„The Jiang Chensenior, you do not useanypsychological burden, youmakemego, sinceIentermurdersincethat moment of godgorge, Ihad disregarded the life and death, myat heart, only thenreadthinks that found the windelder brother, even ifwere the fronthasmanydangers, manypain, Iwill not knit the brows.”
“江尘前辈,你不用有任何的心理负担,你就让我去吧,从我进入弑神涧的那一刻起,我就已经将生死置之度外了,我的心里,只有一个念想,那就是找到风哥,哪怕是前方有再多的危险,再多的痛苦,我也不会皱眉的。”Chengracefulsteadfastsaying, is full of the affection, ineyes, bringsto wipe the color of hope, becauseshefeared that the Jiang Chenseniorwill throw offher, does not allowherto enterin the threadtemple.
辰盈盈坚定不移的说道,饱含深情,双眼之中,带着一抹祈求之色,因为她怕江尘前辈会甩掉她,不让她进入螺纹神殿之中。„Initially the windelder brotherandmyaffectionwere congenial, buthas not actually thought that will presentsuchmatter, person who the windelder brotherwasonehas had the responsibilityto have the acting, Iwill also never blamehim, complained abouthim, no matterat any time, Iam willinginhisbehind, to supporthimsilently, met a cruel deatheven if, even ifconsigned to eternal damnation.”
“当初风哥与我情意相投,但是却没想到会出现这样的事情,风哥一直都是一个有责任有担当的人,我也从来不会责怪他,埋怨他,不管任何时候,我都愿意在他的身后,默默的支持他,哪怕粉身碎骨,哪怕万劫不复。”InChen'sgracefuleye socket, bringsto wipe the color of radiance, makingJiang Chennot know that suddenlyshould should do.
The Chengracefulthismiss, the sentimentprofound meaningis heavy, regardingFeng'er, does not havelax of least bit, fromenteringmurders the godgorgeto start, Jiang Chenknows,shehas been waiting for the opportunitysilently, in the lookthatis wiping the bravefearlessappearance, indeedmadeoneadmire.
辰盈盈这姑娘,情深意重,对于风儿,也是没有半点儿的松懈,从进入弑神涧开始,江尘就知道,她一直都在默默的等待着机会,眼神之中那一抹勇敢无畏的神采,的确令人佩服。Butoneselfare not willingtheseto followoneselfto move toward the destructiontogether, thisno small matter, more is close to the truth, Jiang Chenmoredoes not dareto treat it lightly, thereforehedoes not wantto bringLong Shisan.
可是自己也不愿意让这些人跟着自己一同走向毁灭,这一次非同小可,越是接近真相,江尘越是不敢掉以轻心,所以他连龙十三都不想带。At least, hasLong Shisaninwords, he can also makehimleadthesepeopleto walk, iftheyalldiehere, was annihilated.
至少,有龙十三在的话,他还可以让他带着这些人走出去,而如果他们全都死在这里的话,就是全军覆没了。Such, Jiang Chen'scanat heartremorse.
那样,江尘的心里会更加的自责。„Big Brother Jiang, youareknow that Iwith Brother Shisan, am not the generation of coveting life and fearing death, althoughIhave not seen the breeze, butIknow that heinyouin the positionwith Brother Shisanheart, Brother Shisanin the dream will also often call the Feng'ername, althoughhedid not say, butheworriescompared withanyone, thisbignephewinhim, possiblyis more important than the son, becauseheisyourone's favorite. YouindeedmostloveFeng'er, butyoucannoteliminate his Second Uncleregarding the worry and love of Feng'er.”
“江大哥,你是知道的,我跟十三哥,都不是贪生怕死之辈,虽然我没见过小风,但是我知道他在你跟十三哥心中的地位,十三哥时常梦中也会叫出风儿的名字,他虽然不说,但是他心里比谁都着急,这个大侄子在他心里,可能比儿子更重要,因为他是你的心头肉。你的确是最爱风儿的,但是你也不能剥夺他这个二叔对于风儿的担心与爱。”Solemnwhite/in vainsayingevery single word or phrase, at this time, Jiang Chen'sheart, touchedslightly, heknows,oneselfindeed is to giveeveryoneto keep a way out, buthas not actually stayed behindtooneselfonly, thereforehas not consideredeveryone'sfeeling.
