DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1377: Licks dog Han pond

Big brother, is difficult to be inadequate Xu Ran really from Hall of Souls, the Pill Tower this class influence?” “大哥,难不成徐然真的来自魂殿,丹塔这类的势力?” Does not know the Xu Ran details the person very curious Xu Ran's status. 不知道徐然底细的人很好奇徐然的身份。 Even if general talent, even the talent from super big influence, still being insufficient made the Han pond change an appearance probably. 就算是一般的天才,甚至是来自超级大势力的天才,也不至于让韩池像是变了一个样子吧。 Han pond can/but is not that person who sells the female to seek personal glory, but is an unyielding man. Initially Hong Family threatened the Han pond, said that if not married Hong Chen to Han Xue and Han Yue to Han 韩池可不是那种卖女求荣的人,而是一个铁骨铮铮的汉子。当初洪家那么威胁韩池,说如果不将韩雪韩月嫁给洪辰就要对韩 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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