DMWG :: Volume #54

#5236: Lives for oneself

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Since you said that what I can also say?” “既然你都这么说了,那我还能说什么?” Chen Northern Liang said with a sigh. 辰北凉叹息道。 Many thanks Chen elder.” “多谢辰长老了。” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile. 江尘微微一笑。 You may other happy too, I unable to guarantee early, you can live. This time our nine day final genius, stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, can restore Chen family/home prestige, depends on this. genius expert that many people are not born, even did not compete for the inheritance genius to be weaker than initially, but their some people like freely, unrestrained, Chen family/home expert like clouds, these time on the heaven and earth crisis, therefore many Chen family members, this time was born, this final contention, absolutely is a narrow escape.” “那你可别高兴得太早了,我可不敢保证,你们到底能不能活着出来。这一次我们九线天最后的天才,也是孤注一掷,能否重振辰家声威,在此一举。很多人都是不出世的天才高手,甚至不比当初争夺传承的天才要弱,只是他们有些人喜欢自由自在,无拘无束,辰家高手如云,这一次恰逢天地危机,所以很多辰家人,也都在这个时候出世了,这场最后的角逐,绝对是九死一生的。” Saying that Chen Northern Liang spoke frankly, he can Jiang Chen belt/bring to go, but can come out, looked at their respective good fortunes. 辰北凉直言不讳的说道,他可以让江尘带人进去,但是能不能出来,就看他们各自的造化了。 I know, Great Elder felt relieved, my Jiang Chen absolutely is not that small-minded person, since choice, I will certainly hold on to the last.” “我知道,大长老放心,我江尘绝对不是那种小肚鸡肠之人,既然选择了,那我就一定会坚持到底的。” The Jiang Chen's confidence, Chen Northern Liang trusted, Chen family/home can have this inexorable fate, was the Will of Heaven, but Jiang Chen was actually their Chen families/home forever the honourable person. 江尘的信心,辰北凉还是非常信任的,辰家能够有此劫数,也是天意,不过江尘却是他们辰家永远值得尊敬的人。 Hehe, hopes that this nine profound mausoleum chamber, can let Chen family/home genius time, obtains the true baptism, the Chen family/home and Louwai Tower war, may break out anytime, Chen family/home, cannot continue to get down again silent.” “呵呵呵,希望这一次的九玄地宫,能够让辰家天才,得到真正的洗礼,辰家与楼外楼之战,随时都有可能爆发,辰家,不能再继续沉默下去了。” Chen Northern Liang was filled with emotion. 辰北凉感慨万千。 Time, Great Elder, I excessively did not stop over early.” “时候不早了,大长老,我也就过多的逗留了。” Jiang Chen said goodbye, left the residence of Chen Northern Liang. 江尘告辞,离开了辰北凉的居所。 However at this moment, Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade, has actually defended in out of the door. 然而此时此刻,辰青青与辰璐,却已经是守在了门外。 At that moment, Jiang Chen can feel, Chen Qingqing and on Chen fine jade face that type ice-cold and angry, what are more, is the joy of that reunion, is unable to put things clearly. 那一刻,江尘能够感觉得到,辰青青与辰璐脸上那种冰冷与愤怒,但是更多的是,是那种重逢的喜悦,说不清道不明。 The reason does not have him, is not because threw down their two initially, the one person alone goes to murder the god gorge, now both people glare angrily at each other, are staring at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen also had nothing to say in reply, can only smile bitterly. 原因无他,还不是因为当初丢下了她们两个,孤身前往弑神涧,现在两个人都是怒目相视,盯着江尘,江尘也是无言以对,只能苦笑。 The dangerous matter, he does not want to lead them to go, because they are treasures in the heart, Jiang Chen is not cruel enough looks at anybody to receive the little wound. 危险的事情,他并不想带着她们去,因为她们都是自己心中的宝,江尘不忍心看着任何人受一点点伤。 