穆一白一字一句的说道,这时候,江尘的心,也是微微触动了,他知道,自己的确是想要给所有人留一条生路,但是却唯独没给自己留下,所以也没有考虑到所有人的感受。„Gentlemanfor the death of friend, Jiang Chensenior, no matteryou, areriverwind, is the lights pointing the way on myliferoad, Iandriverwind, a weaponryhave not hit.”
“士为知己之死,江尘前辈,不管是你,还是江风,都是我人生路上的指路明灯,我与江风,还有一场仗没有打。”Chencliffsaidwith a smile, the generouscolor, is eased, uncorrupt, facing the life and death, has lookedpale.
辰断崖笑着说道,慷慨之色,一身轻松,两袖清风,面对生死,早已看淡。Jiang Chennods, lookstoLong Shisan, hislook, isthatrigid.江尘点点头,看向龙十三,他的眼神,一直都是那么执着。„Good! Goestogether!”
“好!一起去!”InJiang Chenheartincomparablegratified, to him, thiscrisis, even the death, were still worth.江尘心中无比的欣慰,对于他来说,这场危机,即使是死,也值得了。Feng'er, the father, camelate!风儿,父亲,来晚了!Jiang Chenwith long hurried strides, before charging into the threadtemple, opens the templefront door.江尘大步流星,冲向螺纹神殿之前,推开神殿大门。At that moment, in the temple, presentedthreemountains, tallYuebai, the middleis biggest, the both sidesnext best, hundredmetersmountain, is the pink, being similarwas ordinaryin the personflesh, was full ofstriptraces.
The surroundingsare empty, thatthreemountains, seem still beatingunceasingly, probablyis unexpectedly vividgeneral.
周围空无一物,那三座大山,似乎还在不断的跳动着,竟然像是有血有肉一般。„Ialso the first time amenteredthisthreadtemple, is thisthree mountains, actuallywhatorigin?”
“我也是第一次进入这螺纹神殿,这三座山,究竟是什么来历?”StandsinJiang Chen'sbehindgreatlyblack, filledinconceivablegaze.
大黑站在江尘的身后,也是充满了不可思议的目光。Howeverat this moment, onlyhasJiang Chen, sawunder the biggestthatmountain, is turning away fromhishempen garmentsyoungster.
不过这一刻,唯有江尘,一眼就看到了在最大的那座大山之下,一个背对着他的麻衣少年。„Wind...... Feng'er......”
“风……风儿……”At that moment, the millenniumswait, as ifhad the echo, Jiang Chenat once, actuallyshouteddid not make noise.
那一刻,千年等待,似乎都有了回响,江尘一时之间,竟然喊不出声。„Big brother! Big brother! IsFeng'er!”
“大哥!大哥!是风儿!”Long Shisanis excited, in the lookfloodsis being excitedandinspired, charactercharacterthousandhonored.龙十三激动无比,眼神之中充斥着激动与振奋,字字千钧。Heleaving of Feng'er, has regardedoneselfresponsibility, is not willingto forgive itself, thereforefeeling sorry of Long Shisan, isverymany, in recent years, hehas been seekingFeng'erpainstakingly, the momentcould not findriverwind, hefeltoneselfdo not do right by the big brother.
他一直都把风儿的出走,当成自己的责任,一直不肯原谅自己,所以龙十三的歉疚,也是非常多的,这些年来,他一直都在苦寻风儿,一刻找不到江风,他就觉得自己对不住大哥。Although the big brotherhas never blamedhim, butLong Shisandeep in one's heart, has thoughtis unfair to the big brother.
“恩。”Jiang Chenheavilynods, at this moment, silentwins the sound, merelyis only a back, Jiang ChenwithLong Shisan, solidlyhad lockedriverwind, moreoverrecognizedit.江尘重重点头,此刻,无声胜有声,仅仅只是一个背影,江尘跟龙十三,就已经牢牢的锁定了江风,而且将其认了出来。„Windelder brother!”
“风哥!”Chengracefulcorner of the mouthalsotwisted the mouth sidewise, in the eye socket, weeps copiously.
