„Time! don'tmuststir up trouble, had/left the divine weapontreasure house, yousolve.”
“时间到!莫要惹事,出了神兵宝库,你们自行解决。”Defends the palaceeldersinkingsound said.
The peopleare defending the front of palaceelder, registersdivine weaponorcultivation method that ancient bookoneselfchose.
众人都是在守殿长老的面前,登记了自己所选的神兵或者功法古籍。„Does boy, dareto fightwithme? Imusthave a lookbut actually, your championgenius, is unworthy of the name.”
“小子,敢不敢与我一战?我倒要看看,你这个冠军天才,是不是名不副实。”Chenskillarrogantcoldly looks atJiang Chen, was fillingprovocativeflavor.
辰艺高傲的冷视着江尘,充满了挑衅的味道。„Good! as you wish.”
“好!如你所愿。”Jiang Chengazeis indifferent, indifferently said, thisgroup of fellowsare not convincedtooneself, if not givethem a colorto take a look, oneselfin the futurefacingtheirtaunts, is at a loss, makinghimgrow in experience, ispurposely takes certain actions so as to warn others, getting it over and done, will otherwise then possibly havemore people discontentedwithoneself.江尘目光冷漠,淡淡说道,这群家伙对自己非常不服气,如果不给他们一点颜色瞧瞧,自己未来面对他们的嘲讽,也是无所适从,让他长长见识,也算是敲山震虎,一劳永逸,不然接下来可能会有更多人对自己不满。„It seems likethisfellowa littlestrength of spirit, Chenskilldoes not placein the eyeactuallyunexpectedly. Thishad the good playto look.”
“看来这家伙倒是有点骨气,竟然连辰艺都不放在眼中。这回有好戏看了。”Chenfree of evil intentionindifferently said, is staring at the Jiang Chen'sform, thisfellowhad aroused the popular anger, after all, ownstrengthis not everyone felt that bad, butat this timeJiang Chen'sexist(ence), touchedeveryone'sinterest, thinks that hisposition, is unworthy of the name.
辰无邪淡淡说道,凝望着江尘的身影,这家伙已经是激起了众怒,毕竟所有人都觉得,自己的实力并不差,而这个时候江尘的存在,触及了所有人的利益,认为他的地位,就是名不副实的。As the matter stands, the contradiction problemis increasingly intense, Jiang Chenquicklybecomestheirthorn in the side.
这样一来,矛盾问题日益尖锐,江尘很快就成为了他们的眼中钉肉中刺。Naturallythisperson who takes the lead, looked that whofirstcould not bear.
当然这个出头鸟,就看谁最先忍不住了。„ThisChenskill, not necessarilyis the Chen Jiangopponent.”
“这个辰艺,未必就是辰江的对手。”ChenJiindifferently said, the look seems looks atChen Jiang that does not have, shealwaysfelt, deep that verythisfellowhidden.
辰姬冷漠的说道,眼神似有似无的看着辰江,她总觉得,这个家伙隐藏的很深。„Ifyoucapturethisleader, Ialsothenrecognized, buthe? Perhapshehe, did not havethisqualifications, ifreallycanwinChenskill, perhapshedoes not calculate that has unearned reputation.”
“若是你夺得这魁首,我也便认了,但是他?呵呵呵,恐怕还没这个资格,如果真能打赢辰艺的话,或许他也不算是浪得虚名。”Chenlooked atChenJioneeyesfree of evil intention, the thoughts of people, condensedaboveJiang ChenandChenskill.
辰无邪看了辰姬一眼,众人的心思,都是凝聚在了江尘与辰艺之上。Left the divine weapontreasure house, Chenskillcoldysaid:
离开了神兵宝库,辰艺冷冷道:„General Slashing Stage, Iand othersyou.”
“斩将台,我等你。”Then, is turns aroundto go.
说完,便是转身而去。„General Slashing Stage? Thisfellowmustnot diewithyoucontinuous, Big brother.”
辰青青道。„General Slashing Stageis the life and deatharena of Chenfamily/home, onceonGeneral Slashing Stage, thatis the life and deathdo not discuss, no onewill care about the life, this is also Chenfamily membersolves the place of dispute.”
“斩将台就是辰家的生死擂台,一旦上了斩将台,那就是生死勿论,没有人会在乎死活的,这也是辰家人自行解决纠纷的地方。”ChenQingqingknows from A to ZregardingthisGeneral Slashing Stage, in the pastshehas also looked atinnumerablelife and deathpreying, aboveeachGeneral Slashing Stage, was contaminatedby the blood, only thenexpertcanlive, expertwasto revere, foreverwas the theme of thisworld.
