DMWG :: Volume #54

#5240: Steel and iron Monster Beast regiment!

Big brother Jiang Chen, this way is not the means that perhaps the Brother Long younger brother they...... must unable to support.” 江尘大哥,这样下去不是办法呀,龙兄弟他们……恐怕要支撑不住了。” Chen fine jade whole face worried, is supporting by the arm Yuan Ling and the others, the situation is in imminent danger, Jiang Chen? He also blocked the responsibility on oneself body, if were not takes to bring in them, perhaps will not have such danger. 辰璐满脸担忧,搀扶着袁玲等人,处境岌岌可危,江尘又何尝不是呢?他也是把责任都拦在了自己的身上,如果不是自己将他们带进来的话,或许就不会有这样的危险。 I think.” “我想一想。” The Jiang Chen thoughts fight the revolutions, deeply inspires, at this time, he must make to make a decision, even if withdraws, as if becomes not possible. 江尘心思斗转,深吸了一口气,这个时候,他必须要做出决断了,即使是退后,似乎也变得不可能了。 Source air/Qi is extremely rich, perhaps is not a good sign. To solve the source air/Qi to be rich, what to do should.” “源气太过浓郁,恐怕不是一个好兆头啊。要想解决掉源气浓郁,该怎么办呢。” Jiang Chen muttered was saying, this matter he was also first meeting, during has not imagined is so simple, the appearance of looks at Long Shisan incomparable pain, Jiang Chen most worried, but his actually anything could not achieve, at this moment, Long Shisan should also be able to boil, but was then more difficult. 江尘喃喃着说道,这种事情他也是第一次遇到,并没有想象之中那么简单,看着龙十三无比痛苦的模样,江尘是最担忧的,可是他却什么也做不到,此时此刻,龙十三应该还能熬得住,但是接下来就更难了。 Right, the source air/Qi that so long as absorbs are many enough, then the remaining source air/Qi enough were also short, will not make the source air/Qi rich hold.” “对了,只要吸收的源气足够多,那么剩下的源气也就足够少了,就不会使得源气浓郁过盛了。” Jiang Chen look one bright, gets a sudden inspiration. 江尘眼神一亮,灵机一动。 At this time, he thought in the Buddha prison palace the Monster Beast regiment. 这个时候,他想到了浮屠狱宫之中妖兽军团。 Black king! Does completely all Monster Beast regiments, in this place cultivation, this absolutely is a chance of a lifetime.” “黑王!将所有的妖兽军团全部搞出来,在此地修炼,这绝对是一次千载难逢的机会。” Jiang Chen said, in black king heart moves, immediately starts to direct the Monster Beast regiment, starts to cultivate, absorbs the source air/Qi. 江尘说完,黑王心中一动,立刻开始指挥着妖兽军团,开始出来修炼,吸纳源气。 At this moment, everyone hoodwinked, they have not thought, Jiang Chen also had this, this was kills two birds with one stone simply, not only made Monster Beast in Monster Beast regiment obtain the enormous strength rise, can make Yuan Linggen white and the others be out of danger. 这一刻,所有人都蒙了,他们万万没想到,江尘还有这一手,这简直是一箭双雕呀,不仅仅让妖兽军团之中的妖兽得到了极大的实力提升,也能够让袁玲跟穆一白等人脱离险境。 Source air/Qi that thousands of Monster Beast regiments can absorb, that is absolutely unequalled, under this aspect, the surrounding source air/Qi was absorbed completely, this will be a Jiang Chen not unimaginable Tao Tie grand feast. 数以千计的妖兽军团所能够吸纳的源气,那绝对是无与伦比的,这种局面之下,周围的源气全部被吸收了,这将是一场江尘都无法想像的饕餮盛宴。 Big brother Jiang Chen, you may really be good.” 江尘大哥,你可真是太牛了。” On the face of Chen fine jade covers entirely the smile, this idea also only then big brother Jiang Chen can think. 辰璐的脸上布满笑容,这种想法也就只有江尘大哥想得出来。 Awoo!” 嗷呜!” Wū wū!” “呜呜呜!” Squeak squeak squeak!” “吱吱吱!” Innumerable Monster Beast send out excited sounding, the surrounding space also becomes intense, under the black king's leadership, over a thousand Monster Beast this time is excited, many Monster Beast, do not arrive at the nebula level, only then a few Monster Beast, breakthrough strength of nebula level, but this they wander about in the source Qi Sea ocean time, the strength is increased, is a cinch surely. 