EH :: Volume #18

#24: Wreckage of Earth

Europe. 欧洲。 Compared with Asia that the pillar/backbone level strength is stationed, here is more chaotic, Fusion Warriors headed by cherry, can only protect small some areas. 比起支柱级战力驻扎的亚洲,这里更为混乱,以樱为首的融合战士,只能堪堪守护一小部分地区。 The cherry that grasps the cold prison ice day exhales cold air, lifts the pupil to look to the distant place, the evil god consciousness under the function of attraction tide becomes twists, the land and sky must reverse, in the past operated handy Honkai Energy, also became even more wild. 手持寒狱冰天的樱呼出一口寒气,抬眸望向远处,邪神意识在引力潮汐的作用下变得扭曲,大地与天空似要倒转,以往操纵得心应手的崩坏能,也随之变得愈加狂暴。 The circulation Honkai Energy veins have squeezed the limit, the cherry has no other choice but to construct the Ice Element channel in within the body, the ignition feeling of veins restores under comforting of Ice Element gradually, but the cherry knows, one, but within the body energy dries up, waits for her then only remains the dead end. 流转崩坏能的筋脉已然压榨到极限,樱不得已在体内构建冰元素通道,筋脉的灼烧感在冰元素的安抚下渐渐恢复,但樱知晓,一但体内能量枯竭,等待她的便只剩死路一条。 ~ incites ~ “滋~滋~” The ear transmits the sound of individual terminal communication frequency. 耳边传来个人终端通讯频道的声响。 Captain!” Hoarse-voiced, cannot listen to opposite age, „the Xier District Squad only remains one person, the people and people all by the tidal effect...” 队长!”声音沙哑,听不出对面的年龄,“西二区小队仅剩一人,民众、民众全被潮汐效应...” The cherry is silent, she joins to protect this region voluntarily, mass elite Fusion Warriors coordinates the science and technology of silent war star, very good keeps them out the evil god empty shadow, may actually the disaster that could not prevent the attraction tide to bring. 樱沉默,她主动请缨守护这片区域,大批量精英融合战士配合寂静战星的科技,很好的将邪神虚影拒之门外,可却阻止不了引力潮汐带来的灾害。 Bang! 轰隆! The distant place land extrusion sticks out, several hundred meters high mountain range time appears in the line of sight of cherry in just several seconds, but under of mountain range, is a newly-built soon end base, several tens of thousands of people avoids the disaster, but at this moment... 远处大地挤压隆起,数百米高的山峦在短短几秒中时间出现在樱的视线中,而山峦的下方,则是一座新建不久的末日基地,有数万人在其中躲避灾难,但此刻... Is doing anything.” “到底在搞什么。” The cherry lowers the head, the delicate hands grip the cold prison ice day stubbornly, ice law core that among mounts because of the wreaking havoc crazy twinkle of energy storm. 樱低头,纤手死死握住寒狱冰天,其内镶嵌的冰律核心正因外界能量风暴的肆虐疯狂闪烁。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Twists in the space to experience the frequency flutter, the cherry turn head looks, ice blue eye pupil fiercely one bright! 扭曲空间中出现频率波动,樱回头望去,冰蓝眼眸猛地一亮! „Ji!” “霁!” This time Yae Ji is slightly distressed, the strength of bloodlines is patching the wound, he just runs into the evil god consciousness in the space channel. 此时的八重霁略显狼狈,血脉之力正修补伤口,他方才在空间通道中遇到邪神意识。 In flickers, the consciousness of Yae Ji spanning coming then sweeps the region that the cherry has guarded, the life quantity in this region surviving makes his complexion slightly gloomy. 在跨越而来的一瞬,八重霁的意识便扫过樱所镇守的区域,此区域内存活的生灵数量让他面色稍黯。 Prepares to liberate the core the energy.” “准备解放核心的能量。” The complexion of cherry changes, that this place will change to the life forbidden area thoroughly, significance that we protect where?!” 樱的面色微变,“那这地方将彻底化作生灵禁区,我们守护的意义何在?!” Will not be long,” Yae Ji holds Sakura's small hands, creates strength of cuns (2.5 cm) living to sweep across, the icefield that ice law core release creates, freezes the consciousness sufficiently, when the time comes these people's consciousness on will pass to new clone within the body again, other things do not need you to worry. Your Quest reduces the evil god consciousness as far as possible.” “不会太久的,”八重霁抓住樱的小手,创生之力一寸寸席卷,“冰律核心释放所造成的冰原,足以把意识冻结,到时候这些人的意识会重新上传到新的克隆体内,其他事情不需要你操心。