DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1328: Small vinegar package

„The space wormhole in legend?” “传说中的空间虫洞?” Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran are call out in alarm make noise. 云韵纳兰嫣然都是惊呼出声。 Regarding the cognition of space wormhole, they also know from the old book. The space wormhole can two positions connect, the time of enormous reduction distance. 对于空间虫洞的认知,她们也是从古籍上知道的。空间虫洞能够两个位置连通起来,极大的缩短路程的时间。 Existences of most space wormholes, are connecting Central Plains. So long as were in the mainland the powerhouse goes to the Central Plains need is too exuberant. 大多数空间虫洞的存在,都是连通着中州的。只要是大陆上强者前往中州的需要太旺盛了。 What is the space wormhole?” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor), and Xue Mei their puzzled look at Yun Yun. “什么是空间虫洞?”小医仙,琳菲和雪魅她们一脸疑惑的看着云韵 After Yun Yun explained that they also let find it miraculous. 云韵解释过后,她们也让都觉得神奇不已。 Also yes, without the space wormhole, goes to some quite remote place, light/only walks by oneself, that is really extremely fearful. 也是,如果没有空间虫洞的话,去一些比较遥远的地方的话,光靠自己走过去,那实在是太过可怕。 And other space wormholes build the successful words, cloud mist sect went to Black Horn Territory only to require less than ten minutes of time to be OK, I will establish the end point near Jia Nan Academy and Xu Sect. If later the Jia Nan Academy recruitment of students, riding the space wormhole were many on the convenience. Moreover the words of space wormhole charge are also not a poor income.” “等空间虫洞搭建成功的话,云岚宗去黑角域只需要十分钟不到的时间就可以了,我会将终点设置在迦南学院徐门附近。如果以后迦南学院招生的话,乘坐空间虫洞就方便多了。而且空间虫洞收费的话也是一笔不菲的收入。” The Xu Ran's words let the females at present one bright, even if no commercial mind is still clear that again this means anything. So long as the space wormhole establishes, the demand certainly is very when the time comes exuberant. 徐然的话让众女眼前一亮,就算是再没有商业头脑也清楚这意味着什么。只要空间虫洞建立起来,到时候需求一定很旺盛。 I heard that the build space wormhole needs a lot of resources . Moreover the maintenance space wormhole also at least needs several Dou Ancestor powerhouses to be good, only has the Dou Ancestor powerhouse to force using the strength of space.” Yun Yun brow slightly pressed. “我听说搭建空间虫洞需要很多资源,而且维护空间虫洞也至少需要几位斗宗强者才行,只有斗宗强者才能勉强运用空间之力。”云韵眉头微蹙。 Solely is needs at least three Dou Ancestor powerhouse this point to make most places very helpless to the maintenance of space wormhole sufficiently. 单单是对空间虫洞的维护需要至少三名斗宗强者这一点就足以让大多数地方都十分无奈。 But also only then the Dou Ancestor above powerhouse can comprehend the strength of space, this does not have the matter of means. 可也只有斗宗以上的强者才能领悟到空间之力,这也是没有办法的事情。 Moreover the space wormhole delivers to another end process is to also need the expended energy, the important source of this energy is monster core. The consumption of space wormhole to monster core is also very huge, where is the small influence willing to consume monster core? 而且空间虫洞将人送到另一端这个过程也是需要消耗能量的,这個能量的主要来源是魔核。空间虫洞对魔核的消耗也十分庞大,小势力哪里舍得这么消耗魔核 Average person builds the space wormhole naturally is such, I am not an average person.” “普通人搭建空间虫洞自然是那样,我又不是普通人。” Will the space wormhole that I build possibly be unstable? Moreover makes its active uptake surrounding world energy operate is not difficult. Even occasionally needs the supplementary energy, will not be many to the consumption of monster core.” Xu Ran said proudly. “我搭建的空间虫洞怎么可能会不稳定?