DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#38: Good Sea God

Sea God has also smiled, has you side me, is really good.” Spoke these words, he looks the Purple gold colored light column that shoots up to the sky cannot help but again sighed, said: Reason that I clearly am knowing that he will take in the situation of action, whatever as before the matter develops, and lets him my seal. Is because, I do not hope that God Realm has the war!” 海神也笑了,“有你在我身边,真好。”说完这句话,他看着那冲天而起的紫金色光柱却不由得再次叹了口气,道:“我之所以在明知道他会有所行动的情况下,依旧任由事情发展下去,并且让他将我封印。就是因为,我不希望神界发生战争啊!” Xiao Wu looks up to Sea God, in this flickers, she understood husband's meaning finally, yes! God Realm is Sea God wields, although Tang San arrives at the God Realm time not to be long, does not have ingrained of God of Ruin, the influence is huge. However, he must unexpectedly be God Realm Ruler, so long as he wants, wants to gather a group of people in the side, is not absolutely difficult. Let alone, had the partners and many support in his side. 小舞抬头看向海神,在这一瞬,她终于明白了丈夫的意思,是啊!神界乃是海神所执掌,虽然唐三来到神界的时间不长,远没有毁灭之神的根深蒂固,势力庞大。但是,他必竟是神界掌权者,只要他愿意,想要聚集一批人在身边,绝对不难。更何况,在他身边本来就有伙伴和不少的支持着。 But that God of Ruin? God of Ruin rein seven big Original Sin God(s), other second-level, support of Class Three God. He wants the expansion God Realm procedure, obtained in God Realm support of numerous god. In this case, if Sea God prepares fully, when God of Ruin starts launches a war with him, and finally repels him, a God Realm war likely was then avoidless. 但那毁灭之神呢?毁灭之神统御者七大原罪神,还有其他二级、三级神诋的支持。他想要扩张神界的做法,更是得到了神界之中众多神诋们的支持。在这种情况下,如果海神准备充分,在毁灭之神发动的时候和他展开一场大战,并且最终将他击退的话,那么,神界的一场战争很可能就无法避免了。 Relies on the God Realm center that in the hand is controlling, Sea God has in a big way possibly wins. But how? The victory of this war, must make falling from the sky of numerous god without doubt, definitely becomes a God Realm big disaster. Let alone, what Sea God is careful actually worries is God of Ruin takes risks in the situation that is unable to go well, uses the strength that some should not use. Regarding this point, Sea God early had the detection. 凭借着手中掌控的神界中枢,海神更是有很大的获胜可能。可那又如何呢?这场战争的胜利,无疑要导致众多神诋的陨落,必然会成为神界的一场大劫难。更何况,海神实际上心中担忧的是毁灭之神在无法得手的情况下铤而走险,去动用一些不应该使用的力量。对于这一点,海神已经早有察觉。 After this God of Ruin begins, it can be said that easy has gone well, runs away besides the God of Emotion husband and wife, other is grasping, in this case, even if his innermost feelings have filled Ruin, will not brave public opinion the taboo strength that uses that should not use again. God Realm will not have the war, the grievance, is only Sea God this lineage/vein god. 这次毁灭之神动手之后,可以说是轻而易举的就得手了,除了情绪之神夫妻逃遁之外,其他一切都在掌握之中,在这种情况下,就算他内心充满了毁灭,也不会冒大不韪再去动用那不应该使用的禁忌力量。神界也不会有战争,委屈的,只是海神这一脉的神诋们。 Third Brother, you were good.” Xiao Wu said in a low voice. “三哥,你太善良了。”小舞低声说道。 Sea God shows a faint smile, said: God of Ruin after is the God Realm senior statesman . Moreover, in his heart idea also not wrong. Because, in the heart has resentment, therefore he has been on the wrong road. But how regardless to say that God Realm can have today, has he very big merit, let alone, he is the Life Goddess husband. Life Goddess for God Realm, has made the outstanding contribution, these are I have no alternative but to consider.” 海神微微一笑,道:“毁灭之神毕竟是神界元老,而且,他心中想法也并没有错。只不过,因为心中有怨气,所以他才走上了歧途。但无论怎么说,神界能有今天,有他很大的功劳,更何况,他还是生命女神的丈夫。生命女神为了神界,做出了卓越贡献,这些都是我不能不考虑的。” Initially, two big God King gave me God Realm, urged me to protect God Realm well, gave priority to the God Realm safety. At that time they told me to face the problem that God of Ruin gave rise. I was considering at that time how must process itself and God of Ruin relations. In recent years, my as far as possible endures him, to let him. Does not have the conflict with him easily, even never uses the strength of God Realm center, is hopes that can melt him unable to be in power the God Realm resentment. But, he cannot put down eventually!” “当初,两大神王神界交给我,叮咛我一定要好好守护神界,以神界安危为重。那时候他们就告诉我了有可能面对毁灭之神发生的问题。我那时就在考虑,要如何来处理自己和毁灭之神的关系。这些年来,我尽量的去忍他、让他。轻易不和他起冲突,甚至从不动用神界中枢的力量,就是希望能够化解他未能掌权神界的怨气。可是,他终究还是不能放下啊!” Xiao Wu said: Effort everybody who Third Brother, your year of institutes is looks in the eye, you do not need to rebuke oneself, you have done very well.” 小舞道:“三哥,你这些年所作的努力大家都看在眼中的,你不用自责,你已经做得很好了。” Tang San said: Now God of Ruin started expansion God Realm, this is a quite slow process, hopes that can also prevent him with enough time. But also only has to make him release completely own intention, has the possibility to melt this danger . When I once some premonitions, the God Realm great misfortune arrived, several key points can deal with most important of disaster, including part, corresponded on God of Ruin and Life Goddess husband and wife.” 唐三道:“现在毁灭之神已经开始扩张神界,这是一个较为缓慢的过程,希望还能来得及阻止他吧。但也唯有让他将自己的意图完全释放出来,才有可能真的去化解这场危难。我曾经有种预感,神界大劫到来之时,有几个关键点是能够应对劫难的重中之重,其中有一部分,就对应在了毁灭之神生命女神夫妻身上。” Xiao Wu said: We to him this way? If the God Realm expansion is completed, that is irreversible!” 小舞道:“那我们就任由他这样下去吗?如果神界扩张完成,那是不可逆的啊!” Tang San looks to Xiao Wu, said: Actually, I completely did not determine whether that great misfortune will arrive. If when the time comes, does not have great misfortune to approach, then, wrong is I, God of Ruin is right. I did not have the significance again with his battle anything. At that time, I will apply to him, let the god position, Sea God and Asura God, we resigned. Then, I lead you to have a look to other places, if our children are willing with us, together to bring, if they are willing to keep God Realm, by them. Compared with the authority, I am willing to accompany side you, leading you to have a look outside world, lets our life is more splendid.” 唐三看向小舞,道:“其实,我一直也都不是完全确定那场大劫是否会到来。如果到时候,真的没有大劫来临的话,那么,错的就是我,毁灭之神就是对的。我也就没有意义再和他争斗什么了。那时候,我会向他申请,将神诋的位置让出来,海神修罗神,咱们都让出。然后,我就带着你到其他地方去看看,我们的孩子如果愿意跟着我们,就一起都带着,如果他们愿意留在神界,也由得他们。和权力相比,我更愿意多陪伴在你身边,带你去看看外面的世界,让我们的生活过的更加精彩。” Here, in his look revealed several respectively toward toward it color, Xiao Wu was also same. 说到这里,他眼神中流露出几分向往之色,小舞也是一样。 ...... ……
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