DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#354: The bulk alliance, the body attacks a city

day rises the sunset, the skylight circulation, loafed the west side from the east side of sky until one round of big day, Du Kang several people cannot wait till the return of abundant Yuanheng. 日升日落,天光流转,直到一轮大日从天空的东边游荡到了西边,杜康几人也没能等到盛元亨的归来。 In underground space that places an upper limit on, Du Kang is teasing several on hand to pass on a message the monster soldier. 在重新封顶的地下空间内,杜康正在逗弄手上的几只传讯妖兵。 The moon view is to tame the expert of various Spiritual God and monster soldier, they not only will treat as the Spiritual God and monster soldier urge, but can also the monster soldier of lot manufacturing bring to trade some, will subsidize in the view the capital. 太阴观是驯养各种神灵和妖兵的行家,他们不仅会把神灵和妖兵当做手下驱使,还会将一些可以批量制造的妖兵拿来贩卖,补贴观中财用。 Before Du Kang , the azure red wild soldier who takes by force is one type, pass on message monster soldier who extinguishes the master too sales promotion, is one. 杜康以前打劫到的青红猖兵便是其中一种,灭法师太推销的传讯妖兵,也是其中的一种。 Perhaps to increase the reason of sales volume, the contour of pass on message monster soldier was designed extremely cute. 也许是为了增加销量的缘故,传讯妖兵的外形被设计得极为可爱。 The head length two soft corners/horns, a pair throws throws the spirit great-circle eye spirit, the small mouth that does not have the tooth, the powder and soft, stresses the feel to look like one group of tension full fruit jellies, by transparent semblance, but can also see that the attractive internal organs of various pentagon, oval-shape, heart-shaped and triangle flutter in the body, look at extremely the person. 头长两根软角,一对扑灵扑灵的大圆眼睛,一张没有牙齿的小嘴,粉都都、软绵绵、抓起来手感像一团弹力十足的果冻,透过透明的外表,还能看到有各种五角形、椭圆形、心形、三角形的漂亮内脏在身体内飘飘荡荡,看着极为可人。 Before Du Kang has seen the ground warfare is completely different from the azure red wild soldier, the pass on message monster soldier battle efficiency, has not only had the communication ability slightly. 杜康以前见过的陆战用青红猖兵完全不同,传讯妖兵没有丝毫战斗力,只拥有通讯能力。 Each passes on a message monster soldier within the body to have an only code, so long as knows the pass on message monster soldier who communication object codes, even if separated by ten thousand li (0.5 km), both sides or can also conduct the real-time telephone conversation in every way. 每一只传讯妖兵体内都会有一个唯一编码,只要知道通讯目标的传讯妖兵编码,哪怕相隔万里,双方或多方也可以进行实时通话。 Name: Wuyin on the 256 th / pass on message monster soldier 【姓名】:戊寅二百五十六号/传讯妖兵 Rank: Big monster ( 1 / 3 ) 等级:大妖 Skill: 技能: Ten thousand li (0.5 km) send greetings( four heavy) 万里传音(四重) Sol it body( four heavy) 胶质之体(四重) Transforms the condition: Bright Huangshi 12, sage two money, the black stone brave four money, in addition did not have a god to think the technique to boil the system without the water of root, after taking, has certain probability to complete the transformation. 蜕变条件:明黄石一两,鼠尾草两钱,黑石英四钱,加无根之水被无面神用神术熬制,服用后有一定几率完成蜕变。 Attribute that looks at the pass on message monster soldier, Du Kang Wuyin in hand rubs various strange shapes on the 256 th, while seeks thinking said. 看着传讯妖兵的属性,杜康一边将手中的戊寅二百五十六号揉搓成各种奇怪的形状,一边寻思道。 Can base when the place of Ocean Wave Sea this type of confusion, these high rank member have many skills, overpowered the high rank body tough performance a moment ago with joint forces, is not their complete strengths. “能在碧波海这种混乱之地立足,这几个高阶修士都是有两把刷子的,刚才合力制服高阶机体时的棘手表现,绝不是他们的全部实力。 