辰盈盈嘴角也是咧开了,眼眶之中,泪如雨下。Shewaited tillthis momentfinally, Elder Brotherriverwind, heis also living.
她总算等到了这一刻,江风哥哥,他还活着。Because, Chenfeltgracefullythatan unending streamlife-force that onwindElder Brothertransmitted.
因为,辰盈盈感觉到了风哥身上传来的那种源源不断的生机。At this timefeatherHeaven's Fatealsorelaxed, riverFengruodied, thenhe must diewithout doubt.
这时候羽天机也是松了一口气,江风若死,那么他也必死无疑。Manyyears, walkedmanyyears, tastedmanydistresses, Jiang Chendid not care, so long asat this moment, hefoundFeng'er, thenoneselfcanwithQingcheng (beautiful woman), Ningzhutheyconfess, oneselfhome, was complete.
多少年了,走了多少岁月,尝了多少苦楚,江尘都不在乎,只要这一刻,他找到了风儿,那么自己就可以跟倾城,凝竹她们有所交代了,自己这个家,也就完整了。Walks, Jiang Chenmanytimeis looking back on the past years, if notcompelstootightly, ifoneselfcancare aboutoneselfson, rather than is also busy withcultivation, explores the destiny, perhapsFeng'erwill not enter the eternalworld, but, to him, is not a unimaginablechance.
一路走来,江尘多少次都在回首当年,如果不是自己逼得太紧,如果自己能多关心一下自己的儿子,而不是还忙于修行,探索天命,或许风儿就不会进入永恒世界的,但是,对于他来说,也是一场无法想像的机缘。Big of eternalworld, regardingJiang Chen, cannot see the boundaryfrom afar, oneselfare unable to search, the Feng'erform, underwent the heavilytribulation, hefinallysawFeng'er.
永恒世界之大,对于江尘而言,远远就看不到边际,自己也根本无法寻觅,风儿的身影,经历了重重磨难,他终于见到了风儿。Manydays and nights, heoncemetin the dreamandFeng'er, buteachtime, inthat moment of meeting, woke upfrom the dream, hedid not knowthistime, how longbut alsowanted, the Feng'erlife and death, has reverberatedinhismind, buthe believes that never forgot, musthave the echo.
多少个日日夜夜,他都曾在梦中与风儿相见,但是每一次,都是在相见的那一刻,从梦中醒来,他不知道这种时间,还要多久,风儿的生死,一直都是在他脑海中回荡,但是他坚信,念念不忘,必有回响。Finally, hefound, hesaw, the scene in oneselfdream, at this moment, reappearsfinally!
终于,他找到了,他看到了,自己梦中的情景,终于在此刻,重现!„Hahaha, so manyyears, Big brother, wehave not plowed the airfinally, Feng'erfinallyfound, Hahaha!”
“哈哈哈,这么多年,大哥,我们终于没有白费力气,风儿终于找到了,哇哈哈哈!”Excitement of Long Shisan, compared withJiang Chen, intense, hislook, has been staring atriverwind, as iffor fear thatheran was the same.龙十三的激动,比起江尘,更加的激烈,他的眼神,一直盯着江风,似乎生怕他跑了一样。Thatback, had not actually turned around.
那道背影,却是一直没有转过来。„Feng'er, Feng'er!”
“风儿,风儿!”Jiang Chengazecloselyis staring atthathempen garmentsform, but, hissummon, has not madethatyoungsterturn around.江尘目光紧紧的凝视着那道麻衣身影,不过,他的呼唤,却并没有让那少年转过身来。
The Jiang Chenbrowtightwrinkle, in the heartcannot help butwere for manyseveralpointsto worry.江尘眉头紧皱,心中不由得多了几分担忧。„Feng'er!”
“风儿!”Jiang Chenapproachesrapidly, the flying, directly soarsthatyoungsterto go.江尘迅速逼近,飞身而起,直奔那少年而去。However, in the Jiang Chen'spalm, falls , on thathempen garmentsyoungster, the youngsteractuallyturns aroundslowly, charmings eyes beaming with smiles, bringsto wipe the color of gentle and reserved, is staring atJiang Chen.
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