DMWG :: Volume #54

#5267: Faces itself!

The Long Shisan mind is dignified, the incomparable discretion, counter dragon Gun raises quotas at each level, Way of the Battle Saint displayed extreme, facing heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape the potential of offense and defense, he cannot have slight idleness. 龙十三心神凝重,无比的谨慎,逆龙棍层层加码,斗战圣法施展到了极致,面对天地暴猿的攻守之势,他更是不能有丝毫的懈怠。 By the static brake, calmly takes the system...... the enemy to enter me to draw back, the enemy is weary I to hit...... by long of oneself, attacks other short......” “以静制动,以动制静……敌进我退,敌疲我打……以己之长,攻彼之短……” The Jiang Chen's words, Long Shisan records In the heart sincerely, does not dare to have the least bit to neglect, gradually retreats in order to advance, socializes with the heaven and earth violent ape. 江尘的话,龙十三谨记于心,不敢有半点忽视,逐渐以退为进,与天地暴猿进行周旋。 Aspect Yan Jun (severe) even more, no one dares easily to assert, who can laugh last. 局面越发之严峻,没有人敢轻易断言,谁能够笑到最后。 heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape also refuses to admit being inferior, at this time started changes defends to attack, although his defensive power was extremely astonishing, was his potential of attacking killing, was not anybody can resist. 天地暴猿也不甘示弱,这个时候开始变守为攻,虽然他的防御力极其惊人,可是他的攻杀之势,也不是任何人都能够抵挡得住的。 Change of Long Shisan, formed the war of extremely difficult pulling with heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, Long Shisan understands the will of the people, facing starting to heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape who the crazy bang explodes randomly, he on the contrary is becomes calm, compared with beforehand attacking, now is calmer. 龙十三的改变,也是与天地暴猿形成了极其艰难的拉扯之战,龙十三深谙人心,面对开始对自己狂轰乱炸的天地暴猿,他反倒是变得镇定起来,比起之前一位的攻伐,现在才更加的从容一些。 heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape one after another heavy blows attack, had crushed dozens li (0.5 km) Long Shisan, is Long Shisan steady is still the same like the old dog, fortifies at every step. 天地暴猿接二连三的重拳出击,已经将龙十三压倒了数十里,可是龙十三依旧稳如老狗一样,步步为营。 present is sword, just changed/easy fold/break, person also so. 斯为剑者,过刚则易折,人亦如此。 The Jiang Chen's words, making Long Shisan enjoy extremely, he must transfer the power oneself strength, his method, becomes accomplishes a task with ease, does not struggle the right and wrong with expert, must wait till the opposite party gradually falls into the weary condition the time, develops again fatally strikes. 江尘的一席话,让龙十三极为受用,他要将自己的力量转为动力,将他的手段,变得更加游刃有余,不与强者争是非,要等到对方逐渐陷入疲态之中的时候,再发展致命一击。 The heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape strength, obtained everyone's approval, his power and influence was too strong, even Jiang Chen nods silently, Long Shisan can guarantee now the invincible position facing this fellow, has won, opposite party the potential of offense and defense, is may be called exquisite peerless, the stone berry gave heaven and earth violent ape extremely terrifying defensive power, but his offensive, then originates from the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape inheritance, peerless ferocious beast, can be inferred. 天地暴猿的实力,得到了所有人的认可,他的威势太强了,连江尘都默默点头,龙十三面对这个家伙能够保证现在不败之地,就已经已经赢了,对方的攻守之势,都是堪称精妙绝伦,石浆果赋予了天地暴猿极其恐怖防御力,而他的攻势,则是来源于天地暴猿的传承,绝世凶兽,可见一斑。 „The heaven and earth idol, bestows my strength! Roar-- 天地神象,赐我力量!吼—— heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape crazy swallowed the heaven and earth source air/Qi, the imposing manner is increasing at this time unceasingly, charges into the peak. 天地暴猿的疯狂的吞噬着天地源气,气势在这个时候不断攀升,冲向顶峰。 The heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape great fist, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, brings pale golden rays of light, times fall decide, Long Shisan retreats fighting, the both arms standard keeps off, had completely lost the initial point. 