The dignity, is not worth a red cent, to earnothers'respect, you can only hitwithyourfist.
尊严,一文不值,要想得到别人的尊重,你只能用自己的拳头打出来。„Sincehe himselfcourts death, thatno wonderI.”
“既然他自己找死,那就怪不得我了。”Jiang Chensaid with a smilepale.江尘淡笑道。„ThisChenskill, youare also careful, Big brother, hisSpear Technique, mysteriously appears and disappears.”
辰青青叮嘱道。„Un! When do weparticipate in the ancestorto inherit?”
“恩!我们什么时候去参加先祖传承?”Jiang Chennods, looked that is greentoChen.江尘点点头,看向辰青青。„Sevendays! After sevendays, wewill followGreat Elderto go toChenfamily ancestorancestral hall, dayDangshan, accepts the ancestorto inherit.”
辰青青道。In the Jiang Chenheartfeels relaxed, sevendaystime, actuallyfootenough, butfirst a skillcolortakes a looktoChen, punishes one to deter others, mustset the example, otherwise, refuses to acceptownperson, mayhaveChenskilltheseincessantly, ifwants the obedience, the heavy blowsto attack.江尘心中释然,七日时间,倒是足够了,但是首先还是得给辰艺一点颜色瞧瞧,杀鸡给猴看,总得做做样子,否则的话,不服自己的人,可不止有辰艺这几个,要想服众,就得重拳出击。WhenJiang Chenarrives atGeneral Slashing Stage, herehas surroundedmanypeople, manyarethistimecannotbe promotedfirsttengenius.
当江尘来到斩将台的时候,这里已经围拢了不少人,多是这一次没能晋级前十的天才。„It seems likethesehad the good playto looktime, thisChenskillwithChen Jiang, whowas the truecoward, foughtapparent.”
“看来这一次有好戏看了,这个辰艺跟辰江,谁才是真正的懦夫,一战便知。”„Humph!thisChen Jiang, notmatchingstandsabove the championcompletely, mystrengthis not worse than him, whyishe? Even the quantity of dryvinefruit, is still not enoughto show,heis the talentstrongestperson.”
“哼!这个辰江,完全不配站在冠军之上,我的实力也不比他差,凭什么是他?就算是枯藤果的数量,也不足以表明,他就是天赋最强之人。”„Alsosaidis, butImusthave a lookbut actually, whocanlaugh last, it is estimated thatmanypeoplewantsto challengethisChen Jiang?”
“说得也是,不过我倒要看看,谁能笑到最后,估计很多人都想要挑战这个辰江吧?”„To put it bluntlyis the sour grapespsychology, initiallyabovefarAncient Battlefield, without the abilitycapturedmoredryvinefruits, nowcame out, everyonefeltoneselfwere good, is really laughable.”
“说白了就是酸葡萄心理,当初在远古战场之上,没能力夺得更多的枯藤果,现在出来了,人人都觉得自己行了,真是可笑至极。”„Yes, somepeoplealsoreallythinkoneselfhavethree heads and six arms, lostlost, not being able to losewasmost pitiful.”
“就是,有些人还真以为自己有三头六臂呢,输了就是输了,输不起才是最可悲的。”In the crowd, manypeopletalked in whispers, whetherChen Jiangcould sit pretty, watchedthiswar, otherwise, incessantlywas a Chenskill, dozensover a hundredChenskills, are waiting forare lashing out atJiang Chen.
人群之中,不少人窃窃私语,辰江能否稳坐钓鱼台,就看此战了,否则的话,不止是一个辰艺,还有几十上百个辰艺,在等待着对江尘发难。Beats severelydon't hit a person when he's down, thisis the matter that anybodyis not willingto let off, oncecanbecome famous, thenoneselfachieved both fame and fortune, in other words, ChenJiGenchenfree of evil intentionand the others, isname will follow reality, no oneprovokesthem, because oftheirstrengthsandbattle strength, is recognized, daresto provoke, only if livesis impatient.
痛打落水狗,这是任何人都不愿意放过的事情,一旦能够出名的话,那么自己就是名利双收了,换句话说,辰姬跟辰无邪等人,便是是实至名归,没人去挑衅他们,因为他们的实力与战力,都是公认的,胆敢挑衅,除非是自己活得不耐烦了。OnGeneral Slashing Stage, Chenskillgraspsninechi (0.33 m)Lingyunspear/gun, domineeringis arrogant, staturestrong, extremelyformidable, a yellowbattle dress, flap flapmakes noise, among the graces, is sending outterrifyingaura, valiant.斩将台上,辰艺手握九尺凌云枪,霸气凌人,身材健硕,万分威武,一袭黄色战袍,猎猎作响,举手投足之间,都散发着恐怖的气息,英姿勃发。ManyChenfamily/homefemale, isquiteinspired, dashing of Chenskill, indeedfills people with enthusiasm, letting the personhas toshock.
