EH :: Volume #18

#52: Develops Jin Wenming

The jump engine of planet rank revolves, erupts the great quantity energetic particle to within the four seas of quantum, is away from about 1 million kilometers Theiler civilization, can easily observe the exaggerating tail flame that cobalt blue ray forms. lan 行星级别的跃迁引擎运转,向量子之海内喷发出巨量高能粒子,隔着百万千米开外的泰莱雅文明,能轻易观测到那钴蓝光芒形成的夸张尾焰。阑 What can do by the hot civilization?” Theiler outward observation room the Cohen brow tight wrinkle. “逐火文明又要搞什么?”泰莱雅对外观测室的柯恩眉头紧皱。 What do they... seem like making to test?” The adjutant guessed. “他们...看起来像是在做什么实验?”副官猜测。 Now the citizen in Theiler federation, most belief dawn, only have few diehards still to firmly believe that this is by the conspiracy of hot civilization. 如今泰莱雅联邦内的公民,绝大多数信仰曙光,仅剩下极少数的顽固派还在坚持认为这是逐火文明的阴谋。 Reported the senior official, examined the curvature of space within ultra-large range to fluctuate!” “报告长官,检测到超大范围内的空间曲率波动!” Cohen turn head examines the data fiercely, the adjutant is a face is also inconceivable, can leave here by the hot civilization? They do not have the news to inform in our here ambassadors.” 柯恩猛地回头查看数据,副官也是一脸不可思议,“逐火文明要离开这里?他们在我们这边的大使也没有消息通知啊。” Reports as soon as possible upwardly.” “尽快向上汇报。” The sea of quantum, from the silent war star beyond ten million kilometers, Yae Ji receives a consciousness to broadcast suddenly. lan 量子之海,距离寂静战星千万千米外,八重霁突然接收到一条意识广播。阑 Outcomer, you have entered by the hot civilization stationed in the range, according to the security regulation, we after broadcasting launches to murder supernatural might three times.” “外来者,你已进入逐火文明驻扎范围,根据安全条例,我们会在广播三次后发射弑神武器。” Outcomer, you have entered......” “外来者,你已进入......” Yae Ji gawks, at once responds, does not know whether to laugh or cry, ‚after becoming the god, forgot and Aiyi they said that unexpectedly was regarded the external evil god. Also murders supernatural might, the last round greeted on War God, Aiyi will bully the weak by relying on powerful connections actually.’ 八重霁微楞,旋即反应过来,哭笑不得,‘成神之后忘了和爱衣她们说了,居然被当成外来邪神了。还弑神武器,最后一发都招呼在战神身上了,爱衣倒是会狐假虎威。’ Wants, Yae Ji is unable to constitute the consciousness of threat to disseminate a small section. 想罢,八重霁将一小段无法构成威胁的意识传播出去。 Aiyi, I am Yae Ji, the dawn plan have completed, stand guard dissoluble.” 爱衣,我是八重霁,曙光计划已完成,警戒可解除。” Is controlling the silent war star momentarily Aiyi numb dwell who prepares to jump, but has not relaxed vigilantly , to continue Broadcast Drive: Boss, welcome to go home, please first arrive at the assigned location confirmation consciousness.” 正在操控寂静战星随时准备跃迁的爱衣麻住,但还是没有放松警惕,继续广播道:“老板,欢迎回家,请先到指定地点验证意识。” Aiyi, stands guard evil god doing good very much.” Yae Ji praised, completed the examination as soon as possible, the plum needs consciousness the treatment in aspect.” lan “很好吗爱衣,警戒邪神这点做的不错。”八重霁夸奖,“尽快完成检测,梅需要意识方面的治疗。”阑 After a half hour . 半小时后。 The energetic particle tail flame that the silent war star erupts dissipates slowly, jumps the engine power coastdown the normal value, the surroundings receive the space that the curvature fluctuates to return to normal, but Aiyi in command post, is taking a look at the boss curiously. 寂静战星喷发出的高能粒子尾焰缓缓消散,跃迁引擎功率下降到正常值,周围受到曲率波动的空间恢复平静,而在指挥室中的爱衣,正好奇地打量着自家老板。 Stamp ~ stamp ~ 戳~戳~ Pā! 啪! Yae Ji wipes out Aiyi to poke the finger of his arm, the material that cobalt blue leaves behind did you have a thorough understanding? Here also wastes the time?” 