EH :: Volume #25

#18: thunder light! Will cut off all passing!!

Un.” “嗯。” Mei turns head, concentrates all one's attention on, the consciousness blows off. 芽衣回过头来,屏气凝神,意识放空。 She recalled that the day of beforehand difficult training, recalled before , the day that lives under subjugation, recalls... 她回想起以前艰苦训练的日子,回想起以前寄人篱下的日子,回想起... Fire Moth, the Earth former era strongest organization, they not only on resisting Honkai are strongest, at training the experience of rookie, ranks among the best. 逐火之蛾,地球前纪元最强组织,它们不仅在对抗崩坏上最强,在训练新人的经验上,也数一数二。 Treats to have Mei of strong potential, the intensity of training can be imagined. 对待拥有超强潜力的芽衣,训练强度可想而知。 The magnetic field on Mei sensation Earth, her training direction, was then fixed silently from the beginning, thus achieves the systematic exercise. 芽衣默默感知地球上的磁场,她的训练方向,从一开始便被固定,从而做到系统性锻炼。 Her direction, does not belong wild that extinguishes the world thunder, but a more exquisite control, she must do does not control the thunder, but urges the electromagnetic force! 她的方向,不是属于灭世雷霆的狂暴,而是更为细腻的掌控,她要做的不是驾驭雷霆,而是驱使电磁力! Mei recalled unceasingly the picture in training ground, assigns out the experience and attainment little. 芽衣不断回想训练场上的画面,一点点调出经验与心得。 Mei, looks over Herrscher of Thunder that all human civilizations meet, has all controlled the thunder is the power, but they... really strong?” 芽衣,纵观所有人类文明遇到的雷之律者,无一不已掌控雷霆为权能,但她们...真的强吗?” In the training ground, Sciola both hands hold the chest, projection on individual terminal switches over unceasingly, finally switches over to one with front young girl eight points of similar female picture. 训练场上,希奥拉双手抱胸,个人终端上的投影不断切换,最终切换到一个与面前少女八分相似的女子画面。 Dr. MEI, one of the Fire Moth commanding, the flood human federation leader level character, in the meantime, she is the human civilization pillar/backbone level strength. Compared with several other Herrscher status, she only the one by one position strides in finally powerful existence of battlefield by the body of human.” 梅博士,逐火之蛾的统领者之一,泛人类联邦领袖级人物,同时,她还是人类文明支柱级战力。比起其他几位的律者身份,她是唯一一位以人类之身跨入终焉战场的强大存在。” In Fire Moth, there is this to have incarnation Herrscher of Thunder, controls the material of power. You looked, Dr. MEI takes the electromagnetic force as the breakthrough point, wild thunder on the contrary as auxiliary method, only by electromagnetic force, then suppression finally Herrscher some time.” 逐火之蛾中,有这位存在化身雷之律者,掌控权能的资料。你看,梅博士以电磁力为切入点,狂暴的雷霆反倒是作为辅助手段,仅靠电磁力,便压制终焉律者一段时间。” Therefore, the Herrscher power, Herrscher of Thunder, cannot only yearn that particularly greatly is stronger, but must toward microscopic domain permeating.” “所以,律者的权能,尤其是雷之律者,不能只向往‘更大更强’,而是要往微观领域渗入。” Electromagnetic force, one of the universe four big fundamental forces. These words, showed sufficiently we take the microscopic domain path is right, wants to control the electromagnetic force, now starts then to exercise your consciousness!” “电磁力,宇宙四大基本力之一。这句话,足以证明我们走微观领域的路子是对的,想要掌控电磁力,现在开始便要锻炼你的意识!” The spring, summer, autumn, winter four seasons take turn, she has treated in the training ground, does not dare to have the slight stagnation. 春夏秋冬四季交替,她一直待在训练场中,不敢有丝毫停滞。 She did not yearn that greatly is stronger, what she yearns is that in that days that she lives under subjugation, extends the person of helping hands for her. 她不向往更大更强,她向往的是那个在她寄人篱下的那段日子里,为她伸来援助之手的人。 But... why... is she... long so looks like the plum? That in flood human federation great person? 可是...为什么...她...长得那么像梅?那个在泛人类联邦的大人物? Initially he helped himself, because of this? 