„Injuresmy brother, the boy, youwill die a tragic death!”
“伤我兄弟,小子,你会死得很惨!”Threeblack hawklockingJiang Chenfirmly, the anger in theirlook, suitableterrifying, regardinganybody, thiswar, cannot be underestimated.
三只黑鹰牢牢的锁定江尘,他们眼神之中的怒火,相当的恐怖,对于任何人来说,这一战,都不容小觑。„Onecrowd of evil creature, do not giveyou a colorto take a look, reallythinks that the fatherdoes not have the temperament.”
“一群孽畜,不给你们一点颜色瞧瞧,真以为老子没脾气呢。”Jiang Chencomplexiongloomy and cold, incomparableindifference, tightis gripping the fist, but also is left overthreeblack hawks, both sidesfightinjuryYan Jun (severe), battle strength of threeblack hawks, as ifalsostillhad the leeway, confrontswithJiang Chen's, makes a great show of one's talents, threepeoplebecome the potential of attacking from a pincer-like position, solidlylocksJiang Chen.江尘脸色阴冷,无比的冷漠,紧紧的攥着拳头,还剩下三只黑鹰,双方都已经是斗得伤势严峻,三只黑鹰的战力,似乎还尚有余地,与江尘的对峙,也是锋芒毕露,三人成掎角之势,将江尘牢牢锁定。„petty and lowrace, godshere, howappearance/allowthouand othershurriedly!”
“卑微的种族,神明在此,岂容尔等造次!”Black hawkaloof and remote, gloomy and cold of face, the soaringhead, raisesto the sky, just like the godsloweyebrow, overlooksall living things.
黑鹰高高在上,一脸的阴冷,高昂的头颅,扬向天空之上,宛如神明低眉,俯瞰众生。„Gods? You, with? Hahaha!”
“神明?就你们,也配?哈哈哈!”Jiang Chensneerswas saying.江尘冷笑着说道。„Today, youmustdie!”
“今天,你们都得死!”Jiang Chenstandsproudly, the horizontalblade, the Heavenly Dragon Swordverticalswordrecklessly, battle strengthis immediately astonishing, draws a swordto look in all directions.江尘傲然而立,横刀立马,天龙剑纵剑肆意,战力惊人,拔剑四顾。„Youforyourextremely arrogantbeing proud, will certainly pay the price.”
“你们一定会为自己的狂妄自负,付出代价的。”Threeblack hawklookssinister and ruthlessis staring atJiang Chen, flutters, such asrainbowshadowlight barrieris ordinary, easily accomplished, black featherRufeng (such as wind), delimitsto make a debutto sayafterimage.
三只黑鹰眼神阴毒的盯着江尘,振翅而起,如虹影光幕一般,摧枯拉朽,黑羽如风,划出道道残影。Jiang Chenrushes toNine Heavensagain, Sword of No Realm, is still continuingas before,江尘再度冲上九天,无境之剑,依旧还在继续,
The sword36true meaningslie in the personfeel emotion, the swordis brutal, the sword that displays, brutallyremainsto feel emotion, can therefore suchdomineering, the Jiang Chen'ssword, be in the peerlessunparalleledsituation, Sword of No Realm, eachevolution, is inconceivable, changesheaven and earth, changes the myriad things, changesownheart.
剑三十六的真谛在于人有情,剑无情,施展出来的剑,无情剩有情,所以才能够如此的强势,江尘的剑,已经到了绝世无双的地步,无境之剑,每一次进化,都是难以想象的,改变天地,改变万物,改变自己的心。„Sword of No Realmend, isanything......”
“无境之剑的尽头,又是什么呢……”Jiang Chentakes undivided attention, the verticalsword, the verticalswordlives, the swordshadowstep by step, attacksunceasingly, exceededanySword TechniqueandSword Realmcompletely, wantsto change the trueswordpotential, muststartfrom the heart, fromstartsnewly!江尘心无旁骛,纵剑而起,纵剑而生,一步步的剑影,不断冲击而出,完全超越了任何的剑法与剑境,想要改变真正的剑势,就要从心开始,从新开始!
The sword36, are the Jiang Chenpresentlimits, hewantsto change, difficultsuch asto ascend to heaven, because of this, the swordpotentialchanges, ishebiggesttaking advantage.
The impulse of threeblack hawks, the following, powerfulstrength, tears to pieces the expansive sky, above the Jiang Chenboth arms, has beenshakestingles with numbness, fingers/tiger mouthto split open, Sword of No Realm, althoughis strong, butalsohasend, facingthesethreeblack hawks, Jiang Chenalso can only defend stubbornly the surrounding area, is difficult the technique of great power.
