Theseeightbigexpert, each oneareassuming sole responsibility for an important taskexpertextremely, the black hawk on, the blackking below, the coiled dragonholds up the day, almostGempekten thousandbravemaydraw backroadless, can only fightwithitforcefully, butfinallyimpedesstep by step, puts in the position of a narrow escapehimcompletely.
这八大高手,个个都是独当一面的绝顶强者,黑鹰在上,黑王在下,蟠龙擎天,几乎让裴万勇无路可退,只能强行与之战斗,而结果就是步步掣肘,完全将他置于九死一生的境地。Thesefellows, allare the Jiang Chenhand/subordinatebrave warriors, by an enemyhundred, gatherstogethernow, thatand otherexplosivestrengths, it can be imagined.
这些家伙,无一不是江尘手下悍将,以一敌百,如今汇聚在一起,那等爆炸性的力量,可想而知。PeiWanyongclenches the teeth, hehas not expectedcompletely, perhaps the Jiang ChenalsosuchMonster Beastsquad, 34 can also deal with12, howeverso manypeerlessferocious beast, he can only candidly admit defeat, moreoverwantsto escape, isintegratesascends to heaven.
裴万勇咬紧牙关,他完全没有料到,江尘还有一支这样的妖兽小队,三四个自己或许还能应付一二,但是这么多的绝世凶兽,他只能甘拜下风,而且想要逃脱,也是纳入登天。Althoughin the heartis extremely unwilling, butwas so played jokes upon, is an unusualheadachematter.
虽然心中极度不甘,但是如此被戏耍,也是非常头疼的一件事。In front oflife and death, there is nohesitant, Peiten thousandsomewhatunderstandsouthbravelyat heartfinallySouthern Mountaintheirdifficulties, thisJiang Chen, wasplays the role of the pigto eat the tiger the fellow, seemed likesoordinary, buthassodeeptrump card, evenhe was also bigsuch asfights.
生死面前,没有任何的犹豫可言,裴万勇心里终于有些明白南山南他们的苦衷了,这个江尘,就是个扮猪吃老虎的家伙,看似如此平凡,但是却有着如此深厚的底牌,连他也是头大如斗。Killedazure-clothedthirteenbuildingso manyexpert, goes into actionincludingoneselfpersonally, feared that must cherish hatredat the scene, PeiWanyongdoes not wantto killJiang Chennow, heaimedleavesas soon as possible, escapes the birthday.
杀了青衣十三楼这么多的高手,连自己亲自出马,怕是也要饮恨当场,现在裴万勇已经不想杀江尘了,他指向尽快离开,逃出生天。Sixblack hawksblockedhistop of the head, makinghimnot probablybe cautiousalways, the claw of emerging one after another incessantlystrikes, inPeiWanyongheartcomplained constantly.
六只黑鹰封锁了他的头顶,让他无时无刻不得小心翼翼,层出不穷的爪击,裴万勇心中叫苦不迭。„Hateful! Jiang Chen, the fatherand you do not diecontinuous.”
“可恶!江尘,老子与你不死不休。”PeiWanyongis roaring, in the heartis strugglingunceasingly, no oneknowshimat this moment, hashowdifficultly, hereallyregrets the written pledge to fulfill a military order that nowoneselfissuedinitially, did oneselfannoy such a to mixworldDemon King?
裴万勇怒吼着,心中不断挣扎着,没有人知道他此时此刻,有多么的艰难,他现在真后悔自己当初立下的军令状了,自己怎么偏偏惹上了这么一个混世魔王呢?Beforehad not heard, thisfellow was so unexpectedly thorny, but alsohas the soclose relationshipwithChenfamily member, being truewaswrapped in a shroud of obscurity.
以前也从来没听说过,这家伙竟然如此棘手,还跟辰家人有着如此密切的关系,属实是神秘莫测。„Youfirstattend toyourself, but, yoursubordinates, evidently are also unable to withstand a single blow, hadwordsto saywell, soldierflamingone, the flamingnest, it seems likeyouwill beonecrowd of good-for-nothingspherical objects, Haha.”
