EH :: Volume #18

#17: The next pillar/backbone of human civilization

What kind of?” “怎么样?” Saint, in the academy conference room, the academy high levels looks at the projection of center anxiously. 圣芙蕾雅,学园会议室内,学园高层们紧张地看着中心处的投影。 Communications connectivity establishes failure 【通讯连接建立失败】 The answer that the terminal intelligence gives lets them disappointedly. 终端智能给出的答案让他们失望不已。 These mist what's the matter? Recently had the drilling to forecast?” “那些雾气到底怎么回事?最近有演练预报没?” No, these mist are very strange, once the Honkai Energy detector opens, the instrument paralyzes instantly, is unable to complete to survey Quest.” “没有,那些雾气无比诡异,崩坏能探测器一旦开启,仪器会即刻瘫痪,无法完成探测任务。” Honkai Energy blanker?” 崩坏能抑制器呢?” Has issued the eruption to order, but... that thing does not seem like pure Honkai Energy.” “已经下达喷发命令,不过...那东西不像是单纯的崩坏能。” Sits the middle-aged women's whole face on seat of honor is dignified, attempts with establish the communication stationed in the army again.” 坐在主位上的中年女子满脸凝重,“再次尝试与驻扎军建立通讯。” Áng-!” “昂-!” Ka ~ 咔哗哗啦~ The astonishing beast roar that the distant place transmits extremely makes the glass shatter, in does not have the average person who in St. Freya Academy teaches fortunately, otherwise the light is a beast roars, makes the person eardrum burst sufficiently, falls into the deep stupor. 极远处传来的惊人兽吼使得玻璃破碎,还好在圣芙蕾雅学园内任教的没有普通人,不然光是一声兽吼,足以使人耳膜破裂,陷入深度昏迷之中。 First allows the students to enter the refuge shelter!” “先让学生们进入避难所!” The females exclaimed, simultaneously the body released the remarkable Honkai Energy fluctuation, the strength of hot element appeared in its side. 女子吼道,同时身上释放出惊人的崩坏能波动,火元素的力量在其身边显现。 Buzz ~ buzz ~ 嗡~嗡~ The warning in academy sounds, the students quickly went to the nearest refuge shelter. 学园内的警报拉响,学生们急忙前往距离最近的避难所中。 How can't refuge shelter open?” “避难所怎么打不开?” Front door of basement, gathered a group of anxious students somewhere. 某处地下室的大门那,聚集了一批焦急的学生。 Overwhelming majority electronic devices have expired, opens it with the manual equipment!” “绝大部分电子设备已失效,用手动设备打开它!” Is what situation...” “到底是什么情况啊...” The distant place dim beast shadow especially is extremely exaggerating, even if the Emperor-Level build is not worth mentioning before it, peripheral the monster that on is congealed by the grey purple mist has weak Honkai to respond, actually and traditional Honkai Beast is different. 极远处朦胧的兽影格外夸张,哪怕是帝王级的体型在它面前也不值一提,周边由灰紫雾气凝成的怪物身上带有微弱崩坏反应,却又和传统崩坏兽不同。 Strange atmosphere oppression in the heart of everyone, even through mind great strength of consciousness sequence, still can only suppress the fear that in the innermost feelings gushes out unceasingly outward reluctantly. 诡异的氛围压迫在每个人的心头,即便是通过意识测序的心灵强大者,也只能勉强压制住内心中不断向外涌出的恐惧。 Has trained St. Freya Academy that Valkyrie is famous, in addition so, the small town of dependence academy survival, is more chaotic at this time. 已培养女武神著称的圣芙蕾雅学园尚且如此,依靠学园生存的小镇,此时更为混乱。 Many people were affected by the aura, has knelt to bend down ignorantly in the place, in the mouth talks over is completely not the language of this world, probably is greeting arrival that some have greatly. 不少人受到气息影响,已浑浑噩噩地跪伏在地,口中念叨着完全不属于这个世界的语言,像是在迎接某个伟大存在的降临。 Upper air. 高空。 The fighter aircraft demonstrated that has dozens breakdown warnings, the Himeko fist of air/Qi pounds on the control desk, shortly sparks flying in all directions, the thick white smoke will brave. 