The Chengracefullookis blazing, sheknows that Jiang Chenseniorof this dayhas waitedfor a long time is very very long, theseis saved from deathtime, to him, has special significance, if nothe, perhaps the entireChenfamily/homein the plot of Chenfamily/homeAncestral Land, in 1000, 10,000years, the 100,000year, was also not necessarily ableto change.
辰盈盈眼神炽热,她知道这一天江尘前辈已经等了很久很久了,这一次死里逃生,对于他来说,更是意义非凡,如果不是他,整个辰家或许还在辰家祖地的阴谋之中,一千年,一万年,十万年,都未必能够有所改变。To the Chenfamily/home above entirelong nightstar, Jiang ChenistheirSavioris ordinary, Chengracefully is also even moreadmiresto the Jiang Chensenior, abovethisshouldercarries the person who Chenfamily/homegoes forward, isexist(ence) that anybodyis unable to neglect.
对于整个永夜星之上的辰家而言,江尘就是他们的救世主一般,辰盈盈也是对江尘前辈越发的敬佩,这个肩膀之上才扛着辰家前进的人,是任何人都无法忽视的存在。Chencan lookgracefully, that in Jiang Chenseniorlookanxiouswithanticipation, hopes forwithintensely, perhapstoChenfamily/home, the crisishas come to the end, thisChenfamily/homeninedayswill definitely reshuffletime, butregardingJiang Chen, all thesejuststarted, hewill not care aboutChenfamily/homehas many fight, hecares, only thenownchild, only thenriverwind!
辰盈盈看得出来,江尘前辈眼神之中的那种焦急与期待,希冀与紧张,对于辰家来说,危机或许已经告一段落了,这一次辰家九线天肯定会重新洗牌的,但是对于江尘来说,这一切才刚刚开始,他也并不会在乎辰家有多少的战斗,他在乎的,只有自己的孩子,只有江风!She? Butoneself and disparity between Jiang Chenseniorsisverybig, thinksperhapsis only the 1-starleast bit, nowlooks like, thatis the spaceunderground, incessantlyison the transformation in Ancient Battlefield, isthisancestorinherits, Jiang Chenone's effort, anti-pressureChenfamily/homeancestor, changedallresults, letsChenfamily/home, ifattainsnew student/lifegeneral.
她又何尝不是呢?可是自己跟江尘前辈之间的差距还是非常大的,原本以为或许只是一星半点,现在看来,那是天上地下,不止是上古战场之中的蜕变,更是这一次先祖传承,江尘一己之力,抗压了辰家先祖,改变了一切的结局,才让辰家如获新生一般。„Yes, was the timegoes tothereto look, no mattersuccess or failure, no mattertowrong, Imustgo, Feng'erhad certainly waitedfor a long timefor a long time.”
“是啊,是时候去那里看一看了,不管成败,不管对错,我都必须要去,风儿一定已经等了好久好久了。”Jiang Chenmutteredwas saying, on the facewas full of the oldfather'saffectionandworried,hebelievesFeng'eris certainly also living.江尘喃喃着说道,脸上充满了老父亲的慈爱与担忧,他相信风儿一定还活着。Jiang Chennevergives up, hehas also believed that ownchoicenotwrong.江尘从未放弃,他也一直坚信,自己的选择没有错。Now the matter of Chenfamily/homehas come to the end, actuallyoneselfmustlook forFeng'erwhere, hediesis not afraid, Chenfamily/homeinternal disorder and foreign invasion, have nothing to dowithoneself, heonlycares aboutFeng'eroneperson.
如今辰家的事情已经告一段落了,自己必须要去找找风儿究竟在哪里了,他连死都不害怕,辰家内忧外患,都与自己无关,他只在乎风儿一人。Happen, this momentChenQingqingandChenfine jade, inunconscious, Jiang Chendoes not wantto implicatethem, thismurders the godgorge, it is estimated thatisa narrow escape, unusualdanger.
正好,此刻辰青青与辰璐,都在昏迷之中,江尘并不想连累他们,此去弑神涧,估计是九死一生,非常的危险。„Younger generationis willingto follow the Jiang Chensenior, the life and deathnot to discuss, mustfind the windelder brother.”
“晚辈愿意追随江尘前辈,生死勿论,一定要找到风哥。”Chengracefulfirmsaying, gazebrilliant, looks atJiang Chen, filledassuredly.
辰盈盈坚定的说道,目光灼灼,看着江尘,充满了笃定。„Youmay, ifwants, our to go, reallydoes not know that was actually dead lives.”
“你可要想好了,我们这一去,真的不知道究竟是死是活了。”Jiang Chenis low and deepwas saying,he is actually wants a personto go, althoughChenfullhas never forgottentoFeng'er, butis unable to determine the dangerafter allor not, murdersterrifying of godgorge, possiblycompared withmustdanger that heimagines.江尘低沉着说道,他其实是想要一个人前往的,辰盈盈虽然对风儿一直念念不忘,但是毕竟无法确定危险与否,弑神涧的恐怖,可能远比他想像的要更加的危险。This point, Chenfullis clearer than Jiang Chen.
