DMWG :: Volume #54

#5234: Looking at each other elderly

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Before tower pavilion, the misty rain winds around, entire azure-clothed thirteen building, incomparable peace. 楼台阁前,烟雨缭绕,整个青衣十三楼,无比的安静。 A Pei Wanyong face is pale, trembles, the looks at complexion hidden in the shade, is very serious, losing park azure-clothed, he knows, big poster, cherishes hatred to turn over, but at this moment, he does not dare raise one's head to look, because he had felt that being nervous and uneasy constraining, it can be imagined, the present big poster definitely is extremely angry. 裴万勇一脸惨白,瑟瑟发抖,看着面色阴翳,无比严肃,铩羽而归的苑青衣,他知道,就连大楼主,也是饮恨而归,不过此时此刻,他根本不敢抬头去看,因为他已经感觉到了那种如芒在背的压抑,可想而知,现在的大楼主肯定是极为愤怒的。 gā gā gā-- 嘎嘎嘎—— At this time, the white hands of park azure-clothed, tight gripping together, flip-flop made noise, frightens Pei Wanyong almost to kneel down directly. 这个时候,苑青衣的玉手,紧紧的攥在一起,劈啪作响,吓得裴万勇更是差点直接跪倒在地。 In his cognition, but also never sees the oversized poster to have the so angry time. 在他的认知里,还从未看见过大楼主有如此愤怒的时候。 Big poster, Pei ten thousand brave ten thousand dead don't Ci, please the big poster fall the crime.” “大楼主,裴万勇万死莫辞,请大楼主降罪。” Pei Wanyong lowers the head, quickly said, embraces the responsibility on own initiative. 裴万勇低着头,连忙说道,主动揽责。 Humph! you think this, won't I blame you? Waste, how many people died, how many faces gave me the azure-clothed thirteen building to lose, did you have a face?” 哼!你以为这样,我就不会怪罪你了吗?废物一个,死了多少的人,给我青衣十三楼丢了多少的脸面,你还有脸回来?” The park azure-clothed sound such as the cold ice is ordinary, Gempek ten thousand Yong almost suffocates, because park azure-clothed, although has not begun, however her constriction was too is really strong. 青衣声如寒冰一般,让裴万勇几乎窒息,因为苑青衣虽然没有动手,但是她的压迫感实在是太强太强了。 When precisely chooses a person now, I a palm has patted you.” “若不是现在正是用人之际,我早就已经一掌拍死你了。” Park azure-clothed extremely angry looks at Pei Wanyong, for his bastard, but also lost own beloved person. 青衣愤愤的看着裴万勇,为了他这个混蛋,还损失了自己的心爱之人。 Pei Wanyong knows the monstrous crimes, ten thousand dead don't Ci, whatever the big poster punishes.” “裴万勇自知罪恶滔天,万死莫辞,任凭大楼主发落。” In Pei Wanyong heart ridicules, haven't you pursued? Loses, added me, will only speak the sarcastic remark, but he is also unusual shock, why big poster take action, Jiang Chen they can move out personally, the big poster tears up the agreement on own initiative, will be braves to bear the eternity infamy, must massacre them, but has not succeeded finally, the reason, naturally will be for the bystander said insufficient, if at this time he, as long as with talking back, definitely by park azure-clothed repair ruthlessly. 裴万勇心中揶揄,你不也没追到吗?铩羽而归,还说我呢,只会说风凉话,不过他也是非常的震撼,为什么就连大楼主亲自出手,江尘他们都能够全身而退的,大楼主主动撕毁约定,甚至是冒着背上千古骂名,也要将他们杀掉,但最终也没有成功,其中缘由,自然是不足为外人道也,这个时候如果他但凡跟顶嘴一句的话,肯定会被苑青衣狠狠的修理一顿。 Calculated your also a little self-knowledge, Humph! “算你还有点自知之明,哼! Park azure-clothed cold -ly snorted and said, but now the aspect in Chen family/home and Louwai Tower also gets stronger and stronger, at this time what was most important stabilizes the morale of troops, the azure-clothed thirteen building is the mainstay of Louwai Tower, was actually killed their expert by Jiang Chen these miniature person much, particularly now, must step by step carefully be. 青衣冷哼道,不过现在辰家与楼外楼的局面也是愈演愈烈,这个时候最重要的是稳定军心,青衣十三楼是楼外楼的中流砥柱,却被江尘这几个小人把他们的高手杀了不少,尤其是现在,更要步步小心才是。 