你的任务是尽量消减邪神意识。” Then, Yae Ji, said: Attention security, Earth estimated under ten about several minutes start to submerge the sea of quantum.” 说罢,八重霁顿了顿,又道:“注意安全,地球预计会在十数分钟左右开始下潜入量子之海。” But...” “可是...” Enough time has not dispelled doubt to the cherry, the Yae Ji form disappears again. 没有给樱足够的时间解惑,八重霁的身影再次消失。 The line of sight of cherry shifts to own left hand on, when there, also Yae Ji is just now treating some residual residual heat. 樱的视线转移到自己的左手上,那里,还有八重霁方才治疗时残留的一些余温。 The young girls deeply inspire, both hands grip tightly the cold prison ice day, looks at the evil god to distant place consciousness the empty shadow extremely, ices in the pupil to glitter the ray, the ice glow that the weapon core erupts covers this place, the space of distortion is replaced by the ice cold mist with the mist of lingering entirely. 少女深吸一口气,双手紧握住寒狱冰天,望向极远处的邪神意识虚影,冰眸中闪烁出光芒,紧接着,武器核心爆发的冰芒将此地笼罩,扭曲的空间与萦绕的雾气通通由冰寒雾气代替。 Since can liberate completely...” The words that the cherry recited lightly dissipated in the wind. “既然可以完全解放...”樱轻吟的话语在风中消逝。 Outer space. The vision of plum certainly the strong energy attraction that was erupted by continental Europe , the chaotic cloud layer is swept across the actuation by the ice fog, is guiding the tide attraction, changes to a to cut to extinguish the mountain range indistinctly the great blade, sweeps away the evil gods in continental Europe consciousness the incarnation. 太空。梅的目光被欧洲大陆上爆发的绝强能量吸引,混乱的云层由冰雾席卷驱动,引导着潮汐引力,隐约化作一柄斩灭山峦的巨刃,横扫欧洲大陆上的邪神意识化身。 Is she.” The corners of the mouth of plum bring back slightly, „the strengths of some people will not stay 50,000 years ago. The clearing weather, this time you may be mistaken.” “是她啊。”梅的嘴角略微勾起,“不会有人的实力停留在五万年前。霁,这次你可看走眼了。” In space internal Yae Ji even can the sensation to that strong strength, on the lifeform pupil show certainly the news of end of the rainy season, Yae Ji does not know should say any good, before two people met very desolately, secret was in sharp opposition, nowadays... 在空间内部的八重霁甚至能感知到那股绝强的力量,生物瞳上显示出梅的消息,八重霁不知道该说些什么好,以前两个人见面十分冷淡,暗地中又针锋相对,现如今... Buzz ~ 嗡~ The space barrier splits ripples, has not spanned into North America, the burning hot such as faces directly the temperature of star then to make the skin of Yae Ji body surface produce ill. 空间屏障绽出点点涟漪,还未跨越入北美洲,炙热如直面恒星的温度便让八重霁体表的皮肤产生不适。 Hahaha ~ stubbornly stubbornly! Dies to me!” 哈哈哈~死死死死!都给我死!” Yae Ji one step steps forward, in the familiar sound is disclosing a release instinct demented vigor, 八重霁一步跨出,熟悉的声音中透露着一股释放天性的癫狂劲, Here does not have the evil god consciousness the grey purple mist of sending out, is only left over the flame that the attraction tide the pulling feeling and everywhere dance in the air, thing that any Yae Ji can see, all ignition under roaring flame. Hahahahaha belch ~ is spending freely the energy the bright tong Lin sensation to the consciousness of Yae Ji recklessly, stopped in the hand immediately unceasingly toward the fireball that the empty shadow throws, the laughter that excited under stops instantly, making this young girls from elf clan hit a stuffy belch. 这里同样没有邪神意识散发的灰紫雾气,只剩下引力潮汐的拉扯感与漫天飞舞的火焰,凡是八重霁能看到的东西,无不处在烈焰的灼烧之下。“哈哈哈哈哈嗝~”正在肆意挥霍能量的亮烔琳感知到八重霁的意识,立马停止了手中的不断往虚影扔出的火球,激动之下即刻停止的笑声,让这位来自精灵族的少女打了个闷嗝。 