而且让它主动吸收周围的天地能量运行也不难。就算偶尔需要补充能量,对魔核的消耗也不会太多。”徐然傲然道。 Such was too good. Xu Ran, I loved you.” Yun Yun is blushing, says the sound to see that Nalan Yanran they are looking at her. “那样就太好了。徐然,我爱死你了。”云韵红着脸,说出声才看到纳兰嫣然她们都在看着她。 The space wormhole that however if Xu Ran said really constructed, later does not know that many influences will be flattering cloud mist sect. Not can only gain the surrounding influence money, and can be knelt to lick by these influences, matter can Yun Yun of this killing two birds with one stone not be excited? 不过如果徐然所说的空间虫洞真的建好了,以后不知道多少势力都会巴结着云岚宗。既能赚周围势力的钱,又能被那些势力跪舔,这一石二鸟的事情云韵能不激动吗? If not Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) they here, Yun Yun estimated that will draw in Nalan Yanran to reward Xu Ran one together. 如果不是小医仙她们在这里的话,云韵估计就会拉上纳兰嫣然一起奖励徐然一番了。 I first and Snake-People that side space wormhole build you, then goes to construct the Jia Nan Academy space wormhole, then takes you to pass.” Xu Ran taps the head, goes ahead. How initial did forget space wormhole type the thing? “我先将你们和蛇人族那边的空间虫洞搭建好,再去将迦南学院的空间虫洞建好,然后再接你们过去。”徐然一拍脑袋,说做就做。当初的自己怎么忘记了空间虫洞这种好东西? Outside cloud mist sect entrance door. 云岚宗外门外。 In a stone platform, is faint, has the strength of extremely vigorous space, fills the air. 一处石台上,隐隐间,有着极为雄浑的空间之力,弥漫而出。 The stone platform central location, there, has ten zhang (3.33 m) huge jet black cavity fully, is revolving slowly, strength of the astonishing space, overflow fully. 石台中心位置,那里,一个足有十丈庞大的漆黑空洞,正徐徐的旋转着,一股股惊人的空间之力,从中溢满而出。 „Was this then that space wormhole? Really is the great writer...” The jet black cavity, just like black hole, sends out an unusual suction, the sunlight is looking distantly, can see that actually will be one piece forever the darkness as well as strange howling sound of the without limits will shake the person heart and soul. “这便是那空间虫洞了么?果然是大手笔啊…”漆黑的空洞,宛如一个黑洞般,散发着一股异样的吸力,日光遥遥望去,所能见到的,却是一片永无止境的的黑暗以及一种震人心魄的诡异呼啸之声。 With Xu Ran unceasing wields some marks, the rich space deep meaning condenses one not to know where black hole the even/including approaches. If currently has the person who does not know the circumstances of the matter to go, will be brought to mainland any place, even was swallowed by the black hole has the possibility. Only then and other Xu Ran can use another end prepare of space wormhole. 随着徐然不断的挥出一些印记,浓郁的空间奥义凝聚成一个不知道连向何方的黑洞。如果现在有不知情的人进去,会被带向大陆任何地方,甚至被黑洞吞噬都有可能。只有等徐然将空间虫洞的另一端布置好了才能使用。 All elders of cloud mist sect managed arrived here, excitedly worship sees the front that form. 云岚宗的所有长老执事都来到了这里,激动而崇拜的看着前方的那道身影。 Space wormhole! 空间虫洞! Their cloud mist sect can actually control a space wormhole from now on. 他们云岚宗竟然从现在开始能够掌控一处空间虫洞了。 Even if the entire northwest mainland has the space wormhole, is still the Central Plains big influence establishes mostly, these control space wormholes how many influences is jointly maintains, can gain full even so, didn't their cloud mist sect this get rich thoroughly? 整个西北大陆就算是有空间虫洞,也多半是中州的大势力建立的,那些掌控空间虫洞的都是几家势力共同维护,即使如此都能赚个盆满钵满,他们云岚宗这不是彻底发财了吗? Moreover there is a slow( this chapter has not ended!) 而且有徐(本章未完!) Chapter 1327 第1327章 Space wormhole 空间虫洞 However, whom dares to hit this space wormhole the idea? 