„Walks, along withmecomes, goes toChenfamily/homeAncestral Land, preparesto accept the inheritance.”
“走吧,随我前来,前往辰家祖地,准备接受传承。”ChenNorthern Liangsaidwith a smile, the peoplearefollowhimto go.
辰北凉笑着说道,众人都是追随他而去。„Thissealingenjoys the congresstime, ninedaysexpert, will catch upall. Advances the divine weapontreasure house, chooses a treasure.”
“这一次的封赏大会,九线天的高手,也都会尽数赶来的。先行去神兵宝库,挑选一件宝贝吧。”ChenNorthern LiangtookFront Line HeavenGreat Elder, did it yourself, is leadingJiang Chendirectlythey, directly soared the divine weapontreasure houseto go.
辰北凉作为一线天大长老,亲力亲为,直接带领着江尘他们,直奔神兵宝库而去。„It seems likeourefforts, have not been in vain, canenjoyfinallywell.”
“看来咱们的努力,并没有白费,总算是可以好好享受一下了。”Chenfine jadesaidwith a smile,corner of the mouthturns upwardsslightly, coquettish looklikewave.
辰璐笑着说道,嘴角微微翘起,媚眼如波。„The divine weapontreasure house of Chenfamily/home , the place of absolutely notbeing easy, whether there isalthoughis not necessarily ableextremelybladesuchtreasure, butis not simple, wecanenter the divine weapontreasure housefortunately, suchopportunity, compared withju quepill, mustprecious. When the time comes, looked at the respectivegood fortune.”
辰青青说道。„Chenfamily/homegives upactually, it seems likewecannotdisappointChenfamily/home. Does not know the Ancestral Landinheritance, someactuallymanyadvantage.”
“辰家倒是舍得,看来我们也不能辜负了辰家一片希望。就是不知道祖地传承,究竟有多少的好处。”Jiang Chensaid,asthislaurel crown'sfirst, inhisheart is also quitecurious, Chenfamily/homeafter all is also Overlordlevelexist(ence) above long nightstar, Chenfamily/homeancestors who gatherinnumerablestarselectedclear(ly), will not definitely miss.江尘说道,作为这桂冠第一名,他心中也是颇为好奇,辰家毕竟也是永夜星之上的霸主级存在,汇聚无数星界的辰家先祖择明,肯定不会差的。These is also the chance accomplished what art had failed intime, butJiang Chen can feel,manypeople, will regardthorn in the sidegeneralexist(ence).
这一次也算是无心插柳,不过江尘能够感觉得到,不少人,都是将自己当成了眼中钉肉中刺一般的存在。Hisstrength, seeming like not strong, butwasjustbreakthroughnebulalevelinitial stage, butChenJi, Chenfree of evil intentionand the othersstrength, compared withonhismany, manypeoplerefuses to accept, thinks that Jiang Chenis only the luckis completely good, will win the laurel crown, otherwise, over a hundredpeoplein turn, are still not necessarily able the wheelto obtainhimeven.
他的实力,看上去并不强,只不过是刚刚突破星云级初期而已,而辰姬,辰无邪等人的实力,都是比他强上不少,很多人都不服,认为江尘完全只是运气好而已,才会夺得桂冠,否则的话,就算是上百人轮流,也未必能够轮得到他。Jiang Chenis also disinclinedto lower oneself to the same levelwiththesepeople, after allnow the championisown, but alsohas somethingto worry? Thesepeoplejustcould not eat the grapeto say the racemic acid.江尘也懒得跟这些人一般见识,毕竟现在冠军已经是自己的了,还有什么可担忧的呢?那些人只不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸而已。FollowedChenNorthern Liangto arrive at the divine weapontreasure house of Chenfamily/home, mountain gateopenedgreatly, the people were also so as to avoid being very excited.
跟随着辰北凉来到了辰家的神兵宝库,山门大开,众人也都是免得十分激动。Hundred zhang (333 m)entrance, red lacquerbluewillow tree, formidable.
百丈门庭,朱漆蓝柳,令人敬畏。„Thisdivine weapontreasure house, altogetherthree, youmaychooseheartily, have the time, has the treasure, there isheavenly materials and earthly treasures, but everyone can only taketo be the same, within a double-hour, foundwhether or not, mustleave, otherwise, will be inspiredto flyby the strength of divine weapontreasure house.”
“这神兵宝库,一共三层,你们可尽情挑选,有功夫,有宝物,也有天材地宝,但是每个人只能取一样,一个时辰之内,不论是否找到,都必须离开,否则的话,就会被神兵宝库的力量振飞而出。”ChenNorthern Liangsaid, was turns aroundto depart.