To extinguish the master too, as far as I know, does not raise moon view hand/subordinate a large number of Spiritual God, her light can hand/subordinate the standard middle rank monster soldier of lot manufacturing: The ground warfare has three types, the water battle has four types, the air fight has two types, various ability strange auxiliary monster soldiers. 就以灭法师太而言,据我所知,不提太阴观手下数量众多的神灵,她手下光是可以批量制造的制式中阶妖兵:陆战有三种,水战有四种,空战有两种,还有各种能力奇怪的辅助妖兵。 It seems like the extinguishing master of all alone too, not only the high-grade almighty troops, in the almighty troops also carried certainly massive Spiritual God and monster soldiers. 看似孤身一人的灭法师太,不仅有一件上品神兵,神兵里一定还携带了大量神灵和妖兵。 In addition, several other people have the subsequent hand respectively. 除此之外,其它几个人也各有后手。 Although in the platinum vast black ghost streamer only then a high rank white bones demon god, actually massive strengths situated in the middle rank and high rank ordinary white bones demon god, when the dark blue billows city, I crosses them to assume an awe-inspiring pose obviously, divides the river to cut off the water supply, destroys the ship to extinguish the monster, the strength is not really weak. 白金瀚的黑煞幡里虽然只有一尊高阶的白骨魔神,却还有大量实力介于中阶与高阶之间的普通白骨魔神,在沧澜城之时,我可见过它们发威,分江断水,毁船灭妖,实力着实不弱。 Book mountain tiger are not only powerful, the prayer tablet held by officials during imperial audience board of rumor Yin heavenly palace can intimate borrowing the tip strengths of four ominous beasts, since meets after him, cannot see the shadow of almighty troops, does not know that was placed his paradise. 书山虎不仅自身实力强大,传言阴天宫的祷告笏板更是能直接借用到四凶兽的点滴力量,自从和他见面之后,一直没能看到神兵的影子,也不知是不是被放在了他的福地里。 That roving hold Yuanheng, ten thousand Yaozhong can control ten thousand monster, he certainly lead many monsters to arrive at the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 还有那个行踪不明的盛元亨,万妖钟可以制御万妖,他一定带了不少妖怪来到刑天洞天吧。 This alliance seems like, only then several people, is actually a joint army who condensed the Ocean Wave Sea person clan most strength. ” 这个联盟看似只有几人,实则是一支凝聚了碧波海人族大半实力的联合大军啊。” Thinks of here, Du Kang maintains composure sizes up, several are busy at various high rank member respectively. 想到这里,杜康不动声色的打量起,几个各忙各的高阶修士。 Among the columns of standing in great numbers, book mountain tiger sits in one a chair that takes out from the paradise, in the hand holds appreciatively the puppet that the great shape is turning into, twines the bronze-color fire seed the puppet silk thread unceasingly deep place ; 林立的立柱间,书山虎坐在一把从福地中取出的椅子上,手中把玩着巨象化成的玩偶,不断将傀儡丝线缠绕到青铜色火种的更深处; The platinum vast optional dependence in an underground corner, is spouting the white bones Buddha fire from the mouth, is repairing the wound of bone split the palm cut ship blade cuts ; 白金瀚随意的依靠在地下的一处角落里,正从口中喷出白骨佛火,修复着手掌被斩舰刀砍出的骨裂之伤; Extinguishing the master is too sits cross-legged to sit in the underground space center, five hearts sit in meditation upwards, obviously is only the ordinary stance, has to plant the unsurpassed dignified and honored feeling of sitting well the position of god ; 灭法师太则是盘膝坐在地下空间的中央,五心朝天打坐,明明只是普普通通的姿态,却有种端坐神主之位的无上威严和尊贵感; Lowers the head to have a look at itself again, hundred sway in the column bored lazily everywhere, on the palm holds several pass on message monster soldier from extinguishing master too that asks, making them jump in the hand, is very happy. 