Solemnwhiteand the others, is gracefulwithChen, filledanxiouslywithworrying, icesilksnowspider that thistheyfacedtime, was noteasywithitgeneration, moreoveris the result of hanging in the balance, wantedto strive to turn the tide, difficultsuch asto ascend to heaven.
穆一白等人,与辰盈盈,都是充满了紧张与担忧,这一次他们面对的冰丝雪蛛,可不是易与之辈,而且已经是命悬一线的结局了,想要力挽狂澜,难如登天。HoweverLong Shisan is actually unflustered, the return of big brother, istriumphal returning of victory, isextension of legend.
但是龙十三却是从容不迫,大哥的归来,就是胜利的凯旋,就是传奇的延续。„Relax, has the big brother, alldo not have the issue!”
“放心,有大哥在,一切都没问题!”Long Shisanincomparablyfirmsaying, the countless words, do not need saying that in his mind, no oneis more trustworthy than big brotherJiang Chen.龙十三无比坚定的说道,千言万语,无需多说,在他的心中,没有人比江尘大哥更值得信任。FrompastSaint Origin Continent, toImmortal World, againtoDivine World, evenfinallytosearchFeng'er, stepping intothiswas more dangerous than Divine World, filled the legendaryeternalworld, inhisheartbig brother’s the trustandassured, has not changed.
从当年的圣元大陆,到仙界,再到神界,甚至最终为了寻觅风儿,踏入了这比神界更加危险,更加充满了传奇色彩的永恒世界,他的心中对于大哥的信任与笃定,都是未曾改变过。Even if, initialall of themthought that Jiang Chenhad died, howeverinhim, big brothercontinuously.
即使,当初的他们所有人都觉得江尘已经死了,但是在他心里,大哥一直都在。PastLittle Chen, has turned into the big brother who has madehimawe, fromshyto the maturity, fromsmall and weakto the great strength, Jiang Chenishisexample, is the brothers who hewas proud, as dear as if one of the family.
当年的小尘子,已经变成了让他敬畏的大哥,从青涩到成熟,从弱小到强大,江尘一直都是他的榜样,一直都是他引以为傲的兄弟,亲如一家。Big brother, thesetwocharacters, inheritance is not only a trust and love, was the mood in his heartforeverfondly remembering, the big brotherhas touchedoneselfheart, Little Chen, as beforethatLittle Chen of past years, theirtimes from slaughteringwent out, bathhotrebirths, at the present, arehebiggestgratified.
大哥,这两个字,传承的不仅仅是一份信任与爱戴,更是他内心之中永远怀念的情怀,大哥早已经深入己心,小尘子,依旧还是当年的那个小尘子,他们一次次从杀戮之中走出,一次次浴火重生,而今,就是他最大的欣慰。Big brotheralso, Little Chen.
大哥还在,小尘子,也还在。„Ithink,this whole lifecould not see my Little Chenagain.”
“我以为,这辈子再也看不到我心里的那个小尘子了。”Long Shisanmutteredwas saying.龙十三喃喃着说道。„The Little Chenlifeis hard.”
“还是小尘子命硬。”Long Shisancracks into a smile, gives the big brotherownlife, heis at any time happier, is self-confident.龙十三咧嘴一笑,把自己的命交给大哥,他比任何时候都要开心,都要自信。„Ialsobelieve the Jiang Chensenior.”
“我也相信江尘前辈。”Chencliffsaidwith a smile,corner of the mouthwas full of the self-confident, life and death, in the flashes, hedoes not fear death, the person of presence, whichdoes not walkfrom the life and deathhopeless situation, which doesn't tread the corpseto arrivetoday?
The deathhas become the potluck, was truly fearful, wasspiritless, was the heart of flinching.
A Jiang Chenperson of sword, standsarrogantlycurrent, is then ordinaryjust likeWar God, makingeveryoneawe.江尘一人一剑,傲立当前,便宛如战神一般,让所有人敬畏。Ices the silksnowspidereyeto rotateunceasingly, corner of the mouthfilledgentle and reservedflavor, murderous auracleared away.
冰丝雪蛛眼睛不断的转动着,嘴角充满了阴柔的味道,杀气涤荡。Initsmouthunceasingturnovercold air, approachesstep by stepforward, eachspiderlance, the undergroundcoldicegiant stone, shears the fragmentation.
它的口中不断的吞吐着寒气,一步步向前逼近,每一条蛛矛,都是将地下的寒冰巨石,割裂成碎片。„Perhapsitsstrengthat leastwas the nebulalevelfourheavydays, evenis stronger, moreoverhere, isitssupreme headquarters, histoxicrelative, oncebyitsspider's silkwinding, a narrow escape, the Jiang Chensenior, were been surely careful.”