Before the entrance, nebulalevelfourheavyday of old men, graduallyhoweverleaves, looks disdainfullyto sayindifferently:
门庭之前,一个星云级四重天的老者,缓步而出,冷眼睥睨道:„Words that Great Elderspoke, youshouldknow, entersas soon as possible, fastchoice, obsoletedoes not wait, as long assomepeoplewantto take the unnecessarytreasure, in the deva-eyebydivine weapontreasure housewill be detected, ifsomepeoplewantto defy the law, Idid not mind that accompaniesyouto be fun.”
“大长老说的话,你们应该知晓,尽快进入其中,速速选择,过时不候,但凡有人想要拿取多余的宝贝,都会被神兵宝库之中的天眼察觉,要是有人想要以身试法的话,我不介意陪你们好好玩玩。”Defends the dignity of palaceelder, is inviolable, after ChenNorthern Liangleft, hehas just like becomeeveryone'steam leader.
守殿长老的威严,也是不容侵犯的,辰北凉离开之后,他俨然已经成为了所有人的领队。„After a double-hour, Icanleadyouto seeGreat Elder, goes.”
The peoplemindis dignified, does not dareto neglect, eventhisdefendsdomineering of palaceelder, is suffocating, isAncestral Land of Chenfamily/home, cannot be underestimated.
众人心神凝重,不敢怠慢,连这守殿长老的霸气,都令人窒息,到底是辰家的祖地,不容小觑呀。At this moment, no onedaresto haveneglectsslightly.
此时此刻,没有任何人敢有丝毫怠慢。Jiang Chentook the leadto enterin the divine weapontreasure house, everyonecaught up, threebigdivine weapontreasure houses, cultivation methodten million/countless, somequitechaoticflowerswantedto confuse the feeling of human eyegradually, becauseherething was really many.江尘率先进入了神兵宝库之中,紧接着所有人都是赶了进来,三层偌大的神兵宝库,功法千万,颇有种乱花渐欲迷人眼的感觉,因为这里的东西实在是太多了。Innumerablestar, innumerableexpert, the innumerableyears, the tipaccumulations of innumerablesenior, here, Chenfamily/homecangrow strong, has the reason.
无数星界,无数高手,无数岁月,无数前辈的点滴积累,都在这里,辰家能够发展壮大,也不是没有原因的。„Heresimplyisheaven on earth. So manytreasure, tut tut, mycould not have repressedat heart.”
“这里简直是人间天堂呀。这么多的宝贝,啧啧啧,我的心里已经按耐不住了。”Chenskillexcitedsaying, gazehas swept, the mindrushes, incessantlyishe, ChenQingqingandChenfine jadealsohowever, in the hearthas mixed emotions, does not know that whattreasureshouldchooseto be good, wishes one couldto wantherealltreasure, puts in the bag.
辰艺激动的说道,目光扫过,心神澎湃,不止是他,辰青青与辰璐亦然,心中都是百感交集,不知道该选什么样的宝贝好,恨不得想要将这里所有的宝贝,都收入囊中。It is estimated thatcan the calmperson, onlybe left overJiang Chentruly, because ofJiang Chentreasure, is a pointare also many, moreovercan the enemyten million/countless, thereforehecansocautious, vowed solemnly, treasurething, totallydepends on the chance, ifnaturallyisBig Yellowhere, it is estimated that can definitely find the besttreasure, onlypitifully the Big Yellow'sdognose, oneselfarehowregardless to be also too difficult to learn.
估计真正能够镇定的人,只剩下江尘了,因为江尘身上的宝贝,可是一点也不少的,而且一件能敌千万,所以他才能够如此的小心翼翼,信誓旦旦,宝贝这东西,也是完全靠机缘的,当然如果是大黄在这里的话,估计肯定能够找到最好的宝贝,只可惜大黄的狗鼻子,自己是无论如何也学不来的。„What's wrong? Champion who winsto comeby luck, was this pinkeye? Simplyhas not seen such bigweaponry, simplyhas not known that shouldselectwhatis good.”
“怎么?侥幸得来的冠军,这是挑花眼了吗?是不是根本没见过这么大的阵仗,根本就不知道该挑什么好了。”Saying that Chensmiles, corner of the mouthsneers, the facial expression of sparing a glance, filledproudly.
辰赫笑眯眯的说道,嘴角冷笑,不屑一顾的神情,充满了骄傲。„Yes, Ihave not seen such weakchampion, hehe, ifwereChenJiorChenis free of evil intentionIalsoto endure, butthisboy, tut tut, Ilisteningnot to have heard.”