再低头看看自己,百无聊懒地在立柱中四处晃荡,手掌上托着几只从灭法师太那讨来的传讯妖兵,让它们在手上蹦蹦跳跳,好不欢乐。 In this silent silence, has closed eyes the extinguishing master who sits in meditation too, opened the eye in this time, somewhat anxious saying. 就在这寂静的沉默中,一直闭目打坐的灭法师太,在此时睁开了眼睛,有些急切的说道。 Cannot wait again, I arranged ahead of time in the pass on message monster soldiers in punishment day city had died most probably. “不能再等了,我提前布置在刑天城的传讯妖兵已经死了大半。 Now, by descendants who the punishment day summoned, has spread out all over a limitless body sea outside the punishment day law body, several high rank body also rushed in the mountain range that the punishment day law body changed. 现在,被刑天召唤来的后裔们,已经在刑天法躯外铺展成了一片无边无际的机体海,还有几具高阶机体也闯进了刑天法躯化作的山脉里。 After several hundred years of weakening, in the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the extant high rank body is have several, dying are few, once they killed off by the punishment day city, we may miss this chaotic opportunity! ” 经过几百年的削弱之后,刑天洞天内现存的高阶机体是有数的,死一具就少一具,它们一旦被刑天城杀光,我们可就错失这次混乱的机会了!” Saw that extinguished the master to break silent, book mountain tiger also sighed, sets out to receive the chair under place to say. 见到灭法师太打破了沉默,书山虎也叹了口气,起身收起了座下的椅子说道。 „ When dusk has arrived, since abundant Yuanheng has not come back, when we he have died. “黄昏之时已到,盛元亨既然没有回来,我们就当他已经死了。 Mentioning is also the affinity, we want to destroy the punishment day the resurrecting ceremony, avoids the body of punishment day being controlled by Fu Ruhai, Ocean Wave Sea again altruism and other footholds. 说来也是缘法,我们原本只是想破坏刑天的复活仪式,避免刑天之躯被福如海支配,碧波海再无我等立足之地。 But now the punishment day descendants' turmoil, makes a new opportunity be placed in us at present, if can in confusion that in the punishment day descendant creates, gets rid of Fu Ruhai, to finish the chain and Lu Sheng day words with these high rank body with joint forces, we had possibility that continues to preside over the ceremony. ” 但如今刑天后裔们的动乱,却让一个新的机会摆在我们眼前,如果能在刑天后裔制造的混乱中,与那些高阶机体们合力干掉福如海、毕金锁和路胜天话,我们就有了继续主持仪式的可能。” At this point, on the book mountain tiger face appears the excitement that is unable to conceal , to continue to say. 说到这里,书山虎脸上浮现出了无法掩饰的激动之情,继续说道。 Once however can grasp the punishment day body of resurrecting, we had strength that separates a side, when the time comes the entire Haizhou will be our, even the royal government will unable to do to us. “而一旦能够掌握复活的刑天躯体,我们就有了割据一方的实力,到时候整个海州都将会是我们的,连朝廷都奈何不了我们。 My three friends, do you have an interest achievement cause, in cultivating to travel on goes a step further? ” 我的三位朋友,你们有没有兴趣成就一番伟业,在修行路上更进一步呢?” Regarding this proposition, three people of you on the scene look at me, I look at you, finally the platinum first opens the mouth vast. 对于这个提议,在场的三人你看我,我看你,最终还是白金瀚先开口。 The difference that old book, this may comes to reach an agreement before us, destroys the difficulty of ceremony, with operates the difficulty that several hundred years of den massacres three high rank member in others, is not a rank. Was your idea, too greedy?” “老书,这可和我们来之前说好的不一样呀,破坏仪式的难度,和在别人经营几百年的老巢杀掉三个高阶修士的难度,可不是一个级别的。