DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1288: Reaches an agreement 1 to capture/raid

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ New] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[新]https://最快更新!无广告! Xinlan somewhat helpless looks at Xu Ran. Originally she has not been thinking peeping, but has not thought that Han Yue can actually with Xu Ran such intimate treating in the same place, making her somewhat surprised. 欣蓝有些不知所措的看着徐然。本来她也没想着偷看,只是没想到韩月竟然能够和徐然这么亲密的待在一起,让她有些吃惊。 Reaches an agreement obviously captures Sir Xu Ran together, finally Han Yue direct entry? 明明说好一起攻略徐然大人的,结果韩月直接通关了? Xu Ran your excellency, that hello/you good, I am Xinlan, previous time joins Moon Spirit time we have also met.” Xinlan conceals quickly the awkwardness on face, very natural and Xu Ran greeted. 徐然阁下,那个,你好,我是欣蓝,上次加入月灵的时候我们还见过一面。”欣蓝很快将脸上的尴尬掩饰掉,很自然的和徐然打招呼。 However wants to come Xinlan is also the cold arrogant generation, obviously does not have the affinity like Han Yue. Even if flatters Xu Ran, is still difficult to cover her arrogant makings. 不过想来欣蓝也是冷傲之辈,明显不像韩月那么有亲和力。即使是阿谀奉承徐然,也难掩她那高傲的气质。 Xinlan in Jia Nan Academy was in the inner courtyard student peak alchemist, seemed like four alchemist, had extremely high refine the pill of immortality talent, pursued the Xinlan person in the inner courtyard is also many. 欣蓝迦南学院算是内院学生中最顶尖的炼药师了,似乎是四品炼药师,拥有极高的炼丹天赋,在内院追求欣蓝的人也是不少。 alchemist is always very arrogant, after all is in the mainland most has the occupation of position. 炼药师一向都是很高傲的,毕竟是大陆上最有地位的职业。 I remember you.” “我记得你。” You ask me to have anything.” Xu Ran remembered Xinlan these disputes in the original works and Xiao Yan's. In order to let the family re-enters Pill Tower, the family must have the talent that in refine the pill of immortality takes acts, therefore Xinlan made Xiao Yan camouflage her fiance. “你来找我应该是有什么事吧。”徐然想起了欣蓝在原著里和萧炎的那些纠葛。为了让家族重新进入丹塔,家族就必须拥有一位拿得出手的在炼丹上的天赋,所以欣蓝就让萧炎伪装成了她的未婚夫。 „?” “啊?” Xinlan flustered immediately. 欣蓝顿时就慌了。 She is thinking is close to Xu Ran, waits after Xu Ran is familiar to find the way to make Xu Ran help her. Moreover these request her are really some unobtainable open one's mouth. Even if makes Xu Ran camouflage own fiance, this requests her to say. 她本来想着接近徐然,等和徐然熟悉之后再想办法让徐然帮她的。而且那些要求她实在是有些难以启齿。就算是让徐然伪装成自己的未婚夫,这个要求她都说不出口啊。 If were the average person even, the Xu Ran side had so many beauties is not weak in her beautiful woman. Own this capital, attained in front of Xu Ran saying that wasn't disgraceful? 如果是一般人就算了,徐然身边有那么多姿色不弱于她的美女。自己这点儿资本,拿到徐然面前说,不是丢人现眼吗? Ye Xinlan, 叶欣蓝, Was from the alchemist aristocratic family, but also needed me to continue? ” Xinlan well-mannered standing there, a little girl who did the wrong thing is the same, this stance makes Xu Ran be able help laughing. 出身于炼药师世家,还需要我继续说下去吗?”欣蓝规规矩矩的站在那里,一副做了错事的小女孩一样,这幅姿态让徐然哑然失笑。 Are oneself so fearful? 自己有这么可怕吗? How Xinlan said that is also a talent alchemist young girl, the influence in school even also wants to be higher than Han Yue. 欣蓝怎么说也是一名天才炼药师少女,在学院里的影响力甚至比韩月还要高一些。 Usually flatters in the Xinlan surrounding person should be many. 平时巴结在欣蓝周围的人应该是不少的。 