这一点,辰盈盈比江尘更清楚。However, forriverwind, shemustmake the resolution, moreoverthis timeChenfamily/home was also eventful time, shedoes not wantto be involved, thereforefollowed the Jiang Chenseniorto goto murder the godgorgeto find out, wasshebestchoice.
但是,为了江风,她必须要做出决断,而且这时候的辰家也是多事之秋,她并不想被卷入其中,所以跟着江尘前辈前往弑神涧一探究竟,是她最好的选择。Murders the godgorge, althoughdanger, isJiang Chenseniormethodterrifying, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, practicesChenfamily/homemattertime, was pierced the daybyhim, thereforeChenbelievesgracefully, the Jiang Chenseniorcertainmeetinggood and virtuous personhas the day, withhim, will not be absolutely wrong, butriverwind, will definitely also appear.
“那好吧。”Jiang Chennods, althoughChenfullandbetween the relationsriverwind, are indefinite, sincesheinsists onwantingto go, oneselfare unable to stop.江尘点点头,虽然辰盈盈与江风之间的关系,还不确定,但是既然她执意想去,自己也无法阻拦。„Ialsogo.”
“我也去。”Chencliffalsowalkedat this timeslowly, on the facebringsto wipe the color of rousing.
辰断崖这个时候也是缓缓走了出来,脸上带着一抹振奋之色。„Do youdo?”
A Chengracefulbrowwrinkle, shereallydoes not wantto makeChenclifffollowoneself.
辰盈盈眉头一皱,她实在是不想让辰断崖跟着自己。„AlthoughIandbetweenriverwindhave had the long standing grudge, butnotdoes not diecontinuous, on the contrary, weare the trueenemyalsofriends, thereforethistime, Ialso want to take a look, riverwindis also living, evenas the love rival, Icannotstand by. The Jiang Chensenior, pleaseconsent that Iandyougotogether!”
“虽然我与江风之间有过旧怨,但是并不是不死不休,相反,我们是真正的亦敌亦友,所以这一次,我也想看看,江风是不是还活着,就算是作为情敌,我也不能袖手旁观。江尘前辈,请应允我与你一同前往!”Chencliffboth handshold the fist in the other hand, facesinceresaying.
辰断崖双手抱拳,一脸真诚的说道。„Youadd to the chaosblindly.”
“你就是瞎添乱的。”Chengracefullow and deepsay/way.
辰盈盈低沉道。„Sinceyouhave a mind, thatgoestogether, you twotake care of yourselvesgoodin any case, the critical moment, Ipossiblycannot attend toyou, murders the danger of godgorge, Iestimated that youare clearer than me.”
“既然你有心,那就一起去吧,反正你们两个照顾好自己,关键时刻,我可能根本顾不了你们,弑神涧的危险,我估计你们比我更清楚。”Jiang Chennodsslightly.江尘微微颔首。„Mustmurder the godgorge, mustpass throughdomain of azure-clothedthirteenbuilding, the presentis the thunderrainy season, ifusuallyis, perhaps can also from the sea of riotin the past, butnow the thunder of sea of riotrainy season, is very easyto lose, anotherroad, only haddomain of azure-clothedthirteenbuilding.”
“要去弑神涧,就必须要穿过青衣十三楼的地盘儿,现在是雷雨季,如果是平时的话,恐怕还可以从暴乱之海过去,但是现在暴乱之海的雷雨季,很容易迷失,另一条路,只有青衣十三楼的地盘儿了。”Chencliffsaid with a smile.
辰断崖笑道。„confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, no oneis possibleto preventmeto murder the godgorge.”
The Jiang Chensinkingsoundsaid.江尘沉声说道。„Recuperation on the 1st, tomorrowdepart.”
“休整一日,明日出发吧。”Next day, the clear weather, the glorious weather, the auspicious day of journey, Jiang Chenlooked at a ChenQingqingandChenfine jadeactuallyfinally, twopeoplealsoinunconscious, but the facial expressionhas actually been much better, lookstwopeople, Jiang Chenis turning aroundto go.
翌日,天朗气清,日丽风和,倒是个出行的好日子,江尘最后看了一眼辰青青与辰璐,两个人还在昏迷之中,不过气色却已经好多了,远望着两个人,江尘转身而去。Thisgoes, does not know when what dayto turn over, but something, arehismission, ishislifetimepursue, must therefore go.
The linetoJanuary/one month, leftChenfamily/homerange, entered the sphere of influence of azure-clothedthirteenbuilding.
行至一月有余,才离开了辰家范围,进入了青衣十三楼的势力范围。„Frontwas the Five Sacred Mountainscity, the Five Sacred Mountainscitywas very big, wasin the azure-clothedthirteenbuilding11posterKuangTianhengdomain, thisKuangTianhengstrengthwas the nebulalevel3-layerday, was very strong, wecertainlywere careful, avoidingwas good. Insurrounding area100,000, isKuangTianhengdomain.”