你这个想法,是不是太贪心了点?” Extinguishes the master too also to echo to say. 灭法师太也附和道。 Regarding the punishment day ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) law body, I is also very excited, but we and Fu Ruhai were also several hundred years of old friend. “对于刑天的万丈法躯,我也是很心动的,可我们与福如海几人也是几百年的老相识了。 Just like old white said that even if the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals went haywire, by their strengths, wants to kill them is still very difficult matter, I do not approve to take this risk, is the destruction resurrecting ceremony is safest. ” 正如老白所说,即便刑天洞天陷入了混乱,以他们三人的实力,想杀他们也是很难的事,我也不赞成冒这个风险,还是破坏复活仪式最稳妥。” The ally that temporarily pieces together, has this point is not good, before arriving at action, the team members actually still have the difference to the goal of operation. 临时拼凑出的盟友,就是有这一点不好,临到行动之前,团队成员竟然还对行动的目的存在分歧。 Du Kang as a being blinded by greed speculator, has certainly own standpoint, immediately also gave a speech. 杜康作为一个利欲熏心的投机者,当然也有着自己的立场,当即也进行了发言。 I approve the book brother's idea actually very much, the Haizhou Royal government resurrecting punishment day, tore to pieces the facial skin with the Daliang deliberation hall alone publicly. “我倒是很认同书老哥的想法,海州朝廷独自复活刑天,就是与大梁朝堂公开撕破了脸皮。 Even but if the ceremony was destroyed by us, the situation in Haizhou will not return formerly. 可即便仪式被我们破坏,海州的局势也不会回到从前了。 Without punishment day law body as taking advantage the Haizhou three people of groups will be criticized by Daliang, before has been in half independence condition can Ocean Wave Sea, really cultivate one's own moral worth? 没有刑天法躯作为依仗的海州三人组会被大梁清算,之前一直处于半独立之态的碧波海,就真的能够独善其身吗? If I am emperor old, certainly will take advantage of this opportunity, integrates the control all areas of Haizhou excluding ocean waves dragon palace. ” 如果我是皇帝老儿,一定会趁此机会,将海州除碧波龙宫外的所有疆域纳入掌控。” Du Kang is also has the idea to the punishment day inheritance, naturally wants to trick these people and others slaughters, he quite obtains without labor fisherman's profit. 杜康也是对刑天传承有想法的,自然想要忽悠这几个人和别人厮杀,他好坐收渔翁之利。 The opinion in alliance turned into 2 : 2, this lets four worlds is a speechless silence. 联盟中的意见变成了二比二,这让四人间又是一阵无言的沉默。 Can cultivation high rank member step by step, is the generation of mental resolution, cannot say a word is easily convinced, the people expressed oneself firm position in the silence. 能一步步修炼到高阶修士者,都是心智坚定之辈,不是能被言语轻易被说服的,众人在沉默中表达了自己的坚定立场。 The surface in Xiaoxi Village often has the punishment day descendant who receives the summon passes through, depressed oppression of the people sound after passing to bottom, has become extremely slight, in this accompaniment sound, book mountain tiger made making concessions. 小溪村的地表不时有受到召唤的刑天后裔经过,沉闷的铁蹄声在传到地底之后,已经变得极为轻微,在这种伴奏声中,还是书山虎做出了退让。 A moment ago what ha haha...... I said is only a best tentative plan, the situation in punishment day city how, we are not very immediately clear. “哈哈哈……我刚才说的只是一种最好的设想,当下刑天城的局势到底如何,我们并不是很清楚。 The so-called soldier variable potential, the water variable shape, we discuss that now these are similar to are an armchair strategist, impractical discussed. 所谓兵无常势,水无常形,我们现在讨论这些如同纸上谈兵,都是不切实际之谈。 