The Jiang Chenchucklewas saying,socalm, clouds the poor business conditionsto be light, PeiWanyongmorewas the air/Qiwhole bodytrembles, in the handpurple goldlong spear, was brandishedto belch smokebyhimquickly, but still could not block the attack of blackkingand the others, the pain of heart, can be seen in speech and appearance, lookedguest officialstaff who againownthesedid not make every effort to succeed, usuallyboasts, thatwasonematchone, nowturnsinstigated the package, made into the grandson, fled like a scared rat.江尘轻笑着说道,越是如此的从容,云淡风轻,裴万勇越是气的浑身哆嗦,手中紫金长枪,都快被他抡冒烟了,但是仍旧挡不住黑王等人的攻击,心头之苦,溢于言表,再看自己这些不争气的客卿幕僚,平日里吹起牛来,那是一个赛一个,现在都变成了怂包,被打成了孙子,一个个都是抱头鼠窜。
The biggestreasonis, Long Shisan was really fierce, allstrengths, as ifburst outinthis moment, hisanger, makingtheseperson of scalp tingles, Louwai Towerinjurehim is too deep, therefore can only theseangers, falling in torrentsis bravetheirbodiesinPeiten thousand.
最大的原因是,龙十三实在是太猛了,所有的力量,似乎都在这一刻迸发出来,他的怒火,让这些人头皮发麻,楼外楼伤他太深了,所以只能把这些愤怒,倾泻在裴万勇他们的身上。Although the Jiang Chen'swordswere full of the satire, butPeiten thousand can only clench teethto insistbravely,is looking for the opportunityunceasingly, wantsto break throughto go.
虽然江尘的话充满了讽刺,可是裴万勇还是只能咬牙坚持,不断寻找着机会,想要突围而去。„Does not wantset free anyone, kills! Does not have! Amnesty!”
“不要放走任何一个人,杀!无!赦!”Jiang Chensoundice-cold, just like the Nine Heavenssinging in praise of the Buddha, lets the person in eachazure-clothedthirteenbuilding, issuch as the fallingice cave, Long Shisanentireis a killing machine, finishes a job the foot, common, PeiWanyongknowsgame is as good as lost, in the heartiscompletely discouraged.江尘声音冰冷,如同九天梵音一样,让每一个青衣十三楼的人,都是如坠冰窟,龙十三整个就是一个杀人机器,断手断脚,屡见不鲜,裴万勇自知大势已去,心中更是万念俱灰。„Ifoughtyou!”
“我跟你拼了!”PeiWanyongclenches jaws, the whole bodytrembles, the lookwas blazing, filledrenouncing.
裴万勇咬牙切齿,浑身颤栗,眼神炽烈,充满了决绝。Nebulalevelfiveheavypeakexpert, hasowndignity, moreoverPeiWanyongis the high-ranking, hehas never thought that oneselfwill foldin the hand of Jiang Chenand the others.
一个星云级五重巅峰的强者,还是有着自己的尊严,而且裴万勇身居高位,他从未想过,自己会折在江尘等人的手中。„Youdid not havethisqualifications. To movemymaster, thatkneelsto suffer to death.”
“你还没这个资格。想动我主人,那就跪下来受死吧。”Blackkinglong spearpunctures, pesterstogetherwithPeiWanyong, althoughhe aloneis notPeiWanyongopponent, but the goodtiger unable to supportoneflock of wolves, the Seven Starscoiled dragonwithsixblack hawks, gavehimto attackuntil death.
黑王长枪刺出,与裴万勇纠缠在一起,虽然他一个人不是裴万勇的对手,但是好虎架不住一群狼,七星蟠龙与六只黑鹰,都是给了他至死的冲击。Bang! Bang! Bang!
The spear/guncrashesvastunceasingly, the Peiten thousandbraveinjury, is getting more and more serious, was stressedscarsby the black hawk, fillingdespairedandangry.
枪茫不断坠落,裴万勇身上的伤势,越来越重,被黑鹰抓出了一道道的伤痕,充满了绝望与愤怒。Heillustrious name, neversuchdistressed, the glory of azure-clothedthirteenbuilding, was lostbyhimcompletely.
他一世英名,还从来没有这么狼狈过,青衣十三楼的荣耀,被他丢失殆尽。Strengthtooterrifying of black hawk, led the warcompletely, the blackkingis also calmer, the Seven Starscoiled dragonis twiningvoid, wyvernin the day, dragon roaris intermittent, Gempekten thousandbravefell into the deathhopeless situationthoroughly, the whole bodyinjury, even moreYan Jun (severe)gets up.
黑鹰的实力太恐怖了,完全主导了战局,黑王也更加从容,七星蟠龙缠绕着虚空,飞龙在天,龙吟阵阵,让裴万勇彻底陷入了死亡绝境之中,浑身伤势,越发严峻起来。Subordinates, pourin the pool of blood, untillast, pouredinhisgaze, PeiWanyongfelt acutely disappointeddirectly, the whole facedespaired, owndeath, alreadybyJiang Chenpinchingfirmlyinhand.