The surroundings are also expertlikeclouds, butheindeedisthatelegant demeanormost charmingexist(ence).
周围亦是强者如云,但是他的确是那个风采最为迷人的存在。„Does Chen Jiang, baffleyoualso to continueto make the turtle? humph humph!”
“辰江,难倒你还想继续做缩头乌龟吗?哼哼!”Chenskillvibrationlong spear, buzzmakes noise, vibrates the remaining prestige, ripples, the qi energyscatters in all directionsto open, the dustrises from all directions.
The spear/gunpoints toJiang Chenvast.
枪茫直指江尘。„Sinceyouinsist onbeing probablewithmefor the enemy, Ithenhelpyou.”
“既然你执意要与我为敌,那我便成全你。”Jiang Chenflies high, was hands tiedandvertical, standsaboveGeneral Slashing Stage, amongimmediately, searching forsomepeoplewasholds the breathwith rapt attention, is looking atthis, the duel between nebulalevelexpert . Moreover the war of champion.江尘凌空而起,束手而立,站在了斩将台之上,顿时间,搜有人都是屏息凝神,望着这一幕,星云级强者之间的决斗,而且还是冠军之战。„Idle talklittlesaid,Imake everyone has a looktoday, your champion, simplyis unworthy of the name!”
“废话少说,我今天就让所有人看看,你这个冠军,根本就是名不副实!”Chenskillcold-ly snorted and said.
辰艺冷哼道。„Boisterous, being concerned about face! Alsoon the life and deathstage, youhave not been livingreason.”
“聒噪,给脸不要脸!既上生死台,你也就没有活着下去的理由了。”Jiang Chenindifferently said.江尘淡淡说道。„Courts death!”
“找死!”Chenskillshouted angrily, held a gunto charge, with irresistible force.
, The spear/gunis loudly vast the body, formidabledomineering, Lingyunstraightonrushingstrength, underthis worldjust likeNine Heavensdivine weapon, a spear/gunleaves, shakesvoid, takesJiang Chen.
A Jiang Chenswordswings, the air/Qi of formidable, tears the expansive sky.江尘一剑荡出,威武之气,撕裂长空。Heavenly Dragon Swordandlong spearcollisiontogether of Chenskill, the evenly matchedexplosion, makingallpersonheartsbe startled.天龙剑与辰艺的长枪碰撞在一起,势均力敌的爆炸,让所有人心惊。Jiang Chenisnebulalevelinitial stage, butChenskillis the nebulaleveldoubleday, in the strengthJiang Chenby the steamroll, thisfight, manypeoplefavorsChenskillcompletely, thinks that Jiang Chenis impossibleto win, heobtains the position of champion, so manydryvinefruits, mostly are also the luckfull houses, perhapsistwobigexpertshowdowns, heobtains without laborfisherman's profit.江尘不过是星云级初期,但是辰艺是星云级二重天,实力上江尘完全被碾压,这场战斗,很多人都是看好辰艺,认为江尘根本不可能赢,他得到冠军之位,那么多的枯藤果,多半也是运气爆棚而已,说不定就是两大高手对决,他坐收渔翁之利。Thismatter, whoalsosaid?
The sonorousjunctioncry, ear-splitting, the sword qicirculation, the spear/gunsweeps awayvast, aboveGeneral Slashing Stage, countlesspeoplecall out in alarm, cried outforChenskill, after all the name of Chenskill , has the achievement, moreoverwhatwhowantsto seeisChenskillreversalchampion, after allnowJiang Chenisfamemost abundant that to put it bluntly the Jiang Chenvictory, can only sayisname will follow reality, but ifChenskillwon, thatwill raise the difficult situationsurely.
铿锵交鸣,震耳欲聋,剑气流转,枪茫横扫,斩将台之上,无数人惊呼,为辰艺呐喊,毕竟辰艺之名,也算是颇有成就的,而且谁都想要看到的是辰艺逆转冠军,毕竟现在江尘是名气最盛的那一个,说白了江尘胜利,只能说是实至名归,但是如果辰艺赢了的话,那必定会掀起惊涛骇浪。Compareseats the melonpeopleinthese, is definitely happyto seeJiang Chento suffer defeat.
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