Sat saying that rubbed the leg to me while convenient, perhaps, my mood one good to comply with your request?” Xu Ran shook own leg, hints Xinlan to sit in that side. “坐下来说吧,顺便给我揉揉腿,说不定,我心情一好就答应你的请求了呢?”徐然晃了晃自己的腿,示意欣蓝在那边坐下来。 Xinlan wants to make him help anything, he is well aware. However since Xinlan did not mention, he will not naturally say. 欣蓝想让他帮忙什么,他心知肚明。不过既然欣蓝不提起,他自然也不会说出来。 Really?” “真的?” Xinlan stared in a big way that beautiful eye, but looked around Han Yue she also to understand. 欣蓝瞪大了那双美丽的眼睛,不过看了一旁的韩月她也明白了。 Such good how is close to the Xu Ran's opportunity she possibly missing. Even if Xu Ran does not comply with her request, directs her several still to have the enormous advantage in the refine the pill of immortality to her. 这么好的接近徐然的机会她怎么可能错过。就算徐然不答应她的请求,在炼丹上指点她几句对她也是有极大的好处的。 Almost all Jia Nan Academy compounded drug elders esteem about Xu Ran to the utmost, therefore abandons own selfishness, regarding front alchemist illustrious character, she naturally are many favorable impression. 几乎所有的迦南学院的丹药长老都对徐然极尽推崇,所以抛开自己的私心,对于面前这个炼药师界赫赫有名的人物,她自然不乏好感。 In the inner courtyard, pursues her person to be many. But one of her selecting a friend for marriage requirements, then surpasses her in the hermetic art. 在内院,追求她的人很多。而她的择偶要求之一,则是在炼丹术上超过她。 If at present this man, naturally surpassed her by far. 如果是眼前这个男人的话,自然是远远的超过了她的。 Xinlan more wants the heart to be hotter, sits under the Xu Ran's instruction, then Xu Ran is frank and upright places on own leg the thigh of Xinlan. 欣蓝越想越心热,在徐然的指示下坐下来,然后徐然则是光明正大的将自己的腿放在欣蓝的大腿上。 Very merry. 好不快活。 To be honest, like this joyful, Xu Ran is not can enjoy momentarily. 说实话,这样的快乐,徐然也不是随时都能享受到的。 These two, is Jia Nan Academy extremely splendid was outstandingly beautiful. If Jia Nan Academy these draft animals know that own goddess side Xu Ran's unexpectedly so docile, does not know that will make what feelings. 这两位,也是迦南学院极其出色的绝色了。要是迦南学院的那些牲口知道自己的女神在徐然的身边竟是如此的温顺,不知道会作何感想。 Also really will enjoy.” “还真是会享受。” Han Yue and Xinlan look at each other one mutually, two females in the same place, seem somewhat awkward. 韩月欣蓝相互对视一眼,两女在一起,显得有些尴尬。 Xu Ran this skilled appearance, obviously enjoyed this treatment is not a time twice. This makes both females have an unspoken opinion at heart. However Xu Ran beautiful pretty little girl so many, as strength that powerful Sir Xu Ran, as if enjoy this treatment, is very normal. 徐然这一副熟练的样子,很明显享受这种待遇已经不是一次两次了。这让两女都是在心里腹议。不过徐然身边美娇娘那么多,作为实力那么强大的徐然大人,似乎享受这种待遇,也很正常。 Both females need help from Xu Ran, serves Xu Ran naturally to go all out very much. 两女都有求于徐然,服务徐然自然是很卖力。 Xinlan has not taken care of others' custom, but just the Xu Ran's words made her ignite the hope, even if rubs the leg massage to Xu Ran is still not shy, takes off the Xu Ran's shoes, grasps the strength to rub to pinch. 欣蓝还从来没有服侍别人的习惯,不过刚刚徐然的话却让她燃起了希望,所以即使是给徐然揉腿按摩也是丝毫不扭捏,将徐然的鞋子都脱了下来,掌握好力道揉捏着。 Red light district, red light district. 温柔乡,温柔乡。 Even technique very unfamiliar, the strength still grasps is not good, but looks that an outstandingly beautiful female helps herself pound the legs conscientiously, on satisfaction naturally must be bigger than satisfaction on physical body at heart. 即使是技法十分的生疏,力道也掌握的不好,但看着一位绝色女子尽心尽力的帮自己捶腿,心里上的满足自然是要大过肉体上的满足的。 