然在,谁敢打这个空间虫洞的主意? Sir Xu Ran is really the good fortune of my cloud mist sect! Without Sir Xu Ran, our cloud mist sect now has been the corpse mountain blood sea, even assigns/life cannot preserve. The thing of space wormhole rank, our this lifetime not possible contact.” The person of cloud mist sect is the sigh. 徐然大人真是我云岚宗之幸啊!如果没有徐然大人,我们云岚宗现在早已是尸山血海,连命都保不住。空间虫洞这种级别的东西,我们这辈子都不可能接触的到。”云岚宗的人全都是感叹不已。 My cloud mist sect, although was bad compared with these overlord influences of northwest mainland, but at least had Sect Master Yun Yun and Miss Nalan Yanran.” “我云岚宗虽然比起西北大陆的那些霸主势力差了点,但至少有云韵宗主纳兰嫣然小姐。” Many does not have the qualifications to touch space wormhole rank compared with the cloud mist sect strong many influences of the thing. 多少比云岚宗强大的多的势力都没资格触及空间虫洞这种级别的东西。 After cloud mist sect, only needs to defend this entrance, later can lie down receiving money. 云岚宗以后只需要守住这入口,以后就能躺着收钱。 Many people look secretly to Yun Yun they, is the look is fiery. 不少人都偷偷看向云韵她们,也是眼神火热。 Such beautiful woman, entire Jia Ma Empire does not know that many years can have such several. The beautiful woman of that rank, so long as is individual will like. 这样的美人,整个加玛帝国也不知道多少年才能出这么几个。那种级别的美女,只要是个人都会喜欢。 Built.” “搭建好了。” Several minutes, Xu Ran built this space wormhole. 几分钟的时间,徐然就将这空间虫洞搭建好了。 The space wormhole robustness of Xu Ran build is not the space wormhole that these Dou Venerate build forcefully can compare. It can be said that so long as does not pass through the powerhouse to destroy intentionally, even if this space wormhole the permanent operation does not have the issue. 徐然搭建的空间虫洞稳固性不是那些斗尊强行搭建起来的空间虫洞能比的。可以说,只要不经过强者故意破坏,这空间虫洞就算永久的运行下去都没有问题。 Such quickly?” Everyone is startled. The space wormhole in legend, did well with ease. However thinks that is the Xu Ran build, everyone is not surprised. “这么快?”所有人都吃惊不已。传说中的空间虫洞,这么轻松就弄好了。不过想到是徐然搭建的,所有人都不惊讶了。 Xu Ran this powerhouse, regardless of makes any mysterious matter is fair. 徐然这种强者,无论做出什么神奇的事情都是合情合理的。 I must go to Snake-People, builds their side space wormholes.” “我要去蛇人族一下,将她们那边的空间虫洞搭建好。” I must go.” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) just and Xu Ran met, but also without said alone how many words, where was willing Xu Ran to walk? Could not attend to others also presenting, flew side Xu Ran's to grasp Xu Ran directly, was in the optimum position. “我也要去。”小医仙才刚刚和徐然相见,还没有单独说上几句话呢,哪里舍得徐然又走?也顾不上其他人也在场了,直接飞到徐然的身边将徐然抱住,占据了最佳位置。 You go, I happen to must arrange the matter in sect.” Yun Yun they did not have again and Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) struggle actually. The women let be jealous are very fearful. Today the expression of Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) that hidden bitterness has a scare them. “你们去吧,我正好也要将宗内的事情安排一下。”云韵她们倒是没有再和小医仙争了。女人让吃醋起来可是很可怕的。今天小医仙那幽怨的表情可是把她们都吓了一跳。 Moreover although today they ship out the appearance that is all right intentionally, in fact tired is not good. They were one night had not closed the eyes yesterday, very early in the morning hurried afraid tidied up various traces, now only wants to hurry to sleep. 而且今天虽说她们故意装出没事的样子,实际上已经累的不行了。她们昨天都是一夜没合眼,一大早又赶紧心虚的起来收拾各种痕迹,现在只想赶紧回去睡一觉。 Un.” Xu Ran nods, holds the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) flash to vanish in their lines of sight. “嗯。”徐然点了点头,抱着小医仙一瞬间就消失在她们的视线里。
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