A bloodspews outfrom the throat, knees down, in the Peiten thousandbravelookfilledpanic-strickenwithdreading.
“吃我一棒!”Long Shisanhas massacredhislastsubordinateat this time, flies high a stick, the potentialmustmassacrePeiWanyong, butat this time, PeiWanyong was also the eyebrowselected, whole-heartedly, heldlong spear, shoulderedthisoffensive, washisunder foot, deeplyhas fallen intounderground, the kneesknelt, showed the desperatefacial expressionthoroughly.龙十三此时已经杀掉了他最后一个手下,凌空一棒,势要杀掉裴万勇,不过这个时候,裴万勇也是眉毛一挑,全力以赴,抓住了长枪,扛下了这一记攻势,可是他的脚下,已经深深陷入地下,双膝跪地,彻底露出了绝望的神情。„Do not killme, does not want......”
The Peiten thousandbravewhole faceis terrified, saying of trembling.
裴万勇满脸惶恐,瑟瑟发抖的说道。„Iknow that has a personalsoto live, are youLong Shisan?”
“我知道有个人还活着,你是不是龙十三?”PeiWanyongtrembleswas saying.
裴万勇哆嗦着说道。Long Shisanstares, the whole bodyshakes.龙十三一愣,浑身一震。„Yousaid that what...... youdid say?”
“你说……你说什么?”„Ifyouare looking forYuanLing, sheis also living, the shapesuch as the fiercemonkey, the goodcauses the club, killsbecomes second natureoppressively, ifIhave not guessed that wrong, youshouldbeLong Shisan. Ifyoukilledme, whichYuanLing, youdo not wantto knowforever.”
“如果你在寻找袁玲的话,她还活着,形如烈猴,善使棍棒,杀虐成性,如果我没猜错的话,你应该就是龙十三了。你如果杀了我,袁玲在哪,你就永远也别想知道了。”PeiWanyongoutwardly fierce but inwardly faint-heartedsaying, at this moment, Long Shisansuch aswas struck by lightning, inlookincomparableterrifiedandanxiety.
裴万勇色厉内荏的说道,这一刻,龙十三如遭雷击,眼神之中无比的惶恐与紧张。Yuan is Ling...... also living?
袁玲……还活着?Long Shisandoes not dareto imaginecompletely, PeiWanyongsaidreal? IncessantlyisLong Shisan, Jiang Chenandsolemnwhiteand the others, verysurprised, thiswill not bePeiWanyongtomaintain a livelihoodto fabricate?龙十三完全不敢想象,裴万勇说的都是真的?不止是龙十三,江尘与穆一白等人,也都是十分的惊讶,这不会是裴万勇为了活命杜撰出来的吧?At this moment, Long Shisandeep in one's heart, experienced the single layer the tumbling of single layer, hethinks that a stickkilledPeiWanyong, but, ifYuanLingzhenis also living, oneselfmissed.
A Jiang Chenbrowwrinkle, the complexionis gloomy, seems like, Long Shisanat this moment, somewhatfeels helplesscompletely, words that butPeiWanyongspoke, not necessarilynotreal, the personwill die, the words that hespoke, have definitely retained, talked irresponsibly, shouldbe insufficient.江尘眉头一皱,脸色阴沉,看上去,此刻的龙十三,完全已经有些不知所措了,不过裴万勇说的话,未必就不是真的,人之将死,他说的话,肯定是有所保留的,信口开河,应该不至于。„Perhaps, whathesaidisreal, keeps his life, pours. Firstlistened tohim saying that lookedsaidagain.”
“或许,他说的是真的,留他一命,倒也可以。先听他说说看再说。”Jiang Chenpatted the shoulder of Long Shisan, at this time, hisheartgraduallystabilized.江尘拍了拍龙十三的肩膀,这个时候,他的心才逐渐稳定下来。„Ling, where? Said, ifthere ishalf a wordlie, Iwantyouto divide the musclewrongbone, always can not be reincarnated!”
“玲儿,到底在哪里?说,如果有半句谎言,我要你分筋错骨,永世不得超生!”LongstickRufeng (such as wind), points toPeiWanyongeyes, frightens the Peiten thousandbravewhole bodyto tremble, amongimmediatelykneelson the ground, quickly said:
长棍如风,直指裴万勇的眼睛,吓得裴万勇浑身一颤,顿时间跪在地上,连忙说道:„So long asyoucompliedto putme, Ispoke certainly out frankly!”
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