Was inferior that we first rush to the punishment day city, according to the situation adapts to changing circumstances, when the time comes enemy strength, we destroy the ceremony ; If the enemy side deals with the punishment day descendants to be unable to make ends meet continually, we then took advantage how he does get sick to want him to assign/life to begin to kill people? ” 不如等我们先赶往刑天城,根据形势随机应变,到时候敌方力强,我们就破坏仪式;如果敌方连应对刑天后裔都左支右绌,我们便趁他病要他命动手杀人如何?” The thought speed of high rank member is extremely fast, the proposition of book mountain tiger initiative concessions, instantaneously vast and extinguished the master to analyze in the mind by the platinum repeatedly, measured a gain or loss. 高阶修士的思维速度极快,书山虎主动让步的提议,瞬间就被白金瀚和灭法师在脑海中反复分析,权衡了一番利弊得失。 The next instance, in the heart has the two's of haggling over after looking at each other one slight nod, simultaneously showed the smile to book mountain tiger. 下一个瞬间,心中已有计较的两人在对视一眼后微微点头,同时对书山虎露出了笑容。 Book big brother always considers completely, presses the office that you said.” “书大哥一向思虑周全,就按你说的办。” Good, so long as we can work as one, could not have completed the matter that in Haizhou.” “好,只要我们能够齐心协力,在海州就没有办不成的事情。” Once unified the thought that the atmosphere between unions immediately restored the harmony, later several people determined in a few words some plan details, the book mountain tiger then lead flying, having three people to fly toward the exit|to speak of underground space. 一旦统一了思想,同盟间的气氛又马上恢复了和谐,之后几人又三言两语确定了一些计划细节,书山虎便带头飞身而起,带着三人朝地下空间的出口飞去。 Falls in Du Kang of team final side, small will watch this from beginning to end, thought that the relations of several worlds are very interesting. 坠在队伍最后方的杜康,将这场小会从头到尾看在眼里,觉得几人间的关系很有意思。 The platinum vast and extinguishes the master too two people final meeting letter of consent mountain tiger ambiguous plan, representative them also is actually very excited about the punishment day inheritance, but the reason still pressed the greed, favors in the action the safety. 白金瀚和灭法师太两人最终会同意书山虎模棱两可的计划,代表着他们对刑天传承其实也很心动,只是理智仍压得过贪欲,在行动中更倾向于稳妥。 But to the book mountain tiger, he also served own purpose. 而对书山虎而言,他也达到了自己的目的。 Lu Xun does not have windowing theory, first proposed the proposition that others are unable to accept, was rejected after clearly, then proposed that can compromise the compromise feasible scheme, book mountain tiger uses is the variant of this theory. 鲁迅不是有个“开窗理论”嘛,先提出一个别人无法接受的提议,被明确拒绝后,再提出一个可以调和折中的可行方案,书山虎用的就是这个理论的变种。 Du Kang has not guessed that the wrong words, the book mountain tiger most starts to obtain the allies to approve, is this ambiguous plan, after all book mountain tiger is not the youth of dashing spirit of fearless young people, everything is prepared, is close to his shrewd and crafty the conduct criterion. 杜康没猜错的话,书山虎最开始想要获得盟友们认可的,就是这个模棱两可的计划,毕竟书山虎又不是初生牛犊不怕虎的愣头青,凡事做好两手准备,才更接近他这种老奸巨猾者的行事准则。 Naturally, the platinum vast and extinguishes the master is not too a fool, the book mountain tiger words technique is not wise, they will agree that is hoping under desire obligation swallows the bait completely, this is the tacit understanding that several worlds look through do not divulge. 当然,白金瀚和灭法师太也不是傻子,书山虎的话术并不高明,他们会同意完全是自身欲望驱使下的愿者上钩,这是一种几人间看破不说破的默契。 