三只黑鹰的冲击力,接踵而至,强大的力量,撕破长空,江尘双臂之上,早就已经是震得发麻,虎口开裂,无境之剑虽然强,但是也有尽头,面对这三只黑鹰,江尘也是只能固守方圆,难有回天之术。„Yoursword, that is all, it seems like, wemustmovekill the heart.”
The offensive of black hawk, does not reduceas before, filledkilling intenteverywhere, the Whirlwindpack, the blackwing, curls updisturbancelayer upon layer, looking like the tideis ordinary, watertight that Jiang Chenbets.
黑鹰的攻势,依旧不减,处处充满了杀机,旋风叠起,黑色的羽翼,卷起层层的风波,就像是浪潮一般,将江尘赌的水泄不通。Eachblack hawk, under the painassassin, blocks the Jiang Chen'swaycompletely, whateverSword of No Realmexcessively is swift and violent, cannot resistthesethreeblack hawks the potentials of converging attack.
每一只黑鹰,都痛下杀手,将江尘的去路完全封死,任凭无境之剑再过迅猛,还是抵御不住这三只黑鹰的夹击之势。„Nowspeaksthissaying, but alsolastsstill early.”
“现在说这话,还为时尚早。”Jiang Chensneers, onlydraws backdoes not fight, because ofhim, waited foronebyownSword of No Realm, has the opportunity of promotion.江尘冷笑不已,只退不战,因为他在等,等一个让自己的无境之剑,有提升的机会。Sword of No Realm, enterswithout limits, only thenhisswordcancomprehend, truth that foreverhas not halted.无境之剑,进无止境,只有他的剑能够有所领悟,永远都没有止步的道理。
The potential of heavilywingblade edge, sweeps acrossVault of Heaven, the Jiang Chen'ssword36, isthis solitary onewoodendifficult.重重羽翼刀锋之势,席卷苍穹,江尘的剑三十六,已经是孤木难支。
Of „a wayswords, freshandfearless, Sword of No Realm, reveals the inactivity.”
“剑之一途,生而无畏,无境之剑,方显无为。”Jiang Chenmutteredwas saying, the sword in hand, inthis moment, was seems touchesgeneral, sword qiinflatedunceasingly, the swordpotentialfluctuatedunceasingly, Sword of No Realmwas ever changing, the sworddid not have the format, the personwas unformed, the swordmovedas one desires, the heartgot upalong with the sword.江尘喃喃着说道,手中的剑,在这一刻,也是似有触动一般,剑气不断膨胀,剑势不断变幻,无境之剑千变万化,剑无定式,人无定型,剑随心动,心随剑起。Fightsdauntlessly, the inactivitymoves, Sword of No Realm, the inactivityshakesdauntlessly!
无畏而战,无为而动,无境之剑,无为撼无畏!„Swordis dauntless, but the personinactivity, does not haveto asknot to wantnot to have the instituteextremely, canletSword of No Realm, obviouslypowerful, realm of sword, does not haveendforever. The fearlessswordshakes the inactivity of heaven and earth.”
“剑无畏,而人无为,无所求无所欲无所极,才能够让无境之剑,更显强大,剑之境界,永远没有尽头。无畏之剑撼天地之无为。”Jiang Chentakes undivided attention, the heartmovesalong with the sword, eyes closedwith rapt attention, deva-eyeunparalleled, evadedthreeblack hawkalloffensivewith ease, thatelegantsilkslipperyfeeling, Jiang Chenhave not even thoughtcompletely.江尘心无旁骛,心随剑动,闭目凝神,天眼无双,轻松躲过了三只黑鹰所有的攻势,那种飘逸丝滑的感觉,连江尘自己都是完全没有想到。
The inactivityshakesdauntlessly, thisis the sword37true meanings!
无为撼无畏,这就是剑三十七的真谛!Sword of No Realm, hasbreakthroughagain, Jiang Chenretreatingconstantly, obtained the comprehension and sublimationinSword of No Realm.无境之剑,再有突破,江尘一味的退却,在无境之剑中得到了领悟与升华。„Sword37!”
The Jiang Chenangry glare, murderous auravertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the fearlesssword, is with rapt attention commonjust likeshuttleSpace-Time, makingheaven and earthchange, making the myriad thingsquiet.江尘怒目凝神,杀气纵横,无畏之剑,宛如穿梭时空一般,令天地变化,令万物沉寂。Swordshades, achievedtrulydauntlessly, the swordrefers, extinguishes the daycertainly.