“它的实力恐怕至少达到了星云级四重天,甚至更强,而且在这里,是它的大本营,他的毒性相当之强,一旦被它的蛛丝缠绕,九死一生,江尘前辈,千万要小心呀。”Chenrushesto remindgracefully, the Jiang Chenseniorjustescapedextremelyfrom the boundarystorm, at presentthisicesilksnowspider, is notthataffable, theyhad suffered defeat, nowJiang Chenbecomesintheirhearts the onlyhope.
辰盈盈赶忙提醒道,江尘前辈刚刚从极垠风暴之中逃出来,眼前这冰丝雪蛛,也不是那么好惹的,他们都已经败北了,如今江尘就成了他们心中唯一的希望。„Evenagainstrong, stillafter all is the domestic animal.”
“就算是再强,也终归是畜生。”Jiang Chensneers.江尘冷笑一声。„petty and lowhuman, youdo not matchinmydomainact unruly, givesme dead, thesepeople, areyourportrayals, these, aremywork.”
“卑微的人类,你们不配在我的地盘儿撒野,都给我去死吧,这些人,就是你们的写照,那些,都是我的作品。”Icessilksnowspiderindifferently said, the spiderlanceis straightto go, the thorntoJiang Chen, is commonjust like the sharp blade, the speedis astonishing.
冰丝雪蛛冷漠的说道,蛛矛直出而去,刺向江尘,宛如利刃一般,速度惊人。Jiang Chenholds a sword, dances in the airvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Heavenly Dragon Swordattacksunceasingly, Sword of No Realmwith irresistible force, looksunceasinglyabove the eightspiderlances of icesilksnowspider, the sparkrises from all directions, rays of lightglittering.江尘仗剑而起,纵横飞舞之间,天龙剑不断进攻,无境之剑势如破竹,不断看在冰丝雪蛛的八蛛矛之上,星火四起,光芒闪烁。afterimageappearin the side of icesilksnowspider, the Jiang Chenstepis steady, reaches the cloudsstep by step, the sword36establish a new school, the swordhas kept the sound, foot treadsabove the icesilksnowspiderhugebody, but the latter is also extremelyterrifying, fourspiderlancesclosed off the Jiang Chen'sway, is ordinaryjust like the prisoner's cage, Jiang Chenretreats in order to advance, the heavy swordpoundsto fall, just nowstabilized the aspect, was also hitbyfourspiderlances, the Jiang Chen'schest front, the swordbladestandardkeeps off, sonorousear-spitting.
一道道残影出现在冰丝雪蛛的身旁,江尘步伐稳健,步步凌云,剑三十六独树一帜,剑过留声,脚踏冰丝雪蛛巨大的身躯之上,不过后者也是极为恐怖,四道蛛矛封锁了江尘的去路,宛如囚笼一般,江尘以退为进,重剑砸落而下,方才稳住了局面,被四道蛛矛同时击中,江尘的胸前,剑刃格挡,铿锵震耳。Tread! Tread! Tread!
蹬!蹬!蹬!Jiang Chenretreat, the icestone of under foot, had gradually splitunceasingly, thisicesilksnowspider the potential of attackingkilling, was too fierce, is completely the steamroll in strength, no wonder the monkeytheycannotdiscoveranyopportunity, escaped the birthday.江尘不断后退,脚下的冰石,已经是逐渐裂开了,这冰丝雪蛛的攻杀之势,太猛了,完全是实力上的碾压,怪不得猴子他们都没能找出任何的机会,逃出生天。Jiang Chendoes not draw backinsteadenters, fortifies at every step, breaks under the body of icesilksnowspider, thistime, a swordcuts, wantsto tearitfrom the belly of icesilksnowspider, butJiang Chenhas not thought that thisfellow is so actually fierce, whole bodyarmor, is hardcompared with the steelinscription on stone tablet and bronze, Heavenly Dragon Swordgratingbuzz the cry, the vibrationis incomparable, butthistime, reviewing the icesilksnowspideris fiercer, sixspiderlancessimultaneously the thorntoJiang Chen, the criticaltime, lookedLong Shisanand the othersisfearful and apprehensive.江尘不退反进,步步为营,冲入冰丝雪蛛的身下,这一次,一剑斩出,想要从冰丝雪蛛的肚子下面将其撕裂开来,但是江尘没想到这家伙竟然这么勇猛,浑身甲胄,比起钢铁金石都要坚硬,天龙剑的刺耳嗡鸣,震动无比,而这一次,反观冰丝雪蛛更加凶猛,六道蛛矛同时刺向江尘,危急时刻,看的龙十三等人都是心惊肉跳。Jiang Chen of knife pointsolo dance, will not always haveanyflinching, thiswar, can only succeedcannotbe defeated.