But he understands, once Chen Qingqing after Chen fine jade knows oneself leave without saying good-bye, will be sad, but despite that also makes them follow oneself injury to be much better. 可是他明白,一旦辰青青跟辰璐知道自己不辞而别之后,会更加伤心的,但是即便如此,也比让他们跟着自己受伤要好得多。 On two woman angry aura, are exactly the same, Jiang Chen knows, today surely does not have the means to be friendly. 两个女人身上的愤怒气息,如出一辙,江尘就知道,今天肯定没办法善了了。 „Does your why person leave?” “你为什么一个人离开?” Why do you leave without saying good-bye?” “你为什么不辞而别?” The Jiang Chen whole face forced smile, how does not know replies, but during the next quarter, Chen fine jade and Chen green were actually the earliest possible time crash in Jiang Chen's to embrace, crying like the child. 江尘满脸苦笑,不知道如何应答,但是下一刻,辰璐与辰青青却是第一时间冲进了江尘的怀抱之中,哭的像个孩子一样。 This, making Jiang Chen helpless, the female will of the people, the seabed needle, he does not know how to comfort these two beloved women, like left without saying good-bye initially, at this time silent wins the sound. 这一幕,让江尘不知所措,女人心,海底针,他不知道去如何安慰这两个心爱的女人,就像当初自己不辞而别一样,此时无声胜有声。 They are better than great antiquity giant beast, dares heaven and earth to struggle high, but actually poured in own bosom only, Jiang Chen has to reconsider, was actually what reason, he they were indeed good for Chen fine jade, was this type, they rather did not want. 她们强如洪荒巨兽,敢于天地争高下,但是却唯独倒在了自己的怀中,江尘不得不反思一下,究竟是什么样的原因,他的确是为了辰璐她们好,可是这种好,她们宁可不要。 In Chen fine jade look, most difficult, she is thinking scolded him ruthlessly, when saw the Jiang Chen old age that moment, at heart, does not know how should say. 辰璐的眼神之中,最为艰难,她本想着狠狠的骂他一顿,可是当自己看到江尘白头的那一刻,心里,却怎么也不知道该如何去说了。 Under recommendation, wild fruit reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,野果阅读追书真的好用,这里下载www.yeguoyuedu.com大家去快可以试试吧。】 She cannot forgive Jiang Chen, cannot forgive itself, if oneself side him, do not know that can also time like this, this departure, the return, had many matter, Chen fine jade is unknown, but many feeling sad, it is estimated that was a Jiang Chen person swallows silently. 她不能原谅江尘,更不能原谅自己,如果自己也在他身边的话,不知道还会不会这样,这一次的离去,归来,其中发生了多少的事情,辰璐不得而知,但是有多少的心酸,估计都是江尘一个人默默的咽下去了。 Sometimes, the man is not insufficiently strong, was only the wife was strong, instead made person heartache. 有的时候,男人并不是不够坚强,只是太太坚强了,反而是更加的令人心疼 Chen fine jade at heart, has recognized Jiang Chen, where no matter he goes, is lives dies, oneself will not hesitate, but is so, she to Jiang Chen even more anxious, the care is chaotic, this time, is she most desperate one time, because left big brother Jiang Chen, she does not know this/should what course to follow. 辰璐的心里,早就认定了江尘,不管他去哪里,是生是死,自己都不会犹豫的,但是越是如此,她就对江尘越发的紧张,关心则乱,这一次,更是她最绝望的一次,因为离开了江尘大哥,她不知道该何去何从。 Chen however, she also oneself heart, had also given Jiang Chen green, only then has experienced the life and death together, they can look is thorough, except for the big brother, Jiang Chen is in this world's most own person, she cannot do without Jiang Chen. 辰青青亦然,她也早就将自己的心,交给了江尘,只有共同经历过生死,他们才能够看的更加透彻,除了大哥,江尘是自己在这个世界上最亲的人,她不能没有江尘 At this time, two women have cried wet oneself front piece, Jiang Chen is the mark silk has not actually moved, they are venting, in feeling the Jiang Chen's pain, even if were strong, they were also the women, before the man, will have oneself delicate that side after all. 