DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#362: Thunder Dragon fire, not fresh father

complete(ly) Duozhu has good manners the person of number, hits meets first lashes out me, is really deeply must discuss the ritual essence. “毕舵主是个懂礼数之人,打一见面就抢先出手攻击我,真是深得论道之礼的精髓啊。 If you hit enough, now was the round that I acted. ” 你要是打够了的话,现在就是我出手的回合了。” Du Kang is speaking, while tears on the right earlobe, a mechanical Daoist of grain of rice size, entrains to throw toward the ground, he will then change the original size shortly. 杜康一边说着话,一边在自己右耳垂上撕扯,将一个只有米粒大小的机械道人,拽出来往地上一丢,他便在顷刻之间变化成了原来的大小。 Can fuse with the Du Kang main body, only then by three first six 能够与杜康本体融合的,只有以三头六 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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