Lord and master...” “主、主人...” The restraining flame wing, both hands intersect before the abdomen, on the young girl small face full is the cautious and anxious expression, with former acts like a different person wild. 收敛火焰羽翼,双手交叉于腹前,少女小脸上满是拘谨与不安的表情,与之前的狂暴判若两人。 The eye of Yae Ji hid to pull out pulling out, looked that to just like the purgatory general scene at present, if did not have ahead of time with the custom of consciousness scanning, he really thinks that human of this area was all shone tong Lin wielding with the flame. 八重霁的眼皮子抽了抽,看向眼前犹如炼狱一般的场景,如果不是有提前用意识扫描的习惯,他真以为这地区的人类全被亮烔琳用火焰给挥了。 Was good is quite stable because of the underground several hundred last seat day bases, the life aura was sufficient, but even so, the people in base were still hot unseemly, the sweat continuously flows downward, the magma that if not bright tong Lin made has not infiltrated thoroughly, otherwise these end bases become will roast the cage! 好在地下数百座末日基地较为稳定,生灵气息充足,不过即便如此,基地中的民众一个个也是热的不像样,汗水不住往下流淌,若非亮烔琳制造的岩浆还未彻底渗透,否则那些末日基地都将成为烤笼! That... the master, sees Yae Ji long time not to speak, bright tong Lin urgently said: „ Is the Aiyi elder sister makes me do that she makes me not need scruples the capital construction of ground, protects the good base and repels these disfigureds on the line.” “那个...主人,见八重霁半晌不说话,亮烔琳急道:“是爱衣姐让我这么做的,她让我不用顾忌地面的基建,保护好基地和击退那些丑八怪就行。” „......” Yae Ji. “......”八重霁 Compared with just controlled Herrscher Core, enters into the pillar/backbone level strength Raiden Mei, bright tong Lin this kind of inborn Herrscher is more powerful, the elf young girl treated some time on Earth, all day is all right with Aiyi soaks in the same place, but the strength inflates to so the situation, was above the expectation of Yae Ji. 比起刚刚掌控律者核心,迈入支柱级战力的雷电芽衣,亮烔琳这类天生律者更为强大,精灵少女又在地球上待了一段时间,整天又没事和爱衣泡在一起,但战力膨胀到如此地步,还是超乎了八重霁的预料。 Compared with as first batch of Fusion Warriors, the cherry that controls the ice law core, inborn Herrscher bright tong Lin will not have scruples the energy consumption, when facing the evil god consciousness, Yae Ji the strength of corrosion assists the resistance consciousness invasion in side, therefore achieves so unscrupulously. 比起身为第一批融合战士,掌控冰律核心的樱,天生律者的亮烔琳不会顾忌能量消耗,在面对邪神意识时,又有一丝八重霁的侵蚀之力在旁辅助对抗意识侵扰,所以才做到这般肆无忌惮。 Attention control energy, below end base the person quickly were hot.” “注意控制能量,下方的末日基地中人都快热死了。” How Ah?! can, I calculate sends the temperature big...” Bright tong Lin looks down to fully is the magma land, mumbled: Temperature most thermal blooming, to dying are very far.” 啊?!怎么会呢,我算好大致温度的...”亮烔琳低头看向满是岩浆的大地,嘟囔道:“温度最多热晕而已,离死还很远嘛。” When bright tong Lin raised the head again, Yae Ji has vanished does not see. 亮烔琳再抬头时,八重霁已然消失不见。 South America, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica and mainland... 南美洲、非洲、大洋洲、南极洲、姆大陆... Except for inborn Herrscher bright tong Lin, other mainland needs the aid of Yae Ji stationed in the strength. 除了天生律者亮烔琳,其余大陆的驻扎力量都需要八重霁的援助。 Frequent conveying capacity, even controls the incomplete spatial law core Yae Ji, at this time still reaches the limit quickly. 频繁输送能量,即便是掌控残缺空律核心的八重霁,此时也快到达极限。 Cannot wait again,” Yae Ji to the plum and silent transmitter data, evil god consciousness the empty shadow and tide that attraction composes to Earth is causing the irreversible damage always, the long time that the time drags again, we entrain into the sea of quantum, but is the wreckage of Earth.” “不能再等了,”八重霁向梅和寂静发送信息,“邪神意识组成的虚影和潮汐引力无时无刻都在对地球造成不可逆转的损伤,时间再拖的久一点,我们拽入量子之海的,不过是地球的残骸。” ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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