器具缓缓消散,最终,母星根基动摇,星辰坍塌毁灭,在极致的绚丽爆发后,变成宇宙之中的尘埃。 Yae Ji may be unable to hear wailing of that a lot of hundred million life, he only knows... War God, the evil god who the human civilization contacts for the first time, facing so investigates individual extremely for the first time, witnesses for the first time with own eyes destroys invincibility of stars conveniently,... fell from the sky, under murdering cobalt blue brilliance of supernatural might sending out, fell from the sky quietly. 八重霁可听不到那千百亿生灵的哀嚎,他只知道...战神,人类文明第一次接触到的邪神,第一次面对如此究极的个体,第一次亲眼见证随手摧毁星辰的无敌者,就这么...陨落了,在弑神武器散发的钴蓝光辉下,悄无声息的陨落了。 But the time in real universe, but in the past short three seconds. 而真实宇宙中的时间,不过过去短短三秒。 Silent: Commander, has completed to strike to kill, strikes to kill the goal code-named War God, the strength stage is red lotus high-level, has been promoted to you fights the star jurisdiction, you will have......” 寂静:“指挥官阁下,已完成击杀,击杀目标代号为‘战神’,实力阶段为‘红莲・高级’,已为您晋升战星权限,您将拥有......” The silent words slightly cross in the Yae Ji consciousness, he also hears another sound. 寂静的话语在八重霁意识中略过,他还听到另一个声音。 Cell phone the sound resounds in the consciousness of Yae Ji, at the same time, that flutters the luminous spot in universe strange to vanish, appears in Yae Ji space Inventory. “手机”的声音在八重霁的意识中响起,与此同时,那颗飘荡在宇宙中的光点奇异消失,出现在八重霁的空间背包中。 Name: Embodiment War God godship 名称:具象化战神神格 Introduced: Has the power of corroded civilization belief, was an equivalent for red lotus ultimate great strength. 介绍:拥有侵蚀文明信仰的权能,生前属于一位等阶为‘红莲・终极’的强大者。 Clearing weather! Yae Ji!” “霁!八重霁!” „” Yae Ji gets back one's composure fiercely, impressively discovery Mei Zhengdeng he. “啊”八重霁猛地回神,赫然发现身边的梅正瞪着他。 When! Extinguishes kills an evil god to start to be in a daze “都什么时候了!灭杀一个邪神就开始发呆” How you know... right, I gave you secondary jurisdiction before.” “你怎么知道...对,我之前把次级权限给你了。” Yae Ji pinched the forehead, now he may not have the time saying that to the matter of godship, light Quest that and cell phone gives from the godship, the dawn of human civilization... seems like another completely different path. 八重霁掐了掐眉心,现在他可没时间对梅说神格的事,光从神格和“手机”给的任务来看,人类文明的曙光...好像是另一条完全不同的道路。 Your condition is not right,” plum frowns saying: I go to and Sirin they stabilize Earth, lets drag to entrain Earth silent to the sea of quantum.” “你状态不对,”梅蹙眉道:“我去和西琳她们稳定地球,让寂静来拖拽地球至量子之海。” I am all right, I also go.” Yae Ji makes an effort to shake the head, when opens eyes again, at present already a pure brightness. “我没事,我也去。”八重霁使劲摇摇头,再次睁眼时,眼前已一片清明。 Silent, momentarily report condition.” Yae Ji greeted one, the space power appears, spanned the space with the plum together, arrived at two stars contacts the flank. “寂静,随时汇报状态。”八重霁招呼一声,空间权能显现,与梅一起跨越空间,来到两颗星辰接触的侧方。 The gravity effect that two stars collision will soon have is very strange, even if the physical quality of Yae Ji and plum has been at the peak of human civilization, is actually not able is too long in this place survival. 两颗星辰即将“碰撞”所产生的重力影响十分怪异,哪怕八重霁和梅的身体素质已处在人类文明的顶端,却还是无法在此地生存太久。 The strange pulling feeling makes Yae Ji especially uncomfortable, the gravity that among the stars exerts mutually can tear the muscle skeleton momentarily. 诡异的拉扯感让八重霁格外难受,星辰间相互施加的重力更是随时能撕裂肌肉骨骼。 The radius of silent war star is smaller than Earth, but oneself weight actually far exceeds Earth, the silent war star under the mean control of intelligence, drags to entrain Earth to be separated from the original track step by step. 寂静战星的半径远比地球小,但自身重量却远超地球,寂静战星在智能的有意控制下,一步步拖拽地球脱离原有轨道。 