这个时候,两个女人已经哭湿了自己的衣襟,江尘却是纹丝未动,她们在发泄,在感受着江尘的痛苦,哪怕再坚强,她们也是女人,在男人面前,终归会有自己柔弱的那一面。 Sorry!” “对不起!” The countless words, Jiang Chen does not know how should go to explain, but explained even again many, was still conceals, his love, will be only getting deeper and deeper. 千言万语,江尘也不知道该去如何解释,但是就算是解释再多,也都是掩饰而已,他的爱,只会越来越深沉。 Sorry, contained Jiang Chen to their loves with guilty, Chen fine jade was green with Chen, has not been continue blame Jiang Chen, he to look for oneself son went, he was worried that their safety, all alone went. 一句对不起,包含了江尘对她们的爱与愧疚,辰璐跟辰青青,也并没有在继续责怪江尘,他是为了寻找自己的儿子而去,他是担心她们的安危,才孤身一人前往。 Therefore, he has no mistake, what is wrong is only their loves, moving. 所以,他没有任何的过错,错的只是他们的爱,令人感动。 From now henceforth, did not want another person to leave, you are not a person.” “从今以后,不要再一个人离开了,你已经不是一个人。” Chen fine jade said in a low voice, bends down above the Jiang Chen's shoulder, the look has become very inflamed. 辰璐低声说道,伏在江尘的肩膀之上,眼神早已经变得十分红肿。 Lulu elder sister said that monarch live the concubine also to live, your dead concubine follows, therefore, later do not throw down us again. Big brother Jiang Chen.” “璐璐姐说了,君生妾亦生,君死妾相随,所以,以后你不要再丢下我们了。江尘大哥。” The Chen green gentle voice said that the hate in heart, has long evaporated, so long as he came back, so long as he is also living, on foot enough, that white-haired, is they most bitter side, is unable to get over an emotion, actually does not dare to ask. 辰青青柔声说道,心中的怨恨,早已经烟消云散,只要他回来了,只要他还活着,就足够了,那满头白发,就是她们心里最苦的一面,无法释怀,却又不敢相问。 Un, cannot.” “恩,再也不会了。” Jiang Chen serious saying, this time, he is no longer dedicated, Feng'er naturally has his own good fortune, oneself absolutely not because again Feng'er receded another region, everyone had own life, present Jiang Chen, must live for oneself, initiate an attack, cleft the waves against the wind, only then oneself became powerful, he can stand in peak, rescues own son. 江尘一脸严肃的说道,这一次,他已经不再执着了,风儿自然有他自己的造化,自己绝对不会再因为风儿远走他乡了,每个人都有属于自己的命,现在的江尘,必须要为自己而活,主动出击,迎风破浪,只有自己变得强大了,他才能够站在巅峰,去营救自己的儿子。 Do not cry, cried crying to spend again, I did not like the painted face cat.” “别哭了,再哭脸都哭花了,我可不喜欢花脸猫。” Jiang Chen curls the lip saying that Chen fine jade and Chen look at each other one green, smiles through tears. 江尘撇撇嘴说道,辰璐与辰青青对视一眼,也都是破涕为笑。 At this time, when two people raised the head came, not far away, together indifferent arrogant form, walked slowly, Jiang Chen's gaze gradually gathered, falls above that chilly form. 这个时候,当两人抬起头来的时候,不远处,一道冷漠孤傲的身影,也是缓缓走来,江尘的目光逐渐汇聚,落在了那个清冷的身影之上。 Chen Ji! Is she!” “辰姬!是她!” A Chen green brow wrinkle, this woman is always serious in speech and manner, in the entire Chen family/home, almost no one can become integrated with her, her talent is to also rank among the best, no one can compare favorably with it radically. 辰青青眉头一皱,这个女人可是从来不苟言笑的,在整个辰家,几乎没有谁能够跟她打成一片,她的天赋也是数一数二的,根本没有人能够与其媲美。 Exactly said, I should call you Jiang Chen.” “确切的说,我应该叫你江尘吧。” Chen Ji visual Jiang Chen, the fighting spirit in look, has not concealed slightly. 辰姬目视着江尘,眼神之中的斗志,也是丝毫不曾掩饰。
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