DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1367: Boy who the northwest mainland comes?

A while explained to you again, I first solved to say these people again.” Seeing in the Han Xue eye full is the doubts, starts to speak but hesitates, Xu Ran opens the mouth to comfort to say. “等会儿再跟你解释,我先把这些人解决掉再说。”见韩雪眼里满是疑惑,欲言又止,徐然开口安抚道。 Which side influence may I ask your excellency to come from? My can Hong Family once offend your excellency?” Hong Family elder trembling asking. Two elders had been scared by Xu Ran, the whole body is trembling. “敢问阁下来自哪方势力?我洪家可曾得罪过阁下?”洪家一位长老战战兢兢的问道。两位长老已经被徐然吓破了胆子,浑身都在发抖。 Their strength even/including summer headstrong this demon beast cannot compare, if killer of Xu Ran under to their pain, they only fears also unobtainable 他们的实力连夏莽这位魔兽都比不上,如果徐然对他们痛下杀手,他们只怕也难以 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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