当初他帮助自己,也是因为这点吗? The pure will vacillates, gathers is extremely unstable at Mei Honkai Energy, another nearby Sciola is pressed the brow. 纯粹的意志动摇,聚集在芽衣身边的崩坏能极度不稳定,另一旁的希奥拉蹙起眉头。 During that time in... was I really only her substitute?’ ‘在那段时间里...我真的只是她的替代品?’ Numerous and disorderly Honkai Energy flood the engine room, the energy steamroll alloy, causes tattered the fighter aircraft under the electromagnetism shuttle to become more worn out. 庞杂的崩坏能充斥机舱,能量碾压合金,使得本就在电磁穿梭下破烂的战机变得更加废旧。 Mei! This is in the battlefield!” 芽衣!这是在战场上!” Sciola's angrily roars, making the young girl awaken suddenly! 希奥拉的一声怒吼,使得少女猛然惊醒! Is... everyone also needs me.’ ‘是...大家还需要我。’ So long as I do is better, sooner or later day... will have qualifications natural standing before him!’ ‘只要我做的更好,迟早有一天...会有资格大大方方的站在他面前!’ ‚Whose substitute I never am, even if expensive/noble is the plum of human leader, is not good!’ ‘我从不是什么人的替代品,哪怕是贵为人类领袖的梅,也不行!’ I am I!’ ‘我就是我!’ I Am Raiden Mei!’ ‘我就是-雷电芽衣!’ Mei opens eyes, the electromagnetic field in within the body wild Herrscher Core and Earth superposes perfectly, the exquisite fluctuation of energy makes the Herrscher power stimulate, the electricity snake outlined the curve of informer, the dizzy dyed the eye socket of young girl, that was wipes by red of astonishing will incarnation. 芽衣睁眼,体内狂暴的律者核心与地球的电磁场完美重合,细腻的能量波动使得律者权能激发,电蛇勾勒出眼线的弧度,晕染了少女的眼窝,那是一抹由惊人意志化身的红。 The brand-new mail-armor and helmet changes to the personal clothing, this is the symbol of Herrscher unsurpassed power, is the change of human civilization pillar/backbone level strength! 全新的甲胄化作贴身服饰,这是属于律者无上权能的象征,属于人类文明支柱级战力的变化! The thunder walks randomly in the side recklessly, the arm both sides thunder change have the guard of great blade, the consciousness that the volume withstand/top change to two scarlet sharp corners/horns, the strangeness and great strength of dark purple thunder, manifest on the young girl perfectly! 雷霆肆意在身边游走,手臂两侧的雷霆化作持有巨刀的护身,额顶的意识化作两支赤红尖角,暗紫雷霆的诡异、强大,完美体现在少女身上! On Sciola face has joyfully, has broken through since the Mei consciousness, succeeds to suppress Herrscher consciousness, cause the electromagnetic force except for can urging occasionally, this is the first time that the Herrscher shape of launching the complete body! 希奥拉脸上带有欣喜,自芽衣意识突破,成功压制律者意识以来,除了能偶尔催使电磁力,这还是第一次展开完全体的律者形态! That powerful Honkai Energy fluctuation, human the exploration to the electromagnetism, in other words ,... Mei, has in addition surpassed once Herrscher of Thunder, becomes the human civilization new pillar/backbone! 那强大至极的崩坏能波动,加之人类本身对电磁的探索,换言之...芽衣,已经超过曾经的雷之律者,成为人类文明新一尊支柱! From to the civilization, to the organization, individual, bring will be hard the advantage and resources that imagines! 大到对文明,小到对组织、个人,都会带来难以想象的好处、资源! Is this, is this!’ Sciola stares the big eyes, she must with oneself consciousness, the testimony new pillar/backbone be born after personally first strikes! ‘就是这样,就是这样!’希奥拉瞪大双眼,她要用自己的意识,亲自见证新支柱诞生后的第一击! But sacrificial offering... 而祭品... Sciola looks into the distance to that will soon shake off the key of fetter restraint, cold prison ice day freezing colossus. 希奥拉眺望向那头即将挣脱约束之键束缚,寒狱冰天冰冻的庞然大物。 No way, compared with extinguishing kills great strength, the birth of better celebration new pillar/backbone! 没有任何方式,比灭杀强大者,更好的庆祝新一尊支柱的诞生! Mei is unemotional, foot treads, thunder light appears above void, puts out a hand upwardly, the thunder that nine days chop changes to the divine blade, was grasped by it firmly in the hand. 芽衣面无表情,一脚踏出,雷光在虚空之上显现,伸手向上,九天劈下的雷霆化作神刀,被其牢牢握在手中。 She hopes, passing all spiritless, along with this blade changes to the nihility! 