DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1355: Who can be a lucky fellow

However Xu Ran is controlling the strength. He may not give up really Rongrong suddenly/violently to beat up, does not have by Ning RongRong physique matter basic trifling thing. Really does pain words girl where have this courage to clamor in front of Xu Ran's? 不过徐然还是控制着力道呢。他可舍不得真的将荣荣暴揍一顿,以宁荣荣的体质这点事儿根本屁事都没有。真的痛的话这妮子哪有这胆子在徐然的面前叫嚣? Xu Ran this is launches a psychological attack for on. In front of the sisters loses face, but the ratio takes a beating also wants the disgraced matter. At least Xu Ran thinks like this. 徐然这是攻心为上。在姐妹们面前丢脸可是比挨揍还要丢人的事情。至少徐然是这样认为的。 However Xu Ran does not know, just started this move truly effective. However lost face to lose did not care 不过徐然不知道,刚刚开始这招确实奏效。不过丢脸丢多了也就不在意了 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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