“就是,我还从来没见过这么弱的冠军,呵呵呵,如果是辰姬或者辰无邪我也就忍了,但是这小子,啧啧啧,我连听都没听说过。”Chenover-bridgealsosnorts contemptuouslyto say.
辰天桥也是嗤之以鼻道。„Othersbutafter all the champion, excitedanything, wecannot compareafter all, the ancestorselectedclear(ly)to finish, had the opportunityto compare notes, was a goodway.”
“人家毕竟可是冠军嘛,激动什么,咱们毕竟比不上,先祖择明已经结束了,有机会在切磋一下,也不失为一个好办法。”Chenfragrant flowerinone sidecoquettish looklikewave, stubbornlyis staring atJiang Chen.
辰芳华在一旁媚眼如波,死死的盯着江尘。„Youmaybe really sourenough, hasskillto takefirstto have a look? Typicalsour grapesat heart.”
“你们可真够酸的,有本事自己拿个第一看看?典型的酸葡萄心里。”Chenfine jadecoldly looks ateveryone, lookfirmsaying.
辰璐冷视着所有人,眼神坚定的说道。„Hasn't strengthdifference made one say? The moisture content of championbig, baffledalsoneedsusto say? Clarifyingispicks, can't oneselfstrengthhow much, perhapswithstandto deliberate? Reallyhas the skill, thattries, whomhaving a look at to laugh last!”
“实力差还不让人说了?冠军的水分有多大,难倒还需要我们多说?摆明了是捡来的,自身实力几何,恐怕也经不起推敲吧?真有本事,那就来试一试,看看谁能笑到最后!”Chenhiddenkinggazeis cold, the person of presence, almost is very deepto the Jiang Chenhostility, after allJiang Chenin their eyes, butis lucky, is unworthy of the name, whowantsto step on a foot.
辰隐王目光冷冽,在场之人,几乎都对江尘敌意很深,毕竟江尘在他们眼里,只不过是侥幸而已,名不副实,谁都想要踩一脚。„Does not needto pay attention, onegroup of clumsy mischief-doers.”
“无须理会,一群跳梁小丑而已。”Jiang Chenindifferently said, amongimmediatelymakesChenhiddenkingand the othersfly into a rage out of humiliation.江尘淡淡说道,顿时间让辰隐王等人变得恼羞成怒。„Jiang Chen, youcourt death!”
“江尘,你找死!”„Has the skill, underourtwohandssees the true facts!”
The peopleare eager to try, butat this moment, Chenactuallystoodfree of evil intention.
众人跃跃欲试,不过这一刻,辰无邪却是站了出来。„Whatcalledto be? Nowis notyoufight, firstowntreasurefoundagainsaid. Thisdivine weapontreasure house, not being able to allow the least bitsand, the deva-eyestillinlooks atwe, youto think that defends the palaceelder, will makeyoudeliberately create trouble? Humph!”
“叫什么叫?现在可不是你们打架的时候,先把自己的宝贝找到再说。这神兵宝库,容不得半点沙子,天眼还在看着我们,你以为守殿长老,会让你们胡闹嘛?哼!”Chenlooked atJiang Chenonefree of evil intention.
辰无邪看了江尘一眼。„Is the muleis the horse, mustpullto know, but is actually notnow.”
“是骡子是马,总得牵出来溜溜才知道,但是却不是现在。”Then, Chenturned aroundto leavefree of evil intention, directly soars the deep placeto go, the peoplealsoparted on bad terms, searched the treasurerespectively.
说完,辰无邪转身离开,直奔更深处而去了,众人也是不欢而散,各自寻觅宝贝去了。„Onegroup of motley crew, youdo not carebig brotherJiang Chen.”
辰青青道。„Yes, big brotherJiang Chen, theyareat heartare not balanced, complainedseveral, youdid not needto pay attention tothem.”
“就是,江尘大哥,他们就是心里不平衡而已,抱怨几句,你不用理会他们。”Chenfine jadesaid with a smile, comfortsJiang Chen.
辰璐笑道,宽慰江尘。„Iam all right, severaltoads, Ido not placein the eye.”
“我没事,几只癞蛤蟆,我根本不放在眼中。”Jiang Chenshakes the head江尘摇头„Big brotherJiang Chen, wefirstsought for the treasure, hehe.”
“江尘大哥,我们先去寻找宝贝了,嘿嘿。”Chenfine jadelookswithChengreentobig brotherJiang Chen, smiles, accompaniesto go.
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