无数妖兽发出激动的鸣叫,周围的空间也变得紧张起来,在黑王的带领之下,上千妖兽都在这个时候兴奋不已,很多的妖兽,都不到星云级,只有少数几个妖兽,突破了星云级的实力,但是这一次他们徜徉于源气海洋之中,实力提升,必定不在话下。 The surrounding source air/Qi was swallowed up to enter in the body by so many Monster Beast, naturally the rich degree of surrounding source air/Qi, on big reduction. 周围的源气被这么多的妖兽鲸吞进入身体之中,自然而然周围的源气的浓郁程度,也就大大的降低了。 In the Jiang Chen's look, reveals flavor that wiped to feel relaxed, so many Monster Beast, otherwise, even he is still fortunately helpless today, if Yuan Linggen white true has what accident, oneself this is the big brother, perhaps was hard to face Long Shisan. 江尘的眼神之中,露出了一抹释然的味道,还好有这么多的妖兽,否则的话,今日就算是他也无能为力了,如果袁玲跟穆一白真的有什么三长两短的话,自己这个做大哥的,恐怕就难以面对龙十三了。 Thank you, Big brother!” “谢谢你了,大哥!” Some solemn white complexion pale, but has been much better compared with before now. 穆一白脸色有些苍白,但是现在已经比之前好多了。 Is polite anything with me, hurries to cultivate well, we do not worry.” “跟我还客气什么,赶紧好好修炼吧,我们不着急。” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑着说道。 Long Shisan deep looked at Jiang Chen one, heavily nodded, among the brothers, does not need to say a word, has Little Chen, he was more relieved than at any time. 龙十三深深的看了江尘一眼,重重点头,兄弟之间,无需言语,有小尘子在,他就比任何时候都要安心。 Time one minute/share one second passed, does not know after several days, in Monster Beast regiment, reports of victory keep coming. 时间一分一秒的过去了,不知道过了几天,妖兽军团之中,捷报频传。 Master, has 12 only Monster Beast breakthrough today the strength of nebula level.” “主人,今天有十二妖兽突破了星云级的实力。” The black king is excited, in look extreme anticipation, this Monster Beast regiment, is own old master remains, he also has the considerable deep sentiment. 黑王兴奋不已,眼神之中极为的期待,这一只妖兽军团,是自己的老主人留下来的,他也是有着相当深的感情。 Good, it seems like my receiving goods is biggest.” “不错,看来我的收货才是最大的。” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑道。 Big brother, was your Monster Beast regiment too also powerful? It is estimated that Chen family members slightly have.” “大哥,你这妖兽军团也太给力了吧?估计辰家人都是略有不及呀。” On Chen's green face also very splendid, such show operates her is also first sight, absorbs the source air/Qi with these Monster Beast regiments, can achieve to expand own effect, but can also save others in the water and fire. 辰青青的脸上也是十分的精彩,这样的骚操作她也是第一次见到,用这些妖兽军团来吸收源气,既能够达到壮大自己的效果,还能够救人于水火之中。 Moreover, these Monster Beast breakthrough speeds, even she can not hold a candle. 而且,这些妖兽突破的速度,连她都是望尘莫及。 Next day, on the face of black king, obviously becomes somewhat excited. 第二天,黑王的脸上,明显变得有些激动。 Master, has 130 Monster Beast breakthrough today the nebula level.” “主人,今天又有一百三十只妖兽突破了星云级。” A Jiang Chen brow wrinkle, was this little too also fierce? 江尘眉头一皱,这也有点太凶猛了吧? Third day, black king direct smiles grinned with ear to ear, Jiang Chen has not seen his such happy side. 第三天,黑王直接笑的合不拢嘴了,江尘还没见过他这么高兴的一面。 Master, 800! breakthrough 800! 800 nebula level Monster Beast.” “主人,八百!突破八百了!八百个星云级妖兽了。” Is the black king, Jiang Chen also somewhat is incessantly scared, my fuck...... was this too also ruthless? These Monster Beast are like the wicked wolf, is swallowing the surrounding source air/Qi crazily . Moreover, before these Monster Beast are the most important thing is many, is extremely expert, genius Monster Beast, but was suppressed the innumerable years, the strength regresses, so long as there is an enough source air/Qi, they re-entered peak also are just the time issues. 