刀尖独舞的江尘,从来都不会有任何的退缩,这一战,只能成功不能失败。Jiang Chensends away the spiderlance, finger/refers of dominate the heaven, Seven Starscraftilychanges.江尘屏退蛛矛,一指凌天,七星诡变。„Seven Starsfinger/refers!”
The fingertipis swift and fierce, the fingerprintis dreadful, powerfulstrength, bombardmentruthlesslyabove the abdomen of icesilksnowspider, Jiang Chen'sbody, is the danger and dangerevadeditsoffensive, but the bodyhadsixscratches, even the fleshbecamefelt the stifffeeling.
The fiercecold air, forced into hisbody, Jiang Chenfeels the toxicity of thisfellow, strong.
剧烈的寒气,逼入了他的身体之中,江尘才感觉到这家伙的毒性,到底是有多强。At that moment, hefeelsfrom top to bottom, as ifbecamequitestiff, even the woundtieslightfrost.
The bloodas ifmustsolidify, the sourceair/Qi in within the bodyis mobile, had almost stopped, Jiang Chenis staring at the presenticesilksnowspider, aboveitsspiderlance, venom, is unable to imagine.
血液似乎都要凝固了,体内的源气流动,几乎已经停了下来,江尘凝视着眼前的冰丝雪蛛,它的蛛矛之上,毒液之强,无法想像。„Jiang Chensenior!”
“江尘前辈!”Chencalls out in alarmonegracefully, evenon the Jiang Chen'sface, presentedcoldfrost, a man and a beast, looking at each otherstands, Jiang Chen'saura, becomesincomparableweak, becausebycoldpoisonousfrozen, being madeeveryonefollowfearful and apprehensive.
辰盈盈惊呼一声,甚至在江尘的脸上,也是出现了一层寒霜,一人一兽,对视而立,江尘的气息,变得无比的微弱,因为被寒毒冰封,让所有人都跟着心惊胆寒。„Depends onyou, but alsowantsto fightwithme, wishful thinking. Ithought how yousolve the poison of mycoldice, abovePutian, mycoldpoisonismostnon-solution.”
“就凭你,还想跟我斗,痴心妄想。我看你怎么解我的寒冰之毒,普天之上,我的寒毒是最无解的。”Icing the silksnowspideris self-confident, innumerableexpert, after enteringthismurders the godgorge, byownfrozenhere, the suck dryessence of theirwithin the body, finally the coldpoisontheirbodiesgraduallyfrozen, will becomeicestonemilestones.
The eyelooks atJiang Chen'sbody, is gradually stiff, frostfrom top to bottom, are getting more and more, nose, eyebrow, mouth, alreadyonarrange/clothlightfrost, butwithout a doubt, thatthinShuang, actuallyfroze the Jiang Chenwhole person, ismostfatal.
眼看着江尘的身体,逐渐僵硬,浑身上下的冰霜,越来越多,鼻子,眉毛,嘴巴,都已经布上了一层薄薄的霜,但是毋庸置疑,那一层薄霜,却是冰冻了江尘整个人,是最为致命的。„Trivialcoldpoisonous, reallythinks that canextinguishme? Yourthistoxicity, but alsoinsufficientlymystops upgap between teeth.”
The Jiang Chenwhole bodyshakes, flame, graduallyascends, the whole person, is then commonlikeFire God.江尘浑身一震,身上的火焰,逐渐升腾而起,整个人,便如同火神一般。Fireto subdue|gramswater, waterforcold, Five ElementsDivine Fireswallowed the coldpoisondirectly, the suspense of having no.
火克水,水为寒,五行神火直接吞噬了寒毒,根本没有任何的悬念。Blazingflame, the Jiang Chenwhole personpackage, at that moment, he are the fire, the fire are he.
一道道炽烈的火焰,将江尘整个人包裹在内,那一刻,他便是火,火便是他。„How is thispossible?”
“这怎么可能?”Icessilksnowspiderunbelievablesaying, butJiang Chen is similar toFire Godto arriveat that momentgeneral, graspsraging fireburning downHeavenly Dragon Sword, approaches the icesilksnowspideragain.
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