Several people after all are the alliance relationships, rather than the subordination relations, can stimulate to the desire of punishment day inheritance, is enough to the book mountain tiger. 几人毕竟是同盟关系,而不是统属关系,能激发起对刑天传承的欲望,对书山虎来说已经足够了。 Du Kang also notices, several people have the tacit understanding not to mention extremely, how if cannot snatch relative to leave the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. Obviously they also prepared other being separated dwelling place of Buddhist immortals subsequent hand, but this subsequent hand possibly does not have the safety that eight broken come, wants to wait for abundant Yuanheng to come back. 杜康还注意到,几人极有默契地没有提及,万一抢不到“戚”又该如何离开刑天洞天。显然他们还准备了别的脱离洞天后手,只是这后手可能没有八门破界阵来的稳妥,才想要等待盛元亨回来。 Later has not mentioned this in front of Du Kang, probably is because their methods could not lead the unnecessary person! 之后没有在杜康面前提起这个,大概是因为他们的手段带不了多余之人吧! The roof panel that the top of the head restores opens in bang the sound, the blood red setting sun according to the smooth land, a large number of punishment day descendant gallops from Xiaoxi Village. 头顶修复的顶盖在轰隆声中开启,血红的夕阳照在平坦的大地上,数目众多的刑天后裔从小溪村奔腾而过。 Flies to look at all these in sky Du Kang, in the surface bright smiles, in child Kong has the golden ray emission of undulating. 飞在天空的杜康看着这一切,面上灿烂一笑,童孔中有澹澹的金色光芒放射。 Will of the people ghost legendary creature, smile wang liang, fights, seriously is the endless enjoyment.” “人心鬼蜮,笑脸魍魉,与人斗,当真是其乐无穷啊。” The volume of fighting passes on the magic arts as a way ancestor, it enters the step way to be especially unusual, needs to harvest the victory in a difficult struggle unceasingly, can enter the step unceasingly. 斗之卷作为一门道祖亲传法术,其进阶方式格外与众不同,需要在一场场艰难的斗争中不断收获胜利,才能不断进阶。 Besides the magic arts battle of bright blade bright spear/gun, the will of the people ghost legendary creature of using each other plans is also one of the battle. 除了明刀明枪的法术争斗外,相互利用的人心鬼蜮算计也是争斗的一种。 Du Kang has the premonition, after this fight ended, even if he has not obtained the punishment day inheritance, the volume of fighting can still make the breakthrough again. 杜康有预感,这场战斗结束之后,他即便没有获得刑天的传承,斗之卷也能再做突破。 The flying speed of high rank member is not slow, sparse flight body over sky, several people only from the sky the time that flies to burn a joss stick, the punishment day lay face downward ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) law body mountain range on plain to appear in the field of vision clearly. 高阶修士的飞行速度都不慢,超过一只只天空中的稀疏飞行机体,几人只在空中飞了一炷香的时间,刑天俯卧在平原上的万丈法躯山脉就清晰地出现在了视野中。 Around the mountain range was an extremely magnificent scene, the gold and silver azure black four types of color body gathers in the vast expanse of water sea, is turning toward the mountain range to strike like surging tides. 山脉周围是一副极为壮观的景象,金银青黑四种颜色的机体汇聚成了一片汪洋大海,正在如潮水般向着山脉拍击着。 The body of punishment day city, then constructed a big fence around the mountain range by the body, is preventing the impact. 刑天城的机体们,则是在山脉周围以身体构建了一堵高大的围墙,阻挡着外界的冲击。 The electric current, flame, the Saint light and steam surround the fence to sparkle fiercely, in strangles to death continuously mutually, the body that the punishment day descendant died piled up a new fence unexpectedly. 电流、火焰、圣光、蒸汽环绕着围墙剧烈闪耀,在持续不断地相互绞杀中,刑天后裔死亡的机体竟然堆积成了一圈新的围墙。 