不止是黑王,江尘也有些傻眼,我尼玛……这也太狠了吧?这些妖兽都跟恶狼一样,疯狂吞噬着周围的源气,而且最重要的是,这些妖兽很多以前都是绝顶强者,天才妖兽,只不过是被镇压了无数岁月,实力退步而已,只要有足够的源气,它们重回巅峰也只不过是时间问题了。 Three days, 800 nebula level expert, this is never have such thoughts simply, so many Monster Beast, so many expert, Jiang Chen felt oneself a little were floating, such a Monster Beast regiment, is nebula level expert, this absolutely is the dragon Buddha senior to he biggest presenting. 三天,八百星云级强者,这简直是想都不敢想啊,这么多的妖兽,这么多的强者,江尘感觉自己都有点飘飘然了,这样一支妖兽军团,全都是星云级强者,这绝对是龙浮屠前辈对他最大的馈赠啊。 This Jiang Chen did not take into a person, but is 2000, under these nine profound mausoleum chambers, oneself can but finally vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered got up, the present source air/Qi, cultivates regarding them, just now just. 这一次江尘可不是带进了一个人,而是两千,这九玄地宫之下,自己终于可以纵横而起了,现在的源气,对于他们修炼,才刚刚好。 Incessantly is these Monster Beast, Yuan Linggen white and the others, has breakthrough, on everyone face, is the incomparable excitement, the tour of this nine profound mausoleum chamber, their strengths will also advance a big truncation. 不止是这些妖兽,袁玲跟穆一白等人,都已经是有所突破了,每一个人都脸上,都是无比的兴奋,这一次九玄地宫之行,他们的实力也会增高一大截。 I also felt that wanted breakthrough, Little Chen!” “我也感觉要突破了,小尘子!” The Long Shisan look gradually narrows the eyes, before swallowed Yuan Linggen white within the body so many source air/Qi, in addition in today steps up to cultivate, he has wanted the breakthrough nebula level four heavy days immediately. 龙十三眼神逐渐眯起,之前吞噬了袁玲跟穆一白体内那么多的源气,再加上今日里加紧修炼,他已经马上要突破星云级四重天了。 Good, I give you Protector , helping your breakthrough!” “好,我来给你护法,助你突破!” Jiang Chen exciting saying. 江尘兴奋的说道。 The Long Shisan strength, at this time, advance by leaps and bounds, here source air/Qi, indeed was makes people unable to resist, so many Monster Beast, became the strongest regiment in Jiang Chen mind! 龙十三的实力,也在这个时候,突飞猛进,这里的源气,的确是让人无法抗拒,这么多的妖兽,也成了江尘心目之中的最强军团! Fourth day, fifth day...... 第四天,第五天…… Master, altogether 1700 three thirteen only Monster Beast, all enter step nebula level expert!” “主人,一共一千七百三十三妖兽,全部进阶星云级强者之列!” Black king Zhenfen spirit, with having glory, this absolutely is one prosperous times that is inconceivable. 黑王振奋精神,与有荣焉,这绝对是一场难以想象的盛世。 Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” On the Jiang Chen's face is also brimming with the smile, Long Shisan was also dumbfounded, these Monster Beast in Buddha prison palace, feared that is incomparable terrifying, is inconceivable. 江尘的脸上也是洋溢着笑容,就连龙十三也都傻眼了,浮屠狱宫之中的这些妖兽,怕是都是无比的恐怖,难以想象。 „It is not really easy.” “真是不容易呀。” Black king is extremely sigh with emotion, past they, who also wasn't extremely expert? Only pitifully, was prohibited the endless years in the Buddha prison palace, becomes incomparably emaciated, now had such opportunity, then soars, is without hesitation. 黑王万分感慨,当年的他们,谁还不是个绝顶高手呢?只可惜,被封禁在浮屠狱宫之中无尽岁月,才变得无比孱弱,如今有了这样的机会,便是一飞冲天,也是毫不犹豫。 This is the genuine energy, the steel Monster Beast regiments of 1700 three thirteen only nebula level strengths. 这才是真正的底气,一千七百三十三只星云级实力的钢铁妖兽军团。
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