No wonder said that near the pillow the wind is so effective. Even now, so satisfied he does not want to sweep the interest of beautiful woman. 怪不得说枕边风那么有效的。就算是现在,如此惬意的他也是丝毫不想扫了美人的兴致。 Han Yue sees to Xu Ran that Xinlan goes all out pounds the legs, but the Xu Ran pillow also can only help Xu Ran pinch shoulder anything on own leg somewhat is annoying. Being inferior Xinlan that if oneself display, did that fall in leeward? 韩月欣蓝卖力的给徐然捶腿,而徐然枕在自己的腿上自己也只能帮徐然捏捏肩什么的不禁有些懊恼。要是自己表现的不如欣蓝,那岂不是落于下风了吗? Sir Xu Ran complied to help Xinlan, but here also had no bottom. 徐然大人可是答应帮助欣蓝了,可自己这儿还没有什么底呢。 Sir Xu Ran, passed on the influence that wonderful Xu Sect should be you founds in Jia Nan Academy recently.” Han Yue thinks that recently that made the school high level respectable influence. 徐然大人,最近在迦南学院传得神乎其神的徐门应该是您创建的势力吧。”韩月想起来最近那个令学院高层都推崇备至的势力。 Suddenly appears near Jia Nan Academy, but also obtained the approval of school to form an alliance even. 突然出现在迦南学院附近,还得到了学院的认可甚至于结盟。 In people when discussed that Xu Sect background, she had roughly guessed that Xu Sect and Xu Ran were related. Only then Xu Ran can make the school be able under the initial capital and Xu Sect forms an alliance. 在外界人都在讨论徐门的来头的时候,她就已经大致猜测出徐门徐然有关了。只有徐然才能让学院能够下血本和徐门结盟。 Xinlan also stopped at this time, a being suddenly enlighted appearance. 欣蓝这时候也停了下来,一副恍然大悟的样子。 She is alchemist, concentrates on the refine the pill of immortality, but also has hearing regarding sudden Xu Ran. 她是炼药师,专注炼丹,不过对于突然出现的徐然也是有耳闻的。 Heard that the Xu Sect basic condition is very harsh. However if sect gate who Sir Xu Ran establishes, a hard bargain point is normal.” Xinlan said. “听说徐门的入门条件可是很苛刻的。不过如果是徐然大人建立的宗门,条件苛刻一点是正常的。”欣蓝说道。 Xu Ran is the Dou Saint powerhouse, at least is eight above alchemist. This grade of lineup, attracted the innumerable Dou Ancestor Dou Venerate powerhouse sufficiently. Moreover side Xu Ran these people are the super powerhouses, these people could be as good as any influence sufficiently the top lineup. 徐然斗圣强者,至少是八品以上的炼药师。这等阵容,足以吸引到无数斗宗斗尊强者了。而且徐然身边的那些人一个个都是超级强者,这些人都足以抵得上任何势力的顶尖阵容了。 But now the outside world does not know the Xu Sect depth, therefore joins Xu Sect now ahead of time absolutely is a very cost-effective choice. Later, waits for the Xu Sect background to be known, enters the Xu Sect difficulty also to grow by the geometrical multiple. 而现在外界并不知道徐门的深浅,所以现在提前加入徐门绝对是一个很划算的选择。以后,等徐门的底蕴被知晓,进入徐门的难度还会以几何倍数增长。 You , to join Xu Sect, can not need to inspect. This is the Xu Sect disciple ID. You go to the Xu Sect registration directly on the line.” Xu Ran puts out two Xu Sect tokens to come out conveniently. “你们要是想加入徐门的话,可以不用考核。这是徐门的弟子身份牌。你们直接去徐门登记就行。”徐然随手拿出两块徐门的令牌出来。 Here Xu Sect and Douluo Continent that side Xu Sect is a standard, therefore the token and sect gate clothing has not changed. 这里的徐门斗罗大陆那边的徐门都是一个标准,所以令牌和宗门服装也没变。 Many thanks Sir Xu Ran.” Han Yue and Xinlan are wild with joy. “多谢徐然大人。”韩月欣蓝都是欣喜若狂。 This Xu Sect disciple token has is rare they to have hearing early, heard that had inner courtyard strong list twenty talents to inspect the failure. 徐门的弟子令牌有多难得她们早有耳闻,听说有一位内院强榜二十几位的天才都考核失败了。
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