May I ask the big poster, does not know that we and Chen families/home, can make war?” “敢问大楼主,不知道我们与辰家,会不会开战呢?” Pei Wanyong cautious asking, left the azure-clothed thirteen building this period of time, to murdering the god gorge, puts to death Jiang Chen, cannot with the azure-clothed thirteen building thorough trail connection, how in which situation, he be also not necessarily able to look clearly. 裴万勇小心翼翼的问道,这段时间自己离开了青衣十三楼,去往弑神涧,诛杀江尘,一直都是没能够与青衣十三楼彻底的接轨,其中的局势如何,他也未必就能够看得真切。 Pulls one round, but moves the whole body, now both sides dread mutually, before our Louwai Tower indeed was inferior in Chen family/home, but after experiencing this Chen family/home genius destruction time, the internal disorder and foreign invasion, Chen family/home must certainly reshuffle, at this time, can they defend the landscape, looked our, as for was the outwardly strong but inwardly weak, must begin personally, can see a clue.” “牵一发,而动全身,现在双方都是相互忌惮,之前我们楼外楼的确是逊色于辰家,但是经历了这一次辰家天才的覆灭之后,内忧外患,辰家肯定要重新洗牌了,这个时候,他们能不能守住江山,就看我们的了,至于是不是外强中干,就必须要亲自动手,才能够看出一丝端倪了。” Park azure-clothed is low and deep was saying. 青衣低沉着说道。 Pei ten thousand deeply inspire bravely, according to the big poster said that they currently may face with Chen family/home very much rapidly, when the time comes this war was lives dies, does not say, but Chen family/home and Louwai Tower were above the entire long night star the strongest two big influences, once they began, that was the escape route that there is no, initiative that therefore began at this time in Louwai Tower, but Louwai Tower does not dare to attack rashly, when only then everything is ready, time maturely line. 裴万勇深吸了一口气,按照大楼主所言,他们现在很有可能会跟辰家迅速对垒,到时候这一战是生是死,就不好说了,不过辰家与楼外楼是整个永夜星之上最强大的两大势力,一旦他们动手的话,那就是没有任何的退路可言了,所以这个时候动手的主动权在楼外楼,但是楼外楼又不敢贸然进攻,只有等到万事俱备,时机成熟才行。 First goes back, regroups after a defeat, so many years, the azure-clothed thirteen building, was the time bright sword rises.” “先回去吧,重整旗鼓,这么多年,青衣十三楼,是时候亮剑崛起了。” Park azure-clothed muttered was saying. 青衣喃喃着说道。 ............ ………… Jiang Chen and Chen Chang Qing is in the lead before, the people left domain of azure-clothed thirteen building rapidly, is difficult to guarantee this speech to to talk nonsense to be the same, contradictory park azure-clothed will not go to return, moreover regarding the four big diamond of Chen family/home, does not dare to be lax. 江尘与辰常青领先在前,众人迅速的离开了青衣十三楼的地盘儿,难保这个说话跟放屁一样,出尔反尔的苑青衣不会去而复返,而且对于辰家的四大金刚而言,也是万万不敢松懈的。 Master, this my big brother to you very anxious, after we go back, first sees my big brother.” “师傅,这一次我大哥对你十分的紧张,我们回去之后,先去见见我大哥吧。” Chen Chang Qing seriously said, two brothers are the vanishing past animosities, moreover regarding Chen Chang Qing, he felt that had a deficit too many were too many, this time rescued master Jiang Chen, was he advocates vigorously. 常青郑重的说道,两兄弟已经是冰释前嫌了,而且对于辰常青而言,他感觉亏欠了太多太多,此番营救师傅江尘,也是他极力主张的。 Good!” “好!” Jiang Chen heavily nods. 江尘重重点头。 Now the aspect of Chen family/home? What sound that side Louwai Tower has?” “现在辰家的局面如何了?楼外楼那边有没有什么动静?” Jiang Chen also somewhat cares about aspect of both sides at this time actually, moreover at this time, he had also felt gunpowder taste, if before, the Chen family/home four big diamond move onto the turf in azure-clothed thirteen building, easily will not definitely leave, but now, park azure-clothed also extremely discrete, for fear that Chen family/home has what trick, moreover these received in exchange their two poster Pei ten thousand to be brave time, was a big good fortune, in the azure-clothed thirteen building, the Jiang Chen affirmation has gotten up must kill the list, park azure-clothed will wish one could to be cut to pieces, was perfidious from her, Jiang Chen on can look to come out she. To own dreadful hatred. 