DD2.5GRL :: Volume #1

#32: Kills the heart to be brightly lit

The surrounding all, as if turned into ice-cold world, their thoughts also become ice-cold, but, in this ice-cold, actually takes to them an especially clear feeling. Not only to clear of outside world, is similarly to clear of own world, all became insightful, in this flickered, God of Emotion only thought that regardless of faced what kind of enemy, can put out the best means and condition resists. 周围的一切,似乎变成了一个冰冷的世界,就连他们的意念也随之变得冰冷起来,但是,在这冰冷之中,却带给他们一种格外清晰的感觉。不只是对外面世界的清晰,也是同样对自己世界的清晰,一切都变得通透了,在这一瞬,情绪之神只觉得无论自己面对怎样的敌人,都能够拿出最好的办法和状态去对抗。 Is this Asura God strength? Killing Heart Well-Illuminated! 这就是修罗神的力量吗?杀心通明 From Butterfly God there, God of Emotion to this noun. Is relying on powerful killing intent, stimulates oneself regarding the comprehensions of various abilities, was in the fight peak by own condition. But similarly, because also receives to kill the influence of intent, thus makes own seven emotions and six sensory pleasures be suppressed completely, can thus calmer fights. 蝶神那里,情绪之神的到了这个名词。凭借着强盛的杀意,刺激自身对于各种能力的领悟,让自己的状态处于战斗巅峰。但同样的,也因为受到杀意的影响,从而让自己的七情六欲全部被压制下来,从而能够更加冷静的去战斗。 Wipes the forced smile to reappear on the God of Emotion face, this Asura God the heart of slaughtering, does not suit him obviously. When he most formidable condition, the most important point cannot be calm, only has, when transfers the strength of Emotion, God of Emotion is most formidable, but reassignment Emotion, possibly calm? 一抹苦笑浮现在情绪之神面庞上,这修罗神的杀戮之心,显然并不怎么适合他。因为他最强大的状态时,最重要的一点就是不能冷静,唯有在调动情绪之力的时候,情绪之神才是最为强大的,而调动情绪,又怎么可能冷静的了呢? However, this Asura God Divine Power is also not the thing that he must inherit, but covers their own aura using the Asura God aura, keeping the God Realm center from seeking for their existence. 不过,这修罗神神力也并不是他要继承的东西,只不过是利用修罗神的气息来掩盖他们自身的气息,让神界中枢也无法找寻到他们的存在罢了。 We walk.” God of Emotion holds the hand of Butterfly God, two people simultaneously is jumping. “我们走。”情绪之神拉着蝶神的手,两人同时腾身而起。 Butterfly God is closing both eyes, as if entered another condition, on her, are many have wiped the chilly aura. 蝶神闭合着双目,仿佛已经进入了另一种状态似的,在她身上,多了一抹清冷的气息。 This feeling lets God of Emotion heart slightly shakes, this time Tang Wutong, seemed more like initially she and when Douluo Continent, another status that once part of Spiritual Sense have. That status, once was honored as female God of War! Without doubt, Asura God the heart of slaughtering, as if has extremely good amplification effect to her ability. 这种感觉让情绪之神心头微震,此时的唐舞桐,似乎更像是当初她和自己在斗罗大陆时,曾经一部分灵识存在着的另一个身份。那个身份,曾经被誉为女战神啊!无疑,修罗神的杀戮之心,似乎对她的能力有着极佳的增幅效果。 Naturally, this is also because Butterfly God own Divine Power must be inferior in the God of Emotion reason, as Class Two God, she will come under Asura's the influence of heart to be bigger. Because she is the contemporary Asura God daughter, own inheritance as well as receives the degree of Asura God Divine Power approval, must surpass God of Emotion. 当然,这也是因为蝶神自身的神力要逊色于情绪之神的缘故,身为二级神诋,她受到修罗之心的影响会更大。但因为她本身就是当代修罗神的女儿,自身的传承以及受到修罗神神力认可的程度,也要超过情绪之神 God of Emotion naturally cannot disturb oneself wife to sense Asura God Divine Power. In God Realm, the practice of god is actually very slow, although in God Realm worldly elemental force is quite abundant, but god itself cultivated the limit to arrive in God Realm, wanted to break through the existing boundary, first wanted inheritance god, but Divine Power that different god, can withstand also had the limit. How again to practice like Class Two God, is impossible to break through to the Class One God level, is this truth. 情绪之神自然不会去打扰自己老婆去感悟修罗神神力。