一道道剑影,真正的达到了无畏,剑之所指,灭天绝地。Sword37fighting intentare quite resounding, fightsdauntlessly, governs by non-interference, above the swordpotential, there is a hugepromotion, achievedsupremerealm, sword37Domain, completelychangedSword of No Realm.
“杀——”Jiang Chenkilling intentlike the rainbow, passes through the expansive sky, threeswordsair-splitting, before holding a swordto/clashes, onlyusedthreeswords, the wings of threeblack hawks, performsallcuts off.江尘杀意如虹,贯穿长空,三剑破空,仗剑前冲,只用了三剑,将三只黑鹰的羽翼,尽皆斩断。
The wingwas cut, threepeoplealmostlost the battle efficiency, the swordpotential of point, pressesthemnot to gasp for breath, isthatirresistiblefeeling, isthattypedeeplyis fettered, is difficult the feeling of turnaround power.
During threeblack hawksfell intothoroughlywere flustered, threeswordsbroketheir thought that freshblood dripflowinged, billowing, droppedin the place, byJiang Chen'ssword qi, was compelledto fall into the life and deathdirectly.
A person of sword, the white clothingis floating, whenJiang Chenfallsonthreeblack hawkfrontthat moment, intheirlooks, is only left overto fearanddespair.
一人一剑,白衣飘飘,当江尘落在三只黑鹰面前的那一刻,他们的眼神之中,只剩下恐惧与绝望。Regardingthem, Jiang Chenis a devil is the same, makingthemdifficult.
对于它们来说,江尘就是一个恶魔一样,让它们寸步难行。Long Shisanfor a long timecannot capture, in the heart is also the incomparabledepression, butthat side the big brotherhas been clear, inhisheart, was calmer, fourblack hawkswere repulsedbyJiang Chenone after another, withblack hawk that Long Shisanas well assolemnwhiteand the othersface, verystartled, abovebattle strength, althoughthere is an ample force, actuallyappearsshrinks, trembling with fear.龙十三久攻不下,心中也是无比的郁闷,但是大哥那边已经见了分晓,他的心中,也就更加的从容了,四只黑鹰接连被江尘败退,与龙十三以及穆一白等人对垒的黑鹰,也都是十分的惊慌,战力之上,虽有余力,却显得畏畏缩缩,战战兢兢。No oneis not afraidofJiang Chen, hisswordwas too strong, even if the pointhas not aimed atthattwoblack hawks, theirhearts still had receiveddeepshock.
没有人不对江尘心生畏惧,他的剑太强了,即使是刚才的锋芒并没有对准那两只黑鹰,它们的心也已经受到了深深的震撼。„Jiang Chensenior, if is really the truegods!”
The Chengracefullookis excited, cannot help buthas the respectregardingJiang Chenagain, thisistrueexpert, truepeerlessunparalleled.
辰盈盈眼神激动,对于江尘不由得再度心生崇敬,这才是真正的强者,真正的绝世无双。Fourblack hawks, the slightstrength to hit back, has not becomehiscaptive.
The Chencliffthreepeople, eyefulwere whole-heartedly excited, hadlearning from another's mistakes, theydo not dareto treat it lightly, butat leastat this time, the Jiang Chenseniorled the war, to them, was the hope of victory!
辰断崖三人全力以赴,满眼都是兴奋,有了前车之鉴,他们也是不敢掉以轻心,但是至少这个时候,江尘前辈主导了战局,对于他们来说,就是胜利的希望!„Killedthisbastardchild, the fatheris pressedbyithas not gasped for breath!”
“杀了这龟孙子,老子被它压得喘不过气来了!”Chencliffdrinksonelowly, the offensivebegins, the imposing manneris just abundant, whilewinningpursuit, the Jiang Chensenioristheirlights pointing the way, now, canfightfinallywelltimeone.
辰断崖低喝一声,攻势再起,气势正盛,趁胜追击,江尘前辈就是他们的指路明灯,现在,终于可以好好的战斗一次了。Long Shisanwith irresistible force, the counterdragonsticksweeps away the horizonagain, suppressescompletely the black hawk, the total military defeat, the imposing manneris especially important, sixblack hawks, suffer defeatone after another, is the indisputable fact.龙十三势如破竹,逆龙棍再度横扫天际,完全将黑鹰压制下来,兵败如山倒,气势尤为重要,六只黑鹰,相继败北,已经是不争的事实。
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