八重霁一把打掉爱衣戳他胳膊的手指,“钴蓝留下的资料你吃透了?还在这里浪费时间?” Aiyi blinks to wink the Bashui sleek/moist big eyes, rubbed the small hand saying: Boss, your really to become God?” 爱衣眨巴眨巴水润的大眼睛,搓了搓小手才道:“老板,你真的成神了?” You not already to my strength sequence?” Yae Ji speechless say/way: Which human do you see to be able in the sea of quantum to obtain the pain primary level?” lan “你不是已经对我的实力测序过了吗?”八重霁无语道:“你见哪个人类能在量子之海中获得苦痛初级的位阶?”阑 Our human civilization was also bright!” Aiyi said excitedly: „Does the boss on you float the real universe, the strength in the red lotus level? When we return the real universe, lets Decayed Has a look at our fierce!” “我们人类文明也有神了!”爱衣兴奋道:“那老板你上浮到真实宇宙,实力岂不是在红莲位阶?我们什么时候杀回真实宇宙,让【腐朽】看看我们的厉害!” Aiyi brandishes the appearance of small fist to make Yae Ji be able help smiling, early, It is infinite the level, is in extremely ancient one in infinite, we careless grow in the sea of quantum for the time being much.” 爱衣挥舞小拳头的模样让八重霁忍俊不禁,“还早,祂可是无限位阶,在无限中也处于极为古老的一员,我们暂且还是苟在量子之海多多发育。” Aiyi is all of a sudden discouraged, does not arrive at the 3-5 second to restore again: Boss you absorbed the beliefs of two civilizations so to be strong, when we unified the world bubble of sea of quantum, ganged up with on the tree of imaginary number while convenient these not the evil god by the civilization that polluted, wasn't the cricket decayed easy?” 爱衣一下子泄了气,不到三五秒再次恢复:“老板你才吸收了两个文明的信仰就这么强,等我们统一量子之海的世界泡,顺便勾搭勾搭虚数之树上那些没被邪神污染的文明,蛐蛐腐朽还不手到擒来?” The Yae Ji smile, has not been attacking the Aiyi self-confidence, must know complete coverage real universe Honkai intelligent program ‚the Honkai god, its level also infinite primary, when he grows to contending the decayed that step, does not know that must pass through many years. 八重霁微笑,没在打击爱衣的自信心,须知完全覆盖真实宇宙的崩坏智能程序‘崩坏神’,其位阶也不过无限初级,等他成长到抗衡腐朽的那一步,不知道要经过多少岁月。 „The situation of plum how?” Yae Ji changed a topic. “梅的情况怎么样?”八重霁换了个话题。 Sister Mei's condition is good, only shears to drop the minimum part of consciousness, probably one week of internal energy regains consciousness, in March/three months the internal energy thoroughly restores.” “梅姐的状态还不错,只割弃掉极小一部分意识,大概一星期内能苏醒,三月内能彻底恢复。” That is good.” Yae Ji relaxes, but nowadays the plum the referring to beacon light of human civilization, lost anyone, cannot lose her. lan “那就好。”八重霁松了一口气,现如今梅可是人类文明的指明灯,失去了谁,也不能失去她。阑 Yae Ji looks up to the sea of quantum, the line of sight imitates, if pierces to the real universe, sneaks a peek releases the malicious evil god community, oneself strength is powerful, more can detect one with the disparity of evil god, in the distant place looked that Mount Tai and look up to Mount Tai at the foot of the hill, the self- feeling is completely two matters. 八重霁抬头望向量子之海上方,视线仿若洞穿至真实宇宙,窥见其中释放恶意的邪神群体,自身实力越是强大,越能察觉自身与邪神的差距,在远处看泰山和在山脚下仰望泰山,自我的感受完全是两码事。 Jumps the engine to continue to revolve, the sea of level quantum is unsafe.” “跃迁引擎继续运转,量子之海上层还是不安全。” Good boss, how you said does, how we do.” Aiyi shook the small head, the eye shut tightly again, the consciousness returned in the database to roam through. “好的老板,你说怎么做,咱就怎么做。”爱衣晃了晃小脑袋,眼睛再次紧闭,意识重新回到资料库中遨游。 ...... ...... Buzz ~ 嗡~ A strange light sound, a silver streamline spaceship under sneaks the sea of quantum from the real universe, the space power on spaceship fluctuates dissipates gradually. 