战机显示上有数十条故障警报,气的姬子一拳砸在操作台上,顷刻间火花四溅,浓浓白烟冒起。 Grey purple mist had the strangeness, the electronic device has more than enough temporarily.” Himeko set out, debugs an individual terminal, the projection can spring occasionally, the above additive device, on everyone can also revolve only normally, only then lifeform pupil. “灰紫雾气有古怪,电子设备暂时用不了了。”姬子起身,调试了一下个人终端,投影偶尔能弹出,上面一片乱码,大家身上唯一还能正常运转的,就只有生物瞳了。 Rewiring small rabbit all normal.” Bronya sets out slightly, appears the mechanical monster indistinctly the empty shadow. “重装小兔一切正常。”布洛妮娅微微起身,身后隐约显现出机械怪物的虚影。 Himeko at present one bright, „can Bronya, make the rewiring small rabbit hold the fighter aircraft flight?” 姬子眼前一亮,“布洛妮娅,能让重装小兔托着战机飞行吗?” Ok.” Bronya nods. “可以。”布洛妮娅点头。 Such was too slow.” Sits on the chair, the both legs intersect in together Sciola nod the head said: Mei, gave you.” “那样太慢了。”坐在椅子上,双腿交叉在一起的希奥拉颔首道:“芽衣,交给你了。” Good, senior.” “好的,前辈。” Mei loosens the seat belt to set out, the electricity snake that the body jumps are getting more and more. 芽衣松开安全带起身,身上跳跃的电蛇越来越多。 Invited to relax slightly the self-defence, then I will let the fighter aircraft and electromagnetic field connect.” “请诸位稍稍放松一下自身防御,接下来我会让战机与电磁场相连接。” Partner ~ sounds dazzles cool.” Although Kiana of literacy class bitter hand listens not to understand, but thought that own good friend is too fierce. “哇偶~听起来好炫酷。”文化课苦手的琪亚娜虽然听不太懂,但就是觉得自己的好友太厉害啦。 Cherry and the others relaxed their potential, sensation powerful they can the indistinct sensation arrive at the change of electromagnetic field, the probably inexplicable strength are guiding their fighter aircraft. 樱等人放松自身的势,感知强大的她们能隐约感知到电磁场的变化,好像有一股莫名的力在引导她们的战机。 Then, asking everyone to sit.” On the Mei face shows a smile slightly. “接下来,请大家坐好。”芽衣脸上稍稍露出一丝微笑。 Is assorted...” “为什...” Kiana „” has not said that the whole person by a great strength according to the chair, the scene was then changed to the flowing light in the flash firmly, the muscle skeleton seems is sending out the wail. 琪亚娜的“么”还没说出口,整个人便被一股巨力牢牢地按在椅子上,外界的景象在一瞬间化作流光,肌肉骨骼好似在发出哀鸣。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Arrived.” Mei waves to scatter the additional electromagnetic force, stands overlooks that colossus in engine room downward. “到了。”芽衣挥手驱散附加的电磁力,站在机舱处向下俯视那头庞然大物。 Coughs cough~ Kiana to crawl from the seat, grimaces saying: It huuurts, Mei you did not remind.” “咳咳~琪亚娜从座位上爬起来,呲牙咧嘴道:“疼疼疼,芽衣你也不提醒一下。” What monster is this?” Tamamaru finds out the head, “这是什么怪物啊?”绯玉丸探出脑袋, The under huge monster had five heads, on these heads, can see many Emperor Level Honkai Beast shadows. Is long really ugly,” Kiana appraisal, teacher, you in expeditionary force for a long time, bumps into this monster?” 下方体型庞大的怪物长了五个脑袋,在那些脑袋上,能看到许多帝王级崩坏兽的影子。“长得真丑,”琪亚娜评价,“老师,你在远征军那么长时间,有没有碰到这种怪物?” No, is very strange, everyone was careful.” Himeko shakes the head, below monster gives her Danger Perception is not strong, but in the heart the association/will raises the worship feeling that wish lies prostrate in worship, seems the believer to see the respect the Spiritual God. “没有,很诡异,大家小心。”姬子摇头,下方的怪物给她的危险感知不强,但心中总会升起一种想要顶礼膜拜的崇拜感,就好像信仰者见到崇敬的神灵。 The line of sight of Yae Sakura in these have invaded to the monster of academy small town, the left hand according to above the scabbard, the thumb withstand/top the operation slightly, vague cherry blossom floods the engine room fragrant. 