在神界之中,神诋的修炼其实是十分缓慢的,虽然神界之中天地元力极为充沛,但神诋们本身都是修炼到了极限才来到神界之中的,想要突破自己现有的境界,首先就要传承神诋,而不同神诋,所能承受的神力也是有极限的。就像二级神诋再怎么修炼,也不可能突破到一级神诋层面,就是这个道理。 Naturally, this is not absolute, in some extremely special situation, god also has the possibility of promotion, like initial Dragon God, was so. When just, god promotion, will have formidable worldly elemental force fluctuation, thus causes God Realm sense power to damage greatly. Therefore, a God Realm Council duty is to supervise god maintains the condition, once there is god that must break through, must persuade, even is the suppression. Thus maintains God Realm is steady. 当然,这也不是绝对的,在一些极为特殊的情况下,神诋也有晋升的可能,就像当初的龙神,就是如此。只不过,当神诋晋升的时候,会出现强大的天地元力波动情况,从而导致神界念力大损。因此,神界委员会的一项任务就是监督神诋保持状态,一旦有要突破的神诋,就要进行劝说,甚至是打压。从而保持神界平稳。 Reason that God of Ruin proposed outrageously must expand God Realm, his most important assurance, will receive these to cultivate for has reached the limit, wants to promote the support of God Position god. God Realm expands, can hold many sense power, first obtains benefits is not the world of mortals these may produce god plane, but is these god that wants to break through, sense power are many enough, God Realm is broader, naturally did not have what to suppress their reasons. God of Ruin uses this truth, united large quantities of god to support him, otherwise, relied on eight Class One God that he and he grasped merely, but also was insufficient with entire God Realm for the enemy. 毁灭之神之所以悍然提出要扩张神界,其中他有一个最重要的把握,就是会受到那些修为已经达到极限,想要晋升神位神诋们的支持。神界扩张,能够容纳更多的念力,首先获益的不是下界那些有可能产生神诋位面,而是这些想要突破的神诋,念力足够多,神界更加广阔,自然也就没有什么压制他们的理由了。毁灭之神正是用这个道理,才团结了一大批神诋支持他,否则,仅仅凭借他和他所掌握的八位一级神诋,还不足以和整个神界为敌。 Recognizes a direction, God of Emotion is controlling the speed, placed the 70% speeds of limiting velocity about, goes to the forward flight. Meanwhile, he was also realizing all sorts of marvelous feeling that Asura God Divine Power brings. 认准一个方向,情绪之神控制着速度,保持在极限速度的七成速度左右,向前飞去。同时,他自己也在体会着修罗神神力带来的种种奇妙感受。 Although this Asura God amplification, cannot make him erupt the strongest battle efficiency, but at least when does not use the strength of Emotion, can have enough degree to him amplification. Moreover this extremely calm condition, realizes from experience the Heavenly Dao to him is very helpful. 虽然这修罗神增幅,不能让他爆发出最强战斗力,但至少在不动用情绪之力的时候,还是能够对他产生足够程度的增幅。而且这种极为冷静的状态,对他体悟天道还是很有帮助的。 This is the marvelous place of Asura God badge! Other four big God King, do not know that what marvelous place the badge also does have? 这就是修罗神徽章的奇妙之处啊!其他四大神王,不知道徽章又有什么奇妙的地方呢? God Realm length and breadth, flight, although is quick, the place that but they must first go to is very remote, in the stretch of region of God Realm edge. That place, little has god to arrive. 神界广袤,飞行虽快,但他们首先要去的这个地方还是十分遥远的,是在神界边缘的一片地带。那个地方,很少有神诋会抵达。 Butterfly God throughout maintains in condition that in that to close eyes contemplates, is relying on the lead flight of God of Emotion completely. 蝶神始终保持在那种闭目冥想的状态之中,完全凭借着情绪之神的带动飞行。 Flew fully day of time, God of Emotion has controlled the speed to reduce, simultaneously released own divine sense, investigated the past in a direction. 整整飞了一天时间,情绪之神才控制着速度降低下来,同时释放出自己的神识,朝着一个方向探查了过去。 Because the distance is too far, he cannot lock this line of destinations of directly, but the general range he is very clear. 因为距离太远,他也不能直接锁定此行的目的地,但大概的范围他还是很清楚的。 A moment later, his double pupil one bright, accelerates once more, falls toward under of fog. 片刻之后,他双眸一亮,再次加速,朝着云雾的下方落去。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------ The new week, seeking collection, to seek the recommendation vote support. 新的一周,求收藏、求推荐票支持。
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