First goes to stabilize the space on Earth.” The plum beckons, moves sideways to stride in Earth. “先去稳定地球上的空间。”梅招手,闪身跨入地球。 In the Yae Ji pupil reflects the blazing spot to be red, Earth and surface of silent war star contact has changed to the magma sea, the top strength of human is maintaining each continent, making its loss to lowest. 八重霁瞳孔中倒映出炽热的斑红,地球与寂静战星接触的表面已化作岩浆海洋,人类的顶尖战力在维护各个大洲,使其损失将至最低。 The consciousness of Yae Ji delays, he looks to balance of between existences of eruption astonishing Honkai Energy in maintaining disasters, but obviously, these can only protect young some people to survive diligently. 八重霁的意识延展而出,他“看”到一位位爆发惊人崩坏能的存在在维系灾难间的平衡,但显然,这些努力只能保护一小部分人存活。 Waits for Earth to enter the sea of quantum, no one knew that time Earth, but also was left over many lives. 等待地球进入量子之海,谁也不知道那时的地球,还剩下多少生灵。 Oh ~ “唉~” Yae Ji sighed in a soft voice, one step took, the figure flashed toward Earth. 八重霁轻声叹息,一步迈出,身形朝地球闪去。 Asia. 亚洲。 Raiden Mei is pale, the core power in within the body squeezes out the limit, is unable to control the disorder completely the electromagnetic field, is unable to prevent a bigger disaster. 雷电芽衣脸色苍白,体内的核心功率榨取到极限,还是无法完全掌控紊乱的电磁场,更无法阻挡更大的灾难。 Under the disaster of this extinguishing world specification, she can only protect the pure land is not invaded. 在这种灭世规格的灾难下,她仅能保护一方净土不被侵扰。 Mei raised the head toward the distant place diligently looks into the distance extremely, that side blazing ray imitates, if spans the remote region to cross to come, the magnetic field disorder of star rank, has not been she can consolidate, even she promotes as the human civilization to the pillar/backbone level newly. 芽衣努力抬头朝极远处眺望,那方炽热光芒仿若要跨越遥远地带横穿而来,星球级别的磁场紊乱,早已不是她一个人能稳固,即便她身为人类文明新晋升到支柱级。 Un “嗯” Mei feels suddenly with ease, the subtle electromagnetic forces took over control of her small some areas, making the energy output reduce a big truncation. 芽衣忽感轻松,有一股微妙的电磁力接管了她的一小部分地区,使得能量输出减少一大截。 Does not need to improve the finesse of control electromagnetic force, does not need to be extremely steady, everyone..., so long as can live well.” “无需提高掌控电磁力的精细度,无需太过平稳,大家...只要能活下来就好。” Mei stares the big eyes, turns head fiercely, the form that in the innumerable sleep is lost in a reverie appear here time unexpectedly! 芽衣瞪大双眼,猛地回头,无数睡梦中魂牵梦绕的身影竟在此时出现! Teacher!” “老师!” Facing the pleasant surprise of young girl, the Yae Ji complexion is invariable, a hand imprint in the back of young girl, controls the good energy emission range, I will boost your moment.” 面对少女的惊喜,八重霁面色不变,一手印在少女的背部,“控制好能量辐射范围,我会助力你片刻。” Yes!” Mei complexion. “是!”芽衣正了正脸色。 Bang! 轰! Flooding into of great quantity Honkai Energy lets the Mei pale complexion suddenly ruddy, the core that squeezes out the pinnacle is also restoring slowly. 巨量崩坏能的涌入让芽衣苍白的脸色忽地红润,那颗榨取到极致的核心也在缓缓恢复。 According to the direction of Yae Ji, pure land, although not in stable, the energy actually may radiate to greatly a broader range. 按照八重霁的指引,一方净土虽不在稳固,能量却可辐射至更大更广的范围。 Long time. 半晌。 Very good, is this, maintains some time.” Yae Ji receives the hand, the two cores and corrosion keys of his within the body all in the crazy reply energy, good to prepare for the next eruption. “很好,就是这样,保持一段时间。”八重霁收手,他体内的两颗核心和侵蚀之键全在疯狂回复能量,好为下一次爆发做准备。 Teacher, you...” Has not waited for Mei to say the words, the Yae Ji form has disappeared does not see. “老师,你...”还没等芽衣把话说完,八重霁的身影已然消失不见。 Maintains the magnetic field stable young girl in the thunder empty shadow, the complexion becomes dim slightly. 在雷霆虚影中维持磁场稳定的少女,脸色变得黯淡稍许。 ...... ......
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