八重樱的视线在那些已经侵略向学园小镇的怪物身上,左手按在刀鞘之上,拇指略微顶开刀柄,一股若有若无的樱花香充斥机舱。 I process the monster that these scatter.” Yae Sakura spoke these words, the whole person jumps down from the engine room! “我去处理那些散落的怪物。”八重樱说完这句话,整个人从机舱内一跃而下! „The temper of Teacher Yae has not changed,” Himeko lets go, looks to steadily the cherry of fox ear, my ability is limited, sweeps clear slightly these strange, this colossus, gave you.” 八重老师的性子还是没变啊,”姬子摊手,看向长着狐狸耳朵的樱,“我能力有限,也去清扫那些小怪,这头庞然大物,就交给你们了。” Hehe ~ gives us!” Kiana pats the chest to guarantee with a smile, lets the achievement that the teacher you were attractive I to teach recently especially.” “嘿嘿~就交给我们吧!”琪亚娜笑着拍胸保证,“让老师你好好看看我最近特训的成果。” You?” Himeko seizes the ear of Kiana all of a sudden, you and Bronya help me!” “你?”姬子一下子揪住琪亚娜的耳朵,“你和布洛妮娅过来帮我!” „? Teacher Himeko this young lady must hit the big monster ! Lets loose this young lady!” “啊?姬子老师本小姐可是要去打大怪兽哒!放开本小姐啊!” Gave you.” Himeko deeply looked at cherry and Mei and the others, bringing raucous Kiana to leave with silent Bronya. “交给你们了。”姬子深深看了眼樱和芽衣等人,带着大喊大叫的琪亚娜与默不作声的布洛妮娅离开。 The cherry swept an engine room, behind Theresa Oath of Judah on the stay moment, opens the mouth saying: First fetters the movement of opposite party with the key of restraint, remaining gives me and Mei.” 樱扫了眼机舱,在德丽莎背后的“犹大的誓约”上停留片刻,开口道:“先用约束之键束缚住对方的移动,剩下的交给我和芽衣。” Theresa nods, although she is S-Rank Valkyrie, but in the new times, S-Rank Valkyrie is not really valuable, she also relies on the key of restraint, gains a footing in a powerhouse. 德丽莎点点头,她虽然是S级女武神,但在新时代,S级女武神真的不怎么值钱,她也就凭借约束之键,在一众强者中占有一席之地。 Gives me!” “交给我吧!” Theresa brandishes the giant golden cross single-handed, immediately jumps down the fighter aircraft. 德丽莎单手抡起巨型金色十字架,随即跳下战机。 Judas! Launches!” “犹大!展开!” The clear loli sound gets up, with injection of great quantity Honkai Energy, rounds of round of domains the great strange fetter will flicker, the gold/metal lance of strength of implication thunder, just like extinguishes the world thunder, a round of then round crashes from the upper air, inserts on the great strange each head. 清脆的萝莉音响起,随着巨量崩坏能的注入,一轮轮领域将巨怪束缚一瞬,蕴含雷霆之力的金矛,犹如灭世雷霆,一发接着一发从高空坠落,插在巨怪的各个脑袋上。 The figure slightly bow of cherry, next one flickers then appears on the head of great strangely dead center. 樱的身形微弓,下一瞬便出现在巨怪正中心的脑袋上。 Ice day frozen cloud!’ ‘冰天冻云!’ In the cherry heart meditates, the cold prison ice day in that flash of pulling, a domain that is revolved extremely coldly takes shape in this, the fighter aircraft temperature falls to the freezing point instantly! 樱心中默念,寒狱冰天在拔出的那一刹那,一座由极寒围绕的领域在此成型,战机外界的温度即刻下跌至冰点! Mei can feel own heartbeat acceleration, the whole person anxiously. 芽衣能感到自己的心跳加速,整个人紧张不已。 , She felt suddenly oneself shoulder was patted. 忽地,她感觉自己的肩膀被人拍了一下。 Mei turns head fiercely, Sciola's facial features appear at present. 芽衣猛地回头,希奥拉的面容出现在眼前。 Senior...” “前辈...” Don't think too much, come on, the release was your strength.” Sciola encourages saying: You of complete release strength, having the qualifications become the next pillar/backbone of human civilization!” “别想太多,加油,释放出本来就属于你的力量。”希奥拉鼓励道:“完全释放力量的你,有资格成为人类文明的下一位支柱!” ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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