一声奇异轻响,一艘银色流线式的飞船从真实宇宙中下潜入量子之海,飞船上的空间权能波动渐渐消散。 „, We have arrived in the sea of quantum, the Earth civilization in our not far away.” In the spaceship, the stature selects high, the whole body is seemed by the female of steel casting has swept the people in cabin with the eagle general look, „has my Lord tora known?” lan “诸位,我们已经抵达量子之海,地球文明就在我们不远处。”飞船内,身材高挑,浑身好似由钢铁铸造的女子用鹰一般的眼神扫过船舱内的众人,“吾主的神谕都已知晓?”阑 The petite girl who under is having a baby said in a soft voice: Our goals, are set whether there is the Earth civilization murders supernatural might.” 下方抱着娃娃的娇小女孩轻声道:“我们的目标,是确定地球文明有无弑神武器。” Nearby youth shot a look at the eye petite girl, added: Even if pays with the life still to refuse to balk.” 旁边的青年瞥了眼娇小女孩,补充道:“即便付出生命也在所不惜。” For I lord!” Selects the women's high sound said high. “为了吾主!”高挑女子高声道。 For I lord!” N “为了吾主!”N Has not waited for the morale of people to reach most peak, a consciousness broadcast spreads to the mind of spaceship people. 还没等众人的士气达到最顶峰,一条意识广播传入飞船众人的脑海中。 External civilization, you have intruded by the hot civilization stationed in the range, according to the security regulation, we after broadcasting launches the attack three times.” “外来文明,你已闯入逐火文明的驻扎范围,根据安全条例,我们会在广播三次后发起攻击。” External civilization...” lan “外来文明...”阑 Stops jumping!” Selects the female to aim at one of them high, immediately sends the message to the opposite party, making them relieve the warning.” “停止跃迁!”高挑女子指向其中一人,“立即向对方发送消息,让他们解除警告。” Was referred to the young girl, on the face looks serious, Captain, the consciousness broadcast method of opposite party is quite wise, I add hold the Herrscher power and my god strength, is unable to contend with opposite broadcast.” 被指中的少女,脸上神情严肃,“队长,对方的意识广播手段极为高明,我加持律者权能和吾神之力,也无法和对面的广播抗衡。” Has the civilization that murders supernatural might, so, was called Captain by rights ought to the female continues saying: First issues them our information.” “拥有弑神武器的文明,理当如此,”被称之为‘队长’的女子继续道:“先把我们的信息发给他们。” Yes.” The young girls shut tightly the double pupil, the fierce beat that the heart actually does not make every effort to succeed, her power consciousness the domain, no one compared with the intensity that she in that broadcast contained clearly a moment ago. “是。”少女紧闭双眸,心脏却不争气的剧烈跳动,她的权能正是意识领域,没人比她更清楚刚才那条广播内所蕴含的强度。 ‚Can we... really inquire the news in this civilization? I lord... you...’ ‘我们...真的能在这种文明手里打探出消息?吾主啊...您...’ Indoor the silent war star direction, Yae Ji received to fight the security function of star, a moment ago that to the warning that the unknown civilized spaceship transmitted, then by way of his hand. 寂静战星指挥室内,八重霁接过战星的警戒功能,刚才那条对未知文明飞船发送的警告,便是经由他手。 ‚The sea of quantum is equivalent to the real universe the reverse side, our human civilization occupies a partner, met Theiler civilization also even, unexpectedly can also observe the civilization that dived from the real universe... is the coincidence?...’ lan ‘量子之海相当于真实宇宙的反面,我们人类文明偏居一偶,遇到泰莱雅文明也就算了,居然还能观察到从真实宇宙中下潜的文明...是巧合呢?还是...’阑 Quick, together as weak as does not have any threat, only carries the consciousness transmission of information. 很快,一道微弱到没有任何威胁,仅携带信息的意识传送而来。 Hello, respect by the hot civilization, we came from develops gold/metal, we observe Ha You Wenming's war star in the real universe......” “您好,尊敬的逐火文明,我们来自‘演金’,我们在真实宇宙中观测到哈游文明的战星......”
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