“前面就是五岳城了,五岳城很大,是青衣十三楼之中十一楼主匡天恒的地盘儿,这个匡天恒的实力乃是星云级三重天,很强,我们还是一定要小心谨慎,避开才行。方圆十万里,都是匡天恒的地盘儿。”Chencliffsinkingsound said, threepeopleafter the Five Sacred Mountainscity, werebecomemore careful.
辰断崖沉声道,三人经过五岳城,都是变得更加小心了。„We, only thenfrom the Five Sacred Mountainscityin the past, recently, otherwise, mustdetourin100,000. The Five Sacred MountainscityisKuangTianhengdomainis not false, butthispersonalmostalwaysdoes not likeappearing in public, weshouldnot bump into. So long ascarefullow-key, definitelywill not have the matter.”
“我们只有从五岳城过去,最近,否则的话,就要绕路十万里。五岳城是匡天恒的地盘不假,但是这个人几乎从来都不喜欢抛头露面,我们应该不会碰到的。只要小心低调一点,绝对不会有事的。”Chenalsonodsgracefullyslightly, twopeopleregardinghere, actuallyveryfamiliar, orbeforehad done the homework, after allknows oneself and other side, canknow fairly well, saidno matter how, the azure-clothedthirteenbuilding is also Chenfamily/homeninedaysenemies, the long nightstardivides into two, is the resistance of twogroups of people, is notyoudiesisIperishes, if not find out the opposite party, then the person of death was very possibleis.
辰盈盈也是微微颔首,两个人对于这里,倒是非常的熟悉,或者说之前早就已经做好了功课,毕竟知己知彼,才能够心中有数,不管怎么说,青衣十三楼也是辰家九线天的敌人,永夜星一分为二,就是两伙人的对抗,不是你死就是我亡,要是不把对方摸清楚一点,那么死的人就很可能是自己了。„Youheard, Chenfamily/homehad the bigmatter, probablysaid that Chenfamily/homehad a falling outwith the place of ancestor.”
“你们都听说了没有,辰家发生了大事儿了,好像是说辰家跟先祖之地闹翻了。”„Realfalse? Is the whole families, howpossibly, Ilooked that isincorrectly relays an erroneous messagemostly?”
“真的假的?都是一家人,怎么可能呢,我看多半是以讹传讹吧?”„, Youthink that Iwill also deceiveyou? Nowbut the crucial moment, yoursimplydoes not know,presentdangerbig, that sideChenfamily/homeheard that has had a falling out, now the person in azure-clothedthirteenbuilding, is ready to make trouble.”
“切,你以为我还会骗你吗?现在可是生死关头,你根本就不知道,现在的危险有多大,辰家那边听说已经闹翻了,现在青衣十三楼的人,都在蠢蠢欲动呢。”„Do not talk nonsense, carefulwalls have ears, shearedyourtongue. Thismatter, reasons for this include, simplyis notwecanknow, defendsownlittle plot of land.”
“别瞎说,小心隔墙有耳,割了你的舌头。这种事情,究其原因,根本就不是我们能够知晓的,还是守好自己的一亩三分地吧。”Above, Jiang Chenalsoheardseveralsuchbaseless rumors, in the Five Sacred Mountainscityis noisy, compared withspeed that they who passed onmarched forward, wasonlyquicklyis not slow, reallycomplied withthatproverb, good news never goes beyond the gate , while bad news spreads far and wide.
一路之上,江尘也是听到了好几次这样的风言风语,五岳城之中都已经传的沸沸扬扬了,比起他们行进的速度,都是只快不慢,真是应了那句老话,好事不出门,坏事传千里。„Hurriesto hurry along, the Jiang Chensenior, thismatter, is notwecancontend.”
辰盈盈说道。„Yes, it seems likeChenfamily/homeandazure-clothedthirteenbuilding, but also is really more and moreanxious, has been ready to make trouble, if is really the wall that the worldhas not ventilated.”
“是啊,看来辰家与青衣十三楼,还真是越来越紧张,早就已经蠢蠢欲动了,果真是天下没有不透风的墙呀。”Jiang Chenis hesitating, departswith the dance duetbody, butat this moment, the sound of windlanguage, lets the Jiang Chen'scomplexiontogether, actuallyexcitedlychanges.江尘沉吟着,与二人转身离去,但是这一刻,一道风语之声,让江尘的脸色,却是勃然而变。„Heard that fellownamedwhatLong Shisan, these dayslookedto hit, had lost toSirCity Lordseventimes, but also was really indomitable.”
“听说那个叫什么龙十三的家伙,这几日又来找打了,已经输给城主大人七次了,还真是百折不挠。”„Yes, for a woman, yousaid that is worth? unable to differentiate good from bad, will dieinourCity Lordbigpersonhandsooner or later.”
“就是,为了一个女人,你们说值得吗?不知好歹,早晚死在咱们城主大人手中。”„On this daynextwithin, are always manysometo a crownangeris the young beautyman, thisLong Shisan, makesmebe respectfulactually.”
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