Short one day, some so many punishment day descendants catch up, the sketchy number should have several hundred thousand. “才短短一天的时间,就有这么多刑天后裔赶来,粗略一数应该有几十万吧。 Ocean Wave Sea hundred years of rare scarlet water tide, could not coerce so many monsters, is really magnificent scene that the entire life only saw. ” 就连碧波海百年难得一遇的赤水潮,也裹挟不了这么多的妖怪,真是生平仅见的大场面啊。” The platinum saw vast several hundred thousand every large or small body collectives attack a city, immediately exclaims in surprise. 白金瀚看到几十万大大小小的机体集体攻城,立刻惊叹了起来。 Extinguishes the master too hand to hold the ocean waves to govern offers a sacrifice to liquor seal, another hand by the ball of fingertip in seal, has not the obvious ripple to proliferate gently immediately at the speed of light, in the snapping back after the complex reflection of battlefield arrives in India , China, she who investigates the battlefield said immediately. 灭法师太手托碧波治祭酒印,另一只手以指尖在印上轻轻一弹,马上有不可见的波纹以光速扩散开来,在经过战场的复杂反射后回弹到印中,侦查完战场的她随即说道。 Said accurately, at present in the battlefield also living the body altogether has more than 575,000, subordinates in the punishment day city only then less than 200,000, other about 40 completely safe were summoned by the punishment day. “准确的说,目前战场上还活着的机体共有五十七万五千多具,其中隶属于刑天城的只有不到二十万,其余的将近四十万全都是被刑天召唤来的。 In addition, four high rank body entered in the mountain range, is fighting with the punishment day city experiment fusion body. 除此之外,还有四具高阶机体进入了山脉中,正在和刑天城一方的实验型融合机体交手。 Had not seen the body that Fu Ruhai several people of forms or they drive, in the entire punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, the continuous punishment day descendant is responding the summon to catch up, if they do not act, the defense line was broken through is only the time issue. ” 没有见到福如海几人的身影或者他们驾驶的机体,整个刑天洞天内,源源不断的刑天后裔正在响应召唤赶来如果他们不出手的话,防线被攻破只是时间问题。” Extinguishes master analysis too to be succinct and comprehensive, few several complex battlefield situation survey will summarize. 灭法师太的分析简洁而全面,寥寥数句就将复杂的战场情况概况总结出来。 Sees the unions the main objective, because not having seen this fight, had the obvious puzzled sentiment one time, Du Kang contributes to mislead in one side immediately. 看出同盟们因为没有见到这次战斗的主要目标,产生了明显的困惑之情,杜康在一旁立刻贡献了一次蛊惑。 Does not need to worry, the battlefield of unmanned host is luring the enemy in deep of enemy, the idea of catching a turtle in a jar. “不需要担忧,无人主持的战场是不是敌人的诱敌深入,瓮中捉鳖之计。 I once obtained «Punishment Day that they have woven To come back to life Overview Total graph», the weapon and law body that control their several want to obtain the punishment day, needs in the resurrecting ceremony, to treat in punishment day law body several key nodes is unable to leave. 我曾经获得过他们编织的《刑天复生总览全图》,他们几个想要获得刑天的武器和法躯控制权,就需要在复活仪式中,一直待在刑天法躯的几个关键节点里无法离开。 We only need to destroy or a control node, can prevent punishment day resurrecting, or attains punishment day some inheritance. ” 我们只需要破坏掉或控制其中的一个节点,就可以阻止刑天的复活,或者拿到刑天的部分传承。” Is speaking, Du Kang «Punishment Day Will then come back to life To overview Total graph» projects in front void. 说着话,杜康便将《刑天复生总览全图》投射到了面前的虚空中。 That is body of the headless punishment day, sees only in each spot of body, 36 golden luminous spots are glittering to keep...... 那是一具无头的刑天之躯,只见在躯体的各个部位,共有三十六个金色的光点正在闪烁不停……
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