江尘此时倒是也有些关心双方的局面,而且这个时候,他也已经感觉到了一丝火药味儿,如果是之前,辰家四大金刚进入青衣十三楼的地盘,肯定不会轻易离开的,但是现在,苑青衣也是极为的谨慎,生怕辰家有什么猫腻,而且这一次换回了他们的二楼主裴万勇,也算是一大幸事,不过在青衣十三楼,江尘肯定已经上了必杀榜了,苑青衣恨不得将自己千刀万剐,从她背信弃义的时候,江尘就能够看出来她对自己的滔天恨意。 Did not say, I looked at big brother’s idea, should be wants to hit, but this time acted, was not he alone manages the general situation, the elder who nine day nine big Patriarch, in addition Chen family/home was not born, at this moment, has been ready to make trouble, Chen family/home ancestors who after all you checked selected clear(ly), lost Chen family/home genius from generation to generation, many people have not been able to believe that completely Chen family/home, the present domestic trouble, compared with difficulty that we imagine.” “不好说,我看大哥的想法,应该是想要打的,但是此番出面,并不是他一个人主持大局,九线天九大族长,再加上辰家不出世的长老,此时此刻,都已经是蠢蠢欲动,毕竟你查出来的辰家先祖择明,损失了一代又一代的辰家天才,很多人都已经完全不敢相信辰家了,现在的内忧,比我们想象的更加艰难。” Chen Chang Qing sighed was saying. 常青叹息着说道。 Jiang Chen has not continued to ask, this matter said that was also appears pale to be incapable, Chen Northern Liang was also not necessarily able effective and influential word, big of Chen family/home, far exceeded his imagination, but if this time confronted with Louwai Tower, Chen family/home interior disintegrated by some chance, resists Louwai Tower, like in a state of disunity will be the same. 江尘没有继续多问,这种事情自己说多了,也是显得苍白无力,就连辰北凉也未必能够一言九鼎,辰家之大,远超他的想象,而此番如果与楼外楼对阵的话,辰家万一内部分崩离析,对抗楼外楼,将如同一盘散沙一样。 When the time comes, even Chen family/home expert are many, should still degenerate into the defeated in Louwai Tower surely. 到时候,即便是辰家高手再多,也必定都会沦为楼外楼的手下败将。 Jiang Chen had not asked that he gets Chen home time, has felt endless solemn killing aura, moreover here expert is numerous, in the Jiang Chen heart sighed, Chen family/home expert, mostly should be the gathering in this. 江尘没有多问,他回到辰家的时候,已经感觉到了无尽的肃杀之气,而且这里的强者众多,江尘心中唏嘘,辰家高手,大多应该已经是汇聚于此了。 Walks, first saw Chen Northern Liang elder.” “走吧,先去见见辰北凉长老吧。” Jiang Chen said low and deep. 江尘低沉说道。 Long Shisan person and the others under the Chen graceful arrangement, rested, finally was safe, he and between Yuan Ling, must talk about old days well, told the lovesickness. 龙十三等人在辰盈盈的安排之下,也是休息了下来,总算是安全了,他与袁玲之间,也要好好叙叙旧,诉说相思的。 Jiang Chen was follows Chen Chang Qing to go to Chen Northern Liang residence directly. 江尘则是跟着辰常青直接去了辰北凉居所。 Big brother, my master came back.” “大哥,我师傅回来了。” Chen Chang Qing in low and deep say/way. 常青在门外低沉道。 Comes.” “进来吧。” Chen Northern Liang said, Jiang Chen pushes the door to enter, but at this moment, Chen Northern Liang actually before oneself sees, widely divergent, because he actually thin and pale many, seeming like also older. 辰北凉说道,江尘推门而入,不过此时此刻,辰北凉却是与自己之前看到的时候,大相径庭,因为他倒是憔悴了不少,看起来也更加的苍老了。 However at this time do not say Jiang Chen, was Chen Northern Liang was also shocked, a looks at Jiang Chen white hair, two people smiled, performed obviously bitterly and astringently. 不过这时候不要说江尘了,就是辰北凉也愣住了,看着江尘一头白发,两个人相视一笑,尽显苦涩。 Under recommendation, wild fruit reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,野果阅读追书真的好用,这里下载www.yeguoyuedu.com大家去快可以试试吧。】
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