天地暴猿的巨拳,毁天灭地,带着淡金色的光芒,一次次落定而下,龙十三且战且退,双臂格挡下来,已经完全失去了最初的锋芒。 Gains initiative with defense-based strategy, although Long Shisan places the disadvantage, has not given up as before, he in unceasing is seeking for the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape flaw, crazy facing between both, had passed, heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape occupied the absolute initiative, the energy of stone berry, is his root essence spring, the just liking steel, with heaven and earth with simultaneous/uniform, defense unparalleled, making heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape be in an impregnable position. 以守为攻,龙十三虽然身处劣势,依旧没有放弃,他在不断的寻找着天地暴猿的破绽,两者之间的疯狂对垒,已经过去了,天地暴猿占据了绝对的主动,石浆果的能量,是他的根本源泉,浑如钢铁,与天地同齐,防御无双,让天地暴猿立于不败之地。 Now the latter started the counter-attack, the Long Shisan crisis, aggravates step by step, but between both fights the war, as before very fiery, but Long Shisan fortifies at every step, making nearby Yuan Ling and solemn one is alarmed white/in vain. 现在后者开始了反击,龙十三的危机,也是一步步加重,但是两者之间斗战,依旧是十分的火热,只不过龙十三步步为营,让一旁的袁玲与穆一白都担惊不已。 Counter dragon Gunza has a series of flames, hits on the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape body, the latter is even more excited, with battle of Long Shisan, not stands still, frequents each other, blood spatters in all directions, made person bloodlines Ben stretch/open. 逆龙棍砸出一连串的火光,打在天地暴猿的身上,后者越发兴奋,与龙十三的厮杀,从无停歇,你来我往,身上的鲜血迸溅而出,令人血脉贲张。 However reviews heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, a wee bit injuries do not have, at least in the surface seems like, his hair skin, completely does not have any damage. 但是反观天地暴猿,一丁点的伤势也没有,至少表面上看上去,他的毛发皮肤,完全没有任何损伤。 Such fight, causes both people are the high degree of concentration, without stagnation of least bit, as long as who has absent-minded, will be beaten by the opposite party thoroughly. 这样的战斗,使得两个人都是高度集中,没有半点的凝滞,但凡谁有一丝失神,都将会被对方彻底击垮。 The pale golden heavy blows, gave Long Shisan one after another fatal blow, Long Shisan clenched the teeth, are hard to start, however such oppression, made his faith firmer, to dying to fight, certainly not retreat. 淡金色的重拳,给了龙十三接二连三的致命打击,龙十三咬紧牙关,举步维艰,但是这样的压迫,也使得他的信念更为坚定,向死而战,绝不后退 Fights a day of law!” “战天法相!” Long Shisan displays to fight a day of law, socializes with heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, supported the aspect reluctantly, balance that but wins, as before not in his direction. 龙十三施展战天法相,与天地暴猿周旋起来,勉强撑住了局面,可是胜利的天平,依旧并没有朝着他的方向而来。 such insignificant ability, in the face of the absolute strength, any struggling, makes a futile effort. gā gā gā.” 雕虫小技,在绝对的实力面前,任何的挣扎,都是徒劳无功的。嘎嘎嘎。” heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape attempts to break through in all directions, with irresistible force, indeed at his strength, Long Shisan can only run about to deal with, even if fights a day of law, cannot save the aspect. 天地暴猿左冲右突,势如破竹,的确以他的力量,龙十三只能疲于应付,即使是战天法相,也没能挽回局面。 Aerospace law!” “空天法相!” The Long Shisan method completely leaves, the strength rises unceasingly, his fighting intent is even more strong, fiercer the more one fights, although in the life and death during the bang, no one can guarantee, the opposite party can certainly insist, so long as the one breath, Long Shisan has not flinched. 龙十三手段尽出,力量不断攀升,他的战意越发强势,愈战愈勇,虽然在生死对轰之间,没有人能够保证,对方一定能够坚持住,但是只要还有一口气,龙十三就绝不退缩。 Your strength is good, if with is the nebula level six heavy days, perhaps I have really not been able look down on you. However your strength is weaker than me, but also wants heaven defying to change to assign/life, simply is the wishful thinking, Hahaha, swallowed you, perhaps I can be the nebula level sevenfold day, your talent, your fighting intent, I like very much.” “你的实力不错,如果同为星云级六重天,或许我还真不能小看你。