她希望,过往的一切懦弱,都随这一刀化作虚无! thunder light! Will cut off all passing!!” “雷光!将斩断所有的过往!!” In treacherous world, young girl angrily roars the thunder crack, bright heavenly prestige changes to the strength that the purple light young girl controls, was born the thunder that to change to the young girl hand to cut off the past sharp blade from the horizon, ruthlessly toward evil god giant beast detachment! 诡谲天地之中,少女的怒吼似雷霆炸响,煌煌天威化作紫光少女支配的力量,从天际诞生的雷霆化作少女手中斩断过去的利刃,狠狠地朝邪神巨兽劈去! thunder Guangzha present, white purple flashes through from the evil god giant beast center, during is secret, the surging electromagnetic field is still bringing the pressure on the battlefield, as secret in finally strikes, cuts to extinguish the evil god giant beast thoroughly! 雷光乍现,白紫从邪神巨兽中心闪过,暗地之中,涌动的电磁场还在对战场施加压力,作为暗地中的最后一击,彻底斩灭邪神巨兽! Only then consciousness great strength, can the magnetic field of sensation in the secret to the might that changes, the rude color excess young girl wields slightly, that command world also for a blade that it changes colors. 只有意识强大者,才能感知到暗地中磁场变化的威力,丝毫不逊色余少女挥出的,那令天地也为之失色的一刀。 The blade light dissipates, in the treacherous domain long time has no sound. 刀光消散,诡谲领域中半晌没有任何声音。 Bang- 轰- A stuffy thunder -like loud sound transmits suddenly, the evil god giant beast punishes from the center, changes to two halves to pound in the place, the grey auspicious sign in treacherous domain, in this flickers to break open! 一声闷雷般的巨响忽地传来,邪神巨兽从中心处分开,化作两半砸到在地,诡谲领域内的灰紫气,在这一瞬破开! The sunlight arrives at this lands again, raised the head to look, blue sky the place of horizon, has the thunder often to shuttle back and forth unexpectedly. 太阳光再次降临这片土地,抬头仰望,万里无云的天际之处,竟有雷霆不时穿梭。 Ka ~ 咔~ The cherry receives the cold prison ice day, raised the head to shoot a look at to the young girl who in void stands, the beautiful pupil narrows the eyes slightly. 樱收起寒狱冰天,抬头瞥向虚空中站立的少女,美眸微微眯起。 Before she had not felt the threat on the young girl, but currently... the opposite party has the qualifications to stand side the clearing weather, it seems like, she except for plum that annoying fellow, but must deal with one person again. 之前她没在少女身上感到威胁,但现在...对方已经有资格站在霁身边,看来,她除了梅那个烦人的家伙,还需再应对一人。 Hū~ eventually finished the key of control restraint fettering that colossus to be not relaxed, Theresa relaxes, the young girl who looks up to the horizon, the nan sound said: „ Very powerful, is the next pillar/backbone?” 呼~终于结束驾驭约束之键束缚那头庞然大物绝非轻松,德丽莎松了口气,仰望天际的少女,喃声道:“好强呐,是下一个支柱吗?” Academy small town. 学园小镇。 Yae Sakura has not received Sakura Blossom, she shot a look at the young girl of protagonist brilliance twinkle, then turns around to go to these affected small town resident there. 八重樱没有收起樱吹雪,她只是瞥了眼主角光辉闪烁的少女,便转身前往那些被影响的小镇居民那里。 Himeko sets up the big sword in the one side, forks the waist to look up to the horizon, a face affirmative expression. 姬子将大剑立在一旁,叉腰抬头望向天际,一脸肯定的表情。 The Kiana opening mouth at the same time, long time recovers, simultaneously closes soon the mouth-watering mouth, Mei becomes very powerful! Probably was better.” 一边的琪亚娜张大嘴巴,半晌才回过神来,同时合上快要流口水的嘴巴,“芽衣变得好强!好像更棒了嘿嘿。” Sits Bronya on rewiring small rabbit is three wooden, but from her pupil, can see envying of deep conceals indistinctly. 坐在重装小兔上的布洛妮娅还是三无表情,不过从她的瞳孔中,隐约能看到深藏的羡慕。 Coughed cough~ Walter to shoot a look at Bronya, looked to Mei, said with a smile: It seems like we must train with a sense of urgency, we hold true the core, next pillar/backbone level strength......” “咳咳~”瓦尔特瞥了眼布洛妮娅,又看向芽衣,笑道:“看来我们得抓紧训练,我们有理之核心,下一个支柱级战力......”
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