但是你的实力比我弱,还想要逆天改命,简直是痴心妄想,哈哈哈,吞了你,或许我就能够达到星云级七重天了,你的天赋,你的战意,我很喜欢。” The heaven and earth violent ape look narrows the eyes, stubbornly is staring at Long Shisan, has a attracting each other feeling. 天地暴猿眼神微眯,死死的盯着龙十三,颇有种惺惺相惜的感觉。 But today, both must decide a victory and defeat, life and death, no one can change. 可是今日,两者必须要分出个胜负,你死我活,没有任何人能够改变。 You may want disappointedly, my Long Shisan this whole life, has not lost.” “那你可能要失望了,我龙十三这辈子,从来没有输过。” Long Shisan is grinning fiendishly, steadfast saying, wipes corner of the mouth the blood that non-stop flowing out. 龙十三狞笑着,坚定不移的说道,揩去嘴角不停流出的鲜血。 His body, has been scarred, blood-stained, but competitive spirit, praiseworthy. 他的身上,早已是伤痕累累,血迹斑斑,但是不服输的精神,令人钦佩。 Long Shisan ignores the injury , to continue to charge, after being repulsed, must put out the true fighting spirit. 龙十三不顾伤势,继续冲锋,在一次次的败退之后,也必须要拿出真正的斗志。 Boiled duck, is obstinate argumentative, I thought that hardly when you can arrive.” “煮熟的鸭子,就是嘴硬,我看你能硬到什么时候。” heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape is self-confident, moreover aura, also rises suddenly, the fights of two people, that called heart alarmed, trembling in fear, shocking. 天地暴猿自信满满,而且身上的气息,也随之暴涨,两个人的战斗,那叫一个心惊胆战,触目惊心。 I do not believe that cannot break your defense!” “我就不信,破不开你的防御!” Long Shisan, still is very at heart rigid, although he has not continued dead to knock with heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, but if can break open the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape defense, then can defeat the self-confidence that heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape is proud, when the time comes is the total military defeat is possibly ordinary. 龙十三的心里,依旧还是无比执着,虽然他并没有继续跟天地暴猿死磕到底,但是如果能破开天地暴猿的防御,那么就能够击败天地暴猿引以为傲的自信,到时候可能就是兵败如山倒一般。 Only then takes heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape in the absolute domain, is the Long Shisan true confidence multiplies, only then destroys completely this bastard, he can reach the unprecedented altitude. 只有在绝对领域拿下天地暴猿,才是龙十三真正的信心倍增,只有灭掉此獠,他才能够达到前所未有的高度。 Long Shisan grows stronger with the fight, the opportunity that receiving in exchange and heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape knows oneself and other side, he believes that this fellow certainly not possible impregnable, certainly has the weakness to be. 龙十三以战养战,换取与天地暴猿知己知彼的机会,他相信这个家伙一定不可能无懈可击,一定有弱点所在。 „The Brother Shisan injury was getting more and more serious, this way, he will unable to endure.” 十三哥的伤势越来越重了,这样下去,他会挺不住的。” Yuan Ling very anxious, who can look, Long Shisan can persist in now, relying on the doggedly sincere completely, an unequalled faith, he must become the king of beasts, he must become the unrivaled monkey, he must heaven and earth suddenly/violently Yuancai in the under foot, this is belongs is his proud and self-confident, does not reach the goal, vows not to rest. 袁玲十分的紧张,谁都看得出来,龙十三能够坚持到现在,完全是凭借着一腔热血,一股无与伦比的信念,他要成为兽中之王,他要成为举世无双的猴王,他要将天地暴猿踩在脚下,这是属于他内心的骄傲与自信,不达目的,誓不罢休。 But, the person have the limit, if Long Shisan surpassed the limit, possibly he will unable to withstand, the death, was not impossible. 可是,人都有极限,如果龙十三超越了极限,可能他就会承受不住,死亡,并不是不可能的。 Big brother, Brother Shisan is he...... really all right?” “大哥,十三哥他……真的没事吗?” Solemn one looks white/in vain to Jiang Chen, only then Jiang Chen can manage the general situation for them, such situation, Long Shisan absolutely is a narrow escape. 穆一白看向江尘,只有江尘才能够替她们主持大局了,这样的处境,龙十三绝对是九死一生。 Jiang Chen look firm shaking the head, he does not need anybody, now he faces is not heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, but is he himself. 江尘眼神坚定的摇了